Member Reviews

This Amish romance had it all. Mystery, heart break, and of course with all romance misunderstanding. Rose Allgyer was herself recovering from a break up. The man she had come to trust was swindling her. The pain of the deception only made Rose more determined to be on her own. She had family and the help of her employees to keep her Cabin Retreat running. She did need help and Englischer Caleb Miller fit the bill. He had his reason to take the job and that was to clear his brother's name who was serving time.

I had enjoyed how this couple came together with different agendas but love and faith had changed both of them. How trust and faith work together in our relationships and bring blessings ten fold.

A special thank you to Harlequin and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review.

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A heartfelt and wholesome journey to find your true north, both spiritually and romantically, against the odds and circumstances.
The world the author has created is delightful, engaging, and just so charmingly accepting I wanted to linger in. I started this book rather late in the evening, thinking I read just a bit - one could think I am a rookie reader - and couldn't put it down.
I love the strong leader type women who know what they want and are willing to work hard to get it. Rose Allgyer is a great example of that, the fact that she is Amish just added to her charm and wit. How she runs the campground in the absence of her uncle and aunt, how she deals with the help, with the community, and with the Englischers, she has strength, sharpness, kindness, forgiveness, and flexibility as much as drive.
Even though Caleb Miller was only pretending to be Amish for his brother's sake, he fit into the community, with the customs and culture well. His journey to open his heart to faith and God again was touching, his struggles with honoring the community and honoring his brother's wish mark his growth as a man of faith and dignity.
Caleb and Rose weight each other's worth as their first meet, the banter and bond between them made me smile as they tackle the needs of their guests.
The quest for the coins to clear Caleb's brother's name and the secret Caleb is guarding add intrigue and tension to the storyline, spicing it up.
A warm, sweet, and clean faith-based romance that inspired, entertained and captivated. Such a lovely story, a perfect read full of sunshiny memories of the warm summer days for the rainy autumn eves.
~ Four Spoons with a teaspoon on the side

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This sweet, clean romance also had an intriguing mystery as part of the storyline. I thought the author did a good job with the pacing of the story, and I wanted to keep reading to find the answer to the mystery. It took me a couple of chapters to warm up to Rose, one of the main characters. Her personality could be a little bit prickly, but it was fun watching her change as the story progressed. I liked the character of Caleb from the beginning, and I was cheering for him to find the answers he was seeking. Their romance had some obstacles to overcome which added to my interest in the story. I also liked the faith aspect of trusting God for answers and guidance. I enjoyed this book and want to read more from this author.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Netgalley, and Love Inspired for this free copy. All quotes in this review are taken from the Advanced Reader Copy and may change in final publication.

I would first like to say that I am not an expert in Amish religion, nor have I ever claimed to be, so any references to Amish religion in this novel, I am hoping that the author did her due diligence and research in ensuring that it is portrayed accurately and respectfully.

Now, I also personally don’t agree with our main character posing as an Amish groundskeeper even if it is for an honorable reason, but that’s beside the point in this case. it is enough that Caleb is able to maintain his disguise in this Amish community while he tries to find some evidence to prove that his brother did not commit theft like he was initially blamed for. He is serving as a groundskeeper on the property of our other main character Rose’s lakeside cabin retreat, so of course there is going to be a lot of interaction between them.

Caleb and Rose start to develop some sort of relationship between them, from a working relationship to something along the lines of friends, maybe the potential of something more. Although, with the fact that Caleb is lying to Rose and Rose has confided in him that she was deceived by her ex-husband, he is feeling a sense of guilt. Which of course makes sense, and that may bring some tension between their working relationship that they already built.

Even though Rose has not completely put her trust in Caleb – and rightfully so – the two plots that take place in this novel (the mystery of finding out whether or not Caleb’s brother really did commit the theft and the relationship between Caleb and Rose) seem to work out in a delightful way. I know that religious fiction isn’t usually a genre that I normally read, and luckily I have been pretty lucky with Harlequin sending me novels that haven’t felt uncomfortable for me to read, and this is one of those that falls in this category.

