Member Reviews

Sorry I could not finish this book in time. I will get a copy and try to read. Thank you for the opportunity.

Love this author - but, shock - not a middle school book. I really thank NetGalley for giving me the arc to read though, since I enjoyed it.

I avidly read the first five books in the "Dangerous Ground" series and loved Will and Taylor. But having read the other books quite a while back, I was at a loss regarding past cases and character quirks as I dove into "Blind Side" and would have liked a bit more of their history and background in this book just to bring readers up to date. Eventually, enough came back to me that I finished the book satisfied with the status of Will and Taylor's relationship.
Along the way, I grew extremely frustrated by Taylor's inability to realize that helping his needy ex-boyfriend Ashe was NOT a good move and the bomb it threw into the midst of their relationship seemed an easily avoidable situation ... but then again ...... Taylor and his ..... Reasons.
The ending, though, went a long way to making up for the unnecessary Ashe drama and I ended the book with fondness for Will and Taylor and their struggles along the way to finally, truly, ending up together. 4 stars.

I wish I could have read it some years ago- that was not possible of course: there are almost 6 years between the publication dates of the book #5 and the book #6.
My taste in books has been changed since then. I don't enjoy MM romance books as much as I did at the time of my discovery of the genre. I didn't remember all details but I remember pretty well that I didn't feel like I needed the sequel to the book #5. It is why the release of Blind Side came rather surprisingly. But I also remember that I liked the characters and I was curious about their next adventure.
It was a quick read with a definitive HEA -ending. Was it worth waiting for? Maybe, mostly for those readers who need a final line to be able to say "Good buy". I could have easily done without. Was it good? Hmm...As a mystery book probably not, but for romantic suspense it was good enough. And honestly, if I'd ever feel the longing for MM Romance mystery, I would most likely pick up a new Josh Lanyon's book...

I have always loved Will and Taylor and they are two characters that really stuck with me. There is always plenty of action, suspense and feelings in these books. These two are such guys sometimes and the fact that they still have trouble communicating is at times frustrating but also feels realistic to me. This books runs you through quite a bit of emotion for such a short book but wrapped up in a way that I loved. A fitting end to the series but I will definitely miss these guys and I'm sad to see this series end!

I found this book to be an unsatisfying mishmash of plot lines. Was it the mystery I was hoping for when I picked up the book, or M4M romance? It proved to be neither and both. The romance was weak with the main characters at each other constantly with high levels of distrust and lack of compassion. I can only hope that if I had read the previous books in the series that the ending would have made sense. From reading only this book in the series the ending did not ring true. The reader was lead toward one outcome and then the story went 180 degrees in the other direction. This was not the mystery part of the story. The mystery part, that I was hoping to read, was thin and very convoluted, not in a good way. It might have worked if there was not meat to the story and backstory. Again this might have been clearer if I had read the previous books. The book felt thrown together and incomplete, liked a bad dime store romance where the key was titillation with sex and a "they lived happily every after" ending. Overall disappointing and making me doubt I will read anything more by the author.

I'd give this a solid 4 stars.
What I liked:
~ the writing style -- I enjoy all Lanyon's books, and her understated style and gruff characters work for me.
~ the dual POV -- it was nice seeing this unfold from both perspectives, though their inability to really understand each other sometimes is ... interesting.
~ the mystery -- even though I clearly should've read the other 5 books in the series to know everything, I was able to catch up with much of it just through this book.
What wasn't as strong:
~ the lack of communication -- they really need to learn to talk to each other; both Will and Taylor like to keep their feelings to themselves, and it definitely leads to problems. In all honesty, most of the time this furthered the story in a way I didn't mind; it was only rarely that it annoyed me.
~ the overall plot -- although the mysterious elements were engaging, not a whole lot happened as far as the actual plot goes.
All in all, I enjoyed it, though I doubt I'll read any of the others in this series. I liked it but not as much as other Lanyon books.

