Member Reviews

I love books where everyone is sassy. I also love books that have dukes and duchesses because we all love a good historical romance that feels modern at the same time. That is because although this is set in a time where woman are mens property at marriage the women that are seen in this book are not women that let men walk all over them. They are smart, compassionate and sometimes arrogant. I loved the main characters of this book as they all have fears and doubts and heartbreaks in their past and they all have used different way of dealing with it. One of them ran away. One of them is just avoiding the trouble all together and wants just a comfortable life. One has put a shield around himself to prevent further heartbreak because he doesn't want anyone else to leave him. I loved this book and I would highly recommend it.

*Thank you Netgalley for providing me a copy for an honest review*

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As part of the Hist Fic Insta Tour:

It's no secret I love me some romance. It's definitely no secret that I love me some marriage of convenience. Thus, Eliza and Sebastian were immediate catnip for me. There is lovely and smart banter, a brilliantly realized historical world and nuanced characterization keeping the reader two steps ahead of a couple so determined that they are not in love with each other that it is so sweetly delicious when they catch up with what we already know. This is my first book by Elizabeth Bright and I mean to keep an eye out. We all need all of the escapism we can get and this one is at the click of your fingers.

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This story was so funny. I loved the romance and I can not wait to read more from this author. I have not read the first three books in the series but I will have to go back and do that soon. Sebastian and Eliza have quickly become my OTP.

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The Duke’s Wicked Wife brings the Wicked Secrets series to its conclusion – and what an adventure Sebastian and Eliza have in store for us. We met them in the very first story of this series, and their bantering, one-upmanship relationship has become a mainstay of this series. Now we get their own journey, a slow burn, almost enemies to friends to lovers story that wraps up so much and answers questions quite perfectly.

Unlike the earlier books you won’t find some huge secret this couple is hiding from the world, their secrets are more like issues from their life experiences that have set them on a certain course in their lives and neither can willingly, without some emotional direction, change who they are at their core. I’ve chuckled at their antics in previous stories, this time I fell in love with them as individuals, I liked them even with their issues and stubbornness.

The cover description really tells you all you need to know before picking up The Duke’s Wicked Wife – I would, however, gently suggest that you consider reading the entire series (if you haven’t) because there are glimpses of who they will become early on, and the earlier stories are well worth the time and effort to enjoy. I’ve enjoyed the Wicked Secrets series and it’s a bittersweet moment to come to the ending of this story. We’ll meet up once again with many of the couples, get some closure, but mostly this story is all about Sebastian and Eliza – it’s a love story with an edge that I adored and would not hesitate to recommend. Now comes the wait to see what this author will surprise us with next. I happen to love the anticipation, so I’ll be keeping an eye out.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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I recieved a free copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I liked the other books in this series and while the characters from previous books do make an appearance this can be read as a standalone. I love a broody alpha hero, but Sebastian was perfect. As Eliza said, there needs to be people who bring happiness in the world. Sebastian hasn't has an easy life but he is determined to make the world smile and enjoy it. He cares deeply but doesn't show the world. Eliza has also seen pain which has made her determined not to marry. Sebastian and Eliza become close friends to the point where Sebastian asks eliza to find him a wife. I loved the friends to love story as it was so realistic and not insta love. Sebastian was a compelling hero, eliza was a strong heroine and the relationship was lovely. Can't wait for the next book.

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“It was like discovering that the marble pillar one believed to be merely decorative was in fact holding up the bloody roof.”

The publisher and Netgalley provided me with an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

This regency romance provided the perfect escape. The dialogue is witty and provocative, a modern saucy Austen story with elements of Emma. I laughed aloud at the clever turns of phrase, the hero’s deliberate obtuseness, and the heroine’s frustration. The essential ingredient to their happiness is within their grasp, but they are too blind to see it.

He calls her Sigrid because she seems aloof and untouched. His endless teasing doesn’t disturb her equilibrium in the least – or so he believes. What Eliza can’t afford to tell him is that she can’t fathom a life without his laughter and sparkling brown eyes. Sebastian has something he wants to tell her – but the thoughts on his tongue are always dispelled by her presence.

Eliza has very good reasons for shunning marriage. She has very good reasons for avoiding entrapment. Until a man who hides his deep thoughts and carng behind a mask of nonchalance creeps beneath her defenses.

