Member Reviews

This was another fantastic addition to the Steampunk Proper Romance series! I adored Emme's spunk which began from the first chapter in this book until the very end. And Oliver's enduring dedication to his job quickly turns into enduring dedication to Emme. While the romance surprises both of them, it doesn't make it any less passionate. There were a few new characters introduced in this book along with the return of beloved characters from previous books. Overall, a wonderful addition full of romance and adventure. What more could a reader want!?

Thank you NetGalley and Shadow Mountain Publishing for the eARC!

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I was surprised by how much I actually did love this book-which might make the three-star rating a little confusing.

Let's talk characters, I loved them, every single one of them. Like can I please have my own Oliver? I also loved the romance, it was very clean and sweet, and felt very appropriate for the time era. However even with all those pluses, this book fell short two stars for a couple of reasons. The first (and more nitpicky reason) being that I think it is a little misleading to market this as a 'Steampunk Cinderella' because it only has very very loose elements of a Cinderella story. Let's say this, if someone picked this up purely because of the Cinderella tagline, I think they would be very disappointed.

My biggest issue with BCAGH was the conflict. It was stupid, unnecessary, poorly devloped, and poorly resolved. It was more annoying than anything as it lacked enough substance to really feel apart of the story, so instead, it settled with just being in the way.

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This story had me turning the pages quickly to see what happens next. This Cinderella retelling involving shapeshifters and vampires gives fairytale retelling a new meaning. I loved the main characters and hope to continue to hear more about them in future stories. One of the most memorable characters is this story's take on the fairy godmother. I don't want to give the story away, but the scene was hilarious, even if it was a bit of a stretch. Oliver and Emme are perfect together and I loved their interactions. I am anxiously awaiting hearing more about Madeline in a future story. While this world is drastically different than ours, I am completely drawn in. I may go back and reread the series now that I have a firmer understanding of the world Campbell has created.

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I was so excited to read this retelling of Cinderella. Set in the steampunk world of Nancy Campbell Allen's fictional creation I loved how she brought it all together. With a human right's advocate for a Cinderella and a police inspector as the prince charming and a fun twist for the fairy godmother, every element tied together in the end to create a meaningful story that pushes for a better world while subtly mimicking the timeless fairy tale.

Nancy's characters have strong personalities with flaws that follow their strength. She incorporates characters from previous books in ways that strengthen the story yet maintaining this story's stand alone status. The adventure and mystery drew me in so I wanted to keep reading from the very first page until I uncovered the answer to the plot while adding the perfect amount of romance to make my heart happy.

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If you’ve never read steampunk this a great book and series to start with.
Emme is fighting to establish rights and protections for shifters. Oliver is a Detective Inspector trying to keep the peace and Emme’s rallies and frequently having to rescue her from danger. She does not like him or how his interference with her work. He is frustrated with her endangering herself causing him to constantly rescue her and try to maintain the peace. When Emme starts receiving notes that threaten her, Oliver is assigned to protect her while she travels to Scotland and presents at an international conference. Mix in threats from a scheming stepsister and brother who is a vampire and you have a perfect mix of excitement, adventure and romance. A great read. Although this is fourth in the series it can easily be read as a stand alone with all pertinent information included, however, having the first three I can also recommend them. I was given a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is an amazing steampunk version of Cinderella. It is the fourth in this series but can stand on its own as well. I loved watching the character's journeys from hate to respect to love. What they misunderstood about each other from their limited interactions at the beginning end up being the things that they love about each other. I loved this book!

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Emme O’Shea is determine to keep fighting and voicing rights for shifters. She wants their rights to equal humans. When she becomes the spokesperson for the International Shifter Rights Organization, She will be speaking at the very end of the week-long Summit in Scotland. Emme is a very indecent woman much to her mother and sister’s chagrin. She wears pants more often than dresses. Why? When her mother finds out about Emma’s “bad letter,” she insists that the police protect her daughter while at the summit. What is a “bad letter?” Who wrote it? When Emme finds out that Oliver will be her bodyguard, she protests. Detective-Inspector Oliver Reed is always grabbing Emme and taking her to jail when her talks become a riot. Emme hates being taken to jail. Will Emme get to the Summit to speak?

