Member Reviews
I finally got it ! I have wanted to understand excel for years. This book was simple to use, easy to understand and so clearly written with screenshots for a visual. I couldn’t imagine and easier way to learn this. I have bought other books on excel over the years and found them difficult and abandoned them. I read this following the steps and didn’t finish it in 30 min but under two hours without any stressful confusion and ended with a new skill I understand. I would suggest this to anyone who is like me and suffers from Excel-aversion
Thank you to the publishers for a copy of this for an honest review
Recently choosing a job that involves building budgets (from writing to budgets. Why?!), I decided to 'refresh' my skills in Excel -- or develop more -- and having a basic book was very helpful. I'm still a fan of researching specific questions in seconds rather than read through a book on Excel (because of my retention capabilities), however I did find Excel Basics very helpful and I"m very glad to have this resource in my e-library.
I've been telling myself forever to learn Excel once and for all, so when I saw this book here on NetGalley, I thought I'd give it a read. Glad I did because it forced me to finally tackle the program. Lamont keeps it pretty basic which was good. Anything more and I would have been overwhelmed. He also discusses how to do things on Google Sheets and mobile apps, which is a nice plus for readers choosing those routes.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy.
"Excel Basics in 30 Minutes" really only gives the most basic of instructions which even the most casual user should already know.
An helpful and great resource if you use Excel.
It made me learn something new about this tool.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.
I use Excel for work, but I barely know enough to get by. This book goes into more details. It’s so helpful. It also touches on Google docs too. A great resource to have.