Member Reviews

I was wary of Stealing Parker at first because I was not sure I would feel comfortable about reading what basically is a teacher-student relationship despite the fact that the teacher (or assistant coach in this case--but same thing because he is a figure of authority at a school) was in his early twenties and Parker was just a few weeks shy of 18.

But I liked Kenneally's debut Catching Jordan and I am a sucker for romantic contemporary YA, so I picked it up anyway... and practically devoured it in one sitting. I really like Parker's character. I see a lot of myself in her--like her feelings about church, religion and God, that she like to read romance novels, her relationship with her dad was all me. Besides the fact that I can relate to her character, I love that she was human and flawed. She makes mistakes but she learns from them.

As for the thing I was dreading, Parker did get hot and heavy with Coach Brian and those scenes were uncomfortable to read but I felt Parker was able to keep her head. Yay Parker! However, Stealing Parker would not be a Kenneally novel if you know who Parker is going to end up with from reading the synopsis. Other than Brian, there are a lot of boys in Parker's life and there was one particular boy that I especially rooted for and was such a sweetheart. I loved the scenes with him and Parker and it was great watching their relationship develop from classmates to friendship and to maybe something more.

Like in Catching Jordan, Stealing Parker had tough issues the main character had to sort through along with all the relationship drama. I would not call this novel "light reading" because of some heavy issues but there were enough funny moments to balance everything out. I did feel that the writing in Stealing Parker was not as fluid as it was in Catching Jordan but I ended up enjoying Stealing Parker more than I did Catching Jordan because I able to relate to Parker's character more.

If you love reading about perfectly flawed characters, you'll love Parker. Definitely check out Stealing Parker, it's an engaging and addicting read. I recommend it for readers who love reading contemporary YA with strong relationship/romance themes.

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Miranda is one of those writers that just gets it. She creates stories that are so perfect for her characters. They have fun, they screw up, and they ultimately become a better person in the end. Stealing Parker is everything I could have asked for in a book and more.

After her mom announced she was a lesbian and left town, Parker Shelton's world turned upside down. Rumors were started, Parker quit being the softball star, lost 30 pounds, and started hooking up with guys just to prove she could. Then at the request of her best friend Drew, she decides to become the manager of the boy's baseball team and they've got a hot new assistant coach. Parker and Coach Brian Hoffman start to become closer than intended, but hooking up with this one may be taking it a little too far.

I just loved this book to pieces. Firstly it revolves around the topic of baseball which I have always loved and I played softball for 12 years. So, in that aspect I completely connected to Parker and the others. Then throw in family issues, friend issues, self-reflection, romance, and laughs and you get one heck of a book. Miranda crafted this book so beautifully and as it built up I kept finding myself falling more and more in love with this story and the characters.

When Parker's mom left, she slightly lost her way. She turned into a different person but not necessarily for the worst. She especially shows us that everything happens for a reason, that if people are truly your friends they will always be there for you, that family is important, that you need to always do what's right for you and never, ever give up on something you love. I honestly loved Parker's character and watching her go through her ups and downs because if she didn't she wouldn't have ended up where she did.

Then there is her best friend Drew, Will Whitfield aka "Corndog", and coach Brian Hoffman. I love all three of these boys for different reasons. I didn't hate Brian like I think most people maybe did by the end. He is a good coach, a sexy guy, and some one very easy to talk to. He was attracted to Parker, so what? I think Parker and he both needed each other to end up where they did in life. Then there's her best friend Drew. Drew is one of those friends who you always want at your side. Someone to stick by you through thick and thin and someone to sit around and watch Harry Potter movies with you all night. Everyone needs some one like that. Finally, Will Whitfield. I. Love. This. Kid. Will is smart, sexy, fantastic at baseball, a hard worker, good to his family, and the ultimate sweet guy with a good head on his shoulders. He is a guy I'd always want by my side to hold me tight. I loved his and Parker's banter right from the start, and as their chemistry grows I continued to love him even more.

Overall, Miranda hit another home run with this one (pun totally intended). And Catching Jordan fans... don't worry Sam Henry is back with loads of laughs. Stealing Jordan is everything I could have asked for and I absolutely loved it.

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Really enjoyed this! Miranda Kenneally really captures YA romance well and I love the addition of baseball in this one - my favorite sport.

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