Member Reviews
4 stars
I love Chantal's MC books! I adore when the tatted up, badboys go all sweet and tender with their women. That's exactly what you'll get with Temper.
Temper has been lusting after a certain sweet, sexy bar owner for over 5 years but every year, she turns him down. As the President of an MC, Temper doesn't get rejected all that often but something makes him keep going back. There's something about her. Maybe this year she'll decide to take a walk on the wild side.
When she finally accepts a date with the bad boy prez, it's Temper's time to shine. He's sweet and tender to her, defying his moniker. But when things turn dangerous, she sees him morph into the president of an MC, like she remembers him to be. Rushing her to his turf in LA, she grows wings and puts down roots with his MC family.
There are quite a few surprises in this one but it was a such a good ride! Loved it and can't wait for more!
AnnMarie - Alphas Do It Better Book Blog
“I don’t know how he always makes it feel like it’s all going to be okay, but he does. And I’m thankful for it.”✨
If you enjoy:
•MC Romance
•Sweet hero
•Evolving heroine
•Streamy Scenes
•Singular POV
Then this may be the book for you!✨
This is not your typical MC romance at all. I want to call it cute. And that never happens. But it is. It still has some shady dealings and little bit of violence. But there’s alot more sweetness and humour in this story. It definitely has a much lighter feel.✨
Temper too, is not your average MC president. He’s so incredibly sweet. What I loved most was how he let Abbie just be who she is. Abbie is putting her dreams on hold to care for her mother and hold down the fort at her bar. When she finally gives in to Temper, she gets a date she wasn’t quite expecting.✨
I especially love the family feel of the MC. Nothing I love more than when the MC brothers are sweet to a MC brothers woman. This isn’t my first book by this author. But it is my first of this series. While I enjoyed it, I did want more. More emotion, more drama. This is perfect for those who don’t like the gritt and criminality of most dark MC romances. I do enjoy this authors writing and will definitely read more by her.✨
Thank you to the author and @netgalley for this ARC for my honest review.✨
I LOVE THIS STORY! I just love the connection that Temper and Abbie had. The history they shared and the never giving up on Temper's part...just so swoon worthy.
I felt his anguish when he had to take drastic measures and kidnap Abbie. In a split second it went from a dream date to a nightmare.
I just loved the story telling and how the women rallied when they found out what the men had done. I loved the friendships that blossomed. Her relationship with Temper grows and she starts to see that he is responsible for more than just riding motorcycles. I enjoyed seeing the ins and outs of the MC and of course their love story.
The twists and turns Abbie took, finding her father and finding out what he did for a living was a surprise that I did not see coming and I love when a story does that!
I really enjoy this series and can't wait to see what happens next.
Even though this is a series each are stand alones and I had no problem following even though I haven’t read the previous ones. Temper has asked Abbie out for the last 5 years. When he’s in town he makes a stop at her bar, asks her out only to get a no which he’s now use to at this point but she finally says yes he knows this is his shot and all goes well until things take a huge turn and the only thing that matters to Temper is keeping Abbie safe no matter the cost.
Fast-paced and all-in, Chantal Fernando's latest release is intense and filled with MC drama.
With a strong opening and the introduction of Abbie, a character easy to connect with and like, the story unravels with a collection of dramas and developments expected in an MC world. While a little predictable at times, the narrative flowed well and characters were created with enough depth to feel as though readers were getting something new.
The development of Abbie's character wasn't what I expected. Her reactions seemed a little too neat, too easy, and at times, a little farfetched, not always seeming to stay true to the character introduced in the first quarter of the book.
Readers who enjoy high-level MC drama and angst and MC men who are perfectly badass and delicious, will no doubt love Chantal Fernando's latest adventure in her MC world.
If you like a fast-paced, MC age-gap romance, this would be a good choice for you! I didn't realize (what else is new) that I'd picked up the third in a series, but you can absolutely be read as a standalone.
Temper (Tommy) and Abbie are a great match, and their path to getting together is pretty sweet and hard won. I did want Abbie to be a *little* less forgiving with some of the situations, but overall this story worked, worked well and was an entertaining ride!
That was one hell of a ride! Temper is the MC romance you must read right now! Although this is my first time reading Chantal Fernando, I am already addicted to her writing style. Temper and Abbie are complete opposites and their romance was so unexpected, but I loved every single page.
This book is about Temper and Abbie's romance. They meet each other at Abbie's bar. Temper asks her out every time he visits the bar and she always declines. This has been going on for about 5 years. When she finally accepts his invitation, they are both excited about their date.