A complimentary copy was provided in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley.
You should do a re-read before starting this final installment. I plan do this asap and enjoy back to back full immersion. 😁 The more I read the more came back, sort of, but I still enjoyed this!
Taylor and Will just landed a big contract which will help them pay back their debt. Buuut, Taylor's college boyfriend, Ashe, shows up asking for help. Will thinks there is something wrong with Ashe and the situation, and doesn't want to take the case. This causes tension between them that is important for the ending.
There is a lot going on here and non stop activity. The story dealing with Ashe makes up most of the book and there is definitely something hinky going on. [A squatter has taken up residence in Ashe's house and attempted to set fire to the house after being kicked out, and tried to run him off the road. All according to Ashe. Taylor senses something and when Ashe is "playing" with a gun and points it at Taylor! the alarm bells start going off. But he stays on the case. The ending! Whew! The Russian mob stuff seemed to come from nowhere. And what happens with Ashe at the end hurts both Taylor and Will and really puts their relationship in jeopardy. It was very hard to watch them suffer. Thankfully they got their head on straight and got married in Hawaii!!!! (hide spoiler)]
Reading my reviews for the other books I can say I enjoyed this one more and I think when I do my re-read my ratings for the others will go up.
This is a great conclusion to the series but also sad to say goodbye. I would really like to know how they do with the business changes. Overall an exciting read and I hope to get the audio one day.
4 stars

If you have liked the previous novellas in Dangerous Ground, you will like this one too. If you haven’t liked the previous ones, nothing about this recent release is going to change your mind.
I told myself I was not going to request this ARC, mainly because I have never liked the Dangerous Ground series. I have always thought the main characters were too goofy and too immature to be taken seriously as federal agents or whatever they were supposed to be. I remember when I read the first book, I thought I had missed a previous book because it just threw me into the action with no build-up, no background story, nothing. And my opinions didn’t improve as I read the rest of the series. I have always felt that Josh Lanyon phoned this one in. Bad plots, flat characters, and entire novellas that failed to further the development of either. This sixth installment isn’t any different. They still make bad decisions, they still jump to conclusions about what the other is thinking, and I still couldn’t muster any real care or concern for this one. This is one Lanyon series that I am not sorry to see come to an end.

I enjoyed this completion of the series. It's been so long since I read the other books in the series that I had forgotten a few details. Most everything came back though and I quickly fell in to pattern with these two. The mystery was interesting and I really enjoyed their hea. I'm glad the author provided this wrap up.
**ARC provided through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

I think I must have listened to the Dangerous Ground audiobooks narrated by Adrian Bisson more than any other and read them a few times too. What do I like so much about these stories? The romance ARC and the chemistry between Will and Taylor most of all. There’s a lovely scattering of steamy scenes between these guys. They are protective of each other and just gel, both at work and in their personal lives, despite their disagreements or differences. I like the compact and uncomplicated nature of these stories. They’re all told succinctly yet in enough depth. I love Josh’s writing style and the way she tells the stories through the characters’ words and actions. My heart ached for Taylor in Book 4 when he and Will spent time apart while he was stationed in Paris and the angst caused by the appearance of David Bradley, who stirred up trouble between them.
Why am I waxing lyrical about the previous five books? Because not only are they highly enjoyable reads but also an essential background to what happens in book six. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Blind Side, not only because it includes one of my favourite Josh Lanyon couples, but also because it refers back to events, issues and characters from the previous books. It also has a lovely dose of angst! My heart was in my throat at several points in this story. It stirs the emotions without unnecessary melodrama. The issues Will and Taylor face felt real and had a genuine cause. It’s not just about petty jealousy. These guys are, and have always been, protective of each other. I’m not going to rehash the plot. It’s not too complex and it serves as a vehicle for Will and Taylor to reassess their relationship and their future. I just wish the epilogue had been a little longer, with a final sizzling scene—but that’s me being greedy and not wanting to let go of these boys...men. Sighs…
I’m hoping...looking forward to the audio version (narrated by Adrian Bisson, please) to round off this super series.

