Member Reviews

Really enjoyed this book more than I thought I would! It was a very quick read and incredibly enjoyable.

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The idea of the book really grabbed me. The idea of living a relatively short life over and over again. A sort of Groundhog life. However Groundhog day become restricted by its own 24 hour time frame.Carrying forward some of those experiences and memories. It such a strong idea. There is a much broader canvas to paint upon. A much richer tapestry to weave. I am pleased to say the great premise is executed brilliantly.

It has me hooked from the first pages. The character is appealing and likable, driving the reader forward. Making you care and want to know what the next page holds. It gripping., a page turner from the very beginning. It gets stronger as it proceeds whipping up anticipation. It does this in spades and doesn't disappoint.

I don't want to give any of the plot aware, so I wont. It has love interest and there is really exciting scope for a series of fantastic book. A great start and so much possibilities. The only question is when can we have more ?

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This is one of those books that has a premise that looks good in theory, but the actual execution of it falls flat. I feel that this would have been a lot better if the author had written it in "real time" and allowed the reader to share the experiences with Sarah as they occurred. The focus on her past took a lot of the enjoyment out of this book for me.

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I really enjoyed Life on Repeat, which told of a few of Sarah’s lives. It was fast paced and unique, and ended on quite the cliffhanger. I can’t wait for the rest of the saga. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to be an early reader in exchange for my fair and honest review. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley.

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4.5 stars
*I receive an arc of this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review, all opinions are my own*

This book sucks me in history from the beginning.
I already knew it was an interesting story from the synopsis but I didn't think I would like it so much.
It's a very quick book to read because you really want to know what's going on and what's going to happen.
I loved Sarah as a character and I also loved the author's writing that makes the story fluid, interesting and quick to read, so I was even surprised to know that this is her first book.
The romance in the book is very cute and different than I was expecting but in a good way.
I admit I didn't like the open ending, but I think this is just the first book in a series (I hope so) so I can't wait to read the next books and have more answers about this very interesting story.

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I couldn’t find anything inherently wrong or problematic with this book. Marble’s treatment of women was fine, no obvious examples of abuse that were handled badly. I just didn’t really see the point in the book. It was an incredibly quick read – I was already 40% through the book before I realised nothing had really happened yet. The old adage of “show, don’t tell” seems to be lost on Marble because all she really did was tell us about the past lives.

The way Sarah introduced Luke I thought their relationship would be different: that they would keep meeting different versions of each other throughout her lives only to be ripped from each other until they managed to stay together. Maybe he had multiple lives like her, or that she would meet different versions of him until she was finally able him the truth of their relationship. But none of that happened. They fell in love in one of her many, many lives and then she died. What about all the other times she’d fallen in love? Or were we supposed to view this relationship differently because they were “soulmates”?

The ending was strange for me as well. After making a thing out of the fact that she never seemed to live past 23 suddenly she introduces the past life where she’d lived until 27? But nothing was really said about it. And she was ok with staying in Greece just after reuniting with Luke, despite the warning that probably suggests she’s going to die? Again. Plus the book just ended. She met Julian again, hugged him and that was it. Even after introducing a brand new mystery with the key, it just ended.

As I said at the beginning, I didn’t really see the point in the book. I was talking to a writing buddy of mine and made the point that I don’t know why the book exists. From what I could see it doesn’t really delve into any really important ideas around reincarnation or grief and death. It doesn’t even really go into any great detail about soulmates. It’s just chapter after chapter of Sarah telling us about her pasts lives and the moment she remembered the times before. It isn’t even a great romance – she says Luke is her soulmate but that’s about it. Is that why they found each other again 20 years later? And why 20; not 10 or 5?

This book might work for some people but it definitely did not work for me. Again, nothing terribly wrong with the book as a whole I just didn’t see the point.

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A Innovative, original and thought provoking read which delves in to the phenomena of past lives. The characters are likeable and easy to connect with. Well worth a read as it's a fresh new idea on the YA landscape.

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Very interesting premise for this book. I really like the idea. Unfortunately, the execution didn’t work for me. The book skimmed over some of the more interesting parts, while the focus felt like it was on her thinking and explaining about her past life instead of letting us live the experiences with her. I just couldn’t get into that stile - telling not showing.

I wasn’t able to finish this book as I was just skimming at the half way mark. I really do think the idea is unique and worth exploring. It was just a miss for me.

Thank you Netgally for the chance to review - the opinions are entirely my own.

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I was provided this book for an honest review.

I will be truthful this genre is not one that I usually read. But I was drawn to it by the cover and description.

I felt like the book was a little rushed at first and was wanting more time to really read more..but it was intriguing and kept me wanting more and faster. So I guess it worked out well lol. I enjoyed the aspect of repeated lives and how the author took a spin on it. And that cliffhanger!

I would enjoy to read the next book.

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Remarkable Debut. This is an intriguing take on the repeated lives/ reincarnation trope that takes a spin I hadn't seen before, and is thus all the more interesting. Great read and great back story that could indeed set the author up as long as she wants to take this, ultimately I had to dock it a star for two reasons: First, the pacing is a bit spotty - by the time you're into Chapter 3, you're already 20% into a book with 30 chapters or so. Second, the cliffhanger ending. While I would normally give an author a chance to see what the next book brings before docking due to splitting one story into two books via a cliffhanger, it was both of these factors in combination that led to the drop and not one or the other, which individually I likely could not have justified. Very much recommended.

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