Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.
I was pleasantly surprised with this one! I loved the message this book gave on not being ashamed of your sexuality and to face your fears and go for what you really believe in. With that being said, the main character, Clara, was so classist at times, I couldn't really stand her. She was embarrassed of Josh and (even if she didn't want to admit it) embarrassed of the work she did with Shameless. Not really sure where her arc was being one page, she was saying how her and Josh could never be and then the next she was running back to California for him.
With this being said, I did thoroughly enjoy this book and it successfully got me out of a reading slump. I will definitely be looking out for future works by this author!

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Some of the most fun I’ve had while reading a book was spent within the pages of The Roommate by Rosie Danan. Dubbed a “raunch-com,” The Roommate is sexy and steamy, hilarious and heartfelt, and delightfully charming. Plus, it puts the fight for female pleasure front and center.

I’d already been hearing a lot of buzz about this book when I dove into an early e-ARC earlier this year, but oh man, did it live up to the hype. Just writing this review actually is making me want to go re-read the book all over again, because living within its pages was such a wonderful time. I read this one when my twins were still waking up every couple of hours overnight, and I was so eager to get back to reading this book, that I actually looked forward to those middle-of-the-night feedings, so I could keep reading. (Perks of my Kindle — reading in the dark while feeding a baby!)

The Roommate is just FUN. It’s a fun book. It entertains, it delights, and it still manages to make me feel like fighting for a cause. (Plus, the swoon factor is A+++ … Josh is my new favorite book boyfriend.) I absolutely adored this one, and I can’t wait to reread it again and again for a quick pick-me-up.

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I’m not normally a fan of third person POV, but after so many friends were raving about The Roommate, I knew I had to read it. I was blown away that this was a debut novel, and loved so much about it.

Smart, quirky and cute Clara is quite the enigma to brandnew roommate and porn star Josh, who no matter what he does, can’t seem to figure her out. The two opposites who were thrown together by chance discover that they have more in common than they realize. Clara, daughter of a wealthy socialite family, PhD in Art History and people pleaser, makes the wild choice to leave all of her current plans and moves to California when her childhood crush, Everett, invites her to live with him. Josh Darling, porn star sublets said childhood crush’s room after his porn star girlfriend kicks him out and when Everett’s band goes on tour last minute. Prim and proper Clara has all of her ideals questioned as Josh starts to tear down her walls. And Josh is blown out of the water as she has him questioning the industry he’s in. Together these two use both of their talents on a project to create an amazing change in an industry dominated by dirty dogs and encourages women to take back their bodies and pleasure.

What I loved the most about this book was the question of art and pornography. It’s a question that often came up in all of my art classes, and always causes me to pause and ponder. Clara was always afraid to produce her art for others, scared she’ll show too much of herself to those who view it. With the help of Josh, she’s also learning to embrace her body and the power she has over it. But through the project with Josh, she finds she’s wanting to use those art skills so that other women can embrace the power of their bodies as well.

If you want not just an entertains read with great banter and story telling, then read The Roommate! It was excellent and I can’t wait for the sequel!

Thank you to Netgalley, Rosie Danan and Berkley Romance for providing me with an ARC for an honest review.

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Who doesn't love a classic romance trope??

There are so many books about the forced roommate situation, but I have never read one quite like The Roommate. The banter between Clara and Josh was so, so funny and entertaining! The level of tension..the build up...immaculate!

I also loved how The Roommate turned a few tropes upside down. I liked that Daphne wasn't the classic "crazy" ex, but instead was actually very supportive of Clara. I loved the focus on female pleasure and the criticism of the porn industry.

This books was super steamy and might not be for everyone for that reason, but if that doesn't bother you, I would definitely recommend this for a fun, quick read!

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Loved this! Sweet sexy and empowering! Josh and Clara have such great chemistry and tension and love it all. A wonderful story that is fresh and unique and sexy,

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Clara is a trust fund kid from Greenwich. She goes to LA to chase her childhood crush, who promptly abandons her to tour with his band, informing her that he sublet his room to a stranger. The stranger turns out to be a porn star who is extremely hot and obviously very experienced, but having some issues with the porn industry. Together he and Clara set out to start their own pleasure website.

The writing was great. The chemistry was great. But the story was not that believable. There were things Clara did that were really out of character for her.

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Over the past couple of years, I’ve started reading a lot more contemporary romance. While I love every happy ending that comes with them, my favorite ones are the stories that are about more than just the romantic gestures - the ones that touch on social justice and women’s rights being among my favorites - and without a doubt, I can say that The Roommate just catapulted its way to the top of my 2020 favorites list for being exactly that type of romance!