This was a quick, absolutely lovely, engaging read.

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"Still, he held his breath, waiting. Her angelic head tilted. “What are your preferences in a lady?” He looked at her before turning again to his tea. “Such as?” “Such as hair, for example.” “She should certainly have hair.” The corners of her mouth trembled, but she did not yield to a smile. “Fair? Dark? Red?” “I like them all,” he said after a moment of consideration. She pursed her lips. “What of height?” “Truly, I care not. Whatever a woman’s hair and height and shape, it is no matter to me. Short or tall. Slim, plump, and even more plump. I enjoy them all.” And why should he not? Women were such enjoyable creatures."

Sebastian Sinclair, Duke of Wessex, Earl of Badington, and Knight of the Garter's life flashed before his eyes...while choking on a strawberry. What if he had died? He would not have an heir to carry on his name. Therefore, he must find a wife in a fortnight and Miss Eliza Benton will help him.

"Eliza sighed. “Of course I’m not in love with him. I never intended marriage. I just wanted a kiss, is all.” Wanted was a pale, flimsy word to describe her feelings at that moment. She had needed a kiss with such overwhelming ferocity that for a moment, nothing else mattered. She had needed his kiss more than her solitary mornings, more than Hyacinth Cottage, more than the air she breathed."

Eliza had her life planned out. No marriage. No children. Just freedom to write...but she kissed the Duke of Wessex and she liked it.

Miss Eliza Benton met the Duke of Wessex, at a ball three years ago while she made a bet that he could discover what she wanted most at the ball and he could make it happen for her which was a dance with another man. Their wit and teasing is what makes them such good friends, but they aren't in love with each other. They want different things, but then there was the kiss that was seen by all and so they are married with conditions to save face.

This is my first Elizabeth Bright novel and I love the wonderful witty banter between these two complex characters. Sebastian loves to annoy Eliza and she loves to admonish him. The supporting characters are lovely as well and there is a bonus side romance as well.

Overall, this is a friends-to-lovers historical romance that has so many LOL moments beginning with the Duke's introduction with the strawberry incident. Recommend highly!

Thank you to Ms. Bright for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.

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I wasn’t a huge fan of this one.

While I did make it to the end, when I finally finished the last page, I didn’t feel impressed by the story. It was entertaining and featured a more typical historical romance vibe, but nothing wowed me throughout the book.

I wasn’t a huge fan of his character. I don’t know if I was just in a mood while reading or if he wasn’t truly standing out for me, but he wasn’t making the cut.

I ended up giving this one a 2 out of 5 stars. I really hoped I would become absorbed into this genre because I’ve been in such a mood for it, but unfortunately the writing didn’t live up to my expectations.

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Sweetly thrilling, sexy fun and heart racing adventure filled with engaging charters, witty banter, exciting twists and thrilling passion. Was a great read from beginning to end. Really enjoyed this emotional and entertaining journey!

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I'm ashamed to say, this is my first historical romance I've ever read. I've never read one until I came across this one and read the blurb. I was intrigued immediately.

Wessex, from the start of the book, had this idea of wanting a wife. So he asked Eliza to choose 3 suitors that she would think fits his requirements. One of the requirements is for them to like Eliza. He soon realised that if he were to get married, he might need to give up his friendship with Eliza. And that's something he's not willing to do..What should he do though?

For a first timer, it was an okay read. The witty banter between them was off the charts. I liked the part towards the ending, when they got together. It is a little bit narrative, I don't know if it's the same for every historical romance. But yeah, I skimmed through paragraphs a lot.

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Elizabeth Bright is wonderful! She has given us the cutest couple.

Sebastian and Eliza are friends. No spoiler, but you will laugh...and maybe shed a tear as these two fabulous kids realize that friends can be in love too!

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This book was received from the Author, and Publisher, in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.
All included quotes have been taken from an ARC and may not match the finished publication.

Elizabeth Bright, The Duke's Wicked Wife, is witty and enticingly provocative

Sebastian Sinclair, Duke of Wessex, Earl of Badington, and Knight of the Garter,
has a life changing epiphany, after almost choking on a strawberry.
He makes the incredible decision, to actually find a suitable wife and end his rakish bachelor days. He must procure wife posthaste, and produce an heir.
His request is just an eligible candidate that meet certain criteria for marriage, with the ultimate outcome, eventually an heir.
Love is not a requirement.

