Member Reviews

I requested an ARC of this book because I enjoyed the author's other titles and was in the mood for something scary. I was not disappointed, as this was one of the most unnerving novels I have read this year! As a fan of the Netflix series "The Haunting of Hill House", I knew the premise of a haunted house that forced a family to run for their lives was right up my alley. The twists and turns in this book and the multiple layers of story captured my attention and created a depth to the novel I did not expect. I sympathized with Maggie, her childhood experiences, her family dynamics and her desire to renovate the "haunted house" for closure. The back story, told in flashback, gave just enough detail to create a feeling of dread, but also acknowledged doubts about if haunted houses are real. I am still traumatized by the snakes!

I recommend this book for readers who enjoyed the tone of the author's previous novels. The writing is suspenseful and features excellent character development. The ending is surprising and satisfying and leaves the reader feeling like the story is complete. I will defiantly request any new books by this author, as he is one of my new favorites!

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If you are a fan of Riley Sager's previous books, you will love this book. Home Before Dark is a thriller within a thriller and you will be solving the mystery of "The House of Horrors" right along with Maggie Holt. All her life she thought her parents were liars. She thought they fabricated the story of their short time at Baneberry Hall in order to allow her father's literary career to succeed. Upon her father's death years later Maggie returns to Baneberry Hall to try to find out the answers her parents refused to supply. Initially she steps into a real nest of snakes but slowly a clear portrait of her time there comes forward - and it is not at all what she expected. This book is a quick paced thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat, unsure what will happen next.

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You know that episode of Friends where we find out that Joey throws scary books in the freezer so they can't hurt him? That's the kind of scared that I was hoping Home Before Dark would make me. There's been so much hype around how scary this book is that I guess I forgot that thriller fans are more likely to be scared than horror fans.

It's not fair of me to judge this book based on early reviews, and really it is a very fine thriller. As with previous Riley Sager thrillers, I was disappointed to find I'd guessed the killer early in the book, and once again I was delighted to find that psych, gotcha, that wasn't actually the killer. I very much enjoyed the framing of the story with chapters alternating between the main character's POV and chapters from a book "written" by that character's late father. I don't understand the title at all, but we can't have everything.

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4.5 This scared the pants off me so I couldn't read it at night, but besides that, I couldn't put it down! This is the 3rd book I've read by Mr. Sager and he again does a fabulous job at creating a dark and gothic atmosphere. Alternating present day Maggie at Baneberry Hall with chapters of the book that Maggie's dad wrote about their experience there when Maggie was just a girl, the horror and tension start to build. As Maggie uncovers more and more secrets, she finds out the truth and the lies, but will it keep her alive? Red herrings abound and though it's not the most original ending, the reveal of what actually happened that last night at Baneberry Hall is surprising. Fans of The Haunting of Hill House will love this book.

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Once again Riley Sager has written another fantastic book. I absolutely loved all the suspense and guessing in the book. I don't usually do ghost stories but this one was like no other I've read. I had to keep a light on at night while reading but it literally spooked me. If you have loved Riley Sager's other books then you won't be disappointed in this one.

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Thank you to the publisher, author, and Netgalley for my opportunity to review early.

I've read all of Sager's books and this one is one of my most anticipated of 2020.

There were some things that I really liked:
- The book within a book aspect
- The cover that so related to the book
- The timeline

And some things that didn't work so well for me:
- Definitely a slow start
- I am just not a huge fan of books focused on the paranormal

But, overall, I was really pleased with this one. Sager is a great author and I'll be reading his next release for sure.

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This book is the reason I read - I loved it and couldn't put it down! Maggie inherits Baneberry Hall when her father dies and returns to fix it up so she can sell it. She lived in the house briefly as a child, and the family fled after some "occurrences", never to return. Maggie's father wrote a best-selling book about their experiences and Maggie is curious to know if any of the book is actually true, as she doesn't remember her time at the house. Creepy and suspenseful, the book alternates between Maggie's point of view and her father's and will have you trying to finish "just one more chapter." The story will give you goosebumps and have you questioning every creak you hear when you finally do try to go to sleep... 5 stars for an excellent creepy read! Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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It’s no secret that Riley Sager has become one of my favorite authors in the past few months. I was so lucky to receive a free copy of his new book Home Before Dark. This book did not disappoint! Part ghost story part murder mystery, this is definitely a must read for 2020. Without giving any spoilers, I must say that at one point I did wonder how the story would end but I felt Sager did a good job tying it all together for a great ending. Make sure you pre order this book if you haven’t already!!

Home Before Dark is out on June 30, 2020

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Riley Sager keeps delivering his A-Game!! This mystery-thriller-suspense novel delivers a story that doesn't allow us to trust either narrative. As Maggie Holt goes back to her childhood home, one that they had run out of in the middle of the night, she tries to uncover the truth behind her father's story of what happened. She believes his story is completely filled with lies. When his story starts to become real and her investigation leads to backing up his story, she doesn't know what to believe or who she can trust.

A face-paced and thrilling ghost story that makes the reader question their trust and wonder about truth.

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Thank you Netgalley for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review!!

WOWOWOWOWOOW. The past two Riley Sager books have just blown me away. I don’t often read mystery and thriller books because I always feel let down in the end. The plot twists not sneaky enough, the scenes not scary enough and the endings not satisfying enough, but holy moly is this book ever an exception to that.

I honestly never saw a single one of these plot twists coming, and let me tell you, there were a lot of them. The characters are morally grey and just as confused as the reader. I could tell who was lying, who was telling the truth and who was lurking around Baneberry Hall.

