Member Reviews
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
he story begins with Pierce being hired to gain the release of Juan Carlos who was arrested in Saint Maarten on drug charges. Juan Carlos is a key figure in the Carraboca drug cartel that the DEA had been trying to bring down. The DEA was attempting to have Juan Carlos testify against the drug cartel and their plan was to place him in Witness Protection once he provide them with the information that they required. At the same time the drug cartel was trying to get Juan Carlos to provide the DEA with false information. Pierce on his end was working to breakout Juan Carlos from prison in order to protect Juan's wife Alexis.
Pierce working with his team aided by Mia, Hugo and Shaun were preparing a plan that would enable them to get Juan Carlos out and have him make a video that gave all of the information that law enforcement would require to bring the Cartel to its knees. This was to be a safety net to ensure that the Cartel would not take any action against Juan Carlos, his wife, family and any members of the team that assisted with the escape. Pierce sent the video to Dorio who was the leader of the Cartel. He worked out an agreement which would have the Cartel would leave them alone. If the Cartel tried anything, then the video would automatically be released to the DEA, Interpol and other government agencies. The Cartel agreed to this deal.
Once the deal was agreed to, Hugo, Mia, Juan Carlos and his wife flew out of the country to an undisclosed location. While the group was at this location, Juan Carlos decided that he was going to take control of what happened to him. This did not work out well.
To find out how Juan Carlos faired and whether the Cartel survived, then you will need to read this book. The ending is well worth it.
Awesome thriller! Book is about a Miami lawyer vs drug financier and DEA. It's a thriller that you will not be able to put down. Plot is intricately woven together that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Figueredo has written a thriller that keeps you guessing what will happen next. Great book.
Okay, this is a real stay up too late page turner. I'm not sure if the few, very few errors I saw will be corrected or not. Frankly, I can ignore a few 'the' when it should be 'he's. Particularly when the plot has me riveted to the page far past my bedtime. There are a couple of twists I couldn't even begin to see coming. However, take heed, this one is bloody. Well done! Wicked tale.