A steampunk romance novel that is suspenseful with unusual adventures. The adventures are full of unexpected twists and turns. The mystery involved in the story is an unexpected secret and villain . I truly enjoyed Emma’s spunk and determination to keep going regardless of what happens to her.

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I love steampunk books and this story caught my eye because I love retellings. This story did have similarities with Cinderella, but I do not believe it was an actual retelling. I still enjoyed the story, and I liked Emme’s character. This was my first read by this author and I will be going back to read the first book of the series and continue to read these book’s.

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Nancy Campbell Allen has worked her Steampunk Magic AGAIN! This was a loosely-based Cinderella story and I loved it! I love anything fairytale and this one was awesome! I absolutely love the detail and especially the way the story brought in all the other couples from the other books! Delightful! Enjoy!

I received this book for free from Net Galley - all opinions are mine!

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As the 4th book in the series, it fits right in. If you loved the others, you’ll enjoy this one as well.
Emme is so adamant that Oliver is her greatest nemesis... in the beginning. It was so fun to watch these two characters come together under less than ideal circumstances; using their individual talents to help each other and their open-minded attitudes to learn from (and about) each other. We may have figured out how this story would end early on, but it was sure fun getting there.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I'm disappointed. I really enjoyed the first book in this series, <i>Beauty and the Clockwork Beast</i>, but <i>Brass Carriages and Glass Hearts</i> doesn't have the same vibe. It felt too rushed and simple, a little aged down.

Emmeline is a staunch, loud and proud activist for Shifter Rights. She's clashed with Detective-Inspector Oliver numerous times; he's often had to hold her back or arrest her during protests when they inevitably turn violent. As Emme is promoted to spokeswoman, she's tasked to give a key speech at a summit for Shifter legislation. But when she receives a death threat, Detective-Inspector is tasked to protect her, to her indignation...

<b>Off the bat, this was promoted as a Cinderella retelling with enemies to lovers elements. But both are weak. Many other reviewers agree that the Cinderella element is negligible. And frankly, so is the enemies to lovers.</b>

Sure, Emme starts out hating Oliver. She outright refers to him as her nemesis. <b>But they move so, so fast! There's barely any time to breathe. Emme loathes him. They're terse and awkward. Then with a snap they're now ridiculously attracted to each other and wildly in love. This happens within the first TEN CHAPTERS.</b> It gave me absolute whiplash. <b>I expected more build-up to the romance.</b>

<b>The romance felt forced and awkward. It also felt like being dumped in the middle of their love story with no background whatsoever. As if I had only read the middle of the novel, instead of the beginning to end.</b>

Unfortunately, I didn't like Emme as a protagonist. I admire her principles but wow... she is annoying. She's rude to Oliver, constantly dismisses her mother, and then has a holier-than-thou attitude. At one point she breaks down crying because she's such "a good person", why would anyone want to hurt her? I am quoting the novel. Ugh. Of course anyone would be upset in her situation... but you're not an angel, darling.

Lastly, I was disappointed by the reveal of the villain. It was just so... obvious and simplistic. I kept expecting a twist to come. I was expecting some complexity. But it never came. The villain felt like a cartoon with their motives as well. Just. Sigh.

I did enjoy the worldbuilding, just like in the first book. <b>But this novel is one big no. I'm sad about it myself. I hope that I'll enjoy Allen's other romances more.</b>

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I LOVED this book. Full review to come closer to publishing date to go on my Instagram and Goodreads.

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Emme is an advocate for the shifter community in this steampunk novel set in London. Someone is sending her threatening letters, and she is assigned a handsome detective, Oliver Reed, to be her bodyguard. Her mother has remarried, her stepfather is insufferable, and one of his two daughters is manipulative and hostile to Emme. Vampires and shifters abound, and Emme must ascertain which of them means her harm if, indeed, it is the shifters who are the true villains. This book was called a “steampunk Cinderella story” which is what attracted me to it, but I think this was somewhat fanciful since there were not a lot of similarities between the traditional story and this one. Thanks to the publisher and to Netgalley for this ARC.

