Member Reviews

Wow what a start to the Goddess Isles series!
I went into this story completely blind. I think that's always the best way with Pepper, as you can then just escape with her amazing words and stories.
I knew that there was some links to The Monsters in the Dark series and Indebted series (we see a little of Tess and Jethro is mentioned).
Captured abruptly while on holiday and held at the same time as Tess, Eleanor faces a new Master in that of Sully Sinclair. Sent to a tropical paradise, it is here she learns what her fate will be. What can I tell you about Sully, well....what an intriguing, alluring and extremely sexy character he is. He just blew me away. You just know he has many hidden desires and what is his background I wonder.
The push and pull between Sully and Eleanor is absolutely captivating. Their hate and desire for one another was downright erotic
"This one moved like she had a crown upon her head. A crown made of dignity and diamonds, heavy on her brow but invaluable to her sense of worth."
The chemistry between them was off the charts despite them both fighting their feelings for one another. As this is only book one, were only at the very start to their journey, but I just know that this series will definitely be on the same level as Monsters in the Dark and Indebted series.
Pepper the Queen of Dark is definitely back. I can't wait to see where she takes us!
5 Euphoric stars!
*Kindly received an Arc for honest review from Next Step PR*

Long time fan of Pepper Winters (since I read the Indebted series a hundred years ago), and with each book she releases, I eagerly devour as soon as it hits my e-reader and I'm left all jittery until the next book. And while I've enjoyed her changing things up in what she writes, she'll always be one of my favorite dark romance authors, and this book brought me right back into the fold and I couldn't get enough! Granted, the topic isn't anything remotely romantic, but the way Ms. Winters writes brings about realism about what the victims experience, as well as those who do the trafficking/buying. While what Eleanor experiences is a nightmare that doesn't end, it could actually be worse than where she eventually ends up. I liked her character though; she was smart enough to immediately grasp the brevity of her situation, and I was surprised to see her interacting with a character from a previous series. As for Sully, his name fits perfectly as you'll no doubt feel sullied when it comes to him; yet you might find yourself inexplicably drawn to and revolted by him at the same time. Can't wait to see how this will play out over the course of the series.

Most of you know how much I love this author's dark romance stories but even so I always have to wait and see after I read it to really know how I feel about her latest new book like with any other. Luckily I ended up loving Once a Myth. And actually I didn't have any doubt that I would do anything less than enjoy it.
When Pepper Winters publishes a new series like this with one book a month to be released, the first book is often a prelude to what will come in the rest of the series and Once a Myth was very much the same. This wasn't a bad thing, of course, because I enjoyed getting to know Eleanor and Sullivan.
The story starts with Eleanor being traficked when she is in Mexico and Sully ends up buying her and letting her be brought to his island of goddesses. I know this is incredibly vague but that's all I'm going to say because I don't want to give too much away and really it's a book you just have to read for yourself to grasp it.
These two characters were, to say the least, intense. There was a real intensity about them together as well as seperately. Eleanor surprised me with her spunk and wanting to fight for her life. Sully definitely beats any other male character that the author has created. Yes he buys girls so he can employ them on his sex island and give the guests their ultimate fantasies so he's definitely not a hero and I don't think he'll ever be but that's part of what makes him so mysterious and wicked. I can't wait to see what's in store for them in the next installment. I'm sure there's much more wickedness to come.
Once a Myth by Pepper Winters will be unlike anything you've ever read. Sinful and dark, absolutely not for the faint of heart. It's dark romance at its, well... darkest. And I know this is just the beginning so I say bring it on!

I've been trying to wrap my mind around what to actually write as my review but I'm still not coming up with the right words. Anyone who has ever read Pepper knows that she is the queen of dark and this book is just the beginning of something so out of the box that I know it's going to blow us completely out of our minds when we finish the entire series. Once I started reading this book I was hooked word for word and couldn't put it down. Eleanor was the epitome of strength and grace through everything she had suffered through so far. But of course when we are put in a situation we could never imagine we don't know how we will react. Sully has built his world around making men's fantasies a reality but will this one woman be his ruin? Now if you do not like dark books you need to stay away from this one but if like me and there is just something that pulls you in to the dark and twisted. Then Pepper Winters is your girl and this book is just the beginning of I believe one of the best series of a dark and twisted tale of 2020. And yes I'm predicting that after just reading book 1. That's how invested I was in this book!!! A must one- click book for sure and I'm impatiently waiting on book 2!!!

