Member Reviews

DNF 43%
I don`t understand what was interesting about this one. The characters where boring and uinteresting. The fact that Nana cursed and stuff was kind of funny. But I just did not like the characters at all.

Unfortunately, this was a DNF. Interesting plot and storyline, but it dragged on far too long. And became boring. Plus, confusing too majority of the time

I usually like vampire books but this one just wasn't my cup of tea. This seemed sort of like the Wizard of Oz where she has creatures help her on her journey.

What would you do if you woke up one morning with bite marks on your neck and learned you had been chosen as his bride by the cold-blooded prince of a local vampire clan? That’s what happened to Elena. And the surprises were not over yet – on the brink of turning into a vampire, she also learns she is a Creature with exceptional skills the vampire prince wishes to own through sucking the knowledge from her blood.
This was a decent read. It was a bit confusing throughout but I definitely give props to the author for creating a new world. I wasn’t happy that it ended on a cliffhanger.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

i had a good time reading this, the plot was great and I really enjoyed getting to know the characters. i look forward to reading more in the series.

This was a well written, good read! I had not read anything by this author so I'm glad I took a chance!

This reads like fan fiction, which I’m a fan of, but the writing is very uneven. Sometimes I feel drawn in by the story and other times I’m like “wait, they’re in Finland?” It almost feels like two different people wrote the book. It’s not terrible but I’m not sure I’d bother to read more books in the series, even though I do like the world the writer created. She gives a twist to the familiar rules of the creatures, like vampires, she uses in the book. I’m also not a big fan of the cover. They look nothing like character’s descriptions in the book.

All in all, I did enjoy the story and because of the ending, I am left wanting more. I am curious to see how things go and I want to see if there is possibly any romance on the horizon for the h and a certain sexy demon.

The Death of a Vampire is a promising start to what I'm sure will be a fun new urban fantasy series. I was totally sucked in by the cover and the blurb, but it ended up not being what I originally thought. Oh, and the ending is a cliffhanger. (some people have issues)
In The Death of a Vampire, we are pulled into a world of creatures- vampires, earthly spirits, creators, creatures of the forest, and demons. The plot ended up being a bit of a mix of almost a Wizard of Oz meets DaVinci Code. I thought, from the beginning that the author was going to follow the typical vampire troupe but we ended up going on a much different journey. I enjoyed the mystery of the objects and I have always had a huge affinity for Ancient Egyptian lore/history/theology. So that bit was a plus for me.
That being said... The Death of a Vampire ended up being a not difficult read but sometimes a confusing read. The chapters were sometimes set up like... look over here... and Now, something completely different... then, back to our regularly scheduled programing.... now, let's go to some other topic that ties back in 2 more chapters. I am constantly in awe of a writer's ability to create a universe that is unique and has its own special rules and properties. I absolutely know I would be utter shite at it. But I felt that with a good editor and some refocusing of some areas, this universe would come alive. The first couple of chapters had me grasping at straws trying to figure out who the hell everyone was. Then, I was super frustrated because the h was not asking ALL THE QUESTIONS, she got a snippet and then moved on with her day... Are you kidding me? I would be implanting myself up someone's arse until I got the WHOLE story. The ending, the way that it happened, literally the last sentence, reminded me of how I would write a paper for a class in high school if I was just over it. As I said, the story has super fun potential, but some skilled editing wouldn't go amiss.
All in all, I did enjoy the story and because of the ending, I am left wanting more. I am curious to see how things go and I want to see if there is possibly any romance on the horizon for the h and a certain smexy demon.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.*

A really exciting new book. A different look at the world of vampires that includes everything from goblins to demons! I was starting to get a bit bored with vampire novels, they were starting to feel a bit predictable but this has really inspired me again. There are a lot of main characters and creatures to learn about but this just keeps you interested and keeps the story moving. Early on it feels a bit like information overload but it is worthwhile storing it all up because there is a whole new world out there and we are lucky to be able to read all about it.. One of the best new novels around.

A fun read, vampires, magic and a nice story. It wasn’t the most original or refreshing take on vampires, but it was solid enough and interesting enough that I want to read the next. The writing was nice but I thought needed a bit of work, but it was a good book.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion