Member Reviews

With the state of the world as it is right now, sometimes you just need a nice, lower angst romance to distract you from reality for a few hours. The Innocent’s Forgotten Wedding is entertaining and engaging, with a delightful heroine and a leading man who’s biggest flaw is being too nice. This book had it all: money, intrigue, passion that grows throughout the book, and tension that builds and builds until the truth finally breaks through.

I really don’t want to spoil this book since you learn so much from the get go since you get both Brooke and Lorenzo’s points of views. Essentially, Brooke and Lorenzo are divorcing after a tumultuous marriage where they both want different things and have different lifestyles. Brooke is a fashion influencer and aspiring actress while Lorenzo is a banker. She loves to go out and travel while he’d prefer more low-key events and possibly starting a family. After an unfortunate car accident, Brooke lingers in a coma for several months while Lorenzo sits by her side out of a sense of loyalty and pity since Brooke doesn’t have any family that he knows of. But when Lorenzo’s ex-wife wakes up, she’s very different. Gone is the greedy, self-centered attention seeking woman he married. This woman doesn’t know who she is or that she’s even married to this handsome stranger, and Lorenzo can’t abandon her when she has so much recovering to do.

As Brooke struggles to learn who she was and to recover her memories, Lorenzo tries to not fall for her. But she’s so different it’s like she’s a completely different person, and he can’t help falling in love all over again. Will a romantic getaway to his villa in Italy make or break their burgeoning romance?

I give The Innocent’s Forgotten Wedding a four out of five. I really enjoyed this sweet and fast read, and it definitely held my interest. The secrets aren’t kept from the reading, and the big antagonist is the heroine’s amnesia, so many misunderstandings happen because of it. Lorenzo is a very likeable man: loyal, successful, sexy, and willing to stick by Brooke’s side no matter what. Brooke was not a very nice person in the beginning, but her character to Lorenzo after the accident is such a difference, and I really enjoyed her sweet, caring, and sometimes naive nature. I highly recommend this fast paced romance where strangers meet because of complex circumstances and fall in love.

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This one was a miss for me-years ago Ms. Graham wrote a book with a heroine also named Milly who was the mistress to a very rich man. She was hit by a car while pregnant and lost her memory. That book was fantastic -this one lost my interest.

There is a an evil twin sister who sleeps and cheats on Lorenzo the hero of the story. It's just too complicated and goes off in too many directions for me to care for this one.

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cute story. At times a little overly dramatic but I was invested in the characters and wanted to see how their story would unfold. I plan to read more Graham.

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I am a huge fan of Lynne Graham. I love getting lost in her books. In The Innocent’s Forgetting Wedding we get a bit of a different story with an alpha hero with a heart. He wants to be done with his wife, but the woman he is spending time with is completely different. A woman he wants to spend time with. Missy has no memory of her husband or her life before her crash. What secrets are in their past and will they be able to move forward together? A fun, charming and quick read that was easy to get lost in.

Happy reading!

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Lynne Graham is one of the best-loved and most popular names in category romance. Her tales of passion, glamour and seduction have made her a firm favorite with readers all across the globe and her latest romance, The Innocent’s Forgotten Wedding, sizzles with drama, emotion and intensity.

Italian billionaire Lorenzo Tassini is almost free of the woman who had nearly driven him to the edge of despair: his wife, Brooke. Lorenzo had been immediately attracted to Brooke’s beauty and charisma, but he had soon learnt that beneath the sophisticated and glittering façade his wife liked to present to the world lay a woman who was selfish, inconsiderate, ruthless and who cared about nothing and nobody other than herself. Driven by money, fame and other people’s slavish adoration of her, Brooke had made his life a misery, but now that she has finally consented to signing the divorce papers, Lorenzo is finally free of the shackles binding him to the woman he had almost grown to hate. Yet, when one day he hears news that his wife is in hospital after barely surviving a car crash, Lorenzo knows that his place is by his wife’s side and that he will do whatever it takes to ensure that her every need is catered for. When Brooke comes round from all the tests and operations, she is unable to remember her name, let alone that she has a husband, leaving Lorenzo with no other choice but to forget about their divorce and care for his wife.

Brooke seems to be much changed by her accident. Not only is she struggling to remember anything about her life, but her personality has been transformed overnight. The cold-hearted and devious bride Lorenzo married is now a sweet, generous and gentle woman who stirs something deep within him he hasn’t felt for a very long time. With fate having pushed them together yet again in the most unlikely of circumstances, Lorenzo begins to fall in love with his wife. The sensual chemistry between them skyrockets and Lorenzo and Brooke quickly find themselves giving into their feelings for one another. However, Lorenzo is shocked to his very core when he discovers that the woman wearing his wedding ring is a virgin!