Pepper Winters’ dark romance series, Indebted, owned me in a way that a series of that many books never has…and while Jethro and Nila’s story was by no means an easy read, the way that Winters crafted the world and created such multifaceted characters who could not be solely defined by their words and their actions showed me that there was no such thing as good guys and bad guys…that there was a gray area where many resided, indicating that no one is unequivocally corrupt or innocent, cruel or compassionate, right or wrong. So, with that idea in mind, I ventured into book one of Winters’ newest series, Goddess Isles, ready to fall down the rabbit hole, once again, prepared to take this new journey with my eyes wide open and my mind focused on the idea that there is more to the characters than what readers are privy to and that the only way we’ll get answers is if we follow Winters’ various plot lines and hold all judgments until the final book is read.
Like most first books in a series, there are a number of components that need to be expounded on, setting up the basic story by introducing the central conflict and the players involved, which is why Once a Myth begins with Eleanor Grace’s abduction and the path she takes to arrive on Sullivan Sinclair’s isle of pleasure. That journey is abysmal and it’s strewn with the non-stop tears, the overwhelming emotions, and gut-wrenching fear that these kidnapped women must deal with while they’re sold to the highest bidder.
For much of book one, Eleanor locks down her emotions and works to stay in control of her reactions, refusing to give her captors the upper hand when it comes to what they take from her, but while she remains steadfast until she arrives at her final destination, once there, she succumbs to the dynamics of the situation, which is only further exacerbated by what she’s given as she becomes Goddess Jinx.
Sinclair is quite the contrary man and entrepreneur; the service that he provides is immoral, illegal, and unequivocally reprehensible, but he doesn’t see it that way, and it’s those beliefs that should make readers despise him, make them not want a single positive thing to happen to him or the men who visit his isle and his ‘kept’ women. Sullivan is truly a man of many tastes and talents, and I feel like Winters has only scratched the surface of who this guy is, why he does what he does, and why his new ‘goddess’ has cast her own spell on him, even though he’s supposed to always have the upper hand. It will be interesting as the series continues just how many details readers learn about his past and the reasons for the creation of this secluded paradise.
There’s still so much to unravel in this story line, and I know that with each revelation and each explanation, more questions are likely to come, which means that the answers to those will not be fully revealed until Winters and her characters want them to be, which is the perfect way for the author to keep readers on their toes, ensuring that they pick up the small clues that she provides along the way, with the understanding that nothing is to be taken at face value and both looks and behaviors can be deceiving.
Bring on book two!
4.5 Poison Apples

Holy smokes this book was unbelievable! It is dark, it is gripping and I was completely hooked from the beginning and could not put it down. What Eleanor goes through is mind-boggling. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Where she ends up is crazy and not what anyone would want, yet there is something mystical about the place she lands. Sullivan Sinclair, you hate him, yet you yearn for him. You want to discover him, you want to understand what makes him tick. How can he do what he does? What has made him this way? You'll get none of your answers in this book. What you will get is a highly addicting read that will leave you with an unrelenting need to read the next book immediately to find out what happens next. The ending will have you pulling your hair until Twice A Wish comes out, outstanding read!

Wow seriously wow. This was an amazing read. I’m speechless. This author has blown my mind with these amazing characters Eleanor and Sullivan. This was unputdownable. From start to finish I was under the authors spell. I’m so looking forward to more of this series.

