Member Reviews

This was an interesting adventure. It leaves you feeling curious about what will happen next. It’s engaging, with different races and different technologies. The quest to figure out just what had happened to Andra & her family and their ship was engaging. Zhade was such a fun interesting character.

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I wanted to like this, but it just wasn't holding my attention so I ended up not finishing it. 3 stars cause maybe it will work for someone else.

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YA dystopian isn't my thing and I should have recognized that before requesting, but look at this cover! I had heard such hype, and I really wanted to love it. I think I may have if I'd been the target demographic. And I know, you can read a book at any age, but I just couldn't connect with these characters or the story.

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Goddess in the Machine has such an interesting concept, it's just poorly executed. Now to be fair, I've only made it 14% into my copy, but I've literally given myself a headache while reading because of the annoying pseudo-language Johnson created. It's not that it's particularly difficult to understand, it's just annoying as hell to read, and everyone besides the MC Andra speaks it. Zhade's perspective wasn't helping things either, since that meant everything was in it, rather than just the dialogue. I never was given a reason to care about either Andra or Zhade to keep me interested enough to continue through things either, which was a bit frustrating because there should have been something by that point. Maybe it's just because I really like to have a connection with characters that it bothered me, but between those two factors I decided to just DNF.

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I tried really hard to read this book, however the way it was written was extremely difficult for me to read. I did not enjoy the writing style and had to stop reading it without getting too far into the story line. I really wanted to like it, but I struggled to understand what it was saying.

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For some reason, dystopian fiction always grabs my attention. Sadly, the vast majority of these works are poorly written, have unlikable protagonists, or recycle tired story devices. None of those descriptions apply to this one. The main character, a teenage girl, is perhaps a little too self-conscious, but I had to remind myself that this is par for the course at her age. Even though it took me a few pages to get into the futuristic "english-like" language spoken by many of the characters, once I did, I found it easy to follow and intriguing to ponder. The writing is strong, and the author clearly spent time researching language evolution.

The tale is well-executed, and it builds to a satisfying conclusion without surprising you with a single "punch in the belly" moment. I was kept interested by the plot's many surprises. Some of them I was very sure I had worked out, while others took me by surprise. There's a cliffhanger at the conclusion, and the second book is rumored to be published in 2021. I'm quite excited! This was a fantastic read for me.

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This book just wasn’t for me! I liked the premise of someone waking up years later with people thinking she’s some kind of goddess, but the writing and execution fell flat for me. I was not a fan, the book did nothing to hold my interest. I told myself I’d come back to this book, but once I tried to, I still felt a disconnect. Thank you to the publishers for the chance!

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Goddess in the Machine was so much fun! I loved all the sci fi elements and there were a lot of surprising twists and turns that kept me turning the pages. The world building and character development were fantastic and I was so here for all the banter, intrigue, and action!

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Goddess in the Machine by Lora Beth Johnson is YA sci-fi dystopian novel with an interesting premise. A girl wakes up after a thousand years of cryigenic sleep and a prince who needs her help to claim his throne. It is a slow to get into but good overall.

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This story is interesting but not a lot really happens. It took me sooo long to read and I just wasn’t really entertained enough to enjoy it.

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The cover was great but couldn’t get into the story. I do think others might connect to this one more. Three stars.

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I really struggled with this book because it involves a new language. The concept was really unique, but it took me way too long to get into because of the language. I don't think this one was for me.

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I love a YA sci-fi adventure, particularly those that play out aboard spaceships (it all ties back to my Star Trek addiction days). Goddess in the Machine is set on a planet (Erensend), not aboard a spaceship, but there’s a reason why this sci-fi will go down as one of my favorites. It’s the truly impeccable world-building — world-building reminiscent of some of fantasy’s best series.

Andra (Andromeda) wakes up from cryogenic sleep. Only problem: it’s about 1000 years too late, all the other colonists she was supposed to be with are long dead, the planet she’s landed on is being ravaged by nano storms, and civilization is skating on the brink of destruction. Yeah, we would not want to be Andra. Although, peculiarly, the locals are hailing Andra a “Goddess” and calling her their salvation. Failing which, Andra will be sacrificed. Yeah, it’s not looking good for our teenage heroine.

From standout world-building (prepare to find out how linguistics will shape and change the English language of the future) to characters you cannot help but root for (Andra and exiled bastard prince Zhade), Goddess in the Machine is an action-packed sci-fi adventure full of court intrigue and people who make morally gray choices. Especially Zhade and his brother Maret— oh, the twists and turns this story takes! Technology has advanced to such a degree that it has eclipsed human understanding and is considered magic.

Told from dual POVs, the reader is dropped into the futuristic world of Eerensend, knowing as little as Andra, and it makes for such great mystery and discovery moments. Andra is biracial, curvy, and has a difficult (to say the least) relationship with her (now dead) mom, but despite feeling like she’s entirely out of her depth on Eerensend, Andra’s got tech-savvy and smarts and no quit. Together with Zhade, she just might depose the gov of Erensend (Zhade’s half brother) and escape the fate of a Goddess, death.

A unique YA sci-fi adventure and an outstanding debut.

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This is such a good sci-fi! It has its own completely new world with a new language as well. Andra wakes up one day out of cryogenic sleep 1000 years too late. She has to figure out what happened to her family and what happened to everyone else. It's a story that has so many twists and turns that you get whiplash. It so good and I can't wait for the sequel!

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I love this blend of sci-fi fantasy! The dialect took a bit to get used to, but once I did, I so loved it. It has witty banter, deep world-building, tons of twists and turns, and great characters.

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I doubted a little while what to rate this, 3 or 4 stars. Because of the ending, I decided to rate it 4 stars. I really enjoyed it, and it gives so much perspective for the sequel! I can't wait to read that.

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I thought this was such a unique science fiction novel. This is not a super heavy science fiction novel. I really liked the duel POV characters and really liked all the side characters. The whole concept about "goddess" was really different. I also really liked the world billing and found it to fast past read. The story did not have any shocking twists and I saw some of the larger ones coming. I found the end to be exciting and def checking out book 2!

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WOW! Lora Beth Johnson did such an amazing job building this world! The language was absolutely beautiful. The characters had me rooting for them from the minute I met them. The badassery was real. It took me to a scifi movie with lots of action! I am not one to read lots of scifi but boy am I glad I read this one. It's my first read by this author and it did not disappoint. The plot pace was spectacular, it was perfect to follow!

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First off, is that Chrissy Teigen on the cover?! It’s a beautiful cover and the first thing I notice was main character Andra looks like her lol. This sci fi novel took me awhile to get into but once my brain got used to written jargons and world building - WOW! Love it.

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Goddess in the Machine was the sci-fi book I needed! I saw in a lot of reviews that the language bothered them but as a big sci-fi/fantasy reader I loved it. It takes time to get use to but it makes the world more believable. Andra was strong and amazing and Zheng was the perfect YA bad boy. Need book 2!

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