I love that they are so different because adds to their attraction. There is an age difference that had always made Abbie hesitant to say yes but now that she is older she wants to live on the edge. She thinks it will be one date and they will have their yearly meeting, but it is anything but.
This romance gets dangerous fast. Abbie witnesses a murder and is k̶i̶d̶n̶a̶p̶p̶e̶d̶ taken to Temper's clubhouse. She makes friends with the entire club including a few badass women. This is the first time that Abbie has truly been away from her family and she finds herself liking her newfound freedom.
Temper and Abbie begin to fall for each other while trying to stay safe. Their chemistry is fire. They bring out the best in each other and everyone can see it.
I give Temper 5 stars. It is a passionate romance with an opposites-attract trope that so many romance lovers will fall in love with. Temper is the alpha male I love reading about and Abbie's growth throughout the story is magnificent. I highly recommend this book to romance readers especially those who enjoy MC romance.
Every President needs a First Lady and Temper knows that Abbie is the one worth waiting for. As these two finally have their chance, drama, chaos and mayhem get thrown in the mix and Abbie might just have bitten off too much excitement with just one date. As kidnapping, secrets and discoveries all become part of Abbie’s new life can Temper show her that becoming his old lady might be just the happiness she has always been searching for. Their story is overflowing with action, passion, love and self discovery. Temper will have you captivated as the President of the Knights of Fury MC shows us just how much heart and devotion he has when it comes to one bartender from a small town whose eyes and smile light up his world.
Si vous me suivez sur le blog, vous savez que j'adore les romans de Chantal Fernando que je lis en VO dès qu'ils sortent et soyons clairs, j'attendais celui-ci avec encore plus d'impatience et je n'ai pas été déçue : je l'ai dévoré en une nuit et l'ai fini à 4h du mat ^^ Il s'agit donc du tome 3 de la série de bikers "The knight of fury" et il est consacré au président "Temper" : il est sorti ce jour (le 20 avril) et je remercie Jennifer de Wildfire Marketing Solution et NetGalley pour leur envoi et leur confiance.
C'est vite vu, à peine fini, j'aurais voulu avoir un autre tome sous la main ^^ Nous découvrons davantage donc le personnage de Temper, le président des Knights of Fury (depuis la fin du tome 1) et même si on l'a croisé dans les deux premiers tomes, il restait à découvrir : en effet, il tient son nom (de biker) de son tempérament explosif (ce qui laisse comprendre qu'il en impose) mais on l'avait vu aussi tendre et protecteur avec tout d'abord Skylar (l'héroïne du tome 1) mais aussi son frère, ses neveux... bref, on devinait que derrière le chef implacable,sur qui repose le club, se cachait un bon mais à qui la vie n'avait pas fait de cadeau.
Dans le tome 1, il affirmait de ne pas vouloir de relation car soi-disant la vie de couple n'était pas faite pour lui : pourtant, on va découvrir dans ce roman qu'il a rencontré une jeune femme 5 ans auparavant et que chaque année, il lui propose de sortir avec lui mais que celle-ci refuse... Est-ce donc pour cela qu'il a renoncé à l'amour?
L'héroïne, elle, s'appelle donc Abbie et elle travaille dans le bar familial, "Franks" où elle rencontre donc Temper (il n'est pas encore président) : pendant 5 ans, elle va refuser ses invitations à sortir avec elle lorsqu'il passe dans le coin (il habite à Los Angeles à environ 1h de chez elle) parce qu'ils ont non seulement une différence d'âge (14 ans) mais surtout parce que c'est un biker et que sa mère lui a toujours déconseillé de se méfier de tels hommes...
Mais un jour, elle va changer d'avis et là, c'est toute sa vie qui va changer...
Je vous l'ai dit, je l'ai adoré celui-ci : j'avais beaucoup aimé le 1, un peu moins le deux (mais beaucoup aimé aussi) mais celui-ci est vraiment passionnant aussi car l'héroïne qu'on ne connaissait pas avant (enfin, faudrait que je vérifie si on la croise dans le deux) est exactement la femme qu'il faut pour Temper : bien que ne connaissant pas du tout ce monde, elle va vite trouver sa place, affronter avec courage tout ce qui se présente à elle sans jamais craquer ou pêter les plombs, bien au contraire et surtout elle va épauler de manière remarquable Temper dans les moments les plus délicats tout en restant très humaine et adorable : bref, il n'est guère étonnant qu'elle trouve sa place parmi les "Knights of Fury" facilement et qu'elle soit adoptée aussi vite aussi bien par les femmes que par les bikers, y compris les plus sombres.
