Member Reviews

Wow! Not one for the faint hearted as it is very graphic with some of the worst crimes I have ever read about.

However, I really enjoyed it as a fan of true crime books, shows and podcasts. For someone who does read a lot about these types of things I was surprised to come across so many that I had never heard of before, especially as the crimes were so horrifying.

As I said, this book is not for the faint hearted but if like me, you have an interest in true crime and a strong stomach you will really enjoy it. The author has done a fab job ad I will be looking out for other books by them.

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I really liked this book, it was very informative. I wouldn't recommend it to the faint of heart though because of the gore.

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I have really enjoyed this one and highly recommend it to other readers

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‘Because the price of meat in the shops is so expensive’ he replied. By the way of explanation, he told the detectives that he only consumed the flesh of those victims who were young and tender.’

Well what a gruesome book that was! Each chapter was a different story some who are well know and that I have read about before and a whole heap that I was not aware of.

The book is easy to read and follow along with although at times the book is extremely gory - after all it is about the most notorious serial killers who dismembered and took pleasure in eating their victims.

I found it so interesting that majority of the man and women in the stories had served time in the army, continued to kill people due to police mistakes in trying to investigate and capture them and that a lot of them died in prison of heart conditions. So many commonalities between the cases.

Overall, the book was an interesting read and if you are interested in serial killers this one is for you.

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I remember reading this book Serial Killers: Butchers and Cannibals when I was younger and when I saw Nigel Blundell has re-released I thought I would like to read it again as it was great read for any true crime fan. I enjoyed reading it again.

Big thank you to Pen & Sword and Netgalley for the ARC , in exchange for an honest opinion.

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This book is a great read for any true crime fan. The author did a great job of including those killers that most of us have heard about, but also included several that I hadn't heard of. I found the writing to be engaging, as I finished this in a day. I did find some errors in this book after doing some online research. I feel as if the author and publisher should have spent more time fact-checking. Overall, it was an interesting read, though. Due to the errors and oversight of the publisher to fact-check this book, I am giving it 4 stars.

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This was really well done! The research was thorough and accurate as far as I could tell.
This book isn't for the faint of heart, but the title alone should tell you that. The killers in this one are the worst of the worst.

The last 25% was hard to read due to formatting issues so I do look forward to picking this one up again once all final edits are made.

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