Member Reviews

This has been on my TBR list for years now, and after several starts, I just can't seem to make myself finish it. Sorry!

An interesting read. I cannot say I loved it neither can I say I disliked it. I just felt a bit meh about it, nothing special, plot was ok,

I went into this hoping it was going to be fun and easy read. But i was so incredible bored, Sonia was boring, whiny and meh. I did not like how she treated Phillip and Gregory, what did they do to her? She acted so bratty and whiny - i mean urgh.

I found this to be an enjoyable read, keeping me on my toes throughout. The storyline was written well and flowed seamlessly. I look forward to reading more by this author!

I’m became a fan of this author from reading this book. Good read. Really enjoyed this story. I will read more. Go read This now

I received a complimentary copy. I voluntarily reviewed this book. All opinions expressed are my own.
I Won't Be A Nun
By: Michaela Francis
I Won't Be A Nun is such an eye catching title, so I decided to give the book a try. Whatever I expected, I would say I got very little from this story. It fell short of being entertaining or witty or sarcastic, and in the end, I was not invested in the outcome at all. I hope other readers will enjoy this one, but it was not for me.

I’m just not sure this book was for me. Enjoyable in parts but the connection just want there for me. This is a personal opinion and in no way a reflection of the writing.

This book took a little while to get into, and then POW! It was over. The story was ok, I just wish that it had been exciting from the beginning

Oh no, I didn;t like this book at all. I was hoping for trashy romance but instead I just got trash. I'm sorry to be harsh, but this really wasn't for me at all.

Thank you so much for Netgalley and the publisher for providing me a review copy!
I also got a physical arc in the meantime, so the e-galley remained undownloaded.
This romance novel was a fresh voice among all the romance books I have read so far! It was characteristic enough to bring a new turn on the romance genre and deliver a really lovable story about Sonia and her online-dating struggles. Perfectly pictures today's society and dating habits.
Although it's concept was utterly amazing, the writing and story line was a bit average.
I did enjoy the book apart from its tiny flaws.

I received this review copy in exchange for an honest review by Netgalley and Troubador. Thank you Netgalley!!
I won’t be nun is a story of Sonia and her counterpart Gregory. Sonia is a woman in her late thirties who desperately wants to settle down and start a family of her own. She meets her ex-boyfriend Gregory who dumped her a year back on whom she still has feelings. Both of them meet again and reconnects with each other. Though she is in love with her boyfriend Gregory her insecurities leads her into seeing other guys behind his back. What will happen to their relationship ? Will she keep on cheating on him ?
This is the vague storyline of this book.
First of all, the characterization of Sonia itself had a plethora of flaws, she is somebody who is extremely irritating and confusing. For the success of any book, characterization is the key thing and the author has terribly failed in it. Understanding Sonia was utterly difficult and that was because the story more or less stated only her everyday routine, it did not focus on what’s on her mind, how she feels and why she acted the way she did. And this created a large gap between the lead and the readers, this blunder did not allowed the readers to care for Sonia. If the readers doesn’t care for their leads then the book has lost its very cause. Comparatively Gregory’s characterization was portrayed in a better manner. The readers will be able to connect with him in a more personal way. He was real and relatable. His character might touch the hearts of the readers than that of Sonia’s but that wasn’t enough to make it a better book. The author has intended to tell Sonia’s side of the story and justify her acts but unintentionally she had turned the story in Gregory’s favor. It would be more appropriate to call it Gregory’s story instead of Sonia’s.
The plot was kind of repetitive, it had around eighteen chapters but only three to four chapters must’ve had something new to tell. It was extremely a very long book and has all the capability to DNF it without a second’s thought. Even the dialogues and scenes were repetitive. Every chapter starts with Sonia going on a date with Gregory or some guy, she drinks a lot, make a scene, excuse herself to the bathroom to text the other guy and end up having sex. As it keeps on coming in every single chapter it was really irritating to the core. It is neither a women fiction nor a romance because it completely lagged the essence of these genre, it can be placed under erotica but still it wouldn’t do justice to that genre also. The title and blurb will lure the readers into picking up this book but to be precise they were of zero relevance with the plot. Inapt title and blurb.
The writing style was ok but still it wasn’t good enough to keep the readers hooked up to it until the end. There was no flow in the writing and the narrative style. There was no strong characters, solid plot or emotions. It lacked emotions and almost felt like it was story of a heartless AI. The backstories of the characters were highly inadequate and worthless. The author din’t even give a proper explanation why Gregory and Sonia broke up in the first place. There were lot of voids in the plot and they remained so until the very end.
All these issues made the book totally unreadable.
My views
I clearly did not like this book. I particularly hated Sonia’s character from the bottom of my heart. She is one characterless personality. I requested for this book from Netgalley because the blurb and title was quite interesting but I totally regretted after picking it up. I have never fallen asleep while reading even my academics books let alone fictions but this book made sleep a numerous times for that I won’t forget this book. The only reason I forced myself into reading this book instead of DNFing it then and there was because I received it as a review copy from Netgalley and I felt it would be too harsh to stop it halfway but I would never suggest this book to anybody. This book seriously gave me mental anxiety and it had no story at all.
My rating for this book is 1 / 5 stars 🌟
~ Meenu

