Member Reviews

This one was a roller coaster. There were really good parts and then some parts didn't make sense or felt rushed. However idk if it's just me but the parts about eddie( character from book one) made me cry. It still had its scary factors but The Haunted for sure had way more. Overall, I still enjoyed this one.

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This is a good follow up to the first book. I listened to both, and the first one was nothing memorable. I probably spaced out through most of it. I liked this better, especially the conjuring of spirits/opening the portal theme. Still not that scary, wont make me lose sleep at night, but a good book for those that enjoy hauntings.

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Thank you NetGalley for an arc copy of The Unleashed by Danielle Vega.

The novel started off strong, I found that it was a good continuation for how the first book ended, but it seemed to be overly drawn out. Towards the end I just fell completely out of the story, and it would have been a lot better if it ended sooner.

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So I didn't read the first book. I didn't realize when I requested this book that it be a sequel. But even though I felt like I missed some information I still found the book dark and the writing creepy enough to keep me interested. I will definitely read the first book and then reread The Unleashed.

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The writing style of this book didn't work for me or keep me interested. The premise sounded promising, but for some reason it didn't hold my interest.

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The Unleashed
By Danielle Vega

I love a great haunting story and this sure was a read I really enjoyed and gave me the goosies. Though I did not have the opportunity to read the first book and any of Danielle Vega's previous works, I loved that I have been introduced to this talented writer. I understand now why she would have such a great and dedicated fan base for her previous book. Her writing is immersive, addicting and was able to build a world of spooky reading that I really delighted in reading.

I thought the character development was great and got to know them well even from just reading this book to immediately pick up from the previous novel. I loved the world building and it did give me a scare which I loved. Overall, I thought that this book was an enjoyable read and will definitely be picking up the first book that piqued my interest on this story line, characters and the hauntings.

Enjoyable read.

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Once again I go into this book not having read the first (hah!) I love to surprise myself sometimes to see if I can connect with a story without reading the first one. I LOVED THIS BOOK!

This is the sequel to The Haunted, and I just... I don't even have words. I found the writing style to be addictive and hard to put down. I was able to finish this book within 3 hours. I COULDN'T STOP BECAUSE I HAD TO KNOW. In this book we learn about Steele House and it's history, though people have said it's not as scary, I really think there was quite enough, especially for a YA book. The ending was just.. *chefs kiss*. I don't want to say too much because I don't want to spoil anything, especially since this is a sequel. I think if you read the synopsis you'll understand quickly what's going on without having read the first. I am going to go back and read that one ASAP!

Thank you PenguinTeen for this advanced copy to read and review!

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The Unleashed is the sequel to the The Haunted. After finishing the Haunted, I was a bit apprehensive about a sequel to a seemingly standalone book and I was correct in my apprehension. The Haunted does nothing to improve on the weak world building and character work while creating more questions than answers.

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Danielle Vega writes very well YA horror so i wasn’t surprised that i enjoyed this book so much. Can’t wait to see what she does next!

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I absolutely loved The Haunted, so when I saw Danielle Vega was coming out with another book I was hooked immediately.
This book was full of chilling and twisted moments which I absolutely loved!
Thank you so much for this e-arc!
Danielle Vega does it again!

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Danielle Vega has done it again; she has made a thrilling book from start to the finish. Full of twists and chilling moments. I love how this takes place with the same characters from the first book, and we basically start right where it ended in The Haunted.

I didn’t find this one as scary as The Haunted, but while this one lacks a bit of gore and horror, Vega makes up for it with a spectacular plotline! The Unleashed still takes place with the Steele house and we get to know a lot more of its history. I think that in this book we get to see more character development, especially with Hendricks and her friends. I have to admit I had some “goosebumps all over my body moments” in her first book, but didn’t have that in this book. What I can say is that the ending was phenomenal. I was blown away and the epilogue made my jaw completely drop. I have thoroughly enjoyed all of Danielle Vega’s books and I am so glad that this one lived up to my high expectations.

