Member Reviews

This was a good idea, and well-researched on the time period, but for a plot revolving around characters who don’t know what happened to them, it wasn’t the page turner it could have been because it wasn’t original, the reader already knows exactly what happened from the beginning.

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Skywatchers was so fascinating! I wasn't fully sure what to expect coming into this book but I ended up really enjoying it. It was so interesting to read a YA novel set in the era of the Cold War and the UFO phenomenon.
I loved the plot twists and the gang of characters were so likable. I could fully see the Stranger Things vibes through the perfect mix of mystery and science fiction in a historical setting.

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This novel started out really interesting but about 3/4 of the way in it really stalled out for me. The pacing was off and it felt like the last 1/4 of the story was slightly rushed. There were so many details at the beginning and then the end just felt brushed over. Unfortunately this wasn’t really for me and I don’t think it would be something I would recommend. Thank you netgalley for my free copy.

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More science fiction than historical fiction so if you like that definitely check this book out. The Plot based on the cover and synopsis makes it kinda obvious where the book isn't going but still a good read

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I really wanted to like this book but I think it just wasn’t for me. I think I have aged out of YA books. Definitely a me problem not a problem with the book

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I expected more historical fiction when I started, but Skywatchers is more science fiction than anything. Whereas I expected more anti-Communist propaganda and overall fear, the story more focuses on UFOs and extraterrestrials. I liked the relationships between the characters and the overall mystery that’s central to the plot. I think fans of the show Stranger Things would enjoy this book, although it is far less gruesome.

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This one had a bit of a weird pace I really enjoyed the first part of the book but the second half seemed to lose the story.

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To me, there wasn't much of a mystery. It's pretty obvious that it's aliens, which is a disappointment, actually. Why have it set during this time period and not take more advantage of it? It's sort of like a sci-fi Narnia, which is weird to say.

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Trigger Warnings: child death, drowning, road traffic accidents

Set in California in 1952, Skywatchers follows a group of teens who volunteer for their local Skywatch service. All have been trained by the Air Force to watch out for enemy planes carrying the dreaded nuclear weapons that Russia was suspected to be ready to send at any moment.

One evening, instead of seeing a plane, four of the group spot a mysterious green light that moves in a way none of them can explain. The strange light crashes into the forest nearby and the group decides to investigate. Several days later, three of them emerge—all separately—with no memory of where they have been. As the days go on, all three returned teens make startling discoveries. John realizes he can now play the piano, Bunny suddenly speaks fluent Mandarin, and Caroline—one squeamish about blood—can perform complex medical procedures without hesitation. With government officials asking questions and the adults of the town increasingly suspicious, it’s up to the teens to figure out what happened to them, and where their missing friend Teddy is.

This was another strange book that struggled to know exactly what to do with itself. I really loved the first third/half which covers the initial disappearance and return of the teens. Here, information is drip-fed in such a way that a sense of unease is built up. What exactly happened to those kids and is it really over? Is something watching them even now and is this even real? The possibilities are wide and frightening. Once those questions are answered, however, the book kind of lost its way. While the explanation of what really happened was interesting, it also felt rushed—this short section of the book could easily have been expanded into a novel of its own.

The tone also significantly changed at this mid-point. The first half of the book feels aimed at a younger YA audience—I actually thought I was reading higher middle-grade for a while—however, the second half is more suited to a much older audience. Caroline’s story in particular felt tragic for me as an adult reader, but I wonder how deeply it will resonate with young teens? The conclusion also felt somewhat half-hearted. The events these teens experienced would have left them deeply traumatized at best, so I struggled to reconcile that with an ending that was closer to happily ever after than the deep-seated PTSD I would expect.

Skywatchers was an interesting story and it certainly does a good job of introducing dozens of classic tropes related to aliens to younger audiences—links to the Cold War, missing time, Project Blue Book, and much more—but it also fails to really pay off on its brilliant start. There is a ripe opportunity for a sequel here and it would be interesting to see how events play out moving forward, but if we do, I hope there is more of a payoff at the end.

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Thank you PenguinTeen for Netgalley arc.

So I know people enjoyed this read. The writing was good. But it wasn't for me. And only because I gave it 2 stars doesn't mean don't give this book a try. I just couldn't piece the story together. Characters didn't develop like I hoped and no sense of adventure.

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Historical fiction on the Cold War with UFO/aliens?! Sign me up. This book has been sitting waiting for me to read and I’m sad it took me so long to get to it. I loved the premise but there was a lot of information dumped in the beginning of the book with not a lot panning out in the end. I was expecting more on the ufo side of things but it did hold my attention and was a fast read. Just wanted more.

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I had a good time with this one! We follow a cast of an unlikely allies following post WWII who are volunteering to keep an eye on the skies for air strikes. After half the group decides to go home early, the entire town witnesses an odd bright green light in the sky. The four who stayed to watch the skies decide to investigate. From there everything goes haywire because they went missing... and then each come back with no memory as to what happened over the last 24-48 hours.

I loved the mystery and the different dynamics between this cast of characters. I had so much fun wondering what the big reveal would be. My only complaint is that the reveal and solution to the climax and issue felt a bit rushed. I would have liked to be in that part of the novel for a bit longer and with a bit more detail.

