Member Reviews

Well this was a fun enemies to lovers read! I was surprised by how much I liked this one (it sat on my self way passed its read time). It’s a short read, which I wasn’t expecting (and I felt like it could have been longer?) but was still a fun enemies to lovers/marriage of convenience historical romance.

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I really enjoyed this introduction into this world and I just couldn’t get enough of it. I just so thoroughly enjoyed meeting these new characters and getting to go on their journey. I will most definitely be reading more wonderful books from this author.

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Another favorite by a great author. The plot of the story was very well written. The author really draws the reader in as you read. I felt like I was an unnamed character in the story.

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Sebastion Sinclair, Duke of Wessex, Earl of Badington, and Knight of the Garter had decided while choking on a Strawberry. that he needed an heir. He was the last of his parents. He cared. Lord Abingdon and Mr. Eastwood were twins and his friends. He got a piece of paper and wrote a note to Miss Benton. Miss Benton was always necessary. He had decided to have a house party. He told his friends that the time had come for him to find a wife.
Miss Eliza Benton received his note. He asked if she was going to be there in the afternoon. She loved disappointing him as much as he took in annoying her. She felt she should be there to stop his next scheme. The trouble he could cause. He was as handsome as the twins. Miss Mukherjee was a friend who lived with her and they both got along very well. Eliza's twenty-second birthday was coming up and she would be free, To write and be with her friend. She and Wessex so enjoyed sparing with each other. He liked calling her Sigrid, who was a Nordic Queen," Sigrid the Haughty". The three of them made a list of the attributes his future wife should have and started planning the house party for a fortnight from now.
This lovely story had some great moments. They were funny and sweet. Wessex wanted no married ladies but the twin's wives. Too tempting. He had the reputation of being a rake.
Even with the silliness between them, they could be serious with each other. The characters were wonderful, even her brother was supportive and kind to her. Wessex was so young when he lost his parents, he seemed to me, needy, someone in his corner so to speak. As did she. She was a romance writer but no one knew and she wanted to keep it that way. So many things happened with them and their friends. Surprises are coming. I laugh and cried with them, feel their anger and fear. I very highly recommend this book of gentle and loving people.
I received this ARC from Net Galley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Elizabeth Bright is definitely on my authors to watch list and this book doesn't disappoint. It features two characters from the first book, the Duke of Wessex and Elizabeth Benton. The entire book is full of good feels and swoony vibes.

The Duke of Wessex decides he needs a bride and enlists Elizabeth Benton to throw a country party with her picks. They have a somewhat faux-antagonistic relationship. Eliza has sworn off marriage and one of the most beautiful women in the ton. Sebastian is a known rake and can't figure out what Eliza is the only woman who doesn't want him. There's some really beautiful self-reflection by both characters about the other. This is definitely a book that sort of takes you on the emotional journey of the h/H.

Sebastian is funny and self-deprecating and Eliza is the perfect foil to keep him in his place. She's smart and accomplished on her own and doesn't spend the book in self-doubt. She mostly resists the romance. But when they do get together, it's beautiful and synchronistic and there's not a lot of hemming and hawing about should they or should they. Which strangely adds more tension.

This whole series is perfection and I can't recommend it enough. Of course, it features characters from the other books and I went back and immediately re-read after finishing this one.

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Enjoyed this one!

Witty banter, fantastic chemistry and a slow burn in this friends to lovers romance. I thoroughly enjoyed Sebastian and Eliza together and added the rest of the books to my TBR list. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

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Such a fun Regency romp. Sebastian and Eliza are very witty and fun together. I greatly enjoyed this one.

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I liked Sebastian Sinclair in this book. He was such a on/off character for me! Because of him and main heroine I love the book and how it was composed. It was like switching a plug - on and off. That book had not only a great plot but it made me engaged all along into a romance of two people that became my favorites at the end.
Highly recommended!

