Member Reviews

I am not okay.

Elizabeth Bright just killed me with the exact romance my heart has been craving for good long while.

I’m going to gush so get ready for it. If you haven’t been reading Elizabeth Bright already then you need to rectify that situation immediately. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again, Elizabeth Bright’s writing reminds me so much of Eloisa James’s earlier books. Think the Essex Sisters or Desperate Duchesses. It’s DELIGHTFUL. She’s tongue-in-cheek and deliciously droll and then, without you even seeing it coming, she squeezes your heart through an old timey washing machine.

I absolutely loved, LOVED, The Duke’s Wicked Wife and I’ve loved the entire Wicked Secrets series. One more time, just so I’m clear, don’t miss Elizabeth Bright!!!. Pre-order this one. It’s out on March 16th.

Thank you Netgalley and Entangled for the chance to read an advanced copy. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The Duke's Wicked Wife is one of my most anticipated reads of 2020. I have been waiting for Wessex and Eliza's book ever since their playful dynamic ensnared me in Twice as Wicked. The wait was well worth it! The Duke's Wicked Wife concludes the Wicked Secrets series. It can be read as a standalone, but just bear in mind that characters from the previous books in the series make several appearances.

Sebastian, the Duke of Wessex, is not in love with his friend Miss Eliza Benton. Miss Eliza Benton barely tolerates her friend Sebastian, the Duke of Wessex. They just happen to know each other inside out. Sebastian and Eliza have developed a weird sort of friendship, where Sebastian likes to annoy her and Eliza likes to admonish him, all while rolling her eyes at him. It's a fun and playful dynamic with witty banter that started back in Twice As Wicked, the first book of the series. In The Duke's Wicked Wife, we get to dig deeper into who Sebastian and Eliza really are as individual beings and as friends who are obviously not in love with each other.

What I enjoyed about Eliza and Sebastian's romance is that it is very character-driven. There are no big plot twists or big adventures. Of course, both Sebastian and Eliza have their secrets, but nothing big or life-changing like in the previous books in the series. And I really liked that! This book was different and low-key, but it still packed a lot of heart, steam, and hilarity. Given that this book is character-driven, the main characters are very introspective, which adds a lot of depth to the characterization of both the hero and heroine. The Duke's Wicked Wife is a delicious slow burn friends to lovers romance and the pay off is really worth the wait. I really enjoyed getting to know Eliza and Sebastian better and I love that they finally have their HEA.

Thoughts on the Wicked Secrets series overall:
As the series title suggests, there are many secrets! But this is primarily a series with friends and family at the centre of it all. It just so happens that these friends and family members are hiding big secrets lol! I think my favourite is a tie between Twice As Wicked and The Duke's Wicked Wife. My least favourite is Lady Gone Wicked because I'm not a fan of the trope in that book. The most unique character in this series is Lady Claire from Wicked With The Scoundrel; I think readers either love or hate her and I happen to ADORE her. The Duke's Wicked Wife does a good job concluding the series, but Claire and Colin don't make an appearance.

Overall, I really enjoyed this series and I look forward to finding out what else Elizabeth Bright has in store for us!

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I love Regency Romance and this one is just a little bit quirky and different from the normal. It took me a little to get into the story and the characters, but it was a fun story of finding love.
3.5 stars for this book, thank you for the ARC of the book.

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This is my fair and honest review, given voluntarily, in my own words, for this ARC. I chuckled so many times while reading this! Well written with main characters who really have no idea what they want. Stumbling through life blindly and yet together. Delightful read! Give it a go.

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Loved it! The witty banter between the two main characters was off the charts, which I love. They’re both smart, sassy, good hearted, and deep. They care for those around them but fear letting anyone get to close for fear of loosing them and feeling the pain of loss. It was fun to watch their relationship develop from friends to lovers, their emotions deepen and their hearts open to the love they both needed and so deserved. They were so evenly matched and perfect for each other. I’m looking forward to more from the author, their writing style is on point and flows extremely well.

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This book had one of my favorite tropes ("Let me get this wholly unsuitable person to find me a wife; I'm sure we won't fall in love") and it completely delivers on all of the exciting and delicious drama of that trope. 4 stars! Recommended!