The Roommate follows Clara, a wealthy East Coast socialite, who moves to LA to be with the boy she’s pined for since she was old enough to know how, and Josh, the roommate she ends up with who also happens to be a popular porn star. While of course some funny hijinks ensue as we watch Clara and Josh fall in love, this story is really about women finding their own way as sexual beings and having “agency over their sexual needs and desires.” I had seen this book described as raunchy, and although it is certainly an open-door romance, nothing about this book felt raunchy to me. So often, romance books (despite being written almost entirely by women) do not put women’s desires first and foremost, and it was refreshing to read one where women were put first throughout the story. I really loved every moment of this one and if I could change anything, it would just be to have had the story be longer because I couldn't get enough of the characters! Clara, Josh, and the supporting characters, all felt so real and the character development throughout the story was so well executed - making it a perfect romance debut!

The Roommate was published on September 15, and even though I’m a little late in reading this ARC, I could not be more excited to be sharing this one! I really loved every moment of it and stayed up way past my bedtime to read just one more chapter! A huge thank you to @berkleyromance and @netgalley for the advance copy of this one in exchange for my honest review!

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"Our love feels like. . . freedom. The kind people give their lives for."

Be still my heart! 'The Roommate' is an adult romance that is sexy and funny and smart and fresh. Usually the forced proximity trope feels dull to me and just not all that interesting. But Rosie Danan takes the trope and turns it on its head in this book. This book is filled with realistic dialogue and actually creates a very positive picture of sex workers. I found the story and the characters to be intelligent and very developed. And Josh Darling. SWOON.

Clara has impulsively left her very neat and orderly life behind in New York for a chance to room with her longtime crush, Everett, in Los Angeles for the summer. The only problem is that Everett has other plans and rents his room out to Josh Darling, an adult film star. What on earth was Clara thinking? And how will she manage to create a life for herself in a new city with no friends?

Josh and Clara are opposites in almost every way. She makes lists and lives her life according to her wealthy family's strict rules. Josh is a caring and funny guy who basically stumbled into the adult film industry and has quite the reputation for his on-screen roles with his frequent co-star (and ex), Naomi. Even though he is a star in his profession, he still feels inadequate when it comes to a relationship with Clara.

‘If the world were fair, Josh would have been able to get into a ring and fight for what he wanted. If the world were fair, he would have a chance.’

Josh and Clara both push each other's boundaries in a positive way and their chemistry is absolutely electric. Clara's first impressions of Josh turn out to be wrong and they begin to develop feelings for each other in the most delicious, slow-burn way possible. But when all is said and done, Clara still feels she must hide Josh from her family for fear they would find out what he really did for a living.

‘Wanting him, she could handle. But anything deeper…anything more with Josh was impossible. Unacceptable.’

The chemistry between Josh and Clara was absolutely fantastic. Rosie Danan has a gift for creating characters I really cared about and for hilarious dialogue. Plus this book is HOT. And while Naomi could have come across as just a cookie-cutter, jealous ex-girlfriend, the author wisely avoids those stereotypes. Naomi is a wonderful supporting character here who is getting her own book! Yay!

If you are looking for a fresh and very sexy adult contemporary romance then you will love 'The Roommate'. It is a standout in the romance genre, and I congratulate Rosie Danan on what is sure to be a very successful writing career. I laughed out loud while reading this book and I fell in love with Josh and Clara and their sweet, sexy romance. Highly recommend!

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This was HOOTTTT. And so much fun!! I pretty much was giggling through this entire read. Josh is an absolute sweetheart of a hero, if incredibly horny (I mean, he IS a porn star) and Clara is adorably awkward. I love the roommates trope but throw in the great sex/sex worker positivity and this made for a fantastic, entertaining read. I’m so impressed with this debut! If you love eager to please heroes who will do anything to give the heroine the best orgasms of her life, you have to read The Roommate.

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A fun and flirty romance that doesn’t shy away from difficult topics - porn, sex work, body positivity.

Overall enjoyed the book, and really liked the chemistry between Josh and Clara!

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This book was fun. It revolves around uptight socialite Clara and her porn star roommate Josh.

The banter was A+. The classic opposites attract with a side of roommates/forced proximity trope. It was thoroughly enjoyable.

My issue is the (romance genre wide critique) near the end of the book relationship conflict. I know it's coming, and it's just so formulaic and honestly boring. Everything is going well, so BAM, miscommunication = breakup = huge declarations of love.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. It was predictable, but the adult film industry was a new angle which is so needed, so it gets points from me.

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I really, thoroughly enjoyed reading this. From the very beginning to the very end, I was sucked in and read it in one sitting.

The Roommate was steamy, exciting, funny, and unique. Following Clara's impulsive decision to leave her life behind in New York and chase love in LA, we find her face to face with a new face instead of the familiar one. Josh found the room up for rent on craigslist and did not imagine he'd be stuck with the little socialite he believes Clara to be. Oddly enough, despite the two being very different according to their first impressions, they find their rhythm almost right away. Their chemistry becomes hard to deny but there is a lot going on that makes living together dangerous.

