Member Reviews

I really loved this first book in a new to my series and author. I can't wait to read the next one. The characters and location really add to the plot. This book keeps you guessing until the end.

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Tying the knot in a coffee shop might not be for everyone, but if that's what Lara's friend wants, that's how it will go. Cat lovers will truly enjoy this series and Lara's special relationship with a certain Ragdoll cat.

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This was such a fun cute read. I loved the characters and especially loved the addition of the cats. It was light hearted and enjoyable to read. I enjoyed trying to solve the mystery along with Lara.

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This book is a delight to read .the characters are interesting and the animals adorable. Well worth a read.

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I fell in love with this series from book one. Lara and Aunt Fran's relationship is so special.

In this installment, there is tension in the wedding planning but when a female stranger shows up in town, tensions begin to rise in other relationships.

Instead of just the stress of running a cat shelter, planning her best friend's wedding, Lara and Blue are tasked with solving another murder.

Lara can't seem to let go of helping with this investigation but at what cost?

This series is refreshing, lighthearted, emotional, yet engaging and thrilling. The mysteries make you guess until the end.

I love the characters, people and cats!! The plot is very original. I look forward to continuing on as long as the series goes on.

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Wedding issues, troubled relationships and murder, this is an enjoyable book. Lara is drawn in to solving this mystery to help her boyfriend’s ex. Characters are well developed. Blue is my favorite… I’m looking forward to the next in this series.

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I love this series and this installment kept me guessing. There are many clues and suspects to choose from. And don’t forget about the cats!
Many thanks to Kensington Books and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I enjoyed this series and the characters very much and was excited to read the latest installment. In this particular book, Lara is helping her best friend Sherry prepare for her wedding. She gets sidetracked when her boyfriend, Gideon's ex arrives asking for help. Gideon passes her off to another lawyer, but the ex approaches Lara for help. Lara soon finds herself in the middle of another murder. I wanted to like this book, but Lara made that next to impossible. Her selfishness began to wear on me. Everything, and I mean everything, had to be about her and to her liking. I finished the book but have to decide if I will continue with the series. I do hope Lara's character gets an attitude adjustment.

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The Girl with the Kitten Tattoo is the fifth installment in the A Cat Lady Mystery series set in Whisker Jog, New Hampshire and featuring Lara Caphart and her Aunt Fran, owners of the High Cliff Shelter for Cats. Lara's best friend Sherry Bowker is set to marry her fiance David Gregson on Valentine's Day and Lara is tasked with being Sherry's Maid of Honor. Lara has her hands full trying to keep Sherry calm and keeping the peace between Sherry and her future mother in law who is not at all happy with the choice of wedding venue.

Things are going well between Lara and her boyfriend, Gideon Halley and she's hoping that Gideon is going to propose soon. That is until a strange woman arrives on her doorstep looking for Gideon. It turns out the woman, Megan Haskell, is Gideon's ex-girlfriend and she's being accused of murdering her boss. Lara is quickly consumed by jealousy and doesn't want anything to do with the woman, but when her spirit ragdoll cat Blue appears, Lara knows that she needs to help Megan clear her name.

A delightful addition to the series, readers will be once again drawn into the workings of a cat rescue and the adventures of Lara and her friends. Plenty of twists and turns will keep you guessing the killer's identity until the final reveal and a surprising note in a fortune cookie will leave you waiting for the next visit to Whisker Jog.

I received an advanced copy of The Girl with the Kitten Tattoo from NetGalley via Lyrical Press. While not required to write a review I am happy to offer my honest opinion.

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Princess Fuzzypants here: I have enjoyed every book in this series from the first to the last. Lara and her aunt run a shelter where cats can live in a home environment until their forever family comes along. There are cats who are not up for adoption and whose furry personalities are charming and sweet. Then there are are the transitory kitties who will pass through. Lara’s love life is looking good with Gideon. The kitties and the shelter are doing well. Her best friend is marrying the love of her life in a few weeks. What could go wrong?
Everything. It all starts when an unstable former girlfriend of Gideon’s sweeps into town. The lies and the chaos that follow her are staggering. For some reason I have difficulty in understanding, Lara is drawn into the murder of the woman’s former boss. He is a pile of tripe but the reasons for Lara’s involvement, other than the appearance of her ghost cat, Blue, is a bit baffling.
However, as Lara meets another person who has a ghost cat and when she and Gideon are forced to look at the way their relationship has unfolded, it does seem clearer. In these books things happen for a reason.
Blue is there to guide her. Good thing too. There is a lot of confusion before things become clear. I am looking forward to the next adventure.
Five purrs and two paws up.

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Terrific book with Aunt Fran, Lara, Gideon, Panda, Sprinkles etc. Moves at the perfect pace, characters and situations clearly defined. Love the adoption day aspect and of course Blue
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for this arc

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This is the 5th book in the popular "Cat Lady Mystery Series" by cozy author Linda Reilly. This series is pure catnip for us cat lovers. The author knows cats and I enjoy reading her books for her love of cats. Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My review opinion is my own.

