Member Reviews

Delightful romance, with the main love story between the Sebastian Sinclair, Duke of Wessex, and his dear, yet infuriating friend Eliza Benton. Sebastian has decided he needs to marry, to fulfill his duty to his title, and to stop him brooding over the loss of his parents. He is irresistibly drawn to Eliza, as a friend to tease and spar with, but he is definitely not in love with her. He needs a high born lady of a restful nature, so who better to help him than managing Eliza.

Eliza Benton is easily riled by the infuriating, indolent and arrogant Duke, and she doesn’t want to marry at all, she is writing books that she publishes as Lady Anonymous- and she has almost reached her goal of earning enough to ensure she and her companion, the Bengali Riya Mukherjee will be able to retire to the country and live happily and independently. She just has to navigate through propriety and societal expectations, to say nothing of her strait laced brother John. When he asks her to find his bride, she hopes her nemesis will settle down and stop plaguing her.

When they all attend a house party thrown by Wessex, they are found in a compromising position, and Eliza has to give up her dream of remaining single and not risking dying in childbirth like her mum and stepmother.

It’s just as well they don’t love each other, so Eliza can negotiate a sort of autonomy and independence...

I found this book delightful, the banter between Eliza and Sebastian was well handled and made me laugh. The fears of both of them were understandable, and read well. The way they fell for each other was believable, and Sebastian was a very redeemable rake.

I also enjoyed he secondary romance between Riya and her betrothed, who she fled India to protect him from her loss of reputation. Nice to see a POC in a historical.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book and all opinions are my own.

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Amusingly Witty.
A fun (laugh out loud) read. I loved how Sebastian hid his good deeds in order that he was never taken seriously and his impish sense of humour. He and Eliza are an ideal match even if neither of them will admit it. Go ahead and read it you will not be disappointed.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Elizabeth Bright has been added to my auto-buy list. Holy cow, this book is phenomenal. It’s the fourth in the series, but I’d only read the first before this. I can confidently say that The Duke’s Wicked Wife can stand-alone, but your reading enjoyment will be much more enriched with back story from previous books. These characters have grown together throughout the series, arriving at this book as best friends, and there is still a delightful slow burn feel here. As well as some truly funny one liners that had me laughing out loud.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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If you read this book in public, be prepared to be stared at when you laugh out loud. The story is immensely funny. Eliza and Sebastian have the most witty and engaging conversations. The two are the unlikeliest of best friends who end up married. They are both scared of losing the people they love and most of all scared of losing each other’s friendship. They talk themselves into a compromise that still leaves them deeply in love. It is a story filled with interesting and delightful characters.

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Sebastian Sinclair, the Duke of Wessex, is not in love with Eliza Benton—nor anyone else, for that matter. But he must marry and produce an heir, and love is not required for either. His future duchess must be of high birth and good nature, a lady unlikely to snipe at him over breakfast. In short, the complete opposite of Eliza. So who better to help him find a bride?
Eliza Benton is not in love with the Duke of Wessex. He’s infuriating, arrogant, and an ass of the first order. A husband would ruin all her careful plans. But she’s all for finding her nemesis the perfect bride, anything to get him from underfoot so she can focus on her writing.
A lovely story of friends to lovers, this is the fourth book in the series, it could be read on its own but characters from earlier books do make appearances. I’m so glad Sebastian & Eliza have had their story & a lovely story it was too. I hadn’t liked Sebastian in earlier books thinking he was arrogant & shallow but how wrong was I? The more I delved into the book the more I fell for him. I loved Eliza with her fears & secrets. The highlight of the book was their banter & sniping is was highly entertaining. I also loved how they came to really know each other & neither wanted to spoil their friendship. A well written delightful read which captivated me from start to finish
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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"And still, I choose you."

The Duke's Wicked Wife had an almost Emma like feel to me. Friends that don't realize they are in love. Yet, their perfectness together is quite plain to everyone else around them to see. I really enjoyed the little hints of Austen throughout the book. I don't want to give any spoilers away, but I will say I was happy with the twist and the historical accuracy of it.

I enjoyed the storyline. Although it didn't feel entirely new, it had elements that breathed some freshness into it. I also found it refreshing to address women's fear of childbirth. I'm sure this had a be present in women's minds during these periods in history. So often we see romance novels with lovers throwing each other at themselves with reckless abandon. I really enjoyed the perspective of sexual enjoyment, but also fear of procreation.

