Member Reviews

The anticipation for The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V. E. Schwab was so high this year that you might think there is no way it could possibly live up to those expectations. Then you read it. And you realize that it blows those expectations out of the water.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is the very definition of pathos because there is nothing particularly happy or joyful about Addie's life. Yet, it matters not because her story is so imaginative, so thoughtful, so evocative that you read it with your heart in your throat. Emotions, like dread and sadness, threaten to overwhelm you after every page.

There is beauty in Addie's world though. Strangely, you find beauty in her suffering, her resilience, and her longing. Even though you don't think you want to continue her story after her first night in Paris -- because it is just too much -- you do because Addie haunts you, unlike any other character. You want her to find happiness in any form, and you want to ease that longing that is so visceral and difficult to read.

The ending of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is flawless. There is no other way the story could end. Even though it may not be the ending you want for Addie's story, it is perfect and completely worth the heartache and tears that fall on Addie's behalf.

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is unlike any story you have previously read. It is also a story that is going to haunt your waking moments as well as your dreams. You will find yourself thinking of Addie's curse at the strangest times, and you will notice all the ways in which you leave an imprint of yourself now that you know all the ways Addie could not. Without a doubt, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue will be the best book you read all year and maybe for years to come.

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I. Could. Not. Put. This. Down. LaRue is, hands down, Schwab’s best book today. What a lyrical, captivating fairytale that I will never be able to forget. I can’t recommend this one enough.

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I have read most of Schwab's books and...I think this is by far her best. Her magnum opus. Her crowning achievement. I know she's been working on this for YEARS and shows. This story took me by surprise in that I did not expect to relate to it so much. I'm reading this as a 25 year old in the middle of a pandemic, and the whole crux of this book is LIVE and LIVE WELL. However, as with all Schwab stories, it's the writing that really pulls you in. The language is BREATH-TAKING. Every sentence felt like a rich piece of cake, dripping with honey and sweetness. I wanted to live between the lines. And the characters were relatable, breath-taking, unique. I loved the storytelling elements - the little details before each part, the flashbacks and flash-forward writing, the foreshadowing and the pop culture (ish?) references. I loved the ending, the way she captivated me for the entire book. More than anything, I was amazed at how human I felt after living 300 years with one French woman. UGH I CAN'T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT MAYBE THIS IS IN MY TOP 20 BOOKS OF ALL TIME...

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When Addie makes a bargain to live forever, she does not expect to be forgotten by everyone she meets. Forced to live a lonely life, Addie attempts to leave her mark on a world that does not even know she exists. That is until she walks into a bookstore and hears three fateful words, "I remember you." The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is a profound novel, one that will leave you at a loss for words, but I promise you, Addie will live in your thoughts long after you turn the final page.

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I will never be able to articulate the beauty, the brilliance that is this book. I can throw out words like beautiful and haunting, unique and surreal and yet never be able to properly explain the levels of genius Addie Larue is. Schwab has proven time and time again her ability to write an outstanding novel regardless of genre but THIS.... Addie Larue is unlike anything I could’ve ever imagined.

Beautiful and poetic prose that feels like peacefully drifting through a tranquil sea, characters with layers upon layers of depth who will tastefully break your heart, and an astounding story unlike anything I’ve ever read— that is Addie Larue in the simplest of descriptions. What this novel explores, and does so well, and what it implies of loneliness and the yearning to be seen is one I, as I’m sure many others can relate to. Addie’s story is one that spans 300 years and yet one I have also experienced in my 20 odd years of living. It is despondence in its cruelest form and a concept of loneliness that would drive even the sanest mad and yet Addie’s ability to see and authentically register the world around her despite her circumstances is awe inspiring. Schwab delivers outstanding and strong characters time after time but Addie is marvelously superior.

I have been sitting on this review for a couple of days now thinking about all I want to say and praise about Addie Larue and yet I still cannot even begin to accurately convey the greatness that is this book. All I can say reader is regardless of your reading tastes, regardless of your preferred genre, Addie Larue is sure to blow your mind. It’s lyrical prose and heartening story will without a doubt consume and enchant you from the very first page.

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An absolute must read! This book is beyond amazing. Magical and beautiful and emotional. Everything you could want in a time travel book....and more!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the the publisher for the copy of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue in exchange for my honest review.