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4 stars

It would have helped if I'd read the rest of the series. Being number 4 I think a lot of loose ends are being tied up in the first half of this book. I do see it as a book in two halves. The first half Sebastian is looking for a wife and part 2 he's had to marry Eliza. For me the second half is the better story. I liked the book and might return to the rest of the series. Eliza has realistic fears for that era and eventually Sebastian understands this and because he loves her is able to find a middle ground.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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New to me author Elizabeth Bright delivers a great story of two friends who never want to marry who are forced to wed each other. They discover that, despite their fears, they do love each other. I can’t wait to read more by this author! I received an ARC from NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for my honest review.

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When two persons set on a path find themselves “unexpectedly” entangled ...

This is my first read by Mrs Elizabeth Bright and it will not be my last. I am just in love, everything from her witty writing to the portrayal of her characters is a pleasure for the mind.
The author is perfectly named and bears proudly her pen name as I can say she does right to it with her bright writing skill and style.

The Duke’s epiphany was such a humorous opening scene like I haven’t read since long, from there I was sucked in the story.
As the fourth in a series, we see again the protagonists of the previous stories but it perfectly can be read as a standalone.
Yet I do suppose the first books gave some insight of Sebastian’s personality.
He is such a lovely being, and while he might appears fickle to anyone not very observant, he is a master at chess, playing like a skilled player, he plans in advance his every move and all with an intended purpose.
I loved every layer of him slowly revealed, from the merry fellow, the scheming peer, the generous landlord, the scarred lover to the grieving boy. He is not solely the renowned philanthropist and rake, he is so much more but he hides it behind his society’s mask.
From the very beginning Eliza was his destined soulmate, yet he is so set on never putting his heart in jeopardy again, he can’t accept what was gnawing his every thoughts since their first encounter.
As for Eliza, she has set a path for her because of her birth and childhood. To avoid meeting her mother and mother-in-law’s destiny, she has decided to the opposite road, spinsterhood.
To her, nothing, not even the strange feeling Wessex stirs in her will move her from her chosen future.
I does understand her fears as women had few choices and voices in this matter until very recently. And she did not contemplate her potential avenir with only the purpose to avoid pregnancy, she gives it a meaning with her own work. Still with the Duke, she has found a partner in their bickering and witty games.
But like him, she withholds her feelings, keeping them at bay in the hope she might ensure her decided journey.

Together, they are quips, cleverness and witticism, both with a course set to circumvent their deepest fears because of the traumatic events from their past. It is up to them to choose if they may live a short life but at its fullest or a full length one with only half measures.

Mrs Elizabeth Bright with this 5 stars read shows the scope of her talent, from moving characters to facetious and sharp talks and inner dialogues.

I was granted an advance copy by the publisher Entangled, and purchased my own. Here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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It is a beautiful romance novel with great lead characters. Both Eliza and Sebastian are interesting and come with their unique personalities. Sebastian is a duke who acts like he doesn't even care a bit about anything much - society, politics, emotions, etc but is quite opposite and is truly a good person. Eliza is an independent woman, a writer who keeps that fact hidden and is really forward thinking for the times. The witty banter between them is really enjoyable. There is some steam at the end. Their banter is the major enjoyable part of the book.

I found the character description of Sebastian as most unique from all the heroes of this genre. The heroes normally are of brooding kind and people would never make fun of them but here is the opposite case as hero itself intentionally acts a bit of fool. His devious ways in doing things and thereby helping people is really interesting. Eliza is also a great friend for Riya. Ram and Riya have their own cute story on the side.

Overall a light , enjoyable and fun read!

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I received an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review

Really wanted to like this one because it was so different, but I could have used a little more old fashioned romance

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What a delightfully adorable story! I loved the sort of love/hate that Sebastian and Eliza had for each other. It made for the best banter! I enjoyed that what was so clear to me as the reader was not clear to them and so loved how they slowly but surely figured it out. I love seeing best friendships turn into everlasting love. And I also enjoyed the other little love story slowly woven in as well. This is the perfect quick, romantic read that will definitely get your heart racing just enough!!!

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Yes, this is a nice romance with just enough steamy to make is a fun read.. The story was well told. I liked the book.

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