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Sebastian Sinclair, the Duke of Wessex, is not in love with Eliza Benton—nor anyone else, for that matter. But he must marry and produce an heir, and love is not required for either. His future duchess must be of high birth and good nature, a lady unlikely to snipe at him over breakfast. In short, the complete opposite of Eliza. So who better to help him find a bride? Eliza Benton is not in love with the Duke of Wessex. He’s infuriating, arrogant, and an ass of the first order. Not that she has any intention of marrying anyone now that her secret dream is on the cusp of becoming reality. A husband would ruin all her careful plans. But she’s all for finding her nemesis the perfect bride, anything to get him from underfoot so she can focus on her writing. Thank goodness Sebastian and Eliza aren’t in love. That would be disastrous.
This was a pretty good book. The story was well paced. The main characters were really exciting to follow on their adventure. I hadn’t read this author before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I was not disappointed!
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Elizabeth Bright never disappoints. Surprising and quirky read. Wessex is arrogant yet ignorant but oh so sexy. Eliza knows marriage is not for her and has secrets to maintain. Yet the familiar anger builds (or should we say sparks) when Wessex and Eliza spend more time together. However, when they both seem to realize how much they actually enjoy that time they wonder if their futures can be different. Fun read but strong characters that create vibrant story leaving you wanting oh so much more.

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Full review appeared at Reader's Edyn on 04/18/20

Eliza Benton has always had a bit of an odd relationship with Sebastion. They have known each other for years and even aided in the relationships of their close friends, helping them to realize their love for one another. But what is good for others does not translate as good for either of them. Sebastian plans to remain single for as long as he can hold out. Eliza determined never to marry, period. But after a sudden epiphany, Sebastian enlists Eliza to help him choose a bride. She must lessen the odds, so to speak and lead him on a path towards a few young ladies she finds acceptable to the station befitting a Duchess. Suddenly she finds herself at a country party that Sebastian is hosting with the goal of choosing a bride. He seeks her out and coaxes he guidance at every turn. But something shifts unexpectedly and they are caught in a compromising situation. Blast the man for ruining her carefully constructed plans for her life. Somehow she must maintain the secretive aspects of her life … but the more time they spend together, the more life with Sebastian doesn’t seem so bad. And before too long, rather than negotiate the terms of her surrender as Sebastian’s Duchess, Eliza is making a play to save her marriage, taking a chance that he could return her affections.

Sebastian Sinclair – Duke of Wessex – never intended to marry Eliza. Admittedly, she is always necessary within his life in one way or another, yet he continues to deny what is right in front of him. He isn’t capable of love, after all. It is a weakness and he refuses to feel anything. To be fair, Eliza has played much the same game in the form of denial. But a couple of weeks at his country home and a life-altering conversation with a friend suddenly forces Sebastian to realize that his separation from Eliza is an inevitability once he's married … a reality that is one hundred percent unacceptable. As luck would have it, he ends up married to Eliza instead of the young lady he was supposed to offer for. Given her marriage demands prior to the wedding, he knows for certain that Eliza is guarding a secret - or ten - of her own. But when those secrets come to light, Sebastian believes he has thwarted every plan Eliza ever had for her future. Lug that he is, he doesn’t give her a chance to weigh in on the subject, never realizing that plans have a way of changing.

In my review of the second book in the series, Lady Gone Wicked, I created a couple of hashtags in support of #BentonWessex #ElizaSebastian – I am giddy with joy as my prediction way back from the first book in the series, Twice As Wicked, has finally borne fruit! And damn if it wasn’t glorious! To recap, here is a quote from my review back in 2017. “The secondary cast was wonderful and a truly brilliant addition. I can’t wait to read about Ms. Benton and Wessex as I am sure their turn will be coming soon.” Did I call it? Yes. I did! It’s been a long 3 years since first we met Eliza and Sebastian. But finally! An HEA for this enchanting couple! Some of you may ask if I am biased. I suppose on some level I may be. However, I do not believe the case is any different for other reviewers who share a love for a particular author or series as I do with this one. I have been with this series since book 1 was an ARC. I had little choice but to adore these characters and become completely invested in their HEAs as the series progressed. And do you know what? I do not regret a minute of it. In fact, I so enjoyed Sebastion, that I began the review of the second book in the series by speaking entirely of him!

So what did I love? Every part of it! Sebastian (or Wessex) and Eliza have been dancing around one another since the very first time they met. He was caught by her beauty. She wanted nothing to do with a Duke. Both were caught off guard. A bet occurred and Sebastian delivered. And from there, their delightful game of wit and schemes began. The two became almost an invisible life force for one another. Eliza acting annoyed, Sebastian seeking approval at every turn. Because of this “slow burn”, if you will, I cannot stress strongly enough that the series would be best if read in order. Knowing everything I know, the joining of Sebastian and Eliza wouldn’t be near as poignant as it truly is if read without all of the beautifully crafted back story of not only their relationship as it grows, but that of all of their friends finding love before they do. Of course, they actually found it first, they just had yet to realize it. I had actually made another prediction regarding Sebastian back in the second book. I had mentioned in my review that I had a strong feeling that there was a reason behind everything that Wessex says and does. He was a man of few words, but somehow, each time he spoke, it was something profound or life-altering. And damn if I wasn’t spot on with that supposition as well. To all – and I mean EVERYONE – Sebastian has little interest in anything of importance. He’s known to be a rake of the worst sort and he’s perfectly content with that brand. But what no one realizes is that he is always paying attention. Rather than tossing his title around to get results, he brings people around in other ways. Almost like a game. He downplays his part, making it seem as if he had no part at all, but he ultimately describes his intent in a nutshell with this quote, “I provided the right people with the right information, and then created an opportunity for which they could use it. Nothing more.” Who wouldn’t fall madly in love with that? Good grief!

The turning point for this couple was a discussion Sebastian has with Freesia and her news that he would have to give Eliza up. No wife would put up with such a friendship however innocent. So he seeks Eliza out as he commonly does, and ask her point-blank if she will give him up. It’s the catalyst to their relationship and helps nudge them along toward their HEA they always had sitting in front of them, but never allowed themselves to believe existed. At one point I was thinking that Freesia had planned their talk in an effort to make Sebastian see what he needed to do next, but since it was never again mentioned, I figured it was just a well-timed discussion that had nothing to do with good intentions. Speaking of the marriage is no great secret given the title of the book. It’s all about what happens afterward. Yes, everything prior is entertaining and full of the wit and banter I have come to recognize as a trait Ms. Bright has mastered, but the meat of the story occurs after the marriage and anyone who has followed this series will be digging in even more so at that point. And of course, I adored getting a chance to see Alice, Adelaide, Nate, and Nick once again. I could never get enough of any of them. Added to the story this time was a sort of secondary love story occurring between Riya and Ram. I was not nearly invested in them as our “regulars”, but they were fun getting to know and experience, none-the-less. Also provided is a short epilogue that takes place four years later. It absolutely destroyed me. Sebastian was amazing and all I can describe without providing any sort of spoiler is, “My heart!” But back to those predictions … in my review of book 2, I had mentioned that the Wicked Secrets series has the makings of Johanna Lindsey’s Mallory family. Given that the book ends with a letter from Riya and there might be something mentioned about a possible time-lapse and children, I may have hit the nail on the head once again. As the books tend to toss in a nod toward the next book in the series when they conclude, I pray I am correct. For the love of God, don’t let it be over! #WickedSecretsForever For those of you who have yet to experience Ms. Bright … What the heck are you waiting for? Pick up this series immediately! But be sure to begin with the first book! #BeneficialToReadInOrder #YouveBeenWarned Seriously though, I’ve had a blast with this series and author and I wish for many more entertaining times to come!

Kindle version provided by NetGalley/Entangled in exchange for an honest review.

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"Sometimes an epiphany came like a crack of lightning, sharp and brilliant, and sometimes it came like a bit of hothouse strawberry lodged in one's throat. Unfortunately for Sebastian Sinclair, Duke of Wessix, Earl of Badington, and Knight of the Garter, it was the latter."
From the first line I knew this was going to be fun and delightful and without hesitation I was correct in that I was laughing out loud on the first page!!
The epiphany was that he needed to marry and begat a heir or all his holdings might go a bloody American relative! Plus he might die at any moment! He sent a not to Miss Eliza Benton to help him in his quest.
Eliza had to smile as she received the almost indecipherable note from Wessix. He was going to visit tomorrow. She tossed it in the drawer with all the others he had sent, not sure why she saved them. In six months she would inherit funds from her mother and a cottage and truly be independent.
They had met three years ago at a ball and he had been taken with her beauty and wit and she had been indifferent to his. It was the start of an enduring friendship.
When he announced to her he was going to marry, he wanted her to draw up a list for him.
Can I just say I adored this story? The relationship between these two and the banter had me laughing and smiling as Elizabeth Bright managed to wrap her characters around my heart! I could not wait to see what happened between these two to make them realize they were meant for each other and oh yes, they were!! Perfect!