Pourtant au départ, ce n'était pas gagné puisque quand enfin, elle accepte l'invitation de Temper, au bout de 5 ans, celui-ci semble avoir renoncé à elle mais l'alchimie est là et elle a envie d'un peu d'aventure dans sa vie (elle a renoncé à ses études pour devenir avocate afin de travailler complètement dans le bar familial car sa mère a fait une attaque et a besoin de repos : c'est donc elle qui la surveille elle (les rôles sont ainsi inversés) et cela permet à sa jeune soeur de continuer ses études) Mais ce rendez-vous avec Temper qui semblait parfait (soyons clairs, elle disait non mais était très attirée par lui) finit mal puisque lorsqu'ils sortent du restaurant, avant qu'il ne la ramène chez elle, il doit s'arrêter quelque part (il pense ne pas en avoir pour longtemps) et là, malheureusement... les choses vont déraper! En effet, ils sont attaqués par des hommes, des tirs sont échangés et Renny (le héros du tome 2) abat, sous les yeux de la jeune femme, un homme! Temper qui craint pour ses bikers, assomme Abbie, l'enlève et l'emmène au club! Vous imaginez bien combien la jeune femme est furieuse et regrette son dîner mais... progressivement, son regard sur Temper et sur les Knights of Fury va évoluer parce que.... ^^ non mais vous ne croyez pas que je vais tout vous dire, hein? à vous d'aller lire cet excellent tome et de savoir qui en veut aux bikers et pourquoi la vie de la jeune femme est aussi menacée! Pourra-t-elle pardonner à Temper de l'avoir enlevée sans lui demander son avis et comment va-t-elle se couler dans cet univers si masculin mais aussi si dangereux? réponses à toutes ces questions et bien d'autres dans ce roman ^^
Je vous l'ai dit, j'ai beaucoup aimé Abbie : c'est une femme qui n'a pas eu la vie facile (elle ne connaît pas son père) et a dû renoncer à ses rêves (provisoirement du moins) à ses études pour aider sa famille (ce qui la rend encore plus remarquable pour Temper) : sa vie va changer du tout au tout après un simple repas et elle est jetée brutalement dans la réalité et la violence de la vie inhérente à un club de bikers en proie à des ennemis. Mais au lieu de criser, elle va affronter ces dangers et mieux, tout faire pour épauler cet homme qui la fascine depuis le départ et qui est si adorable avec elle. Elle va devenir une vraie badass à son côté et montrer qu'elle a tout de la old lady parfaite d'un président de bikers. C'est sans doute pour cela que tous les membres (et leurs femmes) l'aiment autant et aussi vite. J'ai adoré la relation qu'elle a avec les "nouveaux" Crow, Dee ou encore Chains qui est celui qui est le plus mystérieux pour moi et qui semble très prometteur. Elle reconnaît ses limites et qu'elle a tout à apprendre mais au contact de Skylar et Izzy (la compagne de Renny ou Renegade) elle va encore plus évoluer et elles vont lui expliquer combien elle est parfaite pour Temper et pour vivre cette vie-là en leur compagnie. Là encore, les moments féminins sont vraiment chouettes et drôles à lire :)
Temper est le président des Knights of Fury depuis qu'Hammer a été tué dans le tome 1 et même s'il fait face avec brio, il n'a jamais oublié son ami. Il a craqué pour Abbie dès qu'il l'a vue mais il sait que son monde est violent et qu'il n'a pas vraiment grand chose à lui offrir, tant elle est différente de lui. Mais il ne peut s'empêcher, chaque année, de l'inviter à dîner et alors qu'il avait renoncé, elle le surprend en lui disant qu'elle en a envie. Ce qu'on préssentait va se réaliser et Temper est un autre homme à son contact : bien sûr, il est le président et quand la jeune femme assiste à la scène où Renny est obligé de tuer pour se défendre, il n'hésite pas à l'enlever afin qu'elle n'aille pas trouver la police (mais l'aurait-elle vraiment fait si il lui avait expliqué les enjeux?) car il pense à son club avant tout : il est à la fois impitoyable avec ses ennemis et adorable avec ceux qu'il aime : certains, sans doute, reprocheront à ce président son absence de côté alpha quand il est avec elle, mais moi j'aime son côté humain : c'est aussi une caractéristique des bikers de Chantal Fernando : oui, il y a de "la violence" liée à ce monde MAIS ce sont des bikers, comme chez Kristen Ashley, qui transgressent certes les lois, mais qui sont respectueux de leurs femmes et ça, j'aime. Si vous recherchez des scènes ultra-violentes comme on peut en trouver dans ces univers-là, passez votre chemin !