Lorenzo is determined to uncover the secrets of the woman he has taken to his bed. The woman he has fallen madly in love with again. But who is this woman calling herself Brooke Tassini? Is she really the woman he detested prior to her accident? Or is he about to discover a shocking deception that will end up turning his entire life upside down?

The Innocent’s Forgotten Wedding is classic Lynne Graham! A sizzling page-turner sure to go down a treat with her legion of fans and win her scores of new admirers who will find themselves completely and utterly hooked by this beguiling, seductive and scintillating tale of second chances, dangerous secrets and powerful passion, The Innocent’s Forgotten Wedding features a gorgeous Alpha hero who will make readers swoon and a sweet, resilient and determined heroine they will love.

Sexy, compelling and captivating, The Innocent’s Forgotten Wedding is a searingly emotional tale from a writer who is always at the top of her game: Lynne Graham.

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Brooke survived a terrible car crash where their was loss of life. She sustained quite a bit of damage, but the doctors assure her husband Lorenzo that she will be all right. It takes some time Brooke to wake up, but it takes her even longer to remember who she is and who this sexy man that calls her husband is.

Lorenzo is an honorable man. Although he and his wife were on the brink of divorce, he cannot leave her to fend for herself. He plans on keeping his distance, because is wife is a hateful viper. But, Lorenzo finds things to be very confusing. Who is this sweet loving person in his wife's body? And why does he feel intense desire for her? With Lorenzo being quite successful and incredibly busy, he hopes his travels will help him keep his mind off of Brooke.

That is about as specific as I will get in this review. This book has a trope that romance readers have been reading for decades, but I leave it to the reader of the book to discover what that is. I found this book to be enjoyable for the most part and it was a very quick read. There were, however, a couple of things that just didn't click for me. So, looking past those issues I feel comfortable rating this book with 4 Stars.

Many thanks to Harlequin Presents and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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Brooke and Milly are half sisters. Brooke is a self indulged, fashion icon, married to a billionaire and leads a life of luxury. Milly is a waitress living paycheck to paycheck. Brookes only reason for wanting Milly in her life, is to act as her decoy. When Brooke comes to pick up Milly to take her place for a few days, a tragic accident occurs.

When Brooke wakes up months later from a long coma, her husband Lorenzo who had Brookes divorce papers in his hand before the accident is by her side. Her can’t desert her now, he is the only family she has. When Brooke comes home, she is different. She is kind and gentle, polite and sweet. Lorenzo is starting to like the “new” Brooke.

One day while in Italy, Brooke has a nightmare and suddenly remembers everything! Will this destroy her newfound relationship with Lorenzo? What will happen to her once Lorenzo finds out the truth?
This was such an awesome Sunday afternoon read. I love the way Lynne Graham developed the characters. It was a story of love, family, friendship and forgiveness. Thank you so much to Lynne Graham, Harlequin and NetGalley for an advanced copy to read and review.

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The Innocent's Forgotten Wedding is fast-paced and the romance is sweet with a bit of sexy. The story is quite predictable, but that didn't spoil it at all for me. The beauty of this trope is that while it may be completely over the top, if it's done right, it's great for a bit of escapism. And this one is certainly done right - the couple is engaging, the story is interesting, the angst comes from exactly where I expected, and the catalyst for happy ever after is easy to see coming from pretty early on. Milly is a little too innocent, a little too gullible, but it works for this story. Normally, the complete predictability would be a turn-off for me, but sometimes a fun, sexy, easy read is just what a person needs and this one definitely hit the spot.

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A Stand-in for Her Sister

Millie wants very much to be accepted by her half-sister, Brooke. She was born when her mother was having a long term relationship with Brooke’s father. It’s a hurt that rankles both girls. They look amazingly alike which gave Brooke, married to Lorenzo a wealthy banker, the idea to use Millie as a stand-in. Millie doesn’t feel comfortable with the arrangement, but it does give her contact with the only family she has.

After five years, Millie is tired to the game, but agrees to stand-in for Brooke one more time. They’re in the limo racing to drop Millie at her hotel, so Brooke can catch an airplane. Brooke gives Millie her clothes and jewelry and takes Millie’s passport. Then the unthinkable happens. A terrible automobile crash kills Brooke and puts Millie in the hospital in a coma.