Intoxicating and succulent start to, what will definitely be a passionately addictive story. The first book has set the stage for some heavy breathing, pulse pounding tale of roiling emotions which are her trademark. Topped with in-depth look at a bigger motive to make the world a better place, this series is sure to be a Runaway hit
Pepper has always been unconventional in her tropes, her hard hitting stories embed the heart and linger forever. Her heroes are omnipotent, supremely intelligent and above all, Nobel in their covert missions. Q & Jethro occupy a special place in my heart and now comes Sully Sinclair.(I love the unique names Pepper comes up with!!)
This book takes us to a pristine, idyllic paradise, apparently in Indonesian archipelago.
"A view wasn’t just a view here. It didn’t just complete a backdrop for life to exist; it demanded your full attention. It swallowed you up with all five senses, engulfing you with bird song, gentle breezes, and vibrancy. I felt the soft hish-hish of the sea upon the sand. "
Heavenly setting, peaceful surroundings are a virtual prison where Eleanor Grace is abducted & transplanted to, to serve fantasy driven island club for rich & powerful men looking for discretion.
“Goodbye, Eleanor Grace. Graceful to the end and elegant to a fault. Mr. Sinclair will enjoy destroying you.”
She's regal in demeanor, strong and sharp, which presents a challenge for Sully. He's used to having women fall at his feet and obey unquestionably. Eleanor/Jinx refuses and pushes back with equal force, if not more so and the polar opposite poles attract magnetically. Their fingers are burning to touch, skins enflamed with lust and bodies moving by their own Accord like puzzle pieces dying to click.
"Raw and untouched, she bristled with injustice and courage. She could be Artemis’s reincarnation or perhaps Aphrodite’s twin. She didn’t need to be turned into a goddess, she was one."
Thus starts his obsession with bringing Jinx to her heel and the ensuing battle of words and wills forms the basis of the story.
It rises more above the mutual attraction, which undeniably is in full force, it's more of conquering of minds that has them locking horns and none are willing to stumble or retreat
His to imprison; hers to escape!!
"I’d nursed my hate like a glowing ember, feeding it twigs of injustice to stay aflame, tossing a few dried leaves of righteousness for fuel. But this man? This man threatened to turn that flickering coal into a furnace."
Sully has several tricks up his sleeve to bend the rigid spine and unyielding bodies of these trafficked women and soon they fall and write at his feet, pliant and yearning to be used. His physical beauty coupled with dynamic brain makes him a dangerous opponent and ruthless ruler
The story is breathtakingly beautiful. Pepper has changed her prose style in the last couple of books, I've noticed. Instead of lengthy monologues and inner turmoil, the plot is more dialogues driven, which makes it a very slick and interactive. The pace is so smooth and fast, the book went by super fast from start to finish. I could touch and feel the zinging chemistry between Sully & Jinx.
First scene on and you could feel the threatening sexual attraction promising fireworks not far away.
This being the first book in the series, I was hooked, lined and sinkered
5 stars for Pika the Pet

As with every book I have read by this author I couldn’t put the book down. The story line of a strong willed young woman being taken and sold is already a captivating read, but the book goes deeper by taking us into a whole new hidden world.
Eleanor is forced into this world and has no way to go but forward in Sully’s world that he rules. The dark and twisted rule the night in this story about the chance for every fantasy to become a reality for the right price.
Definitely can’t wait to see what happens in the next book.

Blown away! Bloody hell this was compelling and exceptional!
There isn't enough words to describe how much I loved and enjoyed this book ... it's not a cute love story it's really Dark and disturbing on so many levels BUT this book sucked me in from chapter one.
I wanted to hate Sullivan Sinclair with my every being, but I couldn't…
WARNING- The story grabs you in more ways than one.
Brilliantly written, flowing, developed characters, lessons galore.
The author left me hanging for what happens next!
*Arc provided for an honest review

When I hear the words: Pepper Winters is releasing a new book... I am sold! No matter what kind of book funk I'm in, her words wrap around me and pull me into a different world. I am sucked into her creation and everything else ceases to exist.
The characters are amazing. Eleanor Grace lives up to her name. She is full of grace, dignity and displays immense strength and poise throughout her ordeal. You can't help but be in awe of her. She is like a goddess of ancient times and refuses to bow to anyone. I absolutely love her. Her fierceness and resolve is amazing. She is reserved until she is pushed too far.
Now Sully Sinclair... oh boy... I want to hate him... I do but there's just something about him that makes want to cave and give in to him. The man is pure decadence. Sin wrapped in a delicious package. He is deceptively calm but you don't want to anger him or else you'll unleash a beast. Now would that be such a bad thing? ;)
Now when I got to the end of the book... I mean I was flabbergasted. I wasn't sure what I just read. It's dark and dirty and wrong and yet oh so good. Nothing and no one is ever just black and white, good or bad. If I could give it more than five stars, I would. It was amazing! I am so excited for the next book. The countdown has already begun!

This Book! This Book! I’m in a state of breathless euphoria with this book! As one of my very favorite authors Pepper Winters never fails to disappoint me. She’s done it once again, drew me in from the get go with this alluringly powerful, gritty and dark, heart grabbing and mythical read!
There’s a mystical tropical setting, an enigmatic mysterious fantasy master, a strong and feisty goddess of a heroine, fiery interactions, unexpected emotions and an ending that left me gasping for what’s to come! I can’t wait for Twice a Wish, book two in this five part series, to see what happens next!
Thank you to The Next Step PR and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review.

Once a Myth is a wild freaking ride. It’s disturbing and sexy and such a mindfuck. I can’t help but be captivated by the characters. Sully is an asshole but there’s something about him... only time will tell. Eleanor is feisty and her plight is breaking my heart. I can’t wait to see what happens next in this insane series!