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In “Her Amish Suitor’s Secret,” romance and mystery combine, resulting in a story of two strong-willed adults who work together to find stolen coins. Caleb obtains a job as a groundskeeper for an Amish campground, in order to try to find the items which were stolen from the museum at which his brother works. Unbeknownst to Rose, who is taking care of the campground while her parents are away, Caleb is actually an Englischer! The two develop a thorny relationship which eventually turns to a caring one. However, the location of the stolen goods must still be found, before time runs out for Caleb’s brother and nephew Liam. Readers who enjoy a story with interesting twists and turns will find this one highly readable. This is a clean novel, with no swear words or descriptions of sex or violence.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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Her Amish Suitor’s Secret by Carrie Lighte has Caleb Miller, an Englischer, taking a job as groundskeeper for the summer at an Amish lakeside camp in Serenity Ridge, Maine. His brother, Ryan has been accused of stealing rare coins from the museum where he worked as an archivist. A flyer sent in the mail to Ryan anonymously pointed them towards the camp. The FBI had not been able to find any evidence, but the camp is surrounded by acres of woodland. Rose Allgyer is running the camp for the summer and, after a recent incident with her former fiancé, she is leery of men. As time passes, Rose and Caleb get to know each other and develop feelings. But Caleb’s deceit stands in their way. Her Amish Suitor’s Secret is the third novel in Amish of Serenity Ridge. It can be read on its own for those new to the series (like me). I thought Her Amish Suitor’s Secret was well-written with interesting characters. I liked Rose and Caleb. It was fun watching them get to know each other after a bumpy beginning. There is humor sprinkled throughout out the book. The mystery of the coin was more of a side story than the primary focus. I like how the book ended. I now want to read the other two novels in Amish of Serenity Ridge series. Her Amish Suitor’s Secret is a sweet, relaxing tale which is the type of book you want at the end of the long, stressful day.

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A Sweet Amish Love Story

Caleb Miller’s brother, Ryan, has been accused of stealing valuable coins from his employer, the city museum. Having been suspended from his job because of the accusation, he wants Caleb to help clear his name in the hope he can get his job back. Ryan received a flyer from a small lakeside Amish camp in Serenity, Maine. A note on the flyer suggested that he might find the coins there. He wants Caleb to pose as an Amish groundskeeper so he can search for the coins.

Caleb, although fluent in German, doesn’t want to pretend to be Amish. He feels it would be an insult to the owners of the camp. However, he finally agrees.

Rose Allgyer has taken over running the camp for the summer while her aunt and uncle get medical treatment. Having been betrayed by her last suitor, she’s not interested in a relationship with Caleb, besides she can’t help but believe he’s hiding something. However, Caleb has a winning personality and Rose finds herself thawing toward him.

This is a delightful romance. The main characters are well developed and likable. You can’t help rooting for them to get over their differences and get together. The mystery is mostly in the background. It drives some of the action, but the focus of the story is on Caleb and Rose.

I received this book from Harlequin for this review.

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As a new fan of Amish fiction, I really enjoyed this sweet and well-paced book. Although this is the third book in a series, I had no problems reading it as a standalone. The basic plot is one about deception, trust and forgiveness. Caleb Miller is an Englischer who comes to a little Amish lakeside camp in Maine in order to find some stolen coins and clear his brother of theft. There he plans to work as a groundskeeper and handyman while he searches for the coins. He meets Rose Allgyer, the niece of the owners, who has taken over the responsibility of the camp for the summer while her aunt and uncle seek medical treatment. Rose is prickly like a thorn and Caleb has an endearing personality that is hard not to like. I really enjoyed the interaction between these two main characters who were from two different worlds. Rose suspects that Caleb is hiding a secret and is not easily persuaded to enjoy his attentions since she recently had her heart broken. Nevertheless, the courtship between the two is engaging and so sweet! There is strong character development that led me to easily like the family and enjoy Caleb’s attempts to fit in there. I have never read this author’s books before, but I did enjoy this one so much that I will definitely look for her books in the future. Fans of pleasant, clean Amish fiction will enjoy this book!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harlequin via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guides Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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How far do you go to help your brother? Caleb Miller is doing just that and you wonder if he will be found out? He is a college professor and is going to Maine to pose as an Amish man, wow, well considering he is fluent in German, but it would seem hard to be something he isn't, but we get to see him give it a try and also find the coins to help his brother.
We also meet Rose who is trying to put her own life back together, and it seems is a talented backer and cook. We also are there when these two meet, and it wasn't pretty, but I did have a few chuckles.
This is a sweet read, and you will have to get the book to see how it all comes out, and if these two people from different world can form any type of relationship!
You will be quickly page turning for answers here, and when the last page was turned I found myself wanting more!
I received this book through Harlequin Love Inspired Tour, and was not required to give a positive review.