Full disclosure - I’m a huge fan of Josh Lanyon’s work. Some of the first m/m romance and mystery novels I ever read were Lanyon’s Adrien English Mysteries and The Holmes & Moriarity Mysteries.
Lanyon’s novels never disappoint. Blind Side (Dangerous Ground 6) is no exception.
Blind Side features former Diplomatic Security Service agents and newly established security consultants Will Brandt and Taylor MacAllister who clearly have a history together. While that history is summarized throughout Blind Side, this novel is about murder, squatters’ rights, missing wills, and hearsay evidence. With so many twists and turns, nothing here is exactly as it seems.
Believing he is a murder target, Taylor’s first love, Ashe Dekker, asks for Taylor’s help and protection. One of my favorite lines in this book, though, was Taylor’s prophetic recollection that “Ashe and the truth enjoyed what one might call an open relationship.”
Ashe’s plea for help to Taylor, and Will’s past dalliance with Lt. Commander David Bradley who also features prominently in ‘Blind Side’, create the story’s tension and multiple misunderstandings between Taylor and Will.
Blind Side is the final book in the Dangerous Ground series. It can be read as a stand-alone novel, as I did. But because the protagonists have so much history together, I do wish I had read the series sequentially.
For that reason, the good news is that I now have five more Josh Lanyon novels to look forward to reading!
I received a review copy of ‘Blind Side’ from JustJoshin Publishing, Inc and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
#BlindSide #NetGalley

I did a reread of the entire series so I would be ready when this was released! The ending of this series was a long time coming and I'm so sad to see it go. I'm going to miss having new adventures with these characters.
Blind Side was a bit light on the action and adventure, and heavy on Will and Taylor's relationship. The men were still working through their issues, so miscommunications abound. However, I really liked that they acknowledged the problems they had been having and wanted to work through them. It would be unrealistic to expect everything to be resolved immediately, but there was no denying these two are in it for the long haul.
As if their personal problems weren't enough, Will and Taylor's work situation was not in a good place either. They were both unhappy, but trying to make the best of the situation that they found themselves in. Once again, it truly made me so happy when they finally discussed things like adults, rather than ignoring their problems.
The writing was excellent, as usual, and the ending left me satisfied. So overall, this was a great read, but I'm still not thrilled that the series is over. I'm sure I'll be giving this entire series another reread in the future.

This is the sixth and final book in the series of novellas known as the Dangerous Ground series. It ends with a HEA that really never looked, in all the books including this one, like it was was actually going to happen.
In preparation for this final book I went back and read the first five novellas to refresh my memory of the journey of these characters. From the outset I had trouble connecting with Will and Taylor because it appeared that they didn’t have a real connection with each other. At various points throughout the books it alternately appeared that they didn’t like each other, didn’t respect each other, didn’t trust each other. In this book it looked like they were heading for a major crash landing and I was trying to wrap my head around how this was considered a romance series.
Of course, because it is in the romance genre a happy ending is required. The characters get there eventually and actually appear to resolve some of the issues that have plagues them through these books. The story here is well designed to, within the frame of a new tale, bring up all the issues that have provided hurdles for them throughout the previous tales. The ultimate resolution makes the most sense and it’s kind of a duh moment that they didn’t come to some of these realizations earlier.
I have been mostly irritated with these two guys throughout the reading journey. But I have to say I guess that’s an indicator of good writing. I was invested enough that I was annoyed. I could have just given up after the first book or two but I had to keep going to see where the story was going and what was going to happen and if these two were ever going to get their heads out of their butts. This series almost has the flavor of an enemies to lovers story except they are lovers from pretty much the start dealing with all the annoyances with each other that would normally have them at odds and not in a relationship. Similarly, this could almost be classified as slow-burn since it takes so long for them to finally be on the same page, but the burn is there from the beginning, in fact they use it to mask other issues.
This book ties things up pretty well, though the basis for the story here, the underlying suspense, isn’t resolved. We are left to assume it all works out. I think Lanyon’s storytelling and character development has been much stronger in her other work but these novellas were entertaining (even if some of the entertainment came in the form of aggravation) and definitely worth reading.
*I voluntarily read an ARC and this is my objective review *

I've loved this series since the start and I was sad to hear this was the last book. It finished with all the style I've come to expect from the series though. I'll miss these boys, but I look forward to the next series by this author!

Will Brandt and Taylor MacAllister are back in this epic final installment. Just as they've finally landed the contract that will boost their global security business into the market they've been trying to reach, a lover from Taylor's past sends their celebration crashing. With stress piling up from every angle, their relationship is tested to its limits.
This was a phenomenal finish to this series. There was tension, a mystery, two good men misunderstanding each other and trying desperately to actually use their words. It was everything I've come to expect from Lanyon, and Will and Taylor in particular.