4,5 “What has Pepper turned me into” stars
“There was something...something ruthless and savage about him. Something instinctual that sensed predator from prey and firmly put him in the category of dangerous. But beneath that savage suaveness, something smoothed the merciless edges, granting a strange kind of enigma. Cold and hot. Immune and unprotected. He wasn’t as invincible as he appeared.”
Ladies and gents, fasten your seatbelt and invest in lots of spare pairs of panties!
As there are major twists and turns in this story AND I promised to write a spoiler free review, I will stay relatively vague about the plot. But I will delve deeper into the feelings and thoughts I got from this story!
The plot in a nutshell is a story of abduction. A woman, Eleanor, will be abducted right under the nose of her boyfriend by slave traffickers and sold to Sullivan. As the synopsis states, Sullivan owns an isle populated by women he bought and remade into sexual slaves: his goddesses. Not for his own pleasure but for that of guests.
Insanely rich and paying guests.
But there is a twist as he sells more than “just” girls. I won’t explain here but Pepper added a special layer with scientific developments. Something that I didn’t know if it made the women’s fate better …or worse.
Because everything is a question of perspective!
Let’s be clear here: I, of course, know that it’s morally wrong to kidnap women to keep them as sexual slaves! But sometimes, their fate on the island seemed not as bad as you could think.
And that’s what Pepper Winters did here: turning something that is inherently wrong, appalling to its core into a story layered with nuances. You will question your own morals. You will wonder why you keep reading and just not shut the book and shout everywhere that it’s disgusting! In fact, you will be trapped. Ensnared in that story the same way the paradisiac island lulled people into a false sense of paradise.
From the start I rooted for Eleanor. She was brave, determined and very, very in control. She had her emotion on a tight leash, trying to be smart and find a way to escape her captivity. But she was far from unfeeling. Quite the opposite in fact. When you push your feelings down and down and down …one moment or another they will erupt like lava from a volcano!
And of course, there will be consequences …
Sullivan …should be hated and despised.
After all, he has more than grey morale for what he is doing to these women. In a sick and twisted way, he even considers that he is being benevolent and helping them. Yet he worships animal life. Sully is a paradox. The surface has barely been scratched here and I just feel deep in my guts that there is much more to know about him that will explain all his complex personality.
He also is in total control, repressing a savagery that you have rarely read about! By the end of book one, I won’t say that I love him but certainly that I am intrigued by his enigmatic personality. He is one of the bests anto heroes that I have read so far!
Eleanor and Sullivan will clash in epic proportion and be warned that you’ll have very brutal scenes. If you can’t stand stories with sexual slavery, abuse and more, please pass your way you won’t like this!!!
But for all the brutality, the sex scenes, the abuse, the “amoral” characters, Pepper succeeded in writing a story where nothing is black or white, but in all shades of grey with a permanent stress and off the charts sexual tension.
I dare say that Tears of Tess, one of my favorites from Pepper Winters, feels nearly like child play compared to Goddess Isles’s series.
Once a Myth is not for the faint of hearts and has huge triggers. It's a twisted, complex and so potent story that you won't be able to stop reading. #iamaddicted
And of course, we are left on a huge cliffy so now I need the sequel!

Reviewed for A Wanton Book Lover Blog
Once A Myth is book 1 of 5 books in the Goddess Isles series. Pepper goes back to her dark romance roots in an intense, roller-coaster ride of emotions in her explosive new series. Eleanor Grace finds herself ripped from her boyfriend and on journey that no person wants to find themselves in. Then she meets Sullivan Sinclair or Sully, the proprietor of a beautiful island filled who can make all your fantasies come true with the perfect gorgeous woman. This is where Eleanor, now Jinx, finds herself living and working but only if Sully can fight his own pull to her.
Once A Myth is a suspenseful, unique story. I didn't know whether to fall in love with Sully or hate him on principle. Eleanor is a strong, female who isn't afraid to stand-up to Sully and tell him exactly what she thinks of him and his island. The pull between these two characters is explosive to say the least. March can not come quick enough for me to read what Sully has in-store for Eleanor next.
Pepper has again singled herself out as the Queen of Darkness and Suspense. She is amazing.

