Member Reviews

I have been a casual runner for a number of years but only fairly recently started running longer races and wanting to improve my times. I have picked up several books and they were fine but most of them assumed a fair amount of base knowledge by using terms that experienced runners would know. As a very casual runner, these books were frustrating because it seemed like each other meant something different.

This book is one that a beginner could pick up and use with ease. There are easy to follow illustrations for stretches and exercises along with explanations on when to do them. At the back of the book are several running plans for nearly every type of runner, from first 5k to marathon. I have already started to incorporate the exercises and stretching into my running routines.

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If you or someone you know is looking to start running, this book is an exceptional guide. It discusses proper attire, stretches to avoid injury as well as how to care for common injuries, and other key things it’s good to know in advance. There are drills to help improve your technique and strength training exercises as well. This book basically contains all you need to successfully and safely begin running on a regular basis.

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Easy Running Plan by Jeff Gaudette is a book that is perfect for the beginning runner. The book is divided into four main parts: before you lace up, the fundamentals, putting in the work, and time to train. The book covers everything from gear to stretches and injuries. There are helpful graphics included in the chapters on exercises and stretches. Additionally, the different plan options from the new runner-training plan to the running your first marathon plan at the end of the book are an extremely helpful and worthwhile inclusion. Overall, the book is a well-rounded and useful book for any runner—new or veteran.

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I'm personally on something of a precipice, running wise. If I'm going to take running seriously I need a training plan. And that's where this book comes in. I like that it explains what each group of exercises does for the runners body and suggests ways to reformat the plan for your particular needs.

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Easy Running Plans is such a great book for runners. I have been running on and off for years and still learned a lot from this book. The stretches and when to do what is worth it’s weight in gold. I’m excited to try a few of the training plans that Jeff designed. I would definitely recommend this book to any runner.

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