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Sebastian, the Duke of Wessex, has decided that it is time to take a wife and produce an heir. He enlists his beautiful, witty and intelligent friend Eliza to help him. Of course he would never consider having feelings for the woman he seeks to spend most of his time with. Sebastian likes to pretend that nothing bothers him, he cares deeply for nothing and he enjoys playing games with people. Eliza is an independent woman that has no interest in getting tied down. Eliza is able to see who Sebastian is inside when most everyone views him as a thoughtless rake. However, Eliza has secrets of her own that she won't divulge to anyone including Sebastian.

I really enjoyed the banter that the MCs had with each other. The friendship that was between them
created a deeper relationship than one that was based more on physical attraction. If you enjoy friends to lovers tropes this is a great book for you to read! The author did an excellent job in character development between Eliza and Sebastian. It was one of the best historical romance reads of the past year that I have enjoyed.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for giving sending me this book!

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The Duke’s Wicked Wife is the fourth book in the Wicked Secrets series but was fine as a stand-alone. I haven’t read any of the previous books and I don’t feel like I missed anything in the book. This book was hard for me to get into at first and seemed to drag in the beginning, but once I got further it picked up the pace and grabbed my attention. It was a friend to lover troupe, and I loved the story line and the characters. This author has been added to my follow list and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

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This book is part of a series, but each book can be read as a standalone. This is a slow burn friend to lovers romance. There is no drama or high jinks, it's two people discovering that maybe they were meant to be together all along. 

This was an entertaining read with well-developed characters. I especially enjoyed the witty banter between our two main characters. This is the conclusion of the wicked series, and while I haven't read the first this series as a whole is entertaining, well-plotted with interesting characters, I highly recommend you give it a go. 

I received an arc of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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3.75 stars
First, I must admit that I was expecting a different kind of story, as synopsis promised that the Duke Sebastian is Eliza's nemesis, so I expected hate-to-love trope, which is my favourite trope of them all. So I expected angst and fiery intensity between Sebastian and Eliza. However, this was not what I got. This romance was more of a friends-to-lovers trope as Sebastian and Eliza were actually friends, who did manage to push each others buttons. But I still enjoyed this sweet and drama filled romance.

Even this book is part of a series, it can be read as a standalone, which is what I did, as I haven't read any other book in this series or by this author, however, reading the first books would have probably enhanced the enjoyment of this book. Also The Duke's Wicked Wife did manage to intrigue me and made me want to read the rest of the series. As far as I understand then most of the characters from first three books were side characters in this book, and accordingly our protagonists Sebastian and Eliza were previously side characters in those books.

Sebastian at the beginning had a hard time winning me over. He just seemed so selfish, arrogant, childish, but also funny and at the end he was secretly caring, protective, thoughtful and sweet. So at the end I learned to like him. He managed to make me smile and respect him for looking at women not in the way that was expected during those times in Victorian England. He was open minded and also liked some fun scheming and mischief.

Eliza had dreams and ambitions that were not common for this time, but she knew what she wanted, and fought for it. She was strong willed and witty. I liked her, but at the same time she made me a bit frustrated because she was so much fighting against her own feelings due to her fear.

They have kind of a playful, witty and fun dynamic, being friends who knew each other very well but liked to push each others buttons, but at the same time they understood each other and they were kind of there for one-another. So my favourite part of this book was the interaction and dialog between Sebastian and Eliza.

What else can I say. This book was character driven, so not that much happened, but still I didn't get too bored (I prefer action packed and plot driven stories or if it's a character driven one then I need a lot of angst, intensity and some steaminess or mystery, suspense) as I wanted to see Sebastian and Eliza's happily ever after. There was slow-burn romance, secrets, heart-break, mischief, a bit of drama and some sweet and swoony scenes. You will find also a secondary love story intertwined with the main one.

