Member Reviews

While Lucy's sister gets happily married, Lucy draws the short straw. She is tasked with planning the wedding despite a hired yet useless wedding planner, her wedding date makes out with her cousin, and her family urges her to settle down (as in: get married herself). When her sister, who compulsively booked everything twice - the wedding venue, the reception location, the honeymoon - forgets to cancel the doubles Lucy decides to be spontaneous and spend the back-up honeymoon herself in London. There she meets two gorgeous guys and stumbles from on hilarious adventure to the next.

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Gah I loved this! It was so cute and fun. I loved the writing style and everything! I definitely want to see more from this author.

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After a disastrous wedding date, our heroine finds herself at a crossroads. Should she go on a big adventure or stay in the boundaries her family and her have set with her life. Ultimately, she takes the risk and we the reader are left to enjoy a stroll through the sights and sounds of London. We get to see it through her eyes and watch her fall for the hero. And anymore explanation on that and it will spoil things. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to any other books Nicole Macaulay writes.

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Honeymoon Alone is a cute, fun, easy read. I brought this book with me on a vacation and it was the perfect book to enjoy poolside. It’s predictable at times, but still enjoyable!

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Unfortunately, I was unable to read this ARC as it wouldn’t download to my kindle. I’ve never had problems with any other titles, so I’m not sure what is wrong.

The book has a cute premise, and hopefully I can read a copy at some point and give an accurate review.

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💗 Book Review 💗
Honeymoon Alone | Nicole Macaulay
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Synopsis: Just how reliable are psychics – specifically psychics hired by your sister for wedding entertainment?
When irrepressibly romantic Lucy Gray is ditched at said wedding by her date in front of her whole family, the promises of a psychic seem better than her pity-riddled reality.
The psychic’s advice seems insightful: stop ignoring fate’s signs – fate will lead you to love. But when “fate” leads Lucy to London, she finds herself tangled in a web of lies. In a story about finding independence and taking chances,
Lucy learns that leaving everything up to fate can be dangerous – and jeopardize her chances at happily ever after.
Review: Honeymoon Alone was such an enjoyable read! I got A PG version of Christina Lauren vibes with the kinda quirky fun loving main character, overbearing but loving family, and a great personal adventure to get to love. I really liked how her love interest wasn’t completely obvious from the beginning and it was just as much of a self discovery story as it was a romance. Overall it was a heart warming, fun read!
I’d totally recommend this book for any RomCom lovers or someone who wants a light hearted happy book! Thank you @netgalley for the great book! Happy Reading!

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A cute, fun little romance read. It was a bit predictable in my opinion, but that didn't take away from any of the enjoyment. If you're looking for something light and fun I definitely recommend it. I loved how family played a significant part in this book, which is something we don't see a lot of. Lucy was an enjoyable character to read about, and it was fun getting to follow her in her adventures around London and Paris.

Thank you Netgalley for providing me with a copy for review.

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I tried multiple times to download this book on my kindle and even went and disconnected my kindle from my amazon account but it still would not download properly. I did read a sample on amazon and was not as intrigued as I thought I would be. I would really like the opportunity to read this book but unfortunately was not able so I can not provide an accurate review. I know this is just with this book as every other book I have received I have had no problems with. Based on the sample from amazon I am giving this book 3 stars as it was not as intriguing as I had hoped it would be.

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After reading the reviews here on NetGalley I realized that my issue with not finding this book on my kindle wasn't a solitary one. Apparently this book has some technical issues and I ended up getting the Kindle Unlimited version instead.

For me this book was unremarkable, and needed some editing and more research into international traveling. Also, I was shocked that her date for the wedding, just hooked up with someone else. It's hard to believe any date would have been this callous, especially in front of the date's family. It felt a bit far fetched to me.

Moreover, this novel needed a bit more spice, not only the story but the writing too. It was just too sweet, too soft, too bland. I got bored pretty soon after starting the book.

As it happens so often, I got snared by the cute cover, until I discovered that the story couldn't match my expectations. On the other hand, this being a debut novel, the author shows promise. And I'm looking forward to what she comes up with next.