I give The Duke's Wicked Wife a 4/5. Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for the advance copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Sebastian Sinclair, the Duke of Wessex uses wit and jest to avoid feeling, any feeling especially pesky love. Loving just leads to pain and grief and he refuses to go through that again. His greatest adversary is the witty and beautiful Eliza Benton. The two of them banter back and forth. They're friends, that's all, just friends. Eliza finds Wessex infuriating at best, but when she attends a house party to choose his bride, she finds something totally surprising. She more than enjoys his company and doesn't want anyone else to occupy his time. Could these two avoid a disastrous outcome like falling in love?

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, especially Wessex's jesting and bantering with everyone, but especially with Eliza. He is much deeper than anyone realizes although Eliza is beginning to see through his fun facade and forces him to confront that pesky thing called feelings as she begins to confront her own feelings about him. Ms. Bright does a great job of teases out the details of what Wessex and Eliza really want out of life and I was eagerly turning the pages to see how it all ends. Definitely a fun and enjoyable read.

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Sebastian Sinclair, the Duke of Wessex,and Eliza Benton are the of best friends. When partaking in forbidden fruit (literally), Sebastian realizes it is time to do his duties as a Duke and get a wife and an heir. It will be simple with Eliza coming to his aid to help him pick his wife. The biggest requirement is that she is someone Eliza likes, after all he doesn't want to loose Eliza's friendship. When they both realize that they won't be able to tease and banter with each other once Sebastian chooses a wife, the fun begins. This was a cute book that was higher in laughter than romance, but that is not a negative.

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Normally I would not read a period novel but with this book the cover drew me in. The book had romance but also a good dose of humor. I kept reading because I enjoyed the banter between the two main characters. It loved how Lord Wessex tried to act as if he didn't care about anything when it was obvious he did & how he would conspire schemes or games to get the outcome he wanted. I found the romance to be a bit predictable but I still enjoyed the book. I will admit I found myself looking up definitions for some words but other than that it was a smooth read. Since I don't typically read period pieces I was also surprised by how conservative all the characters were but I'm assuming that's typical of that time period. Overall I enjoyed the book and would recommend it to friends & family.

This ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This is my first time reading this author and this is maybe book 3 in a series, yet I have not read any of the other stories. It easily stands alone. Its the story between two close friends who are friends of friends who are married.

Now its Sebastian's turn to get married but he has no proepects so he asks his good friend Eliza to find him some brides and he will host a house party to find a bride. But the truth is Sebastian is in love with Eliza though he has no clue. And well she is in love with him but she has no clue either.

It was a really fun story as two clueless people in regency England discover what their friends and family know. I absolutely loved it and would love to read it again. If you are looking for light reading and a fun historical, this is a great choice.

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I received this from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. The was the next book in the Wicked secrets series. I just wasn’t a huge fan. The story at times was funny but others just seemed to drag on. In this one we have a duke and he asks his friend to help him find a wife. Eliza is a bluestocking author that wants to remain alone but through odd circumstances her and the duke come together. I wanted to enjoy it but I wasn’t over the moon something just didn’t click for me.

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I have never read a book from Elizabeth Bright before and even though this book is the fourth in her “Wiked” series I just fell in love with the book and the characters. I hurried and bought the three other books because I was so intrigued with the characters and the plots that was laid out in this book.

This story is definitely a redemption story for Sebastian, The duke of Wessex.
Sebastian gets a fright after almost choking on a strawberry and since he is the only family member that remains alive in his family he needs a wife to secure an heir. Since he feels safe with Lady Eliza’s opinion, he immediately goes to her and ask which women she would suggest for him. He knows that she will not marry ever and they are friends so it can’t be her.
He invites guests to a house party for three weeks and here he will decide who he will propose to.
After weeks of fun, teasing, late nights and scandal who will he end up marrying, the singer, the woman groomed to become a duchess, the romantic or the woman who does not want to get married? And will they have a happy ever after?

There is also a second lovestory in this romance where Ruya, a Lady from India and Lady Elizas houseguest gets her HEA with the love of her life. She fled from India because of a scandal and her best friend finds her and sweeps her of her feet.

This story is so wonderful, funny, heartwarming, romantic but your heart also breaks for the main characters, because they have experienced So much heartache and they have had to fight to get to where they are and where they belong!
Sebastian has the reputation of a rake, a cold man, a puppeteer who knows whose strings to pull without doing anything himself but even so he is well-loved by the ton. On the inside he is a warm, sweet, gentle person who just wants to help the people he cares about find happiness. I just love him.

