Member Reviews

Quirky Samantha, the librarian at a private Galveston school has her job cut out when a new principal is hired. I loved the support the teachers have each other after their beloved principal passed away. Sam has some great ideas for her library and truly a compassionate person. The struggle both Sam and Duncan were going through was understandable. Loved Clay and his desire for knowledge. The quest for joy is a commendable theme.

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Though this might not be my favorite Katherine Center book, it still was a pleasant read. It has some good messages that resonate during a contentious time. Life never is predictable and often filled with turmoil, so it is imperative to find joy wherever you can. There are several extremely important issues this book covers that are heart wrenching, yet relatable. Her two main characters are quirky, but likeable.

I will continue to recommend Katherine Center books as she always shares an essential life lesson and a feeling of hope in her stories. We should all “choose joy”.

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This is a light fun read, perfect for the beach or a rainy weekend set inside. I loved the families and children on Galveston in this novel. Of course, the school and (most of ) its leadership are straight out of a fantasy island, not reality. The eccentric librarian and the asperger kids are somewhat stereotypical, but that does not diminish the engaging quality of this entertaining read.

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I kind of can’t help but devour Center’s books. What You Wish For is no different. In this book you get the story from Sam’s point a view. A woman who loves and feels big. She bright, colorful, faithful but also self doubting. She is a librarian and most of the story revolves around the people who make up the school environment. I loved the place so much, I want to go to school there. We meet Duncan, the new Principal, who is in constant conflict with others and himself. But through out the story, you the reader, care about everyone. You can’t help it. That is the magic of Center. The stories don’t have to be big, you just become so invested almost immediately you have to devour the story. I smile while I read. I want to cry when characters struggle but also when they succeed. That is the power of good story telling.

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Oh my goodness another awesome read from Katherine Center. I absolutely LOVE her writing style the story just flows along so well. Never a lull and always a quick read. I loved all of these characters so much and really enjoyed the fun and fanciful part of this story. It was much needed at a time like this. So thankful to have been given an ARC of this from NetGalley. I can't wait for more by this author I highly recommend this read!

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Duncan and Samantha makes this delightful story come alive. Samantha loves the school she works at and is dismayed over losing their beloved principal. When Duncan takes over she is overjoyed until he starts changing the dynamics of the school for safety sake creating chaos by both staff and students. Samantha takes a stand for her colleagues and students. I am a librarian and understand how Samantha feels and being on the side of children is never a bad idea! I voluntarily agreed to receive an ARC of this book for an honest review.

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I have never read this authors book till now. I loved the story. I want to recommend this to others to read.

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“What You Wish For” by Katherine Center is a very well written book about being accepted for who we are and living life with joy. “What You Wish For” had me hooked right from the first page and I did not want to put it down. This book was the perfect read for the times we are living in. Such a positive book with a little bit of romance. I read this book in one sitting and could not turn the pages fast enough. This is my second book that I have read by Katherine Center and now I have an insatiable craving for more of her books. I would like to thank NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press, and Katherine Center for the ARC, I received in exchange for my honest review!

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Thankyou netgalley and @stmartinspress for this digital arc.
I am usually a thriller seeker, but this little romance novel her by Katherine Center has expanded my genres and I can not wait to read another of her novels.
Set in Galveston, TX this is a story about love, loss and finding joy on purpose !
Samantha Casey, a school librarian who lovers her job, kids and school family, is quirky and exhibits a joy for living although she wasn't always this way .
Duncan Carpenter, new school principal who leads with an iron fist, guided by the knowledge that bad things can happen...but he...wasn't always this way !
I loved the interactions between these two characters and enjoyed the humour peppered throughout.
Being a teacher, I could relate to having to deal with a new principal who often times try to assert themselves by making changes. I thought I had everything figured out and even thought to myself - well this is boring ! But I am happy to say that I was mistaken. When Duncan's truth is revealed - I was in tears. Then when we discover all about Sam's childhood. Again I was a puddle ! I wanted to hug both these characters . Will these two somehow allow themselves to love be loved ???
When I was finished reading this book - I was sad … I didn't want it to be over... I wanted more!
Katherine Center you are definitely on my list of must read authors!!

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Unfortunately, this one missed the mark for me. I was excited to read this one because I’m a huge Katherine center fan. I found most of the characters unlikeable. Overall, a good escape for the current times we are in. However, some heavy stuff in this book; so now may not be the right time.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the free ebook to review!

She did it again!

I was lucky enough to be approved for this one and it was picked for my buddy read group this month so that was a great kick in the pants to get it read! I was a little unsure if I was going to like this one at first because I’m like ok it seems a little different from her other ones and I really don’t like Duncan but I will keep reading. And then bam there she was. I loved the cuteness, the cheesiness, the humor, all of it. I found myself smiling a lot and just wanting to give each of the characters a huge hug multiple times in this book. I loved that it touched on such a serious subject, but did so in a little different way. I can’t wait to see what else Katherine Center puts out in the world.

TW/CW: school shootings, violence, mental health, death, divorce

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Thank you to Net Galley for sending me an e- copy of this book to review. I really enjoyed this book. It was a sweet, life affirming novel, perfect reading for the times we are in. Sam Casey, librarian at a small, nurturing private school in Galveston, Texas adores everything about her job. She has had some real heartbreaks in her life and has determined to fight life's darkness to find joy. Everyday she looks for the joy in life. When a new principal, and old crush, joins the school she faces many obstacles to continue to search for joy. I will definitely look for other books by Katherine Center and can see why she is such a popular author.