On retrouve bien sûr les deux couples deux premiers tomes avec plaisir "Skylar et Saint" et "Izzy et Renny"mais comme je l'ai dit avant, on découvre davantage les novices du club "Dee" (que l'on connaît depuis le tome 1 et plus ouvert dans ce roman) Crow (très drôle et qui est un vrai soutien pour la jeune femme) et enfin Chains, un homme sombre et mystérieux mais qui serait capable de tout faire pour la protéger si besoin était : quel lourd secret cet homme qui a été cuisinier cache-t-il pour qu'il abandonne tout et veuille rejoindre les Knights of fury? J'espère vraiment que tous trois auront leurs tomes. Sur instagram, Chantal Fernando m'a seulement confirmé un roman sur Crow (déjà bien mais pas assez, hein? ^^ )
C'est un tome riche en rebondissements (chaque roman peut se lire seul) et pourtant, il y a une intrigue et des ennemis que l'on suit depuis le tome 1 et que l'on retrouve ici, une fois encore : attendez-vous à des surprises jusqu'au bout. Bien sûr, la romance est belle et il y a des scènes sexy. Bref, elle sait doser l'alternance entre aventure, suspense et romance ou encore amitiés.
C'est donc un excellent troisième tome que Chantal Fernando nous offre avec Temper et j'espère surtout que ce ne sera pas le dernier de cette série des "Knights of Fury" que j'adore.
I've put off reading this because I knew once I finished I'd be gutted and waiting for the next would feel like a lifetime away. I left it aslong as possible and now here I am having read it .. gutted it's over and wanting the next one now!.
Tempers story had me grabby hands wanting needing him since reading Renegade.
I honestly had absolutely no clue what to expect from his story. I mean he's the president so one would assume like every other mc pres he would be a total hard ass. That's normally how it goes right?.
Temper is a patient man. For 5 years he's made the same stop at the same small town to the same family owned bar to ask the same women out on a date. For 4 years she's politely declined his date invitation and he's accepted those knock backs like a gentleman but on the fifth year everything changed. This year Abbie knew in her bones that resisting Tempers invitation to dinner wouldn't be possible because she wanted him despite her moms opinions. But it was different this year because instead of asking her out he told her to take herself out and well Abbie didn't expect that nor did she accept he'd given up after all this time trying.
Let's just say that that one date changed her entire life in a whole lotta ways.
Temper was not who I thought he'd be. For the most part he was not his namesake. He had the patience of a Saint and a sweet caring nature that made for a deadly combination to women. He sat in that grey area of good people doing bad things for good reasons and or good people that sometimes do bad things but that doesn't necessarily make them a bad egg. He totally contradicted what I originally thought and I'm not even mad about it. Whilst many mistakes where made alone the way... there wasn't a time in which he done them to hurt or upset Abbie and that I can get behind.
Abbie was the queen of sweet and understanding. Despite the circumstances she found herself in and obviously after getting over the immediate displeasure of everything that happened.. she was almost to kind and level headed about everything. That was just who she was. She had my respect from the beginning but I fell in love with her when she never took her emotions on the situation out on any of the girls or their guys. Now don't mistake her gentle nature for her being a push over because that women handled every situation thrown her way like a pro. In fact she kicked ass better that the guys and I'm all for that girl power.
Temper and Abbie story was absolutely a little unconventional but hey this is a mc story and they never go smooth sailing. I honestly could not have paired two characters together more perfectly. Everything about them just made sense and fit in the most perfect way. The chemistry and connection was there from the beginning but as their story progressed I could really feel how much they felt for one another. They had depth and substance. That raw real palpable emotion that only grows in strength. Despite their many obstacles they always had each other's backs first and even when emotions were very conflicted them and their family were the priority.
The story itself wasn't massively action packed or super angsty but it did have a suspenseful element. Like always with this author and her crazy world of characters nothing is really ever all it seems. Secrets and lies are revealed, tensions are high.. bonds are forming in many different ways between characters. It's a little rollercoaster but it's also not overwhelming. It's sweet and funny and at times shocking. You'll feel all the feels and fall in love with all the crazy characters and their hilariously dysfunctional shenanigans.
