Member Reviews

I did not enjoy any of the short stories in this book. To me, the author tried too hard and it just sounded like something a teenager would write.

This was a new author for me. There were a few decent stories. I’m not too sure how I feel about the stories and poems being in different sections.

This was a very bizzare collection of stories, which I'm sure have great appeal to a lot of people.
Personally though, this book just wasn't for me.
I don't know what I was expecting when I went into this book, but it wasn't what I got.
Well written, but not for me.

An interesting mash up of short stories and poems that live up to their descriptors. The short stories definitely have a nightmarish theme and designed to provoke a reaction, and the poems a sad dreamy wistfulness. As with all collections, some stories work better than others, however, the short story/poetry combo didn't work for me. The two didn't balance each other.
Recommended for: commuting / train read. Fans of Jacob M. Appel might enjoy (although not quite as slick and polished).
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC.

A bracing book that works in fairly brief but viscerally written stories. Perfect for readers who don’t mind some grit and who enjoy short stories.

I'm sorry to say I gave up on this. I was excited about the theme and the mix of stories and poems. First off, it started out weird. Kind of a fantastical, superhero morbid story, which was interesting even though I didn't care for the story. I made it about half way through after that and I think I only actually enjoyed one of the stories that I read. They were stories of extreme situations which was to be expected, but it was just too much I think. It just got boring. I also don't think the title reflected the content. Like, ok, yeah that's the worst possible outcome of the situation so that's what's going to happen, but I'm not sure it's quite nightmares. Secondly, it was pitched as stories and poems and I just kept asking myself when there would be a poem. Finally I gave up and skipped ahead to find them. I think it's kind of a waste that they're all in one section, at the end, and they compromise less than 10% of the book. I guess I was just expecting more of a balance. So, after finding them, I read a few and it just felt flat, more of the same.

There were one or two decent stories, the others were nothing special or written in a way that took all speed and interest out of them. The poetry ... Rhyme doesn't make something poetry. I'll leave it at that.

I love short stories normally. I felt it hard to connect with any and all of these stories. Perhaps it was just my perception but they were not something I could find any interest in. In any of the stories. I couldn’t connect with the characters or the story.

A unique set of stories of different genre and setting. Some had completely different measures to others, I couldn't believe they were written by the same author. The poems were a nice ending to the collection as well. The first two stories were not my cup of tea, they felt so disjointed from the others in this collection, however, some of my favourite short stories were:
Story 3 - Impressions are lies.
A hard hit story not for the easily triggered, I appreciated how you could read the story differently and get different perspectives, it was risky doing such a harsh topic although I believe he wrote about it well.
Story 4 - Five minutes to save a life
I really enjoyed this story and the ending was so wonderfully done. There was a shocking twist which I didn't see coming and the characters were well driven without knowing much about them.
Story 7 - How're You Feeling?
I thought Mac's inner thoughts and worries were quite relatable and I enjoyed it thoroughly, I only wish the author used 'they' in exchange for the 'he/she' that was constantly used, it has the same effect but if the author meant to keep it as it is, I completely understand.
Lastly, although I enjoyed the poetry it felt unneeded and more just thrown in for good measure. This would have been a great short story collection on its own without the poetry.

I felt like this book showed an awful lot of promise with not so much in terms of delivery. I specifically took issue with the poems at the end, which felt out of place, underdeveloped, and, in the case of the last one, a little trite, as well as the story in which a girl feels like her rape 'could have all been avoid' by mere virtue of refraining from being a rather ill-behaved teenager. Besides that, it does have its highlights. I was particularly fond of the first story, with its absurdist approach to a well-worn trope, and I felt like that was really the niche that the author works best in. The stories would also benefit from having a little bit more fleshed out, but there's a lot of real potential here, specifically with the David Lynch-esque approach. Playing with style is absolutely something that will come to develop this author's work more, and I just feel like that little extra push will give it something else.

A new author for me with the offer of 10 short stories where different ideas and literary devices would be used and explored. With the promise of a few poems; including the summary and comments at the end in verse - clearly a talented writer. I should perhaps critique and review the book in some poetic way bu clumsy words is my last and only resort.
The problem with 10 short stories in one volume is that all may appeal to some reader but all ten may not be appreciated by each person on first reading.
3 stars if you like is an average score. Nothing blew me away but ‘Impressions are lies’ was clever, ‘Five minutes time save a Life’ was original and perhaps the best. ‘X/Y/Z’ was above average and I enjoyed the thought that went into ‘How’re you Feeling’ is good but a little cumbersome in delivery.
The other six were average to poor. A couple had unexpected paths which enhanced them but the remaining ones were not quite up to he quality the other narratives brought to the book.
However, nothing would put me off this author so I am sure to look out for future projects.
The poetry seemed out of place but again a couple did resonate with me although I felt the language could have been bolder.
A writer with talent to follow in the coming days.