4.5 stars--ONCE A MYTH is the first instalment in Pepper Winters’ contemporary, adult GODDESS ISLES dark, romance series focusing on billionaire Sullivan Sinclair, and his captive Eleanor ‘Jinx’ Grace. The GODDESS ISLES series is set in the same world as the author’s MONSTERS IN THE DARK. Tess Snow makes a cameo appearance.
WARNING: Due to the nature and dark content of the story line premise, there may be some triggers for more sensitive readers.
Told from dual first person perspectives (Eleanor and Sullivan) ONCE A MYTH focuses on the sex trafficking of female slaves. At twenty-one years old, Eleanor Grace was kidnapped, violated and drugged on her way to becoming a sexual slave. A prisoner in a gilded cage, Eleanor, along with several other girls, are either the willing sexual partner in a fantasy island paradise, or find themselves forced into a lifetime of suffering and pain. Purchased by billionaire Sullivan Sinclair, Eleanor is defiant to the end but a defiance that will come with price. Four years a slave, Eleanor is about to discover that all is not well on the island paradise or with the man who is now controls every aspect of her life.
ONCE A MYTH is a dark, raw and gritty story line as only Pepper Winters’ is able to write. An emotional, heart breaking and staggering story of one woman’s life as it slowly spirals out of control, a life that is no longer hers to command. Strong willed and energetic, stubborn and challenging, Eleanor’s insubordination makes her the perfect foil for any number of men willing to pay the price but it is Sullvan Sinclair who may pay the biggest price of all.
Pepper Winters pulls the reader into a thought-provoking story line of sexual slavery, power and control; of abuse and assault; of loss of freedom with no way out. ONCE A MYTH is a tragic, powerful and ill-fated story line.
THE READING CAFÉ: http://www.thereadingcafe.com/once-a-myth-goddess-isles-1-by-pepper-winters-review-tour/
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2963652710
AMAZON.COM: https://www.amazon.com/review/R28RS9XY9ZB71/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B08544ZQT6
BOOKBUB: https://www.bookbub.com/reviews/769331770
B&N (Sandy_thereadingcafe) posted
Ibooks (Sandy sch) posted

There was a girl once...
A dark romance as Pepper taught us in previous works.
Loved to read about familiar characters. Once a Myth goes beyond intriguing with all the love and hate relationship.
It’s not easy to read and brings all the wrongs to the surface.
The way the story unfolds makes you feel as if you are living it.
Angst is strong in this one. Very curious about the next.

Wow Omg what did I just read that blew me away. This is book one in the series and Pepper Winters didn't disappoint her readers. The twist and turns kept you on the edge of your seat and turning the page's to see what happens next. I can't tell you what a brilliant book this was and it is only the start. Pepper Winters is an incredible author and amazing writer and she takes you on a journey that you don't want to get off until the end. I definitely recommend you read this book and others by Pepper because you will definitely not be disappointed as her books are well worth reading. Five stars are definitely not enough for this masterpiece and I can't wait to read the next book.

An epic journey of pain, tragedy, passion & the will not to lose oneself!
Once A Myth is one of those utterly fascinating stories that will have you hooked from the first page to the last. An unputdownable, emotional roller coaster and marvelous storytelling that is twisted, gripping, suspenseful, and so vividly illustrated, that kept me cursing, screaming, and crying. Believe me, this dark romantic suspense took me on a wild emotional ride that had my blood burning through my veins.
You need to read this book and experience it for yourselves to see what I'm talking about. So, if you're looking for a fast-paced, twisty page-turner that will keep you on the edge of your seat, this is the book for you.
This book is freaking addictive and can't wait for my next fixed, when book 2 finally lands on my hands. OMG, please hurry up Ms. Pepper Winters!!

Wow! This is not my first book by Pepper Winters in fact I’ve read EVERYTHING that she has published and I’m a hardcore fan of hers and THIS BOOK is no different I LOVED this dark raw gritty twisted story and new I would fall in love with the characters because that’s what she does , she writes the darkest most twisted characters and has you falling in love with them before the book is over !
The chemistry between Sully and Eleanor is off the charts ! The push and pull between these two is so intense! There attraction to each other is definitely palpable and intoxicating and this couple just might be my favorite to date .
I was also glad to see Tess and hear about Jethro in this story I like how these characters are all connected in this world somehow and how she brought them back to life in this story or remind us that they are still thriving and connected one way or another!
All’s I’m going to say is if you are a fan of Peppers or if you like dark twisted all consuming stories than this is the story for you ! This story is a fascinating, disturbing, intriguing and thought provoking read and I can’t wait to see more from this AMAZING series! Definite 5 dark stars from me !
*** I voluntarily reviewed an advanced complimentary copy of this book ***