Like I said this author loves to slip in a few surprises and colour me shookith at certain revelations. I was fucking SHOOK. I loved it so much.
Chantal never disappoints. I love that her characters are both likeable and relatable. I love that it's not all cute fluff and holds some substance but it's also not overwhelmingly drama filled. It's not your typical mc.. but it's so fucking good I devoured it and now I want more. Like now. Please.
Also... Temper holds a special place in my heart. That man is everything and then some and I want him. He's mine.
Temper. Oh man. You made the best decision pursuing Abbie for years but you made the worst decision the night of your first date. Leave it to you to make a split second decision that would blow up in your face. It’s like you never dealt with a woman before. Geez.
This book leaves us with familiar enemies and new allies we never expected. Abbie has no idea how much her life would be changed the night she finally broke down and agreed to a date with Temper. Even if she doesn’t end up with Temper he life would be forever intertwined with the MC.
This book has set up some intriguing plots in my mind of future books that could be to come. I’m excited to see where this MC heads to next.
This is the 3rd book in this series and is Temper and Abbie’s story. Temper is the president of his MC and every time he goes through Abbie’s small town he goes to her bar and askes her out, and the answer is always no, but this time it is a different answer. However, their date does not go to plan at all. This is a good story which is fun and steamy, with a tad danger, and I was intrigued throughout. I recommend for all MC lovers.
This is the third book in this series and although it can be read as a standalone I would recommend reading the previous books to get to know all the characters and how they all fit together.
I loved Abbie and Temper both seperately and as a couple. Abbie has a quirky personality, she's funny and sassy but not completely comfortable in her own skin. Temper is an alpha to his core, he is the Prez after all. There is an age gap but after it's first mentioned I forgot about it because they just fit. I liked seeing Abbie assert herself more as the story progressed and her growth felt natural. Temper maybe the tough guy but he has a heart of gold which comes across in the way her treats Abbie. I enjoyed the light and shade of the story although it is not as dark as some MC books there is some drama but ther banter between ther characters also make this a fun read.
Another great addition to the Knights of Fury series!! This story focuses on Temper and Abbie and I have to say Temper comes by his real name honestly. When he is in Vegas he always stops at this hole in a wall bar named Frank’s and asks the bartender out and every year for the past four years she has shot him down but Abbie takes a chance and finally takes Temper up on his offer. When they finally go out it goes from bad to worse. Abbie ends up witnessing something she shouldn’t have and Temper kidnaps her back to his clubhouse in California. With Temper being the new president of the MC he has a lot of learning to do and there are numerous bumps in the road. Abbie balances out Temper and brings out his softer side whilst Temper makes Abbie more assertive and independent. Their chemistry is off the charts hot and the steamy sex scenes are out of this world!! The secondary characters add levity to the story. I can’t wait for this high octane, drama filled series to continue!!
Abbie has been running the family bar for years. Every year she has flirted with a biker who has come in occasionally named Temper. He is now wearing the president patch on his cut and has for the last few times has come in. Temper who has taken over the president of the Knight’s of Fury MC has had his eye on Abbie for years and every time he has asked her out for a date, she has turned him down she now has finally said yes.
The date goes good even better than she was thinking it would, that is until the end when he gets a call and everything goes downhill. With her being a witness to a death she is then kidnapped by his crew and she is pissed. Upset because her mother is sick and this only leaves her sister to run the bar. She has been led to believe by her mother that still at the age of 29 she needs to be at home and nowhere else.
Though I had small issues with book overall the story was good. She forgives Temper and the time she spends with the club turns out good for all especially for her being away from her mother and she also finds out who her father is. There a lot going on once you get into this book and for that it keeps you going with the story and wanting to continue to read it to see what happens. A book.
I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book (given by Netgalley)...
This is Temper and Abbie’s story.
It seems our couple has known each for a while before Abbie finally agrees to a date with Temper; unfortunately, the beautiful night doesn’t end the way anyone expected. However, I would have to say Temper’s quick decision caused more problems for them than crazy incident that occurred.
The book has a lot of twists and reveals many secrets so I can’t say too much, but I did enjoy this book. I will say that I liked how Abbie gave Temper a hard time for what he did, I just wished she held out a bit longer (just my personal opinion) after all what he did was kind of a d*ck move. It was great seeing our favorite couples again, but I still can’t stand Georgia. After Temper’s major no-no, I did enjoy how he tried to gain Abbie’s forgiveness, it was cute.