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This story was absolutely amazing!!! I am not even sure where to start. Addie is a very strong, vibrant and fun character. This story is good, bad, ugly, beautiful, right, wrong and every other opposites you can think of. An exceptional fantasy, do not miss it!!

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Oh my gosh, y'all. This book. I don't even have the words yet for how much I loved it. I'm still processing. Swooning. I didn't want it to end. I'm sad that it's over. I'm happy that it turned out the way I wanted it to. I literally have so many emotions about this book I can't even express them all. I NEED A MOVIE YOU GUYS.

I don't want to say too much because, well, I don't want to spoil it for you. But I will encourage you to go and order a copy and thank me later because this book is everything you didn't know you needed.

This was my first book by Schwab and her writing is just absolutely beautiful. The character of Addie was written so poetically, her story will stick with me for a long time. Luc, Henry, all of the supporting characters were well written and developed as well. I am totally going to go back and read a bunch of her books now.

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Sincere thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.

When you imagine an immortal life - what does it look like?

For Addie LaRue, she has spent the last three hundred years passing through the lives of those she comes into contact with. She has been witness to history unfolding around her, the rise and fall of empires, the changing world. She remembers everything, and yet, she herself is unknown to all. Except one. That's because one night, in a moment of desperation, Addie prayed to the dark - and the dark answered. Now, in a foolishly made deal with the devil, Addie must pass through life free, but forgotten. Eventually when she grows tired of this evanescent existence, the devil will be there to reap her soul. To add to her torment, the dark visits her each year on the night of her deal to celebrate their macabre anniversary. This is the cycle of Addie's life, that is, until she meets a strange boy in a bookshop who inexplicably remembers her.

'The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue' was my first V.E. Schwab reading experience and I can understand why she has such a devoted fanbase. Her writing is luminous and her characters are heartfelt. Her exploration of the emotional range of her subjects is captivating. Some of the passages are so emotionally draining to read that I just have to give credit to Schwab's ability to wreck her reader's hearts. There are not too many stories that have driven me to actually tear up and sob, but 'The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue' is one of the most cathartic books I have read this year. Much like the titular character, the book is sorrowful but there is also something so stubbornly hopeful about it that I couldn't help but fall in love with Addie's story.

Schwab lingers over the first half of the book, feeling out the peculiars of Addie's deal. We experience every ache and new joy of her transformation. Her first sip of coffee, when she teaches herself how to read, the first time she falls in love only to be forgotten in the morning. The pain of not being able to leave any mark or memory on the world. We see her come into her role as heroine and sharpen her acts of resistance against the dark. Addie is a force that will not be easily tricked again and this resolve pitches the final chapters of 'The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue' to a satisfying and dramatic conclusion.

There is something to be said about Schwab's exploration of the role of women in history. Women who were no less sparkling but were nonetheless overshadowed by their male contemporaries. Women who lived full lives in the midst of history, but are now relegated to marginalia, a beautiful face in a painting, or glimpsed in the characters of a book. May this component of the story inspire us to continue to uncover the biographies of women.

I have only minor complaints about this book - I was disappointed that Schwab based part of her "reveal" on an art historical argument and she incorrectly referenced a painting - Vermeer painted 'Girl with a Pearl Earring' - not Rembrandt. Also, the first time she used 'Palimpsest' it was poetic and highly appropriate. However, by the eighth or ninth use it became redundant. Considering Schwab was working on this story off and on for the better part of a decade, I feel like a copyeditor should have called her on this one. I could have also done without the historical cameos of Beethoven and Sinatra. Again, these were character interjections that distracted from the narrative in the moment instead of enhanced it. Despite this, 'The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue' receives a positive rating from me and I recommend it.

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Addie LaRue is the story of a woman’s curse to be forgotten, and what happens when she finally meets a boy who remembers. The story is told through multiple timelines and tells the story of Addie as she struggles to adapt to her curse and try to overcome it, as well as deal with the devil who cursed her, and the only person who remembers her. It’s a unique perspective on history, love, and the value of memory. If you love history or romance you will fall in love with Addie and her curse and always want to remember her name.

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I am completely enamored with this story. It captured my attention completely and had me neglecting everything I needed to do this weekend in favor of curling up with it. Gorgeous prose and storytelling. Somehow, I've never read anything else by V.E. Schwab and now I can't wait to dive into her other books!