Lorenzo thinks the woman in a coma is Brooke and although they were planning to divorce, he feels he must care for her. He hated Brooke’s selfish ways, but when she wakes from the coma, she’s so different he begins to wonder if they have a future.

This is an amusing romance. Millie and Lorenzo are such nice people you can’t help hoping their romance will last. There are plenty of hot sex scenes, but they add to the story rather than distracting from it. The descriptions of Lorenzo’s fabulous houses are wonderful. You can’t help but feel you’d love to see them. If you enjoy romance, this is a good one.

I received this book from Harlequin for this review.

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The Italian husband she can’t remember…or resist!
After a terrible car crash, Brooke can’t remember her own name—much less her wedding day! Finding irresistible Lorenzo Tassini at her bedside—and a gold band on her finger—is shocking.
Honor-bound to care for his estranged wife, Lorenzo whisks her to his luxury Tuscan villa. But Brooke’s nothing like Lorenzo remembers! Her sweetness surprises him, as does the chemistry between them, blazing like never before. Stunned to discover her virginity, Lorenzo must uncover the secrets of the woman wearing his ring…

It was a fast, easy romantic read. I loved Lorenzo and Milly together. I loved the ending and how everything turned out. I felt this was a feel-good romance. I didn’t like Brooke’s character at all, but I don’t believe we were supposed to. She was selfish and only cared about herself, didn’t even care about her half-sister, who so desperately wanted her to love her. I loved this book and its characters. I highly recommend it. Great summer read.

**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Traditional and Sweet. 3.5 stars
I cut my teeth on these type of books when I was young and I love to revisit them for a relaxing evening jaunt down memory lane.

The story is a delightful read written in the traditional romance style. With a bit of angst and tension, the slow undercurrents of attraction, and the burn of desire. Graham sets up a lovely story that sucks us in for the night.

The character development is beautifully done and I cannot help but say I did not care for her sister! Lorenzo is a sweet heart, honor bound to care for his wife, and yet surprised to fall for her even more so with her changes.

Tender and sweet, this love grows through the pages. A flirty romance that you will enjoy!

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Rating: 5

Would I recommend it? Yes

Will I read more by this author? Yes

First off I want to thank Harlequin for the invite to read and review it , its the first time I've read anything by this author and i finished it in a day and half , couldn't stop reading once I started it because it remind me some what of the old harlequin romance that my grandmother use to read and the ones that got me into read romance. Another thing I loved about the story was it made you wounder ( at least it did me) which of the women actually made it from the car crash.So if you love books like this pick up a copy and read it for yourself.Another i want to say is thanks to NetGalley for aslso letting me read it .

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I enjoyed this read. There was a lot to like about this book. It has a great hero and an emotional story line. My issue with this book was the heroine, I liked her but I didn't like her. Yeah, I know that it doesn't make a lot of sense and it's complicated but it is how I felt. I loved how sweet, genuine and easy to feel for she was but she was also a spineless doormat. That really bothered me. Thankfully that becomes a non-issue as the story unfolds. There is a bit of a forbidden element to this romance that might be an issue for some readers but it didn't bother me at all. There is plenty of drama, twists, surprises, emotion and some heat to keep you entertained.

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I read this book in one day. Like all Harlequin Presents books this one was a quick and easy read.

I liked the story very much and yes it was kinda cheesy but it was a good book to keep you entertained.

I do recommend this one.

I am giving this 4 out of 5.

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Outstanding, romantic hero in a fun, amnesia plot

Milly Taylor first met her 24-year-old half-sister, Brooke Jackson, when Milly was 18 and just released from foster care. She'd always known she was illegitimate. Her mother had been a model who'd had a long-running affair with Milly's father, a wealthy wine importer. He’d never paid any attention to Milly and had died from a heart attack when she was only nine. Her mother had died two years after her father, and Milly had been remanded to foster care for seven, long years. She had never imagined the possibility of being sought out by her father’s legitimate daughter, and was overjoyed to have a chance to bond with her sister. Lonely, alienated Milly was greatly moved by the fact that she and beautiful, vivacious Brooke were each other's only living relatives, Brooke's mother being deceased as well. Their close blood tie impressed Milly far more than the extreme contrasts between their social positions in life. Milly lived in abject poverty, and her prospects were poor, while Brooke was a jet-setting, trust-fund baby, who was constantly followed by the paparazzi.