Sebastian is renowned philanthropist he seeks out his beautiful friendly adversary, Miss Eliza Benton. Eliza and Sebastian have back story, that has developed from the previous books. They now enjoy a relaxed friendship, with witty sarcastic banter.

“ The Duke of Wessex was far too handsome for his own good. Perhaps otherwise intelligent ladies would be less tempted to fall into his bed if his eyes did not remind them of chocolate, sweet and sinful..”

Everything seems to be going just as planned, in six months Eliza will turn twenty-two years old. With this upcoming birthday she will inherit Hyacinth Cottage and 5 thousand pounds from her deceased parents. Eliza has chosen spinsterhood over having a family of her own. Not wanting to succumb to the same fate as her mother and step-mother. She is determined not to become derailed from making her secret dream a reality.

Eliza is sent a note for a meeting, at the house call, Sebastian request her help in pursuing a eligible bride. He has decided to plan a house party at his home, Pervale Hall in Derbyshire. Sebastian wants Eliza to make a list of 3-4 marriageable young women, with flawless reputations, for him to invite to his party and from which he will choose his bride.

I devoured this one as fast as I could and was completely drawn into the lives of these characters. I turned those pages as fast as I could, feeling completely immersed into the characters within this book.
This witty slow burn romance, completely captivated me. A delightful read, that you will have laugh out loud moments, as this tension filled budding romance slowly develops. I loved how their relationship develops over time from friends to lovers, as the storyline unfolds. I was captivated with Sebastian and Eliza as they allow the door to their hearts to open, in this heartwarming historical romance.

Elizabeth Bright is truly an engaging author, if you haven’t read any of her books,
I definitely recommend you do so. The supporting characters are definitely worth noting with interesting. The author does a superb job in writing diversity into her compelling regency period novel. Eliza’s friend, and companion, is Riya Kukherfee, a young woman from India. This adds even more depth to her lovely novel.

The Duke's Wicked Wife, lives up to every promise, newcomers, and friends that have enjoyed the Wicked Series, will be enthralled by this lovely new addition.

“Eliza sighed, Of course I’m not in love with him. I never intended marriage. I just wanted a kiss, is all.” Wanted was a pale, flimsy word to describe her feelings at that moment. She had needed a kiss with such overwhelming ferocity that for a moment, nothing else mattered. She had needed his kiss more than her solitary mornings, more than Hyacinth Cottage, more than the air she breathed.”

@a_bright_lizzie @entangledpub #bookreview #historical #romance

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I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. The Duke’s Wicked Wife by Elizabeth Bright is the fourth book in her Wicked Secrets Series. Each book is designed to be read as a stand-alone, but the other books in this series were quite enjoyable as well. Sebastian Sinclair, the Duke of Wessex, does not do emotions; he prefers to keep things shallow and uses humour as a shield to keep things light. He does, however, need to marry and produce an heir, so he asks his good friend Eliza Benton to help him choose a bride because he trusts her judgement of people. Eliza Benton has no intention of marrying, she does not want to be the possession of some man, and she has plans for her life and a secret dream to fulfill. This is a delightful friends to lovers story, and I enjoyed it very much and do recommend reading it. It’s lighthearted and charming with a very satisfying HEA. Medium Steam. Publishing Date March 16, 2020. #NetGalley #EntangledPublishing #EntangledScandalous #TheDukesWickedWife #ElizabethBright #HistoricalRomance #FriendsToLovers #bookstagram

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Loved this book! The characters have depth and were well developed. The heroine was quick-witted and not the shy, demure darling that she was expected to be. The friendship between between Eliza and the Duke was unconventional but worked for them and saw them having to navigate some interesting situations. This book made sure to tie up any loose ends which left me fulfilled and satisfied. I definitely recommend it if you like strobgwilked heroines and Dukes who may not be as rakish as they think themselves to be.

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I am not normally a big historical romance reader. However, I thoroughly enjoyed Sebastian and Eliza's story!

The author did a great job creating interesting characters with great banter and chemistry. The friendship between Sebastian and Eliza was so much fun. They both believe it's a good thing they aren't in love as it would ruin both their plans. Watching them start to see the other in a different light was entertaining. I especially love that Eliza is a strong, independent person.

The book description is what drew me in, and I was not disappointed. Though this is book four in a series, it can be read as a standalone.