I'm not going to post this review on GR, since I wasn't able to download the book via NetGalley, and I don't usually post reviews below a 3 star rating.

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2.5 - 3 stars

The cover and title of Honeymoon Alone caught my attention and I was thrilled to get an advance copy for review. I liked Lucy and related to her in many ways; in the beginning, she was stuck waiting for her life to begin without realizing it. She’d become predictable to her family and friends and was largely at her family’s beck and call, living how they expected her to and doing things they expected of her. She rarely did things just for herself, and so her trip to London was just for her - her chance to be spontaneous and do something just for herself.

I liked Lucy and thought she was funny. I love London, so I enjoyed her adventures around the city, and her side trip to Paris, another favourite city of mine. I liked Cary and Oliver, although I wish they’d had a bit more depth. I enjoyed their interactions and the lighthearted banter between characters. times it felt like I was reading a draft. The writing could have been a lot tighter and there were quite a few mistakes. I know this was an ARC but the author thanked her editor in the acknowledgments, so I’m not sure if these things were fixed before the final draft. There were also countless little things that irritated me, especially in relation to the travel aspect. For example, when Lucy called home upon her arrival and dialed her best friend’s ‘familiar number’ - she wouldn’t have been able to do that because you need to put the country code in. And what about an international calling plan? The book was full of little things like that (which many readers might not catch if they haven’t traveled to Europe, but for me it interrupted the flow because I had a constant dialogue going in my head asking how things were possible or why she was doing something). Plus the way Lucy spent money like there was no tomorrow - on a teacher’s salary - and never mentioned how insanely expensive everything in London is. She finally clued in eventually about the exchange rate, but even without factoring that in, London is notoriously expensive. There were also a few little things like Lucy mentioning her ten-year reunion even though she’s only 26, and her saying a couple of times that she’d met Cary in ninth grade but then once referring to something that happened in second grade.

This book was cute and funny and I think many people will find it enjoyable. In fact, it has mostly four- and five-star reviews on Goodreads, so I’m clearly in the minority with the things that bothered me. I just couldn’t shut off my editor brain no matter how hard I tried, and that affected my overall enjoyment of the book.

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To NetGalley and the publisher, I’ve tried so many times to downloaded it to Kindle, the book still not delivered one-hundred percent completely. Since I’m curious and like to try read a romance book, so I chose download it from Amazon as a sample, which only provided 399 pages.

This book it’s cute, funny, heart-warming, romcom one. I love Lucy character in here, she’s kind and sweet, a third-grade teacher, though she have to face the reality that “why she’s not married or have a boyfriend yet”, doesn’t make her easily to feel depressed or devastated. Until the last page that I was able to read, I have a feeling Lucy is about to have a magical and exciting journey in London (I assumed this based on the cover and some parts of the book that stated the name of that country).

If I have a chance to read the full book, I’d be grateful to post more full review in the future

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I choose this book because of it’s feel-good vibe and selected the option to "read now" more than a week back and clicked "send to my Kindle" many times but it doesn’t appear there and I have also emailed Netgalley about this issue but no response yet.
Unfortunately cannot review this book.

P.s it’s not a kindle issue I have received other books after this incident without issues.
Would love to read and review this book if I actually receive it!

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For the record, Lucy Gray, I think Mama Mia would have been great too, If only they could have worked in Fernando.

Lucy Gray takes a chance. After taking advice from a psychic from her sisters wedding, she decides to go on her sisters backup honeymoon, alone. Did I mention it’s in another country, and the first stamp in her passport? She finds herself lying time after time to keep up with the charade to stay on her own honeymoon/holiday. Hilarity and suspicion ensues in this quirky romance.

I loved all the references to older shows and Lucy’s admiration for them: The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Dick Van Dyke, I Love Lucy, I Dream of Genie. It gave me a connection to Lucy, and understand she is a true romantic, longing for the feel good moments of life.

