Member Reviews

I enjoyed very much reading this book and the individual stories were good though I wish some had been longer.

<blockquote>(Note that we are prying: Montaigne did not intend his travel journal for publication, but it is too rich a document to be forgotten, and we will be discreet.) [loc. 2529]</blockquote>
The travellers' tales in this volume are organised by geographical region, and then by period: so, under 'Central Asia and India' we find Fâxiân (a Buddhist monk) travelling in 399CE; Alexandra David-Neel, entering Tibet in disguise in 1924; and missionary Mildred Cable, travelling to Huozhou in 1901.
Statistically it's an interesting mix: 8 women, 13 men; the earliest is Herodotus, ~428BCE (his account was one of the finds at Oxyrhynchus), the most recent Gladys Aylward, 1932. Many journeyed for religious reasons, others for sheer love of adventure. (And one chap crossed America on a penny-farthing, because he could.)
I read this book over a period of several months, partly because some of the travelogues are better reading than others (I especially enjoyed the chapters on Robert Louis Stephenson, Alexandra David-Neel and Octavie Coudreau) and partly because I found it more pleasant to dip into these tales -- remote in time and space, but filled with timeless concerns and recognisable idiosyncrasies -- than to read them all in one rush. For one thing, a lot of the journeys start off with the problems of travel in that place at that time ...
A few minor issues ('white and guilt paintwork'; a claim that the lowest temperature on Earth was recorded in Tibet; a reluctance to call Byzantium by that name; references to 19th-century attitudes in a chapter about a 20th-century journey) but they didn't spoil an intriguing book, which introduced me to travellers that I hadn't heard of before.

Una legge di questi viaggiatori - intrepidi, indipendenti, pieni di risorse - e capisce quanto il concetto di viaggio (e quindi di viaggiatore) sia cambiato nel corso del tempo: i mezzi di trasporto e di comunicazione hanno messo il mondo ai nostri piedi, ma tolto anche molta parte del fascino (e pressoché tutto il pericolo) della scoperta.
Un libro che è molti viaggi in se.

Gives reader an introduction/history to continent. A look at different voyagers. A short biography at start of each person/travel. Some many have heard of. A decent bibliography.

This was a great collection of 21 trips taken by people around the world between 400 BCs to the 20th century. The motivations for the trips were interesting and the author provided a lot of details without being boring about the trips featured in this book. I didn't think I would enjoy this one as much as I did, it is a hidden gem of a book!

To be honest, this was much more interesting than I expected, and I found a book so much more competently put together than the self-publishing house it comes from might imply. The book's aim is perfectly met, and we see through very erudite eyes quick snapshots of some notable historical journeys. We start with Africa, and already we're learning – I had heard of Mungo Park but didn't know anything of where he went and when and why, for one, and you'd probably have to be an expert to have heard of some of the pioneers of long-distance human movement in that section alone. Later on is just why Isabella Bird was the first female member of the RGS – again, another name we should know the basics behind. Famous names later include Chekhov struggling just to go to a prison island, Robert Louis Stevenson 'doing a Gauguin' (my words), and Montaigne with his itchy feet (well, bedbugs were everywhere).
But the book is able to cover many female travels, too – Iceland, and the freshly-built Trans-Siberian Railway are just some of the places they reach. The scope of it all is suitably global, both in areas travelled to and places our subjects arose from. It's all presented with much authority, and an expert eye in giving the average browser like me just enough information. Only a few sections of copious tribes combatting each other as the traveller tried to pass through tended to overwhelm with minutiae. If anything I would have changed the structure of the volume – it doesn't always seem to match like with like (a trek through the ex-Soviet Stans is not anywhere near the 'Central Asia' chapter) – but it's still really good. For a nice few evenings it made me a fan of armchair historical travel. Four and a half stars.

Passionate Travellers by Trish Nicholson
Around the World on 21 Incredible Journeys in History
A bit of history and a lot of travel is experienced in this collection of mini-biographies. I am not sure what I was expecting but this book did introduce some new and rather interesting characters that I would not have heard of without having read this book. I did find a few I had heard of before but not many.
What I liked:
* reading about the motivation behind the trips
* finding out about those taking the trips
* hearing about the people met and experiences had on the journeys
* wondering what I would have done in similar situations
* learning that Robert Louis Stevenson had tuberculosis and died so young...also intrigued by his choice of wife
* reading that travel by sea was considered medically therapeutic
* relating to the women
* gaining respect for those that made the trips and recorded them for us to read about later
* the references listed at the end
What I would have enjoyed
* photos of the people and places when possible
* A bit more about the feelings and reflections of those on the trip
Thank you to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing – Matador for the ARC – This is my honest review.
4-5 Stars

Some of the chapters are really good, while the others I thought were better off without. But the stories I felt were like the tips of the icebergs only; I feel like more has to be discussed about them. If you are particularly interested in a single journey in this book, you wouldn't find all the details here. But it's a good collection. An introductory reference to give you the basics.

A fascinating look back in history,A book of travels of men& women who loved to seek adventure found this very interesting,#troubador#netgalley.

I didn't realize that this book was of a more historical bent. It seemed to be well researched with some interesting ancedotes. I was however, expecting something a bit more contemporary so it would be good to know that this is more literary than mainstream.

The stories of the travellers ranged from interesting to fascinating. I learned several new things and appreciated the inclusion of several women adventurers, as their stories are often overlooked. I would have liked to see a few illustrations or photographs, when available. Hopefully the final published version will include them.