Member Reviews

This book has a dramatic premise and should be picked up if you like something a little soapy. There is some difficult stuff being dealt with but it comes in a package that makes it work as a beach read.

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I’ve read a lot of Mandy’s books and this one didn’t disappoint. I really enjoyed the story line and the way it was written progressing through the story with both characters telling their own parts. I read it in a couple of sittings and couldn’t put it down. Wasn’t expecting the ending with the couple of twists but enjoyed them. I would recommend this book and I look forward to Mandy’s next one. Thank you for accepting my request.

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An enjoyable romance set in Nashville, full of Country music.
Honour was a music sensation until she was attacked on stage and retreated away from the limelight, but then Jed hears her sing and draws her back in.
I love country music and this felt like an episode of TV show Nashville, full of drama and romance. Honours character was lovely and Jed was troubled but sexy, a fine MMC.

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Mandy, what the fuck?

Leaving aside the fact that the lead character yells and kicks walls and we're supposed to find that hot, the part that I started to doubt this book came fairly early on when it was mentioned in passing that his album cover had the Confederate Flag on it. Excuse me?

I then search the book to discover this sentence:

"Running her hands over his broad shoulders, she stopped to trace a finger around the tattoo of the Confederate flag on his upper arm."

I mean - did she reach up and remove his white hood, too?

idk what this is supposed to be but I don't want to read a white supremacist romance. And honestly this has completely turned me off reading Mandy's books in the future.

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🌟Perfect escapism - I absolutely loved this novel, the scenery is idyllic. Take me to Nashville now!
🌟The storytelling is beautiful, I was completely absorbed in the lives of Honour & Jared.
🌟Filled with laugh-out-loud moments and a few more poignant ones too.
🌟 I was hooked, torn between reading it as fast a possible so can see how it all turns out and not wanting it to end.
🌟This perfect rich, warm and sunny read a fabulous story to lose yourself in, especially in these crazy times.

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This was a sweet and heart-warming book .
I liked the writing style , it was entertaining and gripping .
Would be checking out more book by this author .

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.

After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.

I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

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As a big fan of country music this book had me at "Nashville" but when I saw that it had been written by one of my favourite romantic comedy authors, Mandy Baggot, I couldn't wait to get stuck in. I wasn't disappointed, unless you count the fact that a music festival starring Garth Brooks, Little Big Town plus Jed and Honor is unlikely to happen. This is a lovely romance between two people who have experienced more than their fair share of tragedy and hardship but continue to battle on. I loved every line and I think that the author should get herself an agent in the music business because some of those original songs written by Jed and Honor would sound great on the radio.

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I’ve always loved Mandy Baggot’s writing so I was a little disappointed by this book. I’d hoped that this wasn’t a new direction but have now discovered that this was first published in 2014... so I can breathe a sigh of relief.

I did enjoy elements of this book such as Honor’s friendships and insights into the country music scene (and guitars). However I was less impressed with the detailed explicit information of the relationship (try reading that on the tube first thing in the morning!!) and the way that Honor reacted when things got tough!

So all in all a little disappointed 3*

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A fantastic summer romance. Mandy Baggot has a unique talent for developing characters in such detailed and enthralling ways, her books are addictive. One Summer In Nashville has a strong and enjoyable storyline and exceptional characters that it is a pleasure getting to know. It is a fantastic addition to Mandy Baggot's collection!

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When I requested this novel I was into the ideal of reading this novel but I discovered that I was unable to provide feedback on this book due to the series being archived prior to download and file/download issues. Again, I am sorry for the inconvenience of not being to review and thank you for taking the time to provide me an ARC of this novel.

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I would like to thank NetGalley and the publishers for asking me to read and review.
This story was a wonderful read.
It is well written with some characters that are well rounded and as a reader you feel you are right there with them and feel the emotions that they are going through. The plot draws you in, keeping you wanting more and turning those pages.
A brilliant, addictive read.

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A sweet, cute summer romance. I really liked Honor as a character.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Honor was the teenage marvel of the country scene with the most amazing voice but after being attacked she became a recluse and a distant memory. Ten years later Jared is the new star with his wild ways and handsome face but when he hears a recording of Honor singing he is determined to seek her out and take her on tour with him but will he be enough to make her leave her old scars behind?

A lovely story with great characters, Jared may be the wild boy but underneath it he has strong principles which can end up getting him into trouble and his strength and determination are just what Honor needs

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Honor Blackwood was the up and coming rising star of the country music scene, until a crazed fan changed her life.

Jarrad Marshall is the hot new bad boy of country rock and will do anything to get Honor to go on tour with him and reignite her career.

Can they open their hearts to each other and make magic happen?

This was a quick read that had Nashville, the tv show, overtones. Loved it!

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Honor Blackwood was the rising star of Nashville until one tragic accident changed her life. Jared is the new bad boy of Nashville who deserves that reputation. Secrets from his past have made him into the poster boy for anger management issues. Honor finds herself at a crossroads… Does she make the decision to give up her music forever or does she decide to try one more time to put her past and scars behind her?

This book was exactly what I expected and I absolutely loved it. I wanted a quick, easy, fluffy, cliché romance book. I also love me some country music and was a huge fan of the show Nashville. Imagine my joy in seeing this show mentioned in this book! While some aspects of the book were a little over the top (Jared’s poor decision-making), it was what I was looking for at that time. The story was very charming and I am going to be picking up some more of Mandy’s books during the Summer for quick and easy reads. 3.5 out of 5 stars for me.

Thanks to Aria and Netgalley for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Baggot’s novel has the feeling of an episode of Nashville blended together with a classic Hallmark film which is not a bad thing. Characters that are at odds end up happily ever after with some suspense and will they, won’t they matter is the tone of the day. This is not a bad thing and although this has a comfortable plot, there is enough to satisfy and tantalise your way until the satisfying conclusion.

The characters are well developed and you have a real sense of the two main characters and the reasoning on how they are. The supporting characters are well developed and provide an excellent support to Honor and Jared.

The plot though at first is a bit confusing for the first ten pages but soon settles down to a plot that captivates the audience. There are a few surprises in store to keep the reader totally invested and moves at a good pace. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot structure where we switch between Honor and Jared perspectives which works well.

There are times that some of the twists seem somewhat implausible in a real world setting but as this is set in a country and western fantasy world, it makes more sense. I truly loved all the characters and thorough enjoyed every nuiance brought to the page.

Overall, this is a lovely romantic read that gives the reader some escapism and characters to root for and totally engage with. It is a country and western romance that hee-haws it way to the conclusion and guaranteed to make you feel all the emotions one can in a classically set out love story. Highly recommended.

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Have to admit I didn't like this one as much as other books by this author. I found the characters not as relateable or likeable as I was hoping. The story also didn't engage me much either. Maybe it just wasn't the best time to read it.

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Country music has always been a big favourite of mine so when i read the synopsis i was hooked already. All the characters were developed really well and worked well together and there were numerous storylines happening throughout.

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Mandy Baggot has always very romantic and fun books for you and this time is no different! If you love romance, this book is for you! "One Summer in Nashville" is all about love! It has been a long time since I haven't read such a lovely romance like this one! I felt good the whole time I was reading this book! And on top of this lovely romance going on, it's a book full of events, full of suspense, you never get bored! I totally recommend this book for any romance lover out there! You won't regret reading it!

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