I appreciate that the author had written a cat shelter in her books and that the protagonist is a cat lover who cares lovingly for the cats in her no kill shelter. Lara and her Aunt Fran care for the cats in a old mansion owned by Aunt Fran . They are two very likable charcters who have their love of cats in common and care deeply for he well being of the cats in their care.

In this next in series our favorite cat lady Lara is happy her best friend is getting married in her coffee shop where she met her intended. The plans are going forward for the exciting wedding. Lara is single and involved with her boyfriend Gideon who will not commit to her long term. When Lara's boyfriend Gideon finds out his ex girlfriend is in town Lara is not happy and hopes she will leave least she steals Gideon away from her. When the boss of the ex girlfriend is killed and she is suspect number one. Lara jumps in to investigate and help Gideon clear her name.

Lara is written very realistically and likable . She is a savvy smart investigator who is skilled at finding clues and getting people to talk . I liked the sleuth that kept me guessing to conclusion. All the charcters are enjoyable and add to the story. I look forward to the next in series. there is a fun paranormal element in these books of a helpful cat that contributes to help Lara in her investigations . It is a fun aspect of these books . A very enjoyable cozy mystery series that is purrfectly enjoyable to us cat lovers.

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Book five and I am still loving this series. Never would anyone expect to be stuck helping their boyfriends ex with a murder mystery, but Laura does just that this time around. She's sucked down a rabbit hole before she knows it trying to find out who did it and why and before she knows it she is helping to rescue a cat when it all comes crumbling down and she has to look for a way out.

Another great mystery that will not only leave you speechless and to who did it and why, but will keep you coming back for more. As always Linda Reily brings out the characters and settings so you feel like you're right there.

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Brought to you by OBS Reviewer Jeanie

Whisker Jog is home to a unique cat shelter that Fran and her niece Lara are lucky to own and manage. It is in Fran’s home, where part of the first floor is dedicated to showing cats on adoption days to prospective owners and a room for children to read to the cats one day a week. The cats are allowed throughout the home, including in their living areas.

Lara is a watercolor artist who moved to Fran’s when learning her aunt needed both knees replaced. It has given Fran a new lease on life. She is now substitute teaching and considering full-time teaching and working on a special project. It has been good for Lara to be back with some of her childhood friends and is closer than ever to her beloved Aunt Fran. She is dating Gideon, an attorney both in private practice and for the town.

Best friend Sherry is marrying David in a few weeks. Gideon has hinted that he might be considering proposing to Lara soon. One thing puts a damper on his feelings for her. For some reason, Lara seems to get involved with murders. Whether someone close to her finds the body or is accused of the murder, Lara feels compelled to help find resolution for the loved ones of victims. She has a little help, a gorgeous ragdoll cat named Blue.

Blue is not the average cat. Blue died when Lara was born, so she never met Blue before going to Fran’s. As a child, she saw Blue as a playmate. As an adult, Blue appears in times of need, especially when she is in danger. Only those closest to Lara now know about Blue: Fran, Gideon, and best friend Sherry.

An old girlfriend of Gideon’s came to town, a beautiful young woman named Megan. He seems hesitant to say more other than that she wants him to take a case for her. On Saturday, Gideon went to the police station at the nearby town she lives in, as she crashed a party at her ex-boss’s house the night before. Later he was found dead outside his home. She has contacted a criminal attorney she used to work with to represent her. Police think Wayne Chancer had been poisoned, possibly by something served at the party.

The following day, Megan showed up at Fran’s. She looked up Lara online after hearing so much about her from Gideon and learned that Lara had helped solve murders in the past. She wants to be off the hook for this one, and asked Lara to help her. Megan almost immediately bonded with Panda, a recent loving addition to the shelter who was up for adoption. It was startling, then, to see Megan had a tattoo of a kitten with almost the same markings as Panda. Lara advises that she let her attorney pursue any concerns with the murder, much to the relief of Aunt Fran.

Despite her best intentions, Lara is drawn to Bakewell, and into asking questions of people. She meets Chancer’s widow and a young woman whose parents’ business he destroyed. Fran and Sherry are both distressed, and Gideon becomes so upset he can barely speak to her. It’s possible that this time, she is risking her relationship.

The characters are very well defined, and the regular characters are very likable and engaging. I like Lara and Fran’s close relationship, and really enjoyed learning more about Fran. Gideon is intelligent and loving, a perfect match for Lara. While most of what we see of Sherry this time is preparing for her wedding, I like her and her excitement for the future. Meeting Tina was a delight, and I hope we see more of her in the future.

The story moves along quickly. While the focus isn’t entirely on the mystery, in this series I love the blend of getting to know more about the cats and their interactions and the shelter. The plot twists seem to change the suspects, but I had an idea early on who was responsible for the murder even if I didn’t know the motive. Overall, I was very satisfied with the novel, the resolution, and ending, and I highly recommend it!