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Sebastian Sinclair, Duke of Wessex, sees his life pass before his eyes as he almost chokes while eating a strawberry. If he should die without an heir, his title and properties would pass to a distant American relative, something he doesn’t want to happen. That means it’s time to choose a wife and work on producing the future duke. Who better to help him pick a wife, than his knowledgeable friend, Miss Benton?

Eliza Benton has no plans to marry, and when she reaches her next birthday, she plans to move to a cottage with her friend, Riya, and live a contented and quiet life writing. When her irritating friend, Wessex, asks her to select candidates to possibly become his duchess, she readily agrees. She chooses three eligible ladies, and makes plans to attend the duke’s houseparty to watch the action.

Eliza and Wessex met three years ago. He was impressed with her lack of fawning over him and her direct manner. They developed a quirky, teasing friendship – one where they don’t hesitate to say anything to each other, oftentimes needling the other, but clearly affectionate. Wessex’s good natured charm is a cover for a long ago wound that has made him determined never to love – hence, the reason for his casual approach to marriage. Eliza is determined to remain single, as she watched her mother and her stepmother die in childbirth.

The houseparty allows Wessex to interact with his three potential wives, all who appear to be excellent choices. So, why is Wessex caught in an embrace with Eliza? When it appears they are indeed compromised, Wessex does the honorable thing and announces their engagement. Realizing that she is between a rock and a hard place, Eliza agrees to the marriage, but she has certain conditions. Can a man who doesn’t want love, and a woman who doesn’t want to bear children possibly find common ground? Especially when Eliza is hiding something else from Wessex..

THE DUKE’S WICKED WIFE is my first introduction to Elizabeth Bright, and I was genuinely delighted. I love the character of Wessex! He is full of charm and humor, while hiding his genuine intelligence and caring behind his machinations to bring his schemes to fruition. His supposed self importance is very tongue in cheek and totally smileworthy. Eliza is not about to let Wessex’s exalted status overwhelm her. She knows her own mind, and she’s not afraid to let him know exactly what she thinks. It seems that everyone around them saw how they favored each other, something they didn’t see for themselves. There are wonderful side characters, some whose stories I’m going to have to go back and read, though I didn’t feel lost at all by reading this book first. I love how their romance developed, taking them both by surprise. I particularly enjoyed how throughout the book, Wessex kept thinking that there was something that he needed to say to Eliza, but he could never remember what it was. When he finally does realize what it is, and tells her, it’s a sweet moment. THE DUKE’S WICKED WIFE is a fabulous, entertaining, romantic read, which left me smiling and with the feeling that I’ve found another author to add to my must read list.

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All I can say is that I loved this book. Sebastian is the hero that I have been waiting for. He is sarcastic, funny, caring and sincere. Eliza is a wonderful character also, but Sebastian steals the spotlight!
Thank you for this ARC. These are my honest opinions.

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sebastian, duke of wessex, chokes on a strawberry and is struck by an epiphany. he must get married. the only one of his immediate family left, he realizes it cannot all end with him. so at the outset of the duke's wicked wife, he enlists miss eliza benton's assistance in coming up with a list of ladies who might be suitable brides.

sebastian plays the thoughtless popinjay, but behind the frivolity and studied devil-may-care attitude lies a person who feels things deeply and is acutely intelligent. he leans into his reputation, and accomplishes quite a bit via schemes that are at once amusing and also kind and thoughtful. eliza begins to see beyond the surface of sebastian's social varnish, and the man beneath tugs at her heartstrings in ways she does not anticipate.

she has a plan. she doesn't mean to marry. to her, marriage, and carrying a child, is certain death. her mother and stepmother both died in childbirth. and she fears that for herself and the easiest way to avoid it is to avoid marriage altogether.

but the connection between sebastian and eliza cannot be denied, and even though neither wants to admit that they are only meant for each other, it's only a matter of time.

this is a delectable entry to continue the wicked secrets series, and possibly my favorite yet because sebastian is just an absolute delight of a character.

**the duke's wicked wife will publish on march 16, 2020. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/entangled publishing (amara) in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a sweet tale of two friends falling into love. What I loved most is that I felt it was a realistic portrayal of love; two people who grew into love with one another. It wasn’t forced, just certain circumstances that drew them together. Secrets that could had separated inevitably bring them closer. I would recommend this book for someone who likes witty dialogue. Netgalley provided this ARC, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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