In spite of the hard knocks that life had dealt her, Milly had retained a sweet, compassionate nature and was eager to be of service to her sister. And right from the start, spoiled, narcissistic Brooke made it perfectly plain that she had a shocking need for Milly to fill. She wanted Milly to be able to, at a moment’s notice, act as Brooke's body double, taking over for her at boring, socialite events she was committed to but could not opt out of, and also to throw the paparazzi off the scent when she wanted to be left alone. Brooke considered this switch-up completely feasible, because they both resembled their mutual father to such a remarkable degree that they could have been twins, except for two things: Millie was an inch shorter and quite a bit curvier than skinny Brooke, and Milly had a large bump on her nose. The curves could be toned down by Milly going on a diet, Brooke proclaimed, but the nose problem required a much more drastic intervention. Brooke insisted that Milly get plastic surgery at Brooke’s expense in order to make her nose look just like Brooke's. At first Milly refused her sister’s outrageous request, but Brooke threw a huge tantrum, then cut off all contact with Milly for six, nail-biting weeks. And when Brooke finally contacted her again and renewed her demand, out of a desperate desire to stay connected to her sister at any cost, Milly surrendered.

At the start of the story, this unhealthy, one-sided, stand-in arrangement has been going on for a full five years, but mild-mannered Milly is finally ready to take a stand and call it quits, ending her ongoing impersonations of her sister. It has finally gotten through her hopelessly naïve head that Brooke is cold to the bone, and nothing Milly can do will ever win the love of a sister who has no regard for anyone but herself. However, in spite of herself, Milly’s overabundance of empathy causes her to get sucked once more into Brooke’s latest sob story. Brooke informs Milly she is going through a terrible divorce from her husband, a rich, stuffy banker. She claims he has unjustly accused her of having an affair, which is his grounds for their divorce. She complains that she desperately wants to get away from all the stress the divorce has caused and enjoy a relaxing little holiday to lick her wounds—which she can only do if Milly helps her keep the nosy paparazzi away. She needs Milly, while acting the part of Brooke, to ostentatiously make her way to a ritzy hotel that Brooke will pay for, and hide out in a hotel room for a few weeks while the real Brooke, masquerading as Milly, borrows her sister’s passport and identity to go abroad incognito. Milly has grave reservations about handing over her passport but, as usual, Brooke’s domineering personality bulldozes over Milly’s much more compliant one. While speeding to the airport together in a limousine in order for Brooke to catch her flight, Brooke insists that Milly switch outfits with her, including handing Milly her wedding and engagement rings to put on, and she takes possession of Milly’s passport. Suddenly, there is a tremendous crash, and Milly’s last conscious thought is that they are in an accident, and Brooke has forgotten to put back on her seat belt after changing her clothes.

That same day, Lorenzo Tassini, a gorgeous, billionaire banker in his early 30s, is feeling enormous relief that his disastrous, two-year marriage to Brooke, his unfaithful, greedy, nightmare of a wife, is finally about to be over. Just that morning she has signed the legal documents for an uncontested divorce, there being no need to drag things out since Lorenzo had an ironclad pre-nup and has made her a massively generous settlement. Then, out of the blue, he is contacted by the police about a fatal accident. The driver, one of his own staff, is dead, as is a female passenger, and his wife is at the hospital, seriously injured. He’d already begun thinking of himself as no longer her husband but, technically, legally, he still is. Worse, he knows himself to be her only relative. If she is hurt, it is his responsibility, as a human being of basic decency, to make sure her medical needs are met.

At the hospital, a policeman informs Lorenzo that the name of the dead female passenger is Milly Taylor. Lorenzo has never heard of her before, and soon puts her out of his mind as he turns his attention to Brooke. The doctors inform him that Brooke has a serious head injury, needs surgery, and might not survive. She also has facial injuries, and knowing that her beauty means everything to Brooke, Lorenzo engages brilliant plastic surgeons to repair the damage. After brain surgery, his wife is left in a vegetative state, and the doctors inform him that even if she recovers, after such a serious injury, her personality may be changed in some ways, and she will have a very long, slow recovery process. Lorenzo is determined to, in the short term, put the divorce on hold until Brooke is fully well and able to safely live on her own.

That supposedly short-term situation drags out into 15 grueling months of Lorenzo’s estranged wife lying inert in a coma. When she, at long last, finally wakes up, she is suffering from amnesia, and her personality is completely different. No longer self-centered and abrasive, she is instead sweet-natured and soft-spoken. How can this possibly be? Lorenzo is shocked that, of all the unimaginable eventualities, he actually likes and even admires this new version of Brooke. But how long will these positive changes last? He must not allow himself to get attached to his wife, because she might very well revert to the old, nasty Brooke if, or when, she recovers her memory.