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Okay, y'all, today is the final stop on by #BlogTourTuesday series for May. And again, I know that today is actually Wednesday. That's just how life goes right now, #amirite. I know I often say I read out of my lane, but this may be the furthest I have ever gone. One of the recent requests I received involved selections from Harlequin's Love Inspired line which is inspirational (aka faith-based) romance. After receiving a few of these requests, I thought to myself, "Why not give this a try?" So, that's how I found my way to Her Amish Suitor's Secret by Carrie Lighte.

This story begins with a non-Amish guy (known as an Englischer in Amish speak) going to the Amish community to help his brother out posing as a groundskeeper. His brother has been accused of theft, and there is a belief that there are secrets hidden away in this community. While in the community, he connects with Rose who runs the grounds for the lakeside cabins. She's been hurt in love before and is hesitant to fall in love again. As you might guess based on that premise, there is a little "something something" brewing between these two. This is definitely one of those books where you know how things are going to end, and that's totally okay. The joy is being on the journey to see just how specifically that plays out. For those who are curious, the way the Amish vibes played in were in some of the language and how the relationship developed and feelings were acted on. It was really just a romance told in a different way. I'm glad I got the chance to dabble in this genre. It was a nice and easy read, and sometimes you just need that predictability.

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Thanks go to the publisher and Net-Galley for the complimentary copy for the purpose of reading and reviewing Her Amish Suitor’s Secret by Carrie Lighte prior to publication. My opinions are my own and no one has influenced them.

Her Amish Suitor’s Secret is a well written Amish fiction with engaging characters and a plot that will touch your heart. The pacing kept me engaged from the first page to the last. There’s a bit of a mystery too.

Rose Allgyer’s character is just what I expect with an Amish heroine, mostly. She’s dedicated to her faith and family. However, she’s not looking for a suitor or husband after the rough breakup with the last man who courted her. She’s determined to save enough money to start her own business.

Caleb Miller is not the typical Amish hero. First, he’s an Englischer impersonating as an Amish man. Since he is fluent in German, he pulls it off. Since his fake image is necessary to save his brother from prison, he must succeed and find the culprits that will prove his brother’s innocence. I enjoyed his character and could feel his desperation.

The romance between Rose and Caleb is a slow build, typical of an Amish romance. While I liked both characters, I didn’t feel a powerful connection between them. Although I wanted them to find their happy ending.

If you enjoy Amish fiction with a strong spiritual message and an intriguing mystery to solve, then you will like Her Amish Suitor’s Secret. This is the third book in this series, but this novel and easily a stand-alone read. Happy reading!

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Title: Her Amish Suitor’s Secret
Author: Carrie Lighte
Genre: Romance, Christian
Rating: 4.0 out of 5

Sometimes the truth comes at a cost. Can she forgive him when she learns his true identity? Posing as an Amish groundskeeper at Rose Allgyer’s lakeside cabin retreat, Englischer Caleb Miller is determined to clear his brother’s name of theft. But as he’s drawn to Rose’s good nature, the burden of his ruse gets heavier—especially after learning Rose was deceived by her ex-fiancé. Still guarded, will Rose trust Caleb with her heart when she discovers he isn’t who he claims to be?

I do love reading Amish fiction, and this was one I enjoyed a lot. It was interesting watching Caleb try to fit into the Amish community, mistakes and all. I was far more intrigued by the development of Caleb and Rose’s storyline than the mystery of the stolen coins, but there were also several other side intrigues to keep my attention as well. This was a sweet, uncomplicated read, perfect for a stressful day.

Carrie Lighte enjoys traveling to Amish communities across the United States and she hopes to visit a few in Canada soon, too. When she isn’t writing, reading or researching, she likes to hike, kayak and spend time at the beach.

(Galley courtesy of Harlequin/Love Inspired in exchange for an honest review.)

