Member Reviews

Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.
This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

This book was broken down into 3 sections-basic crystal info, manifestation info with rituals, and third info on individual crystals. As I have read numerous crystal books I truthfully skipped the first section. It did appear to cover all the basics-shapes, colors, cleaning, programming etc. The manifestation section was very interesting. It explains the 7 steps of the principles of manifestation-along with exercises to do. Step 2 Knowing What You Really Seek Right Now was eye opening and the idea of making it sacred resonated with me. In the crystals section there is a page for each crystal with basic info (color, availability) but also physiological and psychological correspondence, attributes, powers, legendary uses and how to use the crystal for manifestation.
All in all a good reference book to have in your home collection.

Author #Sarah Bartlett had a wonderful new book ‘#The Crystal Directory’. This is a great beginner and reference guide. But most important to point out it’s a book to be bought and be put on the coffee table. When you have friends or family over what fun!
Thank you,
#Netgalley, #Sarah Bartlett and #Book Sales Inc.

A great source of crystal for beginners and easy to follow descriptions without getting too in depth.

While not comprehensive, the Directory is still a good resource for anyone interested in the topic. It is logically written out and filled with useful information. What really sells this book is what a great resource it is for someone building a crystal collection as, in addition to describing their characteristics, uses, etc., it also discusses their rareness.

The first impression of this book is how beautifully it is photographed and formatted. I enjoyed very much reading it and such outstanding presentation of the crystals.
I use crystals as a practice and was pleased to receive this for review. Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My review opinion is my own. I highly recommend this book for all that do work with crystals and for beginners who wish to educate themselves on crystals.
What I love about reading this is the creative flow and outstanding detail of this book. The author has included each of the 100 crystals here that you want to know more about.
The author has Sections for each aspects of learning 1oo crystals. She has one section on understanding crystals as a energy source which is important for those of us doing magic with our crystals. Section two explains how to use rituals to utilize your crystals in magic practice. Section three is for Abundance, Success, Love and Well Being. This allows the reader to easily find their chosen intentions and guide the reader to the right crystal and use its power. What fun it was to match the crystal with the right intention using the author's guiding information. All the crystals included have everything you need to know about them including their appearance, where to find them, if they are rare, and of course wonderful information on their powers. I found this particular helpful as I am building my crystal collection over time.
I highly recommend this book.

A beautiful crystal reference book. In the first half of the book, Sarah Bartlett covers the basics of working with crystals and their general shapes and color meanings. The second half of the book consists of a detailed look at 100 crystals. This was the best part of the Crystal Directory. I loved that there was the general and some geological information, historical uses and the metaphysical meanings. The 100 crystals she chose covered the common and newer and rarer crystals and she also separated them into three categories: abundance, love and home. It would be lovely to see Sarah Bartlett focus on this more and put out an encyclopedia of crystals, even her little prompts on how to work with the crystals were so useful.

I'm really enjoying this book. I'm a crystal fanatic and always looking them up. I have a few other crystal books and love comparing each; they all seem to offer a bit more than the last. Thee Crystal Directory is my new go-to crystal handbook. Thank you so much!

I loved this comprehensive overview of crystals and their healing properties/coorespondences! I will definitely reference this book in the future!

A decent book looking at crystals. Divided into different purposes/sections, so if wanting a crystal for love or abundance you would go to that section. Some information on basics and on manifestation which is nice. Like any other crystal directory, just different extra information.

What a beautiful reference book for all things crystals. From the history, to the proper care, to how to get the most out of each crystal this book has it all. For someone who knows a little about crystals but would love to learn more, would love to have a hands on (including pictures) resource, this book is amazing. I enjoyed the description of each crystal with a picture (which always helps as many of them can look similar), I was able to find more information about the crystals I already have, plus some others that I would like to get in the future.

This is an excellent guide on crystals. I will be referencing it often. Easy to read with lots of photos. A must have for your book shelf.

I started reading this book knowing very little about crystals but by the time I finished, I had gained a lot of knowledge about them. I barely knew how to identify them but this book was great in helping me learn so much about crystals. It's a wonderful reference book that includes identification, history and uses for the various crystals. I'm glad I got the opportunity to read this book!

