Member Reviews
It wasn't all what I expected. I didn't enjoy but I'm guessing other people will. The cover is cute though.
As soon as I got this book for review, I asked myself why I ever asked for it. This is the type of book I generally struggle to get through, and though I’m always trying to incorporate a little more non-fiction into my reading diet, that isn’t always easy. And not only do I struggle to get through these, I also wasn’t even sure I liked the premise.
Well. I think the Lord wanted me to read this, because not only did I find it very good; it also reminded me of a lot of things I hadn’t thought about in a very long time. If you’re looking for inspiration and truth for your Christian walk, read this book. It isn’t particularly long, but each chapter is packed with practical advice and encouragement. This book was a blessing to me, and I’m hoping I can re-read it at some stage. It brought part of the Bible alive to me like never before.
I was given a review copy of this book, and this is my honest opinion of it.
Although this book is titled "The Good Life", I'm not sure what the author is trying to say actually is "the good life".
I was first bored at the beginning of the book, which was just Bible quotes with a short comment from the author. Then the book went into long random stories that I wasn't sure what the point was. The author repeated several times in the book, "this is the good life", but my question is "what are you trying to say to us?".
This book was a disappointing confusion.
I wanted to like this read, and certainly appreciated Gray's story; that itself was the highlight of the book for me. He's certainly an engaging writer!
But, I struggled with the interpretation of "blessedness" as "happiness", such that the premise and I really diverged onto two different paths. I would have liked to see a bit more in-depth pursuit of Scripture; I felt "relevance" in today's 21st-century, American-dream culture was pursued more than anything.
I received a copy of the book from the publisher via NetGalley; all opinions are my own.
You can find many important topics to talk about with your family and children. This is not the kind of topic I use to enjoy, I don´t believe in messages that care so much about happiness, but I thank the author's effort to point you to Jesus's teachings. It is the first book I read about his author. Sermon of the mount is one of my favorites in the bible and it's interesting to see how many authors write about it. We live in a world that lives upside down, so we need to embrace countercultural messages and embrace what the bible says about them.
The Good Life by Derwin Gray grabbed my eye because of its bright yellow cover and pulled me in with its foreword by Beth Moore, but I became a fan of it through its solid presentation of the gospel. I can already think of a few friends who will enjoy this book, and I can't wait to buy it for them!
The good life- it's what we are all searching for. Grappling with. What does it even mean?
In this book, Gray tackles the misunderstanding about success and what it means to be happy. As he addresses each "Blessed" statement from the Sermon on the Mount, he provides modern day applications that the reader can appreciate. This book provides Biblical insight into some of society's problems, and offers hope that on days when we don't feel "happy", we can still claim it because of Jesus's work on the Cross. I especially appreciated the study questions at the end of each chapter which prompted the reader to dive deeper into the content, and the "thoughts to marinate on" section. Highly recommend for anyone who wants to understand true happiness and success, for those who may be struggling with embracing joy, and for those who enjoy The Beatitudes in Scripture.
I loved the message of this book and the author’s writing style; it’s very personable and relatable. I enjoyed reading his own personal experiences. He brings the reader an inspiring message from the scripture. Good reading!
I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.
The Sermon on the Mount is probably one of the most well known sermons that Jesus Christ ever spoke. ITs a series of statements basically saying that whatever happens to you: GOD is WITH you. That HE can take even the most terrible experiences in your life and use them in your life and with others.
Pastor Derwin Gray gives us insight and truth into what each sentence mean that starts with: “Blessed are the” and then goes on to say : “Blessed are the poor in spirit, those who mourn, the meek, those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, those who are persecuted”.
If ever there was a time that our entire country needs this book, IT IS NOW.
We need to learn how to really love one another and we havent always been good at that. Everyone we meet is part of our human family. Whether our skin color is different, whether we belive in God or not, whether we are rich or poor, whether we are in mourning or feeling a fulfilled life; we are all part of one family that God created.
There is so so much more that can be said about this book, but in reality, it shows nothing but truth.
Happiness is something that cannot really be known apart from Jesus. No matter how hard we try, how much we succeed, how rich we are, how privileged we are, without JESUS, nothing makes sense.
I am so graterful for Dr Grays wisome and the words he uses to express what is most important.
You need to buy this book, it will begin to heal your heart and your soul.
This book was released in early June 2020, and I can't think of a better time for a book about happiness. The world needs to be reminded that true and lasting happiness is possible, but it won't be found in our circumstances.