Overall a dun historical scifi!

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This book is set during the Cold War, and follows a group of high school students who join a Skywatchers club. Their job is to watch the sky for signs of Russian missiles, but they never imagined they would become entangled with a UFO mystery instead. I loved the idea of this book but it just wasn't for me. However, it seems like it really is working for so many people. I think the combination of sci-fi/historical genre just did not work for me as a reader. It is an interesting premise and story and if you are a lover of those genres, this will work for you!

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"A mystery about the history of the Cold War and the UFO phenomenon.." Yeah that's pretty much exactly what you get here. I can see why it's compared to Stranger Things, though these characters are older, and there is less adult involvement.

The writing was well done, and the descriptions were vivid. However, I felt like that didn't translate to the characters. I felt like I never got to see into the characters' true personalities, only how they presented themselves. As a result, I wasn't particularly connected to them (with the exception Lee) and therefore the story as a whole. Most of the side characters felt 2D and interchangeable in my mind, which was disappointing considering how the premise meant they had potential to have interesting backstories and lives. The whole thing escalated to a crazy explanation of what was going on, then resolved super quickly and very easily. Overall, it was enjoyable and I do look forward to more books by this author, this one was just a lot to punch in.

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My boys and I loved reading this book together. We read it over a month or so and really enjoyed the Authors story telling ability. She grabbed our attention, and held it. My boys still talk about this one.

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This book was super intriguing and kept my interest the entire time. What sold the book for me was being for fans of Stranger Things. Not having a season this summer like we did last summer, I was going through some withdrawls. So I was excited to see this one pitched to fans of the show. But that's where comparisons end. This is a sci-fi young adult book that follows a group of teenagers who are called Skywatchers. I love the mysterious build up in this book! Such a big fan with how it played out!

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Skywatchers is a historical science fiction story (I know that sounds like a weird genre combination, but hear me out) that follows a group of teenagers in Central California in 1952, at the height of the Cold War and fear of nuclear warfare as well as UFOs. High school seniors Teddy, John, Caroline, Eleanor, Bunny, Frank, and Oscar are involved in their school's "Operation Skywatch" club and take shifts watching the sky from a tower looking for suspicious activity. The book alternates between the third-person perspectives of all 7 teens (though the focus is arguably on Teddy, John, Caroline, and Bunny) so it may become confusing for some people, but I loved the diversity of this cast of characters and enjoyed getting to know each of them. One night, Eleanor, Caroline, Bunny, Teddy, and John go into the woods and disappear. Caroline, Bunny, and John are recovered within a few days with little recollection of what happened (they are then forced to attempt to piece together that night's events), but Eleanor turns up dead and Teddy remains missing. Since Arcos puts Caroline, John, Teddy, and Bunny center stage, we get to learn a lot about them. I loved reading about Caroline as an intelligent preacher's kid grieving the loss of her best friend of nearly a decade (Eleanor), John as a baseball star coming to terms with his childhood in an internment camp during World War II, Teddy as he is forced to reckon with the idea that there may be life beyond Earth, and Bunny as a bookish New York transplant. Arcos also does something pretty meta: she analyzes the historical and cultural relevance of the sci-fi genre. Frank and Oscar are branded "sci-fi nerds" and are the first ones to suggest extraterrestrial activity, but of course everybody thinks that's crazy talk. Overall, Skywatchers was a fun read with great characters and seamless integration of historical and science fiction elements.

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Skywatchers is a unique alien abduction story following a group of friends who, while watching the sky for Soviet airplanes, discovers a "ufo" and follows it into the woods. The kids end up missing for a couple of days, and when they turn up without any memory of what happened, the government sends someone to try to figure out what's going on. I loved the jump between perspectives. Each character's personality was different and it reflected in their choices and perspectives of what had happened to them.

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Set against the backdrop of 1962 and the threat of Soviet invasion, a group of high schoolers get more than they bargained for as members of the “Operation Skywatch” club. Established across the country as part of an effort to spot a possible attack, they are in the lookout for enemy planes, but encounter mysterious lights instead. What exactly happened to the four teens that disappear after going into the forest to investigate? Full of intrigue and suspense, this historical science fiction story kept me turning the pages and racing to see how it would all unfold! I thoroughly enjoyed this read!

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Skywatchers is a fun YA sci-fi mystery that definitely keeps you wondering, “What the heck is going on?”

It is the 1950’s, just after WWII, and high school kids interested in space and air travel are recruited to be Skywatchers, and make sure to warn the nearby military base if any threats are coming. But when 4 of them go missing, and show up later with no memory of the last few days, they have to figure out what happened to them. Was the ship they saw foreign? Domestic? Alien?

This was a fun sci-fi read, that was definitely fitting for a YA crowd. It reminded of a mixture of Back to the Future, Stranger Things (but not scary), and ET. This book was such a quick read because as a reader, you just wanted to know what was actually going on and if any of your theories were correct. I do say as an avid fantasy reader, I do wish there was a little more world building and character development in this story, but I know it went quickly because I believe it is a standalone. Even still, I enjoyed it and if you are a fan of sci-fi and like it mixed with a little historical fiction, this is definitely your go to book!

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