While most of the characters were predictable, that didn’t stop this from being a warm-hearted, cute “chick lit” book. It even had a little mystery/suspense! It was a short, but sweet read that left the ending wrapped in a bow. 3.5 stars for such a feel good book!

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When this title first started off I very much got Unhoneymooners vibes. Commandeered honeymoon from sibling, fact marriage trope… I’m here for it.
You follow Lucy who decides to take her sisters extra honeymoon trip to London as she forgot to cancel it and take a chance. Live a little outside her very safe straight and narrow life. From the time she gets there she meets up with Cary, someone that still keeps in touch with another member of the family but who was happy to show Lucy around a town he was familiar with. The relationship between these two was something I wish we saw more of in books. They has such a fun, sweet, platonic relationship between two straight people of opposite genders. There is some romance here, but not with who you might think. As it is an event later in the book I wont go into details. It does make it rather insta-lovey since we are dealing with a week time frame but I didn’t find I minded all that much with the way it was done. I rather liked the chemistry the pair had.
The romance was really not the focus of the story. It was much more about Lucy getting out of her shell and taking chances. You get a lot of talk about the various tourist locations she visits, some with nice descriptions, more popular ones are more glanced over.
The last 20 percent was a bit of a wham, bam, thank you ma’am ending. Predictable, easily wrapped up. Though I really loved the ending aftermath as it was very reminiscent of one of my favorite movies.
Overall this was a light, easy read with a hint of romance.

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I was provided this book for an honest review from netgalley and publishers.

This is such a cute,funny, feel good story. At first I was not sure I was going to like it but than I read the description and the cover made me change my mind.
I feel like even tho this is a romance book it Is more a womens journey to self discovery. She travels and made me want to as well.

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The story is told in first person for a reason as certain things must remain hidden from Lucy and her friend until the end. I figured those things out after a while but since the main emphasis of the story is on Lucy and how she changes, I was okay with her staying in the dark. The whole set-up of the plot, along with some of the details needed to keep all the balls in the air, requiresthe reader to just go with it. But then most rom-com movies induce some eye rolling and have some “Yeah, okay” moments, too.

To repeat – the majority of the story is about Lucy discovering new things and strengths about herself. I liked watching her spread her wings and decide that she was going to make this work and make the most of it. The friendship that she forges with her old school acquaintance is fun to watch and she doesn’t lose her agency as I’m used to seeing in these situations. She also fends off “the other” guy’s questions and intrusions into her life until their relationship begins to change. He was never utterly obnoxious (more like a bit annoying at first until Lucy began to take some control of the relationship) and slowly we can see his feelings changing for her. I also adored Lucy’s family’s blog.

There were a few things that made me think another editing pass would have been nice such as two uses of the word “ushering.” “Everyone seems to be closing shop early for the holidays, ushering down the streets to family and traditions.” “Everyone is ushering inside for reprieve from holiday madness and bitter chill.” Another reviewer pointed out that FAO Schwarz was misspelled.

Still I enjoyed Lucy’s joie de vivre and watching her break out of her rut and grab her chance to do what she wants. It is also nice that the humor in the book isn’t turned on Lucy as so often happens in chicklit. I would have liked to learn what she decided to do with her thoughts on how she wanted to change in her life going forward (besides permanently hooking up with The One). But for me to enjoy a trope I thought I was tired of says a lot. B-

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Lucy Gray comes from a big family and does exactly what she should do- all the time. She plans her sister Marian’s wedding- even when she had a wedding planner. And made two reservations of all the wedding plans so Marian could make last minute decisions. So when Marian forgets to cancel honeymoon #2 in London, Lucy decides its a sign for a change. ⁣
What Lucy doesn’t anticipate is the hunk that meets her at the airport or the hunk at the hotel. Or that the hotel is specifically reserved for couples only....⁣
Humor, romance and family hysterics all in one. ⁣

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I really enjoyed reading this book. It was clever, laugh out loud funny and sweet. I really enjoyed reading about Lucy's adventures and her quirky family.
I voluntarily reviewed this book after receiving a free copy. (less)

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