Member Reviews

This book specifically stood out because it deals with Cuba, which normally is portrayed terribly in the USA. This book showed both good and bad sides to the country and, particularly wonderfully, made note of how Cuba's current situation is exacerbated by the USA's trade embargo, which is hurting the Cuban people and making them dependent on international family members importing things to get necessities to people on the island. The fact they touched on that demonstrates to me how important it is that the author always co-writes with an author with connections to the locations visited in the book. Rather than being pure propaganda, each of these books tends to look at issues from both sides (check out book 4 for another good example). Overall, very happy kids today have books like this that can help them grow up informed while still enjoying being a kid and reading wacky, silly stories.

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Fans of "The Unicorn Rescue Society" will be thrilled with this addition. This is my first adventure in this series, and I don't feel like I'm lost in the story. Though it did take me a while to get into this.

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The Unicorn Rescue Society series is already hit with students that are fantasy fans. Students with interest in lake monsters can be easily advised to try this book. Set in Cuba readers readers will learn about the Madre de Aguas that protects the water, a connection into a lesson on water conservation and habitat for STEM.. Lots of action will keep readers attention and familiar characters will get them to return to the text. Fun continuation in this series.

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What do a sea serpent, fresh water, Cuba, and pink sludge have to do with each other? Find out in book five of The Unicorn Rescue Society. Uchenaa, Elliot, and Professor Fauna have a new mission they must save The Madre de Aguas of Cuba, who is missing. Soon they find themselves in a whirlwind adventure in Cuba filled with goons and humor.
The mythical, politica
l, and economic history of Cuba is woven throughout the story. Readers will also appreciate the Spanish phrases mixed throughout, which are translated in context, for those who do not speak the language. Fans of the Unicorn Rescue Society, mythology, Latino fiction elements, adventure, humor, Rick Riordan presents books, and many other middle grade readers will love this book!

Please note: This was a review copy given to us by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. No financial compensation was received.

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This is the fourth installment in the unicorn rescue society series and I have to say it doesn’t disappoint. This book takes us to Cuba and does a wonderful job of integrating cuban history within the fanatical elements of the plot. The legend of the Madre de agues is explained and explored for new readers and for readers who might already be familiar with the legend.

I think this book will be a hit with my students who are already fans of the series or even ones who might not be yet. Fantastic for middle grade readers of fantasy, mythology, or even both.

The publisher Penguin Young Readers group generously provided me with a copy of the book upon request on NetGalley. The rating, ideas and opinions shared are my own.

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Professor Fauna, Uchenna, Elliot and Jersey are on their new adventure to Cuba to help rescue another mythological creature, the Madre de Aguas of Cuba, from danger of the terrible Schmoke brothers, who only think of themselves and their wealth. With a help of a few friends to guide them around beautiful Cuba, will they be able to piece together the mystery of what is causing so much drought in the land and to save the Madre de Aguas of Cuba before it's too late ? URS does another wonderful job of taking the reader on an adventure all while providing valuable history, as well as insightful and cultural information about the place the mythological creatures live, in this case, Cuba.

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This is the first book I've read in this series, and I cannot wait to get the rest. I loved the humor as well as the facts about Cuba that were woven into the book. The characters are fun, and students will enjoy the kids being more responsible than the professor.

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This was the first book that I have read in this series. I was quite surprised by this little book. I was expecting a fun, sweet little story about magical creatures, which was definitely there, but there was also quite a bit of historical and political information about Cuba introduced as well. Additionally, there was a strong message about the environment. So, while on the surface this book seems like an adventurous story about characters seeking mythical creatures, there is actually a lot more to the story. I would recommend this to children that are interested in learning about other places or that are history enthusiasts.

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This is an excellent addition to the Unicorn Rescue Society series. I love that each book tackles a different mythical creature in different parts of the world. I am partial to the Jersey Devil (book 1), being from New Jersey, but I enjoyed this "trip" to Cuba. I especially like the relationship between Elliot and Uchenna. They are a really fun pair and I think young readers will relate to each of them in different ways. Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book.

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