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This one was definitely not my favorite by Katherine Center. Duncan was so unlikeable for most of the story and just annoyed me, though it all made sense and the ending came together nicely. I thought Sam was a little immature and self absorbed and her story line was so unrealistic. I think I enjoyed the "extra" characters (Max, Babette, Alice and Clay) in this one more than the main characters and that's never ideal. As her books always are, it was an easy, quick read, but just fell a little short for me. Some of the subject matter is a little heavy so definitely heed the advice of trigger warnings. Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review. What You Wish For comes out on July 14, 2020

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This is my first Katherine Center book, but I’ve heard great things about Things You Save In A Fire and How To Walk Away, so I was very intrigued with this book. Admittedly, I did not know what to expect going in. The first chapter did a great job of hooking me in and I enjoyed the heartwarming story of resilience, love, and courage with quirky characters. I did find the beginning and middle of the book to be stronger than the end. It was a 4.5 or 5 star read for me until about 70ish percent. There was no particular storyline or event thar caused this, i just like it lost some of its luster and I found myself not as captivated. For the most part, it was a light, quick, and happy read. It left me wanting to add the rest of Center’s books to my TBR. Thank you to NetGalley for a free advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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What You Wish For is a heart warming story with a beautiful message of hope and joy. Samantha Casey (Sam) is an elementary school librarian in Galveston, Texas having landed there after being forced out of a previous school by unreciprocated love. Sam couldn't live with seeing her major crush - a happy, colorful, jokester of a man - every day with another woman. So she relocated. As time passed, Sam let go of her girlish fantasies and is now happy in her present job and life. She's made good friends, becoming an intricate member of the community and school. Life's good . . . although she's hiding a personal secret. Soon after the sudden death of her beloved school principal, a new principal arrives. Imagine Sam's shock when it turns out to be "the one". The funny, colorful, beautiful man from her past who's now her new boss. But wait a minute . . . this cold, stone faced, drab man sucking the life out of their amazing school could not be the man she knew and secretly loved! Could he? What happened to him over the past six years? Where is the man she once knew and loved from afar?

What You Wish For is a fantastic story about finding joy in the small stuff - in any way you can on any given day. It's about spreading joy to others by having the courage to laugh at yourself, be silly, be goofy, be "present". It's a message of facing and overcoming your own personal challenges and helping others overcome theirs. It's about facing those things you fear most, daring to take the next step, and opening yourself in defiance of your own vulnerability. It's a story of trust, hope, love, and living life in the moment. Center's characters are "real" - their tears, fears, laughter, and joy easily felt. Her lyrical prose delivers a message of hope for a brighter future if you open your heart to love. Beautifully written and delivered, What You Wish For is poignant, romantic, heart-rendering and full of possibilities. Let's all help spread the Joy! Highly Recommended!

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I read "What You Wish For" by Katherine Center and thoroughly enjoyed it. Sam is exact type of librarian that every elementary school needs and she was easy to care about. And when Duncan shows up as the principal of the school you feel everything that Sam feels. This book gave me all the feels...I cried, I laughed, I hoped. I loved the majority of characters in the book & really despised another. I would definitely recommend this book. It would be a great summertime read!

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What You Wish For starts off with a punch to the gut and doesn’t let up throughout the book. It is filled with heartache, fear and betrayal which ultimately reveal the resilience, hope and strength inside every one of us.

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When a new principal is announced, Sam is surprised to hear she knows the name and is anxious to see the man from her past. But things go haywire as Duncan explains his demands for the year. The culture of the school is threatened by all of the restraints he pushes forward. The beloved Max and Babette founded a school full of creativity and Duncan is tearing that away. Each character in the story has their burdens that affect their daily decisions. I was compelled to read on to find out more about the characters’ backstories and find out how the school year would pan out. There is some heaviness scattered throughout the story and I encourage you to ask about trigger warnings if you’re interested in reading this one.

I was pretty hesitant to pick up this book. I knew it was set at a school and many of the characters were teachers. Since I am a speech-language pathologist at an elementary school, I was concerned that if the school wasn’t right or it didn’t ring true that I wouldn’t be able to handle it. One thing that didn’t ring true is the beginning of the school year for the staff. They had one solitary staff meeting and Sam spent her time preparing the library for the school year. In reality, the few days leading up to the first day of school are filled with meetings and teachers always wish for more time in their classroom to prepare for students’ arrival. The community within the school and the complaints about car pool hold up. Oh, and their staff end-of-the-school-year party was at the school and had alcohol. That never happens! The school Katherine Center created is special but not too unrealistic. It was created by Max and Babette to be different and it definitely is different than a typical public school. Overall, I enjoyed this story and I am glad I read it!

This one releases July 14! Thank you to Katherine Center, St. Martin's Press, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I’ve come to rely on Katherine Center to deliver sweet romances with just enough tragedy to keep them human. The second half of this book is much stronger than the first half, so it’s a good thing that it’s a quick read, I appreciated Center’s message to always seek joy every day, even when you may not feel like it, or your life circumstances make it difficult. This was a message I needed to hear right now.

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

An honest review: I loved this book. Katherine Center takes us on a slow burn journey in What You Wish For. Our main character, Sam, is the librarian at a historic, quirky elementary school when suddenly, out of tragic circumstances, a new principal in brought on board. A principal that Sam has a history with, of course. This book made me actually laugh out loud at some parts but then pulled my heart strings just the same. This is definitely character driven, but I had no problem with that because I loved the characters and their depth. This was my first Katherine Center read and I will definitely be going back for more. I would have loved to dive deeper into the relationship, but even so I still loved it. Trigger warnings below with possible spoilers.

Trigger Warning (possible spoilers): death of a loved one, epilepsy/health conditions, PTSD, brief mention of military spouse, and school shooting trauma.

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