Member Reviews

Free ARC from Net Galley

Great book when the world and country seems like it is quitting

Good examples and angles refuting the failure is final

Not a failure is okay manifesto but some good new ways of looking at the world we we can get back to it

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Fantastic read during quarantine. We are in disruptive times, and who knows what the world looks like when we come out of this? We are all facing so much uncertainty, and the story changes hour by hour, never consistently. What is considered 'normal' changes too, and how you think about things determines how you feel, and how you feel determines how you act. Actions create consequences and outcomes. How do you think, feel, and act in a world that hardly resembles what we had when we went into this?

Now, more than ever, we need to think outside the box. The world has changed, there is no going back to before COVID, so why would we continue to work and think the same way?

How do you think in a new way? How do you challenge the status quo? How do you create real change, and inspire people to change with you?

Read this, build your brain, and be ready for the new world.

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This book right here is the permission anyone needs to fail. I love how the author by using case studies and examples, highlights that innovation is not a one moment finding but something that involves repetitive processes refined over time.
Thanks Netgalley for the eARC. Anyone interested in start ups would enjoy reading this book and learn a thing or two as well.

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