Member Reviews

The more I read these little Heartwarming series romances, the more I enjoy them. Light reading but with quality writing and engaging stories and characters. I really appreciate the “low-heat” rating on the romance because it gives so much more page time to showing character chemistry between the leads, not just their amount of sizzle. This book brings ranch life to the front with descriptions of day to day events on a teaching destination ranch (hey, I want to go to one of those) and the struggle of making ends meet at such a place.

Brady could have easily been a silver-spoon-in-mouth sort of kid, with his rich dad, but he had a great sense of humor and won me over pretty quickly. His ideas for the ranch could be pretty far-out but I really enjoyed how he was open to other opinions and didn’t just leap into his plans blindly; at the same time, when the time was right, he doesn’t hesitate to act. This made him an engaging character in his own right, not just in a romantic way.

There’s a sweet secondary story with side characters Gus and Sharlene as well.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free reading copy. A favorable review was not required.

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Zannah is back and wasn't expecting her fathers ranch to be struggling so much that he got another partner to help take over while he goes off on a much needed vacation. Zannah thinking her fathers vacation of going to look for gold and leaving her to deal with the mess of a new partner who knows nothing of how to deal with their family business is less then thrilled. Zannah and Brady will have to learn to work together if they want this ranch to grow and prosper but its clear they are going to have their challenges.

I liked this book it was a cute little contemporary. I liked getting to know the character and seeing them with their back and forth. The father shouldn't have sprung this on Zannah and she was dealing with things the way only she can and try to make the best of it. Shes distrustful for the new comer worrying that he might ruin things at the ranch, there is so much that can go wrong I mean she doesn't know the dude and this is her family's ranch she wants to protect it. This book I wouldn't say is much of a romance but was a cute book and there was some light romance if anything. I thought the extra point of views were unnecessary but okay. Personally I would've wanted more out of Zannah and Brady then that extra bit. Overall this book was pretty good I liked it.

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