"Whether in the ocean, a pebble, a gemstone, or yourself, the energy of the universe permeates all."
Brilliant guide to understanding and using crystals. Set up in three sections the crystal directory is a helpful resource that even a novice can feel comfortable navigating, Section one focuses on getting to know and understand crystals as a physical energy source. Section two explains how to use crystals with practical exercise and rituals to tap into the magic and power around you. Section three is broken down into four parts: Abundance, Success, Love and Well Being. This easy guide helps you find your intention and guide you through the process of picking a crystals to draw on its unique power.
Each of the 100 crystals listed comes with information including, appearance and color, availability and rareness, physiological correspondence, psychological correspondence, a attributes and powers.
Bonus, the photography and graphic design is gorgeous and well formatted.

This book serves as a great introduction to crystals & manifestation. I love the simple yet vibrant illustrations; they catch your eye & help provide a visual aid to better the readers understanding.
I really like how the author broke the book into parts. The first part, crystal basics, was a helpful & accurate introduction to crystals from the chemical science to the metaphysical science. The next section, manifestation basics, provided a good amount of info about manifestation along with several exercises/rituals that aren't too complex or hard to follow. The last section, the crystal sourcebook, provided a lot of useful info on a bunch of different crystals. I love that the author included the biological makeup of the stones, lore/ancient context, & then their metaphysical properties along with a picture of each stone.
This book was very well put together with a lot of useful information that can be applied to everyday life. I would recommend it to anyone interested in the metaphysics of crystals.

Very good reference book, extremely useful when researching the various benefits of crystals and deciding which ones to use at different times

This book starts out very new ager. You could make a drinking game out of how many times the author uses the word manifest. But once you move past that first part the book gets interesting. The legends are excellent. The author includes warnings for stones like Cinbabar that can be toxic. The rituals are useful. Overall it was an ok addition to my stone collection.

As my personal interest in crystals is growing, I have found this book very resourceful and clearly written.
Having already several book before,the author is presenting the different crystals and their properties,their colours and how to clean them.
I particularly loved the parts about cleaning and the manifestation. I am not a novice,however I did found a lot of notions I was not aware of.
I could definitely use this book as a crystals’ bible!
Thanks to the publisher and to the author for this ARC in exchange of my honest opinion!

I had a hard time opening this PDF file, but once I was able to I could enjoy the resource for what it is. A good book for beginning witchcraft practitioners to learn the balance and art of crystals in magic work. I got this as a resource for a fiction book I am writing, and it helped with some of the scenes to know what crystals would help to strengthen spells the characters were using.

The author of this book is very knowledgeable when it comes to Crystals. I’ve been using them for decades as a Wiccan and can attest to the knowledge in these pages. It’s also very well written, geared to a novice, but not written down to anyone. Even someone who has been using them as long as I have can learn things from this book.
From choosing, to cleansing, to use, it is all laid out rather nicely and is easy to follow. The writing is a little “flowery” for me at times but doesn’t distract from the overall intent of this book.
The spells and exercises interspersed in the book are well laid out and easy to follow, no one should have any issue with the directions. I love the positive affirmations on page 54. I’ve even written some down and stuck them to my mirror to practice daily.
I love that the book also teaches focused intention and how important it is. I feel that is something neglected in most crystal books and that doesn’t help someone who is trying to use the stones in a proper manner. Focused intention is absolutely essential to the outcome. Another positive is the visualization techniques. A lot of times you read that you need to “visualize” the outcome you seek, but you’re not taught how to do that. In this book, you are. You are led by the hand with simple, but effective techniques, to help manifest your desires. Just remember that it needs to be true to who you are.
Another positive for me is that the book gives you the best times to help with your intentions. Again, this book takes you by the hand and guides you in the correct manner, not leaving you to figure it out on your own.
The best part of this book, in my opinion, is the crystal guide. It breaks down 100 stones into color, availability, correspondence (physical and mental), associated stones, and keywords. It also gives you an in-depth description of the stone (what it’s made of and how it’s made), the usage of the stone throughout history, and the attributes. There’s also a how to use the stone area as well.
This book is a wealth of knowledge about different crystals, their usage, and how they can affect your life. It would be a magnificent addition to any home library. I now need to purchase a physical copy as well.
**I received an ARC from Netgalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.