I can definitely recommend this book and it can definitely be read as a stand-alone.

I got this book from Entangled Publishing and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you very much for the opportunity.

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I have been waiting so long for Wessex and Eliza’s story. I loved them in the previous books. Wessex is charming and witty and not very serious, or so we think. Eliza is his perfect foe. Can enemies become lovers? Of course they can. Both characters have pasts that they think prevents them from admitting that they can love and be loved. Eliza has a passion to be her own person until she is caught in a compromising position and has to become Sebastian’s wife. I liked that Eliza kept her passion alive. She made requests and Sebastian accepted them. But that is where the story kind of fell short for me. I did not care for the fact that Eliza kept everything a secret. She was best friends with Sebastian so why did she do it. Even though this story is well written and I enjoyed it, I was hoping for so much more for Sebastian and Eliza.

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Such a nice, funny and entertaining reading! I mean, the opening of the story is hilarious. And I don't get easily chermed at the first pages I have to say.

The hero is the funniest, in a very sarcastic way, and sweetest.
I loved the fact that he sees in the heroine a true friend, that they have this constant banter-based relationship but that at the same time there's trust and love between them.
There were clearly undrelying romantic feelings from the beginning but I found their bond very refreshing, and funny and sweet. Also before it shape shifted into a love story.

<spoiler><i>"How dare you stand there and tell me our friendship is worth so very little that you would toss me aside at a hint of gossip. How is it I am nothing to you when you are-" He stopped himslef.</i></spoiler>

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4 Solid Stars
This was a delight. You had a Duke who had a need and decided to have his actual best friend he didn't know he him. She thought him full of himself and would never consider marrying him...Until they ended up together!

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This is a sweet and romantic historical fiction. It's not angsty and flows beautifully from the start until the end. I loved all the characters and enjoyed reading it a lot.
Eliza has a plan, she knows what she wants and all her dreams seem within her reach. Soon, she will come into her inheritance and live her life freely. Because what can be better? That's until Sebastian asks him to find a wife for him. He goads her into agreeing to his demands. The two have always done things to annoy each other. The truth is that they are friends. And they have high opinions of each other. Unfortunately, fate has other plans and they might not be able to get what they both want from life. One thing is for sure, life will never be boring again.
This is a beautifully written story. I absolutely adored how Eliza and Sebastian interacted with each other. It's funny, cute, and quite romantic. I think that this book is a must-read for the fans of historical fiction.

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A delightful read from a new to me author. It took me a little while to get into the cadence of the speech since I had read a modern romance before this one, but it was fitting for the time period. I enjoyed the humor and repartee between Sebastian and Eliza. I loved following their gradual emotional flowering as their feelings for each other grew. This is the conclusion to the Wicked Secrets series but can be read as a standalone.

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I really enjoyed this slow-burn romance. 4.5 stars
The blurb:
Sebastian Sinclair, the Duke of Wessex, is not in love with Eliza Benton—nor anyone else, for that matter. But he must marry and produce an heir, and love is not required for either. His future duchess must be of high birth and good nature, a lady unlikely to snipe at him over breakfast. In short, the complete opposite of Eliza. So who better to help him find a bride?

Eliza Benton is not in love with the Duke of Wessex. He’s infuriating, arrogant, and an ass of the first order. Not that she has any intention of marrying anyone now that her secret dream is on the cusp of becoming reality. A husband would ruin all her careful plans. But she’s all for finding her nemesis the perfect bride, anything to get him from underfoot so she can focus on her writing.

Thank goodness Sebastian and Eliza aren’t in love. That would be disastrous.

Elizabeth and Sebastian had great chemistry and banter throughout the book. He professed to not love anything or anyone and she was set to live the rest of her life single. Both had fears that stemmed from their childhood. As they begin to share those fears with one another their feelings for one another became clearer. You could feel the love they had for each other no matter how much they each denied it. When they finally kissed! It was worth the wait.

I hadn't realized this was part of a series. So it can be read as a stand-alone.

This ARC provided by Entangled Publishing via NetGalley

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I absolutely loved everything about this book. Eliza and Sebastian are prefect for each other...there is just one problem, the two of them don't know it. They are wonderful friends who think they could never be anything more, but after one kiss that changes everything. This book is one that a reader won't be able to put down until it is complete.

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What a delightful book! My first time reading this author but it will not be the last!!! Love Sebastian and Eliza!!!

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