Member Reviews

Due to a glitch with the book file, I was unable to read this book. I regret that I am unable to give a further review.

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WOW!!!! Warning: this review will be different and lengthy than most of my reviews, because there is just so much to say about this novel.
<div>Comparisons: One of the first publishing houses I started to review for, when I came onto the scene, was <a href="" target="_blank">The Story Plant</a><em> </em>for a book<strong> </strong>entitled<em> <a href="" target="_blank">Crossing The Bridge</a></em> by Michael Baron.  From that moment on, I have become a fan of Michael Baron and have been introduced to many new authors, which are now on my "TBR authors" list.  Just recently, <em>The Story Plant</em> started a program called "Spread The Word Initiative", which I am a reviewing member of.  So when the call went out for this title, and the fact that this author was compared to Michael Baron, I HAD to read it.

And continuing along the path of comparisons, this book is beautifully written, but at times, was very hard for me to read because of the comparisons to my own life.  It triggered memories of my past, so much so that the plot was so engrossing, that it felt as Mr. Manchester was writing portions of my life.  The story is told through the eyes of Don DeMarco, a gentleman approximately my age, a family man and newly retired and looking forward to the next chapter of his life.

However, that chapter was rewritten in a blink of an eye and turned his world upside down.  He now had the choice as to how he was going to edit it and what path the story would take.  As I said, Mr. Manchester's writing style and narrative was wonderful.  So realistic, with the characters becoming your family.  The emotions unequivocally palpable.  The settings vivid, but I did have a certain edge, since it took place not far from where I live and encompassed certain areas and establishments that I am familiar with.  The composition flowed where it was hard to put down even though the reader knows the outcome.  Poignant!!

What would you do if you were told you had a year to live?  Not only is this novel an emotional read, you can't help but think of how and what you would do if faced with the same situation.  Thought provoking!  Not only if you were confronted as the main character was, but also those in his life, as a spouse, as a child and as a grandchild.  How a real life situation, written with such compassion as a fictional novel, impacting the reader to be put in all of those roles. Impeccable writing!!

<div>Mr. Manchester has written, a story that is so moving, heart wrenching and intense, that will bring tears to yours eyes, but able to weave humor into a serious plot, that will also make you cry from laughing.  A story that is sorrowful but also soothing.  An undeniable heart tugging read that you will not forget and leave you with a feeling of serenity.  An extraordinary read!!  Not only do I highly recommend this book but would absolutely state that it is a must read!!

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I see this is on my shelf from 2012, but I must have missed it. Sorry, I did not read or review it and my reading rights expired long ago. Thank you anyway for giving me the opportunity.

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