Riley Sager is becoming an auto buy author for me! I recommend this to everyone (especially if you’re a mystery/ thriller fan and enjoyed The Haunting of Hill House) ❤️

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It’s rare that a thriller truly keeps me guessing until the last chapter. Home Before Dark manages that feat, while also giving me the creeps the entire time. Once the book starts invading my dreams, that’s when I know it’s absolutely creepy, and a few days I woke up with scenes from Home Before Dark in my dreams. If you’re very easily spooked, this one may not be for you, but otherwise I highly recommend it.

I loved the format of the book- alternating between present day Maggie rediscovering a haunted house she lived in as a child, and her father’s book about the same house. I don’t think I’ve ever read a book within a book, but it completely worked for this storyline.

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Thank you so much to net galley for sending me a copy of this book. After reading my fourth book by this author my favorite is still his first, final girls. I loved the atmosphere of this book!

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Home Before Dark is my second Riley Sager book. This one is told in a past/present format following Maggie Holt as she returns to the house that her family fled 25 years prior and then excerpts of her father’s best-selling novel based on what made them flee. Maggie is determined to find out if her father was just lying or if there was a resemblance to truth about their time at Baneberry Hall

I really liked the creepy ghost/Hill House vibes this one gave off. I was hooked and wanted to know what was truly happening. At times I was a little too freaked out to read it late at night! Yes, I’m a scaredy-cat. Out June 30th! 4/5⭐️

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Thank you Dutton books and NetGalley for this book!

I honestly didn’t know if I would be able to finish this book. I started it and was immediately creeped out. Then, my husband had to leave for work and I almost had to put it away and pick up something lighter because I started jumping at every sound in the house at night. It is a legit spooky story.

The character development was on point. Maggie is the perfect heroine. The fact that she even went back to the house, shows her strength. I loved how characters from her past still made their way back into her present in some way.

I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone who loves a good scare. This definitely has a legit creep factor that will make you question every bump in the night for a couple days. Once again, Riley Sager doesn’t disappoint!

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Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

There is SO much anticipation for this book.

Like seriously. So. Much.

So. I’m gonna have a hard time trying to explain this one.

I liked this one. I didn’t hate it.


I feel like with the anticipation, I built up this book SO much. So I was, obviously, expecting AMAZINGNESS.

I kind of thought this was gonna be more of a horror spooky book. I didn’t know the synopsis and when I started reading I got those spooky horror vibes.

And then the end came and I was like. Oh, okay. Not so spooky horror?

But the built up to the end was so good!

And I wasn’t expecting the ending.

It was definitely good. And something I do plan on buying. But if you read this. Please adjust your expectations so you don’t think it’s gonna be the most amazing thing.

It’s definitely very good.

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This is the best Sager novel to date. What a riveting take that has it all. A ghost story and intrigue all in one, and the ending is a total pinch to the gut. It’s a triumphant thriller and deserves to be a definite summer hit, not to mention, would make a great movie. I loved it!!

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Sooo good! Hooked from the beginning!

25 years ago Ewan and Jess Holt along with their 5 year old daughter Maggie lived in Baneberry Hall, an old Victorian “haunted” house in a small town of Vermont. The family only lived there for 20 days and left suddenly, leaving everything behind. Afterwards, Ewan wrote a bestselling book about their experiences called The House of Horrors.

Maggie remembers nothing from that time, and decade’s later returns to Baneberry Hall to renovate and sell. She begins to experience the strange occurrences her father mentioned in the book, and wonders if he was telling the truth after all these years.

A book within a book- each chapter alternates between Ewan’s bestseller and Maggie current day. This story is fast paced, just when you think it’s over another twist comes. A mix between horror, mystery, ghost stories, and true crime. Reminiscent of Amityville Horror, The Shining, and Supernatural- recommended for those who like Stephen King.

4.5 Stars! Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for sending me an ARC.

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All I have to say is: welcome BACK, Riley Sager! After that abysmal title he released last year that I barely made it through, I was worried he had peaked with his first two titles...but then this one comes along and renews my faith in him! Fast-paced, intriguing, creepy, and a whole lot of fun, this book has something for everyone.

This one has heavy shades of "The Amityville Horror", but...all of his books are homages to other movies/genres, so, you forgive it. What I really liked is...although many things are fairly predictable...he still makes the journey getting there unique...and then turns it on its head. There's almost a little too much happening towards the end, in a "this wait, THIS happened...but wait...THIS happened too!!!!" way...but it doesn't detract from the overall experience.

And again, after the last book, this was more than welcome in whatever form he gave it to us. I'll definitely recommend this one.

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I have enjoyed reading Riley Sager's books every year and it always marks the beginning of summer for me. While I did enjoy Home Before Dark it was however not my favourite of his books.

This book is all centered around a house, Baneberry Hall, where Megan spent just under a month of her life when she was five. She doesn't remember any of it herself, but rather everything she knows is from the very popular book her father wrote about the time and the haunted house they lived in.

Megan knows her father is a liar, and when he passes away and she gets the house she decided to renovate and sell the house, but also get answers to what really happened 25 years ago.

This book is told in back and forth chapters between Megan's POV and her father's book and I found myself really only enjoying the present day and not really caring about what the old book was about. I did really enjoy the mystery surrounding the house and the twists and turns that the book took as Megan tried to find out the truth.

While this isn't Sager's best book, I did enjoy reading it.

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Wow. I've read all of Sager's books, and I think this is his best. What a ride! Gothic, twisty fun that doesn't let up until the last page has been turned. I've always been a little obsessed with the Amityville story and all of the speculation surrounding it, and Riley Sager does a phenomenal job of weaving a hint of those questions into the dual narratives in the book, while at the same time making this a fresh and inventive story all its own. 5 stars.

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