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How far will someone go to save their sibling. Caleb Miller is an Englischer posing as an Amish man while working as a groundskeeper at an Amish retreat owned by Rose Allyger;s aunt and uncle. His sole purpose is to clear his brother's name. His brother has lost his job and could possible end up in prison for a theft of some valuable coins from the museum where he worked. An anonymous letter has led the brothers to believe that coins might be hidden somewhere around the camp. Luckly, Caleb worked on an Amish farm for several years in his youth, so can speak Dietsch and knows most of the Amish customs. It all seems pretty straight forward until feelings get in the way. Rose is dealing with betrayal from her last relationship and is not ready for the feelings she is beginning to feel for Caleb. Can an Englischer and an Amish maidel make a life together. What will happen when Rose finds out that another man has been lying to her?

This is the third book in the Amish of Serenity Ridge series, but not having read the first two did not cause any issues with reading, understanding and loving this story. I really liked Rose's character. She moved to Maine to help her aunt and uncle while he underwent medical procedures in Ohio. She was such a hard worker and very independent. Not only was she taking care of most of the chores at the camp, but baking pies and making jams to sell so she could open her own shop once she returned home. She had a good sense of humor and was very good with her younger nieces. She was very strong in her faith, yet when it came to forgiveness, she was having a great deal of difficulty. Caleb was also a great character who worked hard, was kind and considerate, loyal to his family and cared very deeply for those he came to care about. Lying was taking its toll on him as he was also very strong in his faith, even though he was not Amish. I really enjoyed watching Caleb and Rose develop a friendship and then something more. The secondary characters all added a lot to the story and made Serenity Ridge a real community. This was a well written Amish romance with some mystery and a bit of suspense. The characters were well developed and I came to care about them so that I was worried about what would happen to their budding relationship when the truth was revealed. Themes of trust, forgiveness, honesty and friendship are all important to the central plot. I have never read anything by Carrie Lighte, but I will watch for her books in the future and definitely go back and read the first two in this series. I recommend this book to those who enjoy Amish Fiction, especially those with some mystery and suspense along with the inevitable romance.

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A sweet Amish/Englisher romance set at a summer camp resort.

Caleb Miller takes a seasonal job as a handyman, while searching for a way to clear his brother's name. He has always been a friend of the Amish, knows their language, and has always admired their more settled pace of life. He fits right in at the lakeside, and I liked his willing attitude to help out wherever needed.

Rose is helping out her aunt and uncle for the summer, hoping to raise enough money to fund her dream. She is very efficient and a talented cook. She is hesitant to trust, and I liked her self sufficiency and independence.

This was a sweet tale of two people brought together by timing circumstance, it was predictable, and at times the pace lagged, though I did like their moments together, and how Caleb's faith grew.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Caleb Miller is an Englisher posing as a groundskeeper at an Amish retreat owned by Rose Allyger. His sole purpose is to clear his brother's name. His brother has been imprisoned after being charged with theft. Never did Caleb expect to develop strong feelings for Rose. Meanwhile, Rose is rather surprised at her reaction to Caleb. For one thing, she is still nursing a broken heart. More importantly, she knows there is something not right with him, and therefore, must do her best to maintain distance between them.

Her Amish Suitor's Secret is the third book in a series. However, it does well as a standalone. Having not read the first two books, I did not miss anything. What I loved about this book is that while the typical slow burn romance that exists in these lovely stories was happening, there was a bit of a mystery about the theft that took place that led Caleb to the retreat in the first place.

This is a very strong story, in both character development and plot. I found it to be truly endearing and found it an easy, pleasant read that I enjoyed in one sitting. As someone who really enjoys Amish fiction, this book rates right up there with one of my favorites. I loved seeing two people not well suited being able to manage to find love and happiness together. I do hope to go back and to read the first two books in the series, and also anything else Carrie Lighte should write.

Many thanks to Love Inspired and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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Amish fiction isn't something I read regularly, and I'm really not sure why. I usually enjoy the read, and it makes for a relaxing way to spend an afternoon or evening, and Her Amish Suitor's Secret certainly fell into that category. The book is well written, and the story moves at a good pace. This is the third in the series, but it does work as a standalone - at least it as far as I could tell. I didn't feel like I was missing any key details from not having read the first two books. I do think I'll be checking out those first two books based on my experience with this one. The characters are interesting, and the author does a great job of bringing out the emotions of the story. I know I spent a good deal of time worrying for Caleb. Carrie Lighte is new to me, but she's firmly on my radar after reading this engaging story. I'd say anyone who enjoys Amish fiction will like this one, and I'd recommend it to anyone looking to broaden their horizons.