I really loved it. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect and with a cover like this, I hoped it was great. But it could've also been stupid cheesy.... so I'm thrilled it ended up being great. Highly recommend.

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I wasn't sure what to expect with book since the main male character works in the adult film industry, i.e. porn star, but it exceeded my expectations. It was funny & sexy (but not over the top considering what it was about), with interesting characters. Josh is a really nice guy, caring and fun, while Clara is awkward and clueless, but they fit each other. I read this book in 2 days and only work made me put it down.

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Friends, this debut was SO GOOD. ⁣Hot, smart, sizzling fun! ⁣

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 is a story with clever dialogue, forced proximity, tender romantic build up, and some seriously salacious steam. ⁣I'd describe this as a 'Spicy Romance with Heft'. The heft- the porn industry and fighting the mistreatment of sex workers. You read that right. It's not a topic I expected, but I think Danan knocked it out of the park in such a sex-positive way. In my opinion the phrase guilty-pleasure should omit the word guilt- no shame in the pleasure game.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃- I originally found this book when I stumbled across Rosie Danan's unboxing video on IG. Her genuine excitement is contagious and will cure whatever ails you. Plus- her earrings are EVERYTHING! Go watch it.

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Well written, witty, and fun. The chemistry between Clara and Josh is mouthwatering, yet somehow not cliché. The characters are relatable and funny, Danan does an excellent job of narrating Clara's awakening both sexually and emotionally.

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I purchased this book before I requested the galley and love it. I've already read it twice in one weekend. Danan skillfully writes her characters with humble emotion and a great balance of humility and heroics. I cheered for Clara. I cheered for Josh. It was more than just steamy scenes, though Danan is quite good at writing just enough to make things steamy without sounding crass or clinical.
I am looking forward to the next book about Naomi/Hannah ... and pretty much anything else Danan writes in the future.

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Clara sometimes gets the nudity in Renaissance art. Josh is famous — one-million-followers famous! — for his dedication to prioritizing female pleasure. Throw this socialite and adult entertainer together and you’ve got a rom com that is equal parts sweet and steamy.
What a debut! Rosie Danan delivers on everything you want out of a rom com — a fun premise, relatable characters you can’t help but root for, giggle-inducing moments, and TENSION (so much tension!!) — while managing to avoid the genre’s main pitfalls. The Roommate is all about empowerment and self-discovery — and it is sooo refreshing to see common tropes be reworked to reflect what a modern-day healthy relationship should be!

Also, in a genre famous for its so-called “predictability” (ummm every genre has beats it needs to hit in order to be categorized as such and to meet audience expectations — so what if rom coms happen to have built-in HEAs? What’s wrong with wanting to be happy? [alrighty, rant done!]), Danan surprises. I never expected to learn about the struggles of sex workers or politicians when I picked up this book — but I did. It was grounded in reality. And the representation/inside look into these two worlds was AWESOME.

As someone who graduated from YA contemporaries to adult rom coms because I knew they’d be tamer than other books in the romance section (like Clara, I can only handle so much before I start squirming or turn a permanent shade of red), I took a chance on The Roommate...and I think it’s pretty obvious from this review that I absolutely loved this book. It may be more steamy than my usual, but it is also hilarious and full of heart! Only time will tell if this will be my gateway to the bodice-rippers I’ve steered clear from thus far... but I truly believe Danan has written a story that will appeal to all romance readers — no matter where your preferences fall between sweet and steamy. The Roommate is the perfect in-between!

And to any avid romance readers who still have their doubts, who often crave more heat in their rom coms.... I promise: this one’s spicy!!

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bitch. I’m obsessed. Halfway through I looked up to see if there was a sequel with Naomi and there isssssssss THANK YOU!!
I love them. I love everything this stands for. All of it. The romance. The sex positive themes. The TENSION!!!! Amazing. I never thought a romance between a porn star and a new england socialite would be the thing that I'm obsessed with but here we are. Yes the romance was fabulous, but it was also so much more!! It talked a lot about the shortcomings of the porn industry and let our characters fight back. we love!

Please read this book!!! Idk if I’ve felt this strongly about a romance since I read the hating game?? Woof

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A great read! I don't love the cover on this one, but you know what they say about books and covers. This one is great!

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Rosie Danan writes with passion and humor, which made The Roommate erotic entertainment for sure! I see that Roommate is a debut, but based on the quality of the writing I will be adding Ms. Danan to my author's watch list. The complexity of the character profiles made for really intriguing characters. What could have been a caricature of the opposites attract trope was elevated by the quality of the dialogue and the respectful handling of the love scenes. I especially appreciated that the love scenes served to move the story along, they were integral rather than placeholders. I was thoroughly entertained. The author's humor reminds me of Shelley Laurenceston or Jill Shavis. I look forward to her next book.
I received my copy through NetGalley under no obligation.

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