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You guys probably already know I’m a little obsessed with the work of Danielle Vega, so I was beyond stoked to receive an invitation to read the eARC of her new book, The Unleashed, from Penguin Teen. Thank you again so much to Penguin Teen for sending me this one – I love YA horror, but especially Vega and I’ve been looking forward to this title! I can’t wait to grab up my own copy when it releases on July 7th.

So The Unleashed is the sequel to The Haunted, which you may have read my review on last year. Our MC had a pretty tough time enduring the shenanigans of Steele House in that book, and sorry to say, but the sequel isn’t going to be any easier for her.

Everything in The Unleashed begins when trendy Hendricks and her very trendy friends try to summon Hendricks’s dead boyfriend from beyond the grave on the burnt out grounds of Hendricks’s former haunted residence—because, you know, that’s what teens in Danielle Vega books do.

Unfortunately, instead of summoning Eddie, our friendly neighborhood bad boy with a heart of gold, Hendricks, Portia, Connor, and the rest of the gang end up summoning something that’s just downright bad.
This sequel reads like a lot of the fun teen horror movies so many of us enjoy, with a supernatural twist. Think Ouija or maybe the first Unfriended. For me, the formula teens + séance/Ouija board/ghost hunting/supernatural investigation (or camping trip, but that’s a whole other thing unto itself that we will discuss at another time) + chaos ensues will always = something I’m interested in. Sign me up. I’m down.

The Unleashed has all those fun ghostly, supernatural, “what-did-I-get-myself-into” moments with a splash of 80s flavor as Hendricks summons a ghost from another generation and relives (sometimes literally) the dark traumatic, experiences of a girl named Samantha (yes, hi, hello) and her own brushes with evil. It tells the tale of a young man who kidnaps and attempts to sacrifice a young woman on prom night in order to obtain her medium powers, so it also has those classic teen movie prom feels. Everything about this book gave off those classic teen horror vibes from the 80s vibes to the ill-advised forays into summoning the dead to the glitzy prom setting to the scene where Hendricks pretends to be “touring” a mental health facility for her “uncle” in a fantastically trope-y ruse to gather information about Samantha and her past.

This is not a subtle horror—this is definitely more of a gore-y, ghoul-y type of horror. There were moments in this book that were dripping with cheese like the pizza in A Goofy Movie, but let me clear: I love some cheesy horror. While some have a staunch aversion to it, I’m always down for a little cheese.
Well, actually, I’m vegan, but you know what I mean.

As is usually the case with Danielle Vega’s books, I absolute tore through this one. I started it one night and finished it the next day. I maintain that nothing compares to The Merciless or its sequels, but I always enjoy her books and make short work of them. They’re fun, ghoulish reads and I have no doubt I’ll be a returning fan. I think my favorite thing about The Unleashed was Hendricks’s realization that it may not be just Steele House that’s haunted—there really might be something else going on here. And it definitely left the door open for more books after this one.

And you know I’ll read those, too.

This is another four out of five for me—not perfect five, pretty trope-y, but I don’t mind that! I love these books and I’m always interested in YA horror, and I would definitely recommend these, especially for people who love modern ghost stories.

The Unleashed gets unleashed onto the public on July 7th, so be on the lookout!

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4/5 Stars

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an e-ARC

I tend to really enjoy Danielle Vega's books, I haven't read any under her Danielle Rollins name. But aside from Survive the Night (which I actually threw across the room because I was mad at the ending) I've liked them all and read them quickly.

They're all really quick reads which is how I tend to prefer my thrillers and horror books. I just cannot read Stephen King style books.

The Unleashed is the sequel to The Haunted and picks up where The Haunted ends. Steele House makes a return and Hendricks and the rest of her friends have to deal with more paranormal happenings. I like how the story continued and the little twists that the author added.

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