This is the sixth and final book in the Dangerous Ground series, which is a MM mystery/thriller. The characters are well developed and the pace was marvelous. This book completes the story with a great ending. I have really enjoyed this series and the final chapter was perfect.

4* A satisfying read, that seemed far more real than most MM tales I read these days.
So the title pretty much says it all - I liked that the guys felt real; had real feelings that weren't exaggerated or faux; that what angst there was had a foundation and was genuine; that they had actual, real problems that needed to be talked about because there was no easy fix, no mind reading, no 'let's fix it with sex'; and, that they were human, with faults and frailties, strengths and convictions, but when they had to say sorry, they manned up and said the words. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy a fluffy read sometimes, but there are times when I want my lead guys to be 'men's men' (and nope, this is nothing to do with toxic masculinity, simply to do with the feel/genre/setting of a tale) and to be organic and to deliver. Had these guys been fluffy types, it'd have stopped me from believing in them, their values, their convictions and they'd have been read-and-forget characters. I think I liked their flaws, their very human flaws, most of all but that they looked at themselves and weren't afraid to admit to mistakes and committing to doing better, even if the latter was left unsaid - it didn't need to be said.
I did think the tale was a little short and rushed, and the Ashe aspect at first seemed too twee, too convenient and a bit too much cat amongst the pigeons, but of course there was a twist in the tail, and in the tale, so yeah, a lot more than meets the eye. I liked how things got tied in to what's come before in these guys' lives, believably.
As I read back I realise that this is perhaps the most cliche review that I've left in a while, but it works, as did the tale. I've left the series seeing these guys as a couple that'll weather storms, as one that's bared their hearts and feelings and that has learned lessons and truths, and that they're going into their future solid and cemented. I kind of don't get the feeling that this is the end of them, because the way Josh Lanyon left things, they'll be onto the stuff they do best, and there might be an adventure or two left. Hopefully.
ARC courtesy of JustJoshin Publishing Inc. and NetGalley, for my reading pleasure.

I enjoyed this series and have both read and listened to the previous books. There was always a good mystery involved with the budding relationship between Taylor and Will. This last installment seemed out of sorts from its predecessors. I don’t know if it was because it took so long to get this final book but the story just didn’t flow with the others. I didn’t get Taylor’s reasoning to help his ex and by this time I thought there would be more communication and understanding between Taylor and Will. The mystery arc fell very short and was such a let down.
After the “mystery” part is solved the guys take a trip together and we get their happy ending. I enjoyed this part more than the rest of the book but there just wasn’t enough of it. I truly love Taylor and Will together and if there was more of them solving a mystery together instead of separately I think this would have been more satisfying. I’m sad to say goodbye to these characters but it seems as though the magic is lost for me in a way and it was a good time to end the series.

The last installment (sobbing to self) of our intrepid former DSS agents Will and Taylor. Please do yourself an immense favor and the read all of the books in order. This series has one of Josh's classic trademarks. You get to see the relationship between two men that are destined to be together evolve over years. Will and Taylor are not just well penned characters on a page but I felt they were a real couple I have known for quite a while.
This story-line is compelling and poignant. The men are finally working together again and trying to launch their newly founded business American Eagle, a security consultant firm. Work is coming in and their resources are greatly stretched. What should be an exciting though hectic time becomes complicated when a former boyfriend of Taylor searches him out with a plea for help. Dekker begs Taylor to assist him in removing squatters from his deceased mother's property. Will's instincts tells him something is wrong with this scenario and he is hurt and surprised that Taylor disregards his warnings.
Taylor is guilt ridden by their break up many years ago and when he left he told Dekker if he ever needed anything to just ask. Being a man of integrity he won't back down on his promise even when he starts to believe Will is on to something. Will and Taylor will face the ultimate test of their love's strength and resiliency. Trust me, they have been tested plenty in the past but not like this.
This book was an absolute pleasure to read with an extremely satisfying ending. Thank you Josh for creating such an amazing adventure and while I am sad to leave the boys, I will treasure their story always..