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When Caleb’s brother is accused of stealing from an Amish community, Caleb leaves Wisconsin to investigate. He ends up in Pennsylvania at the house of Rose and her family where he must not only change customs but also go undercover as Amish himself.

Rose is a formidable woman and his first encounters with her are unlucky. Caleb does what he can to fit into the community and live in a culture that’s different to his own.

No one’s perfect though and there is more than one slip up in the process. Rose is attentive and organised in the way she runs the household. Yet, she is also intelligent and astute.

If Caleb thought his biggest challenge was helping his brother, it isn’t long before his biggest worry is being discovered as not Amish at all.

As the days go by and his feelings for Rose change, how long will it be before his true identity and the real reason he’s there is uncovered?

Family loyalty, mystery and the intricacies of relationships intertwine in this atmospheric fast-paced Amish story. There are different subplots that are well linked together which makes the book multi-layered. We have Caleb wanting justice for his brother and the secrecy with which he has to try and keep in touch in a society where modern technology is forbidden. My heart was in my mouth as he texted his brother or when it seemed he may slip up and reveal his identity in other parts of the story.
Then, there’s the mystery of the missing members of the family.

I was hooked by this book and it was a light but gritty listen which had me feeling nervous, fear excitement and hope in the few hours it took me to listen to.

Thanks to Carrie Lighte and Harlequin Love Inspired for my ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

I would very much like to look out for other Carrie Lighte books. Her writing style and attention to detail is wonderful-I felt like I was there with the characters.

Her Amish Suitor’s Secret is a nice way to spend a few hours. It’s part of a series but I felt like it made a good standalone. I want to find the other books to get the full story behind this intriguing community and characters.

5 stars.

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I have reviewed this book for New York Journal of Books where it will be posted the evening prior to the release date. I've also reviewed this for Lisa Wray, publicist for the publisher.

"Her Amish Suitor's" Secret by Carrie Lighte
Love Inspired
May 19, 2020
386 pages
Contemporary Christian Romance

Caleb Miller, an adjunct professor at a Madison, Wisconsin college heads to the Chicago suburbs during the summer break. He's concerned about his brother, Ryan who recently got suspended from his job as an archivist in a city museum after a million dollars' worth of rare coins went missing and Ryan is considered the main suspect. Adding to Ryan's stress is his impending divorce from his wife and the possible loss of custody for his six-year-old son, Liam.

In early June, Ryan received a note postmarked, Serenity Ridge, Maine—an Amish lakeside camp. The letter stated: "If you can't find what you're looking for within walking or canoeing distance of your cabin, it isn't worth finding."

Written on the other side of the paper were these words: "Matthew 6:19-21. 'Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves breakthrough and steal: But lay up for yourselves, treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.'"

Ryan believes this cryptic message is a clue to where the coins are hidden. He remembers Caleb spending his college summer breaks working at an Amish farm. Since he was a German-language major and learned the Amish dialect, which is closely related to German, Ryan hopes Caleb will agree to go to Maine to look around and hopefully exonerate him.

The FBI had scoured the camp and all the cabins and came up empty though the owners were reluctant to be involved, not just because the Amish are a peaceful group, they feared the FBI's presence would hurt their business.

Ryan phoned there only to learn they are booked for the summer, but also found out they need a handyman. This would be Caleb's entrance to the property and give him a chance to look around. There is one caveat: Caleb must pass himself off as Amish. Remembering the summers he spent at the Amish farm and how much he loved the work and the people, he questioned if he could make them believe he is one of them.

Nancy and Sol Petersheim, the camp owners welcome Caleb with open arms. He is provided with a small, sparsely furnished cabin, and after unpacking his meager belongings, he heads to the lake. There he meets Rose Allgyer, Nancy's niece, and who is also employed with them for the summer. From their first encounter, Caleb finds Rose prickly like her namesake and determines to stay away from her.

