Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this memoir about an American family in Saudi Arabia. It tells of the culture shock and the trouble they had getting their visa. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves travel.
I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy free of charge. This is my honest and unbiased opinion of it.

An absolutely amazing novel of an american family in Saudi Arabia,. I devoured this book. She knows how to keep her readers in her grip. The story is very well crafted and unbelievably authentic. Great read!.

Oh my, first all the turmoil Kate goes through for a visa. Then all the culture shock in foreign country. Absolutely could not put the book down until the end. Just to see what happened to Kate and her family.

No Way Home is a novelised memoir of M S James. The book is a work of fiction, which makes parts of this dreadful story bearable😳
I loved reading about the life of a British teacher in Saudi Arabia in 80's. It was utterly informing and quite shocking to learn about a specific era of a middle eastern country which is a rich and prosperous one today.
Getting adapted to a harsh life under strict rules is something the author crafts beautifully in her book. (My most favorite part) .
While i could relate to her story and deeply felt for Kate and her family living in such a restricted society, at some points i spotted some biased opinions about Islamic rules which i believe she could respect them more as she was living in a muslim country. .
The part where the little girl goes missing is truly horrifying😥 The mother's love and attachment was heartfelt and beautiful😭
Tho the ending was unexpected and personally i was looking for more conventional ways to find a missing child, i liked how it didn't end in usual thriller-book ways🔎
Quotes from this book: .
💬 What is the secret of living with a great sorrow ? You just keep on keeping on.
💬 You are only as happy as your least happy child. Having a child makes you hostage to their fortune.