Member Reviews

This book was INCREDIBLE.
I couldn't put it down.

I love how sex positive it was.
I loved the characters.
I loved the plot.
I loved the love.


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I went into The Best Laid Plans expecting lots of sex, like a To All The Boys fake date situation but with sex. What I got instead was a book about female empowerment. Girls learning how to own their sexuality and that the rules that apply to them don’t apply to the boys and how messed up that actually is. I’m loving all the sex positive and female positive books that have been coming out lately. I don’t want to stick a feminist label on this because that turns people away, but it had a strong message that I think young girls deserve.

The friendships in this book were so on point, especially the girls. Keely and Hannah had this supportive friendship that contrasted deeply with the other two girls in their group who were just catty. It showed what a really friendship, one where you lift each other up, should look like versus one that judged and put down. Keely and Andrew were the real friendship here though. They were such absolute dorks and I loved them both, especially their Hitchcock references. When Keely didn’t have girl friends he was there for her in her most crucial girl moments and it was just so sweet.

Obviously there was some romance going down. I’m not going to elaborate too much, but feelings were a tangled mess and it just felt so real. There were some steamy scenes though with my favorite involving a bath tub and another with some good old polar bear underwear.

To me the romance took a backseat in the major plot though which was sex. When should you lose it, how it should be lost, how girls are considered sluts and shamed for sleeping with guys while a guy doing the same thing is never called out for it. Society sets double standards and those were front and center in The Best Laid Plans. Teenagers are looking to books and if we can have literary examples for them to look up to, to follow, then maybe we can have the next generations take control of their sexuality and own it. It also showed how while Keely struggled with sex and the timing along with her feelings surrounding it that it was only because she was trying to force something because she thought she needed to. When you know you know and it’s okay to say no or wait, whether you have a good reason or you just don’t want to.

The Best Laid Plans had that romcom feel I was searching for, with romantic moments and swoon worthy gestures that we’ve come to expect in the genre. I think this is one of the books showing the new generation of romcoms though, one with multiple messages to be learned reflecting the changes we see happening all around us. It was powerful and insightful while also being messy, chaotic and overall a book about teens for teens.

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During this weird time that we are currently in, I have found myself being more and more drawn towards books that make me feel goods, books that are witty, have great character development and of course a great love story, queue me binge reading The Best Laid Plans by Cameron Lund.⁣

This book easily gets 4.5 stars from me. The Best Laid Plans is a sex-positive rom-com that follows high school senior Keely as she navigates her last year before college and her concerns that she is the last of her friends to remain a virgin. When Keely meets a college student that she likes, she’s afraid that he will dump her if he finds out she’s a virgin. Keely decides to take measures into her own hands (pun intended) and asks her very best friend Andrew to show her the ropes...what could go wrong!?⁣

This book will have you reminiscing over being a teenager, feeling left out and naturally your own first time. It’s sweet, it’s funny and it’s a ray of sunshine during these scary times, so I highly recommend.⁣

Thank you very much to the author, Netgalley and Penguin Random House for this free copy.

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