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Love the premise and I enjoyed reading about the main character as she moved through time. But the writing didn’t move me, it was just too long and the ending was unsatisfying. I won’t be picking up this author again.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a free copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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“Never pray to the gods that answer after dark.”

A girl strikes a desperate deal with the darkness, binding them together through time, cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets, in the ironically unforgettable THE INVISIBLE LIFE OF ADDIE LARUE.

V.E. Schwab delivers one of my favorite books of the year—a story beautifully poetic, deeply romantic and utterly mesmerizing.

Our story takes shape in 1714 France as Addie LaRue longs to escape her small-town fate. In a moment of desperation, she pleads to the dark for her freedom. And while her plea is answered, it’s not without a cost.

“I am stronger than your god and older than your devil. I am the darkness between stars, and the roots beneath the earth. I am promise, and potential, and when it comes to playing games, I divine the rules, I set the pieces, and I choose when to play.”

Destined to live forever (or until she surrenders her soul), Addie must live her days forgotten the moment anyone looks away.

In an incredible—and invisible—life spanning centuries and continents, we accompany Addie as she struggles to make a living, through days of devastation and war, forgotten by lovers, a muse for the world’s brightest, but inescapably and infinitely alone.

Until 300 years later, in a small New York City book shop, a boy remembers.

And everything changes.

This book is one you can’t help but devour. A spellbinding adventure brimming with joy and heartache all at once. A story about love and loss, desperation and resilience, courage and sacrifice, darkness and light. I was swept away by Addie’s story, by a million magical moments that brought Schwab’s words to life in a way that felt wonderfully visceral.

There was a gossamer, dreamy quality to the narrative and I could have endlessly reveled in its magic. It was just perfect.

“What is a person, if not the marks they leave behind?”

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Well, I had ridiculously high standards for this book as V.E. Schwab has nailed everything she's ever written. And this books has claimed it's place as my favourite of her works. The hype around the book is real and it's so well deserved. I loved Addie Larue and following her life and journey in the way this book was written was so well done. Henry and Luc are also great side characters and it's so interesting to see how the story unfolded especially with that ending! Wow did I cry.
Thank you so much to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc of this book for an honest review. I can't wait to reread it once I have my physical copy!

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A breathtaking novel that readers won’t want to put down and likely will not forget. The magic of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is that it so fluidly crosses genre lines and offers something for every reader. V.E Schwab’s writing is lush and cinematic.

This is the type of novel I would encourage patrons to pick up without telling them too much about the plot for fear of spoiling their delight at letting it unfold before them as they read.

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"Be careful what you wish for as you just may get it." A young girl asks for freedom from a life in a small medieval village, and her wish is granted by a dark god; with strings attached- she will never be remembered by anyone she meets. After centuries of roaming the earth, witnessing historic events and leaving a mark in the art world, she finally is remembered by another doomed soul and the results are heart-breaking, poignant, and ultimately, clever,

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This book is AMAZING!

Addie is a girl who reminds me a lot of Belle from Beauty and the Beast: she's smart, she's strong-willed, and she wants more than this provincial life. Only, she's an artist instead of a reader. She was born in the small village of Villon in 1691, and like all young ladies of the day, she was expected to do nothing more in life than get married and have children. That might be fine for her friend, Isabelle, but it wasn't what she wanted. After praying and praying and praying, she finally got a god to free her from the obligation of having to marry. That obligation came with a cost, however. Although she would be able to live forever, nobody would remember her.

The story beautifully weaves two timelines: one, in 2014, where she finally meets someone that does remember her, and another which starts during her childhood. It withholds details until it's necessary to tell them, leaving you with unanswered questions that makes you want to keep on reading. What is her story? I know I wanted to keep on reading and find out more.

What would it be like to live a life where nobody remembers you? This is a key concept of this lovely book.

I'm not going to spoil the end--there are hints in the book that make me guess the ending, but I wasn't sure until the very last section. I loved it. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is as much of a work of art as Addie is herself. I highly recommend it.

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is one of those rare books that I wanted to reread the instant I turned the final page. This book is one of those books that slowly carves out a place in your heart and settles in. And, quite fittingly, this book is one that is impossible to forget.

Although Schwab has long been once of my favorite authors, this book is on an entirely different level. It’s beautiful, lyrical, and absolutely heartbreaking. But it’s also full of hope and love and beauty.

I’d honestly recommend this book to everyone and not