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Sebastian, Duke of Wessex is a complex character, he does love to cause mischief but he also plans for an outcome that will benefit others. Sebastian and Eliza have known each other for some time and are friends. Sebastian is looking for a perfect lady to become his duchess. Unfortunately, Eliza will not fit the bill and she has a secret. Eliza has her own plans for her future and that doesn’t include marriage. Due to her family’s experience, she feared childbirth. Sebastian also had issues due to his past, he feared loving anyone in case of loss. This was an enjoyable read, I hadn’t read any of the previous stories in this series. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a delight!
The growth of the friendship between the main characters was well written. A house party leads to a marriage that leads to building a new life together. The details matter so much and made this story.
The supporting character has her own point of view and her side story made me smile.
I will enjoy reading this again.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC from Netgalley.
There are open bedroom scenes after marriage. There is biblical profanity.

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With a title such as The Duke's Wicked Wife, only Eliza Benton could possibly fill such a role. Eliza is a woman who knows her mind and is not afraid to share it with Sebastian Sinclair, the Duke of Wessex. Whilst supposed friends, Sebastian calls on Eliza to find him a wife, as he must beget an heir. What starts of as quite a good idea, becomes one fraught with issues, the more time that they both spend together.
had an almost Emma like feel to me. Friends that don't realize they are in love. Yet, their perfectness together is quite plain to everyone else around them to see. I really enjoyed the little hints of Austen throughout the book. I don't want to give any spoilers away, but I will say I was happy with the twist and the historical accuracy of it.

This is a story with great characters who share great chemistry. Their lively banter made for such an enjoyable read, that I looked forward to the latest quip from both of them. Whilst they profess to want one thing, they then find themselves in a quandary as their feelings begin to override common sense. There are some great secondary characters, making this a delightful read. For anyone concerned that this is part of a series, I read the book completely oblivious of this and just found myself wanting to discover more by this author.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Sebastian Sinclair, Duke of Wessex, Earl of Badington, and Knight of the Garter would have choked on a strawberry had his friends Lord Abington and Lord Eastwood not rapped him smartly on the back.

Thankful to be alive, Sebastian sends a note to his friend, Miss Eliza Benton, age 21, to help him plan a house party at his home, Pervale Hall in Derbyshire with a result of him finding a wife. Sebastian wants Eliza to make a list of 3-4 marriageable young women, with flawless reputations, for him to invite to his party and from which he will choose a bride.

When she turns, 22, Eliza will inherit Hyacinth Cottage and 5 thousand pounds from her deceased parents. Then she can live her life as she wishes. She and Sebastian are friends but nothing more. His actions tend to irk her quite often. Her friend and companion is Riya Kukherfee, a young woman from India.

At the party, the young women vie to impress Sebastian with their skills such as singing and archery. Everyone seems to be having fun. Togetherness gives Sebastian and Eliza a chance to talk more and actually get to know one another even better. But when they are caught kissing, they must quickly become betrothed and marry. Will their marriage be a success?

Oh, what a delightful story! They didn’t mean to fall in love but there we are. I loved the humor and I honestly believe that the best marriages are those where the couple shares the same sense of humor as do Eliza and Sebastian. Even though she has her fears, Eliza is so mature and understanding of Sebastian. This love is outstanding. I also loved Riya. Her character is very well written and she is a fabulous friend to Eliza. My first book by Elizabeth Bright, but it won’t be my last. A must read!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Sebastian has decided that it is time to take a bride. Being friends with Eliza and trusting her judgement, he asks her to give him a list of names to choose from. He will have a house party and invite his potential brides.

Eliza is happy to help Sebastian with his choice of brides as she is certainly not going to be the one to marry him. She never wants to marry knowing the her mother and step mother both died in childbirth.

But as the house party progresses, Eliza and Sebastian seem to spend more and more time together. While he always seems to be needling her and she is always ready with a snappy comeback, there seems to be much more going on than mere friendship. Is there a possibility that Eliza will change her mind about marriage? Will Sebastian see the Eliza as more than just a friend?

I absolutely adored Sebastian and Eliza's story!! The bantering between the two of them had me laughing out loud throughout the story! I loved that these two started out as friends and we saw their love growing slowly as the story progressed. I have to say that this is one of top 5 books I've read so far this year. I've loved this whole series, so if yo've not read it, go out and get it now!!

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