*OBS would like to thank the publisher for supplying a free copy of this title in exchange for an honest review*

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Lara Caphart is happy to take time out from her work as an artist and from running a cat rescue shelter to help her best friend Sherry plan her wedding. Lara is excited that her friend is marrying her true love, but can't help hoping she’ll soon be planning her own wedding to boyfriend Gideon in the near future. However, when Gideon's ex-girlfriend, Megan, comes to town looking for help from the handsome attorney, things begin to change between the couple. Now Lara is worried she and Gideon may break up in spite of their love for each other. However, she is still committed to get to the truth of a recent murder, no matter what the cost.

I was drawn to this book by the clever title and was surprised when that titular girl turns out to be a murder suspect. The setting at a New England cat shelter and the loving relationship the main character, Lara, has with Aunt Fran with whom she runs the shelter kept me interested. Lara can be a little judgemental, especially when it comes to things related to cats, but overall she is a loyal and caring person. I like how compassionate she is to Megan, even when she doesn’t quite trust her. I wasn’t sure if I should be rooting for Lara to work things out with Gideon or not, but coming into the middle of the series, II know I missed a lot of background between the two. I would have liked to know what Gideon was like when the couple first got together, because I assume he isn’t at his best in this book. He comes across very overprotective and immature, especially when Lara is trying to help an old friend of his. I like that they eventually discuss their issues in a calm and mature manner.

The mystery is interesting, but I wasn’t able to suspend disbelief enough to get behind the main premises of the book. The spirit of a cat that died the day Lara was born appears to her when she is sad, troubled, or in danger. Blue is her spiritual guardian and gives her clues to help solve the mystery and physically intervenes during a dangerous situation. Blue appears throughout the book and although I’m sure some readers will enjoy this, I just couldn’t get into that aspect of the book. Other than her spiritual helper, I like the way Lara is able to gather clues and put them together to help solve the case. This series has a lot of fans that will like this installment. New readers looking for a clean, cozy mystery will find a lot to enjoy in the book even though it wasn’t my favorite.

--- Christine

Posting on blog 5/29/2020

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This is one of my favorite series, a great cozy escape in stressful times. Lara and her Aunt Fran run a cat rescue out of Aunt Fran's home in Whisker Jog, New Hampshire. Along with the cats available for adoption is Blue, a Ragdoll cat that can only be seen by Lara. Blue has a knack for finding clues when Lara gets involved is tracking down a killer or two, or three. They are quite a team.
In this, the fifth in the series, Lara is helping her best friend, Sherry, put together her wedding. She and David met at the local coffee shop and have decided that it is going to be their wedding venue. Lara is still waiting for her boyfriend, Gideon, to pop the question. If the cat shelter and its daily chores plus the wedding set for just three weeks away aren't enough for Lara to juggle, Gideon's former girlfriend shows up having been fired from her job. Lara isn't happy but, when Megan's ex-boss turns up dead and Blue starts sending clues Lara's way, well what's she to do but investigate and catch a killer.
I enjoy the well crafted puzzle with its twists and turns and red herrings and the well developed characters of Lara, Aunt Fran and the rest of the people in their circle. The cats....well I would be a happy volunteer working to find each one a furrever home. I'd be one of their adopters in a heart beat.

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The Girl With the Kitten Tattoo by Linda Reilly is the fifth in the A Cat Lady Mystery series. This is one of my top favorite series! If you haven't read any, Reilly does a great job of getting you current quickly.
Lara is currently helping her best friend with her wedding and running the cat shelter she and her aunt run. Then an old girlfriend of Lara's boyfriend, Gideon, shows up in town needing his legal help. Before you can say "Meow", Megan becomes a suspect in a murder. While Lara really doesn't want to be involved in another murder investigation, her spirit cat, Blue, keeps showing up when ever Megan is around Lara. Lara feels Blue is trying to tell her Megan is innocent.
There are plenty of plot twists, great characters, family and friendship, romance, and cats!
I was given an ARC by NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review.

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Being a crazy cat lady myself, I love this series. Well written mystery with lots of red herrings to keep you guessing. The mystery has twists and turns. The location of New Hampshire just adds to the enjoyment of this delightful cozy. This had a very interesting ending. Thanks to NetGalley for letting me review, all thoughts are my own.

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I love this series. I would so much like to have a cat rescue like Lara and Aunt Fran. That would be a dream come true. Lara was a busy woman in this book. Along with running the cat rescue she was helping her best friend plan her wedding, going to Bakewell, working on her sketches, and of course trying to help with the mystery. You get to travel on this path with her. Thank goodness she has Blue to help her along. I wish I had a Blue to help me out. Loved the story and the characters. Can’t wait to read the next book. I received this book from NetGalley, but my opinion is my own.

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