As far as I know, this is only the second amnesia plot that LG has ever written, and in the other one, The Banker’s Convenient Wife, it is the hero who has amnesia, and not the heroine. Amnesia is an evergreen trope in every genre of popular storytelling, not just the romance genre, and it can be a whole lot of fun if it is well done. Which it definitely is here, primarily because of the terrific romantic hero.

Lorenzo is an absolute gem of a male protagonist. He is compassionate, loyal, and honorable in the extreme and, of course, tremendously gorgeous and sexy. The mystery of the personality-transplanted wife is not, of course, a terribly difficult one to solve, and I don’t think it is meant to be, since just before the accident we are given a bullhorn of a hint in the form of Milly's commenting on the seat-belt situation, as well as her wearing her sister’s rings. Speaking of the latter, I chuckled with pleasure at this little homage to the adorable romantic-comedy movie, Mrs. Winterbourne.

Overall, this was a really fast, fun read for me from one of my favorite romance authors. I have read very book that LG has ever written, and this novel is a departure for her in that, in spite of the death that begins the book, and the soapy amnesia plotline, it is not very melodramatic at all compared to many of her other books. I think this is so because Lorenzo is not her typical, brusque, alpha hero, and there is no evil Other Woman, or evil, conniving mother of the heroine acting as antagonists. Those plot devices are quite common in the Harlequin Presents line, and LG does them well, but I actually like this story much better. The main plot antagonist is not an actual person, but rather the amnesia itself.

I rate this book as follows:

Heroine: 4 stars
Hero: 5 stars
Romance Plot: 5 stars
Amnesia Plot: 3 stars
Writing: 4 stars
Overall: 4 stars

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Charming. Full of delightful cliches that come in tandem with amnesia romance books. And although some of the interactions were predictable, this short Novella was none the less enjoyable. Thank you for The Arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This is Milly and Lorenzo’s story. There was a terrible car accident. One woman is dead the other in a coma. The one in the coma wakes up and has amnesia. The story is a women’s climb to rebuild her life with her husband without her memory. The story was enthralling.

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When two strangers meet under straining circumstances, can they make things work together ...

I was looking for a short read and this one was awaiting me for some days.
It is a sweet and fast paced read of two persons who would never have meet if not for the manipulative person who played with their feelings.
Milly/Brooke used to play her half sister’s games, feeling guilty for her parents relationship. And if not for the car crash, it would have been her last time falling in her sibling’s web.
But now she awakens in a strange place, with an unfamiliar man, and she is said he is her husband.
Lorenzo was blinded by his wife beauty, why he didn’t saw at first how Brooke played him. So when is soon-to-be-ex wife comes back a very different woman, he does not know how to react. This new Brooke is everything he had wanted his wife to be. But what if it is a ruse, what if when she gets her memories back, she reverts to her old self.

So when Lorenzo tries to keep her at arms length, Brooke wants only to save her marriage as she is falling for this stranger who is so full of contradictions. But when the past collides with the present, what future will they have.

A lovely read with a bit of steam and two people who get to know one another by correcting their past mistakes.
4,5 stars, as as much I was angry at Lorenzo first reaction to the truth, I also understood his position, a bit of groveling could have been nice instead of the all caveman attitude but it was cute.

I was granted an advance copy by the publisher Harlequin, here is my true and unbiased opinion.

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I am pretty sure that this was an old book, the women are all so stereotyped that it was almost a little bit ridiculous, anyway if you like the sort of story where a lookalike model girl doesn't know how beautiful she is and it is a virgin who looses her memory, well this book is perfect.

Sono abbastanza sicura che questo fosse un vecchio libro, le donne sono degli stereotipi talmente perfetti da sembrare ridicole, ma se vi piace il tipo di storia dove la ragazza é bella come una modella, ma non ne é consapevole, inoltre é vergine e perde la memoria, questo libro é perfetto.


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This. Was. A. Fabulous. Read. Pinot and this book goes fabulous together....if your pairing. Loved it. So car accident...wrong girl identified... marriage.

What did I like? Only these Harlequin novels can grab me and give me a twirl. it’s all here. Grab it and get your fill.

Would I buy or recommend? Yesssss....giiiirrrrrllll. Lorenzo is a banker but his soul calls for this girl. You can’t go wrong with a Harlequin.... you just can’t. HEA’s galore.

Thoughts for the author.... quickie but a good one... loved it.

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