Pastor and former NFL player Derwin Gray begins this book by sharing his story of how Jesus changed his life after his pursuit of worldly happiness and success left him far from happy. He then shows us how Jesus perfectly lived out all of the beatitudes from Matthew 5, all of which begin with, "Happy (or blessed) are the _______." When we become more like Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, we experience the true and lasting happiness that can only be found in Him.
I found this to be challenging and encouraging. Paster Derwin has a heart for the church and gives us a beautiful vision for how life can look when we pursue happiness in Jesus.
Happiness. We all want it. We all want the answers to how to find it. And how to maintain it.
Derwin Gray's quality book focuses on The Beatitudes that Jesus outlined in the beginning of His Sermon on the Mount as the source of discovering these answers. It's a worthy addition to the many books on these great principles of the Christian life. Gray mixes sound theological exegesis with practical examples from both his own life and others to provide tremendous encouragement to all believers that walking with Jesus and yielding ourselves to the Spirit in enabling these principles will lead us to the well of happiness.
Each Beatitude receives a chapter and each ends with both a prayer (these were excellent), some thought provoking questions and highlights from the chapter.
I particularly appreciated Gray's perspectives on the first 4 Beatitudes but wasn't grabbed the same by the final 4, however, it is a worthy read especially if the reader is relatively new to faith and/or isn't so familiar with The Beatitudes.
I received a an early release ebook version from the publisher via NetGalley with no expectation of a positive review.
I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of the book from the publisher & wanted to give it a thorough, critical review.
I admit I can be a little hard on Christian books. Too often, the writing tone is too “soft & fluffy” ( full of Christianese & surface level depth) or it can come across as “stuffy & aloof” (making sure to use high theological vocabulary & an attitude of “let me dumb this down for you”). Neither is the case in this book!!
I was amazed at the depth & practicality of each chapter. I felt very much like I was visiting w/ Dr. Gray while he explained in easy to understand pictures & stories, yet not withholding the nitty gritty details that took me so much deeper in my understanding of God & my understanding of happiness, love, & compassion for others.
I read the book through once, then again in sections to get both the overall feel of the content & a closer, more analytical look at each chapter & I know it will be a book that I will read again & again (as well as recommend over & over).
The truths I found in this book blew my mind, brought me to tears, & filled my soul with joy. I won’t throw in any spoilers, but I will say that once you see & understand what an upward, inward, outward life is all about, your life is forever changed. That’s the good life & it lasts with Jesus forever!
I received an Advanced Reader's Copy of this book from the publisher, and I am so grateful I did. The Good Life is so good! I love how it is organized. Each chapter is based on one Beatitude with scripture passages, stories, and life experiences. There is a "Marinate on This" section at the end of every chapter which includes a prayer, questions for reflection and important things to remember. I would encourage you to not only read this book from cover to cover, but to also "marinate" on it to help it be more meaningful to you. It has practical advice with straightforward tools for how to find true happiness. It is one I will read again & recommend to others. It is greatly needed for the times we're living in today & going forward.
"You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." Psalm 16:11 NIV
"How happy are the people who worship you with songs, who live in the light of your kindness!
Because of you they rejoice all day long, and they praise you for your goodness."
Psalm 89:15,16 Good News Bible
While I was browsing books on NetGalley, the bright yellow cover with the words 'The Good Life' in bold print caught my eye. I read the rest of the title and knew that this was a book that I needed to read. Doesn't everyone want true happiness?
The passage known as "The Beatitudes" (Sermon on the Mount), Matthew 5:3-12 is looked at in depth by Pastor and author Dr. Derwin Gray.
This book is well organized with a chapter for each Beatitude. Each chapter ends with a Prayer, Questions for Reflection, and Things to Remember.
Pastor Derwin uses Scripture, Bible references, and life stories to explain in simple, easy to understand language, how we can live the good life and become joyful and experience true happiness.
The Good Life: What Jesus Teaches about Finding True Happiness is a good book for Bible Study, Small Group Studies, and Independent Study.
**Special thanks to Pastor Derwin Gray for writing The Good Life: What Jesus Teaches about Finding True Happiness. Thanks to B&H Publishing Group, and NetGalley for providing me with a digital ARC so that I could read it and write an unbiased review. The thoughts expressed here are my own.
#TheGoodLife #NetGalley
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I'll be honest, I did not get very far in this book. I started reading and was interested in Derwin's story of achieving the good life and learning that earthly desires do not create lasting happiness. Where he lost me was talking about Jesus being the happiest person who ever lived and that he had joy even when he was being crucified. And it didn't strike me in a "oh, that's a new perspective that I haven't heard before, now I'm interested to keep reading" kind of way. It more struck me as attempting to stretch parts of the Bible to fit the story he wanted to tell. I continued for several more pages which were just quoted Bible verses and then gave up.