Member Reviews

DNF 57%
This was just...all over the place? trying to be romantic, trying to be funny, trying to be psychic and what not. it did NOT work out. I was just so incredible bored... I ended up Did-Not-Finish it.

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Loved this! It was a fun, clean, romance. I do think it was a bit over the top, but it was 100% pure fun escapism.. I then went on to read the entire series.

Thank you to the author, the publisher and Net Galley for the advance copy. This obviously did not impact my review since I went on to read the rest of the series.

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I loved this book! I liked the dynamic of Jake’s family and the way the romance built between Jake and Marty overtime until it exploded full force. I am definitely continuing with this series, the author can’t write the books fast enough for me!

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When I decided to read this book, I hadn't even read the description before getting started and I'm actually really stoked I downloaded this one! It wasn't what I was expecting at all and made me laugh, swoon, and feel things I didn't know I needed to feel.

Matty's the kind of character you see authors try and write all the time, the ultimate badass, moving forward because she knows what she's capable of.

I truly enjoyed Matty and Jakes story!

Thanks, Maggie M Lily and Netgalley for the E-Arc!

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This book was hilarious. The characters (the entire cast, not just the main characters) were zany and wild. I fell in love with Jake and his entire family, and can't wait to see what is in store for them in the future. I'm still a little unclear on the whole psychic/paranormal portion, but it wasn't a major part of this story.

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I liked the big family camaraderie that came with Jake, though there were so many brothers I had a hard time keeping them straight. I'm sure once each of them get their own story and book it will help though. Some of the dialogue felt a little unbelievable though. For instance, even if I showed up soaking wet and out of sorts to a business meeting, I doubt I would be swearing and speaking unprofessionally.

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We follow Matilda, an alpha female with a take no crap type of attitude. While on her way to an important meeting with the Trellis family for their new beer label, she get knocked over and takes a tumble. She arrives at her meeting looking like death warmed over: she has mud all over her, she's soaking wet and all of her electronics (and the bag holding them) are destroyed, having been run over by a bus. Not quite the first impressions she was hoping to make. Jake is the Trellis man hosting the meeting. If anyone else showed up looking like Matilda did, they would've cried, which is exactly what Jake is expecting. Instead he gets all of Matilda's snark and sass, and also gets demolished in pool.

What follows is a love story between the Matilda and Jake with a whole cast of characters that you, as the reader, want in your corner.

This book was fun! It was the romantic escape I was looking for when I picked it up. I love Matilda as a character, she's strong and full of life and I loved being in her head. Jake was an interesting character. His heart was in the right place, and I honestly enjoyed watching him fumble with his words. Not everyone is great with words, and it was nice to see that represented on paper.

When I first saw that this was paranormal (after I downloaded it), I was skeptical. Paranormal romance is not typically my cup of tea. However, this was well done. It wasn't too over the top. It never really gets explained in the book though, so that did knock my rating down a bit. It also seems like each Trellis sibling (there's a lot of them) is meant to have some sort of ability, and I don't recall understanding what Jake's ability is. This itself knocked down my rating.

Overall, this book was fun! I had a good time reading about the romance and am looking forward to picking up more books in the series.

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I'm absolutely love this romance. Tons of humour that made me giggle and laugh.

The Call is about a love story, family drama and women jealousy. I had zero expectations for this book when I requested it from Netgalley. This book got me hooked from the beginning until the end especially after Matty met Jake. I absolutely love how weird the combination of the story. Like I haven't been reading a book like this before, the one like a love story but involved the whole family and family who is very supportive, kind and very rich. And it also has a bit touch of paranormal. See, a bit weird, right? The good kind of weird.

Matty is funny. I liked her. And her character is cute and I really liked how the Trellis family treated her like their own family. Matty was working with them for the beer project. It all started with the 'Mishap' on her way to meeting where she needed to present her ideas on the beer project. It was a disaster but she finally managed to keep the contract going. Thank God.

Jake is charming, in my opinion. Jake has 7 brothers and 1 sister. He's also dating a supermodel, named Stephanie-Bella. Jake has feelings for Matty but he already has a girlfriend. Is he going to dump his girlfriend just to be with Matty?

Love the writing. It was well written. The plot is amazing and all are in suquence and easy to catch up and remember. The other characters, Hank, Darla, William, Adrian, Ethan, Samuel (my most favorite character), Noah, Matthew, Lucas and Bethany are all likeable. I wish to get to read more about The Trellis Siblings.

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher for providing this book in return for an honest review.

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The Call is my first read by Maggie M. Lily and I’m very happy that I chose to try this new to me author. There is so much going on in this story, but it's not overwhelming or hard to follow. Family drama, jealousy, laugh out loud moments, and a touch of the paranormal, are all elements of this wonderful romance. I was thoroughly hooked from early on and enjoyed the author’s world building and character development too. I’ll definitely be looking out for the next in this series and more from this author in the future.

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Every other sentence had an F word in it. And for no good reason.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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This is a truly strange and wonderful book. I had zero expectations, but was pulled in so quickly, I literally couldn’t stop reading. It’s funny and romantic and weird - and it all works. The rambling-style dialogue is excessive at times, but doesn’t detract from the story as a whole. I’ll definitely be reading the next book!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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The call is my first novel from this author and I was definitely surprised. Maggie managed to combine a love story, family drama, jealous females, a ton load of him out and even a sprinkle of paranormal. As an avid reader I sometimes read the first of a series and feel no inclination to continue as the characters and plot line are bland.

Maggie managed to hook me with the Intensity of her characters while seamlessly blending various storylines together.

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I really enjoyed this book, although I was not sure about all the dreams. Interesting characters, and you want things to turn out well for them.

Looking forward ot reading the rest of the series.

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