When Sol's medical condition forces him and Nancy to travel to Ohio for extensive care, Caleb, Rose, Hope, and Charity, the Petersheim's twin teenage daughters and Eleanor, a young woman employee, to run their business.

Caleb checks out the area without arousing suspicions and finds he must catch himself around the others so as not to give his identity away. At odd moments he says something to cause the women to give him a questioning look, but they pass it off thinking things are different in Wisconsin.

The labor is demanding, but Caleb enjoys the outdoors and manual labor. As time progresses, and he gets to know Rose better, he appreciates how hard she works. Somewhat reticent, she does let comments about her life slip.

Rose tells him about Baker, a man she was engaged to who stole money from the restaurant she owned forcing her to close. So, she came to Maine to escape the man she could not trust and earn enough to go back to Pennsylvania and open a café after Labor Day.

Both Caleb and Rose are in their thirties and considered "old" to be single, but the twins decide to find ways to get them together. Though their touchy start is now turned to friendship, Caleb cannot consider a romance with Rose for he is not Amish.

Rose, testy about being unmarried and wondering if she'll ever marry, gets indignant when a camper states after enjoying her pie, "You'd be wise to take good care of a wife who cooks and looks like yours does!"

"Caleb is not my husband and I don't need to be taken care of! Fuming, Rose ducked out of the room.

"As Rose disappeared into the kitchen, Caleb cringed. He understood the man intended to pay her a compliment but even by Englisch standards, his remark was boorish. It was sexist. And by the way the nape of Rose's neck turned from tan to red, Caleb recognized how rankled she'd be by it..He wishes he had spoken up in her defense, but it all happened so fast. Besides, what would he have said? Rose isn't my wife, but I'm blessed to know her for reasons other than what she looks like or how she bakes? That only would have embarrassed Rose more."

The hot, languid days pass quickly, and Caleb helps Rose harvest the fruit and vegetables which she sells at her farm stand. And, she gets the chance to make some extra money baking pies for a nearby inn which are a big hit. She is delighted to find she is getting closer to her monetary goal, yet she has come to love the camp and is starting to have feelings for Caleb.

He adjusts to his new surroundings and "family" very well, attending church services, speaking the lingo, and dressing the part. His only problem is his inability to find the coins or any clues regarding them. Also, he is becoming smitten with Rose knowing it's helpless.

When a mishap occurs and rent money is missing, Rose confronts Caleb. He gets irate and an argument ensues with him deciding the heck with trying to help Ryan. He just wants to leave. But Rose offers him a thoughtful and sincere apology:

"Caleb was moved by Rose's words and pained by her tears. How was it possible he could be so angry with her one day and want to take her in his arms the next? He'd never experienced anything like this in a relationship before. Oh, he’d experienced his share of arguments, but he'd never received an apology like Rose's, perhaps because he'd always run away instead of reconciling. He intended to run this time, too, but Rose's contrition changed everything."

Meanwhile, when Rose's farm stand gets trashed, she is not only exhausted from all her efforts but depressed too:

"It was probably an Englischer, she grumbled to herself. It must have been one of the tourists she'd seen slowing their cars to photograph her in the fields lately—the local Englischers were too respectful to snap pictures or destroy property like this. Rose sighed. Sometimes it felt like for each step she took forward, she took two steps backward and three steps sideways, getting further and further from her goal, and it made her wonder if Gott really wanted her to have a business of her own after all."

"Her Amish Suitor's Secret" is book number three in the Serenity Ridge series. This novel gives insight into the peaceful and God-fearing Amish sect who are taught to love and forgive. While not pious, it gives the reader some mystery, humor, and romance. The storyline is credible and stands well on its own, though it would have been informative to include a glossary with definitions of the Amish vernacular. The scenery and lifestyle are serene and welcoming as well as the characters with their gentle existence and kind ways.

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Her Amish Suitor's Secret is a light mystery read that is equivalent to Vannetta Chapman's work. Carrie Lighte's detail in words used to describe her story was a page turner that doesn't want to be put down; one must keep reading to know the ending. An ended that won't disappoint the readers.

This was my first time reading a book written by Carrie Lighte. I will be reading more of her written work in the future.
I highly recommend Her Amish Suitor's Secret to be read.

I received a free copy from NetGalley with no money exchanged, only agreeing to an honest review. This is my review in my own words.

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