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So this is the 4th steampunk novel I've read. The genre in general will never be a favorite of mine but I do like this series of books. This one is the retelling of Cinderella. It has a few elements from the fairy-tale but for most of the book I don't think one would realize it is a retelling. Mostly it is just a horrible stepsister through out the story and then at the end there is the the equivalent of the fairy god mother, lost shoe, and her prince charming finding her.
I liked both main characters. Their tension is great. And the intensity of their attraction turned love was great too. I think they both feel things in a big way.
The mystery or intrigue elements of the story are pretty obvious but even so there were surprises along the way.
I think one could read this as a stand alone but it would be far easier to understand the world the book is set in if started at the beginning of the series. Plus there are reoccurring characters from previous books.

Sex: kissing
Language: no
Violence: yes
*I received a complimentary ARC of this book through NetGalley and voluntarily chose to review it.

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This was supposedly a Cinderella retelling. I think that's stretching it. There were barely enough details to make that claim, but whatever.

Aside from that, it was a cute story. I haven't read much in the way of steampunk, so it was fun to get to know that style. Emme was a fun protagonist, and Oliver a dashing leading gentleman.

I really enjoyed the political aspect of the book. I saw a lot of parallels to our own political scene.

I wished there was more done with the relationship between Emme and Madeline. I feel like it would have been really fun to explore that deeper.

This is, apparently, the fourth book in a series. I'm here to tell you that, while the first three would probably be just as fun, and I may check them out in the future, you can definitely read this on its own.

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Review will also be available on *Milky Way of Books*

While I read this book without having read the previous ones I loved the story! Steampunk is a hit or miss with me but combined with the fairytale retelling it was an enjoyable book! While the action felt short and some parts I couldn't understand (mostly due to me not having read the previous books) this was a good read!

I seriously plan to read the other books of the series too!

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I’ve read all the books in this series and enjoyed them, but honestly I can’t remember half of the details from the last ones so I doubt you would have to read the other 3 to understand what is going on. If you’re not a fan of steampunk, vampires, zombies, etc then this won’t be the book for you. It gave me a few hours of entertainment so I loved it. I honestly didn’t care much that it wasn’t following The original fairy tale ... if I wanted to read Cinderella then I would read the original. All in all I enjoyed the book.

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This series has been so interesting--with the unique world, the romance, the fairy tale elements, and more. I enjoyed the plot of this book and found Emme's work for the slighted and feared populations to be particularly compelling. I enjoyed the romance, too, and seeing how Emme and Oliver went from being enemies to falling in love. There were some elements that felt rushed, but all in all, this was another fun book from Nancy Campbell Allen.
As a side note, I'm NOT a steampunk fan; I don't particularly dislike it, but I would never seek out a book simply because it was steampunk. For others who may not be steampunk fans, be reassured that the unique setting doesn't overpower the rest of the elements of the story.
3.5 stars.
I read an ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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#netgalley #brasscarriagesandglasshearts
Nancy Campbell Allen knows how to weave a tale of romance, intrigue, suspense and adventure. This book had all of those elements and more, i love the steam punk genre and this one was amazing. I can't wait to dive back in and read it again, it's on my to read again list for sure.

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There just isn’t enough steampunk romance and Nancy Campbell Allen does it so well. While this is part of a series it is not necessary to read the others - this works as a standalone and the world that the author builds is very accessible without the necessity of a lot of background.

Emme is a pocket-sized spitfire who protests and rallies for the human rights of “shifters” (werewolves, werebears, etc.). Oliver is a devoted government agent who is committed to keeping the peace that Emme is always breaking. As such, they are always at odds until Emme receives a death threat and Oliver is tasked with keeping her safe. They find that their passionate feelings for each other are a two-sided coin. These characters and this book were really fun.

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