Member Reviews
This is a reference book about monsters. It talks about different kinds of monsters, and includes sections on what monsters eat and what they do in their day to day lives.
This would be a great book for kids who love monsters. There were tons of fun facts about different monsters, including vampires, werewolves, and zombies. This would also be a great book to teach kids not to be afraid of monsters. It shows what monsters do when they hide under a bed, and they are actually more afraid of humans than humans are of them.
The book ends with a diploma to show that the reader has completed the Monsters 101 book. This is such a cute book for kids.
Thank you Penguin Random House Canada for providing a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
A boisterous, fact(?)-filled guide containing all you need to know about monsters. The colorful illustrations are teeming with detail, enough to keep a young monsterologist busy for quite a while, and the text includes helpful information such as types of monsters, what activities they enjoy, what foods they eat, habitats, and what to do when you meet a monster- don't try to pet them! Humans are always trying to pet things! Once the reader has completed the book, they'll receive a diploma in Monsteronomy, earning the title of Monster Scientist. Great fun!
#Monsters101 #NetGalley
Monsters 101 is an excellent read for anyone interested in the science behind monsters. Tons of facts and checklists create an enjoyable and interactive experience for the reader. It even talks about how to get along with them. At the end you even get a diploma!
Cale Atkinson knows his stuff. First he wrote a scientific textbook about unicorns and here he is this time with one about monsters.
This compendium of monster information is delightful. Like Unicorns 101, the similar format is bursting with important (and often hilarious) facts for readers who want to know more about these elusive creatures.
It begins with a page identifying the Masters Of Monstronomy: a collection of experts in the field. I suspect he must have studied with these wise ones to become such an authority himself.
Next is a checklist for how to identify a monster. Readers can use it to see if the creatures on the next page have any of these characteristics.
Atkinson deals with many aspects of monster life. The biology section includes common and scientific names as well as a cross section of what the inside of a monster looks like. The page on daily life explains how monsters look after themselves, dress up as humans, and have fun. A monster's diet is not really for the faint of heart. At least, this is not my idea of a delicious BLT!
The chapter on history identifies famous monsters. Later on readers will discover what monsters are afraid of and how to get along with any monsters they might meet up with.
In the back matter there’s a Monstronomy Diploma readers can fill thus proving they are officially Monster Scientists.
Cale Atkinson's knowledge of monsters is obvious in the comical colourful illustrations. A note in the title verso claims they were created with Photoshop, slime and zombie pus.
I love reading Cale Atkinson's books with my daughter so we read this ARC together. Amazing and FUN illustrations plus lots of hilarious 'facts' about numerous different monsters that may be lurking under your bed! Definitely one that I will be adding to our library!
So good! A wonderful follow up to Unicorns 101. I laughed out loud over and over. The pictures are so full of fun little details you could just pore over them for hours. My favourite was Barney, or maybe Richard.
The perfect companion to Unicorns 101. There are so many fun parts of this book, and I can already envision so many programs libraries could do with this title.
Like Cale Atkinson's earlier Unicorns 101, this is a hilarious non-fiction style picture book. It's filled with Atkinson's trademark art filled with great colour and creatures/humans that make you think of only the best cartoons. I am sure that not every day will be a "wild rumpus" when studying fictional creatures but it will sure seem like it when you read this book. Like Unicorns 101, it is a little long for story time with some of your youngest groups in an elementary setting, but grades 3 and up will surely give the reader big laughs and I could even see this book being helpful in teaching young readers how to use text features (although it was hard to be sure due to the poor formatting that is the result of my older IPAD and this E-ARC). I really enjoy everything I have read from this writer, and this one did not disappoint at all.
ARC Copy...if you're familiar with Unicorns 101 you'll know how this is going to turn out. Oh so "educational" on all the basics of monsters from the monsters themselves BRAINS and how to befriend a monster too! The fun illustration style is big bonus-important aspect too! Highly recommended and sure to be a popular choice around Halloween!