The premise for this book was interesting but sadly this book wasn’t. I struggled to remain interested and finish this book, by the end I just didn’t see the point in the story at all. I couldn’t connect with and didn’t like the main character and it was just far too slow. Sorry, but not one for me.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

Good story that took very little time to read. Probability because you get into the storyline and you don’t stop reading. I liked the development of the story and where it took you.

Not really a favorite of mine. I don’t know if it was the topic or something but I just couldn’t get through it.

In my considered opinion, and taking into consideration that at a conservative estimate i have read over 20,000 books in my life, ranging from fantasy and romance to Dickens, Shakeapeare, French (in the original) novels, and computer science and programming books, they can start in one of two ways if they want to attract your attention and get you to read further.
They can start with a bang, as it is said in Trampolining with Dragons, see further review, or they can start subtly and draw you into a deceptively intricate story that weaves a web of intrigue so that you want to read further to find out what happens in the storyline, or to the characters or...
Poor books do neither of these things. And if by 10% or even 25% Ii am still wondering why I am reading this book, the author has failed in their job to interest me in my super power, as it says on my mug, to read.
I read voraciously. Many different genres. Many different lengths but longer being better as a book that I can finish in an hour is too light - unless it makes me laugh. Which is why I usually dislike novellas unless they are a part of a series. I read at least a page a minute as i can speed read easily and so 300 plus pages is my preferred book.
I Won't be a Nun only half interested me and at 7% of the way through I abandoned it to read another book and then came back to see if I felt I if for a different reader it might do well. I find that I rarely get on with Irish books but occasionally they surprise me so I keep trying.
This wasn’t one to surprise me. It lacked the humour that would have encouraged me to go further.
1 for me - maybe 3 for a reader who likes Irish stories.

I found the book almost boring to be honest. It's interesting to see the relationship between the two leads play out, but I felt the book be too slow in pace and not that interesting overall.

I thought the idea for this book was really interesting, especially in the modern day and age. People, and dare I say especially women, feel under such pressure to find a relationship and make a worthy life for themselves. I thought this might provide an interesting social commentary on our current social environment.
I sensed within a few pages that this wasn't going to be the book for me. I didn't really take to the characters and I didn't find that the writing style gripped me. It was still an interesting read that touched upon quite a lot of interesting themes, but I can't really say I enjoyed it.
I felt like the story didn't really go anywhere, and the emphasis was really on aspects of the story that weren't really relevant. There's a lot of discussion about who showers first and what the characters eat, but what I really wanted to know was the emotional depth of what these characters were feeling. The point of this book was that the main characters go on a real journey together through a lot of different and very difficult things, and I wished there had been more exploration of these emotions. I think it would have helped me to connect with them better.
I just found that I couldn't relate to the characters. I felt for them in many ways, but I remained detached. I also found that the narrative was quite difficult to read. It was unnecessarily long and not very personal.
It's a real shame, because a lot of themes are actually very significant to modern society. Dating in the 21st century is tough, and the way Sonia attempts to deal with trying to figure out what path she was on had the potential to be very poignant. Unfortunately, I didn't really connect with the story enough for it to have that impact, which is a shame.

I tried, but this book was jsut not for me sorry. I did not really like the main character so struggled to care what happened to her

i was given this book by netgalley and publishers for an honest opinion.
i am not sure how i felt about this book. it took a while for me to get into reading it. it portrays a woman that is looking for love online dating to search for Mr. Right. She also turns to alcohol to deal with the pressure.
i felt like the book was depressing but very eye opening. it is one of those that i will keep in my mind for a while.

This book depicts the sad truth about online dating, addiction and social pressure. The story is heartfelt and was not a light read! Michaela Francis captures honest feelings about a single middle aged woman who in search of Mr.Right, turns to alcohol for comfort. It was depressing in some areas, but overall a good woman’s fiction.
Thank you NetGalley, author and publisher for reader’s copy of this book. The review is my own opinion and was not influenced in any way!