I loved Abbie and her ability to be open-minded and go with the flow; her mother was a bit much especially with all her secrets she kept from Abbie.
The Georgia, Grayson, Neville thing was cray-cray and I’m still a bit lost in thought with that situation. Finally, Georgia gets some payback courtesy of Abbie even if it did end a way I didn’t expect.
I hope we get a book on Abbie’s little sister, Ivy and maybe a few more books on the guys: Dee, Crow, and Chains. I would love a novella or book on Trace and Ariel, Izzy’s sister.
Temper is the third book in Chantal Fernando's Knights of Fury series and brings us to the now President of the MC, Temper. For years he's flirted with Abbie every time he's at her mother's bar, and he asks her out over and over again. She always turns him down, not wanting to take a chance with a biker. But now her life is in need of some excitement after dropping out of college to take care of her mother and running the bar on her own, so she says yes. What starts out as a fantastic date though quickly turns into a murder scene, her own kidnapping, and being thrust into a world she doesn't know how to navigate.
I seriously loved Temper from the very beginning of this book. He was so charming I couldn't help but smile and he planned the perfect date. It wasn't something you would expect from some badass biker and that just made it all the more amazing. I really liked seeing him with Abbie and how cute they were together. And she honestly surprised me as a character. She didn't let the fact that she was thrown into the MC life so fast and drastically kill her spirit and she could still be super feisty at times, which I loved. She and Temper were just great together and they had me captivated from start to finish.
Temper is definitely a recommended read for all MC lovers, but if you haven't read this author before I recommend any of her books. Chantal Fernando is one of my favorite MC authors and with every book I read from her I just fall more and more in love with her writing.
I received an ARC of this book for an honest review.
This is my first Chantal Fernando book and I honestly don't know if I will read any of her other work after finishing this one. The beginning of the book was super sweet and drew me in, and then shortly lost me. I lost my connection with the main character, and since this was a single POV book, I couldn't even attempt at making a connection with Temper, which is the name of the book. Once I realized it was single POV, I felt like I was missing half of the story. I am not a huge fan of single point of views as is, so this just fell flat for me.
I have loved plenty of MC books in the past, but this one just didn't hit the mark for me at all. I know it's the third book in the series, but I highly doubt I will be going back to read the first two in the series. I just didn't connect with the book, the characters, the storyline or any of it. I felt like it was rushed and there were parts that just didn't make any sense to me.
I did finish because I don't like not finishing books, but I won't be going in and finding any more of this author's work.
Three stars.
Temper by Chantal Fernando is the third novel in the Knights of Fury series; however, I believe it can be safely read as a standalone. The couples from the previous books feature heavily in this installment, so reading those would be helpful. I decided to accept this book for review purposes because I found the synopsis intriguing. I didn’t know what to expect seeing that the author was new to me, but it turned out to be entertaining.
Twice per year for the past five years, Temper would visit the bar where Abbie works and ask her out. However, each time she says no. Finally, in the fifth year she accepted his offer. The date turned out better than she expected, but near to the end danger came knocking and Abbie’s world would turn upside down.
Temper is the president of Knights of Fury motorcycle club. He gained the nickname Temper due to his tendency to fly of the handle. His members we would see a different side to him and they had Abbie to thank for it. She brought out his softer side, which amazed everyone.
Abbie is sweet tempered and almost everyone loved her. One could understand Temper’s attraction towards her. I admired how adapted even though the circumstances were less than ideal. She was the epitome of the quote, ‘when life gives you lemons you make lemonade’. Despite her sweetness, she proved to be fierce when it came to protecting those she loved.
This being a biker romance, one would expect a dark and gritty story. Instead, the author treated readers to a sweet and heart-warming story. I appreciated the camaraderie between the members of the club and it was a joy to watch the way they embraced Abbie into their fold.
The romance though sweet had a hint of spiciness to it. I loved watching Abbie and Temper grow as a couple.
The suspense arc amped up the excitement. The events surrounding this aspect of the story led to some interesting revelations.
Temper delivered a sweet, heart-warming romance with some suspenseful moments and a few twists and turns that would keep readers engaged.
This book had so many twist and turns, it definitely kept me on my toes. Temper was so sweet and lovable, Abbie was just as lovable. These two were perfect for one another, but with all that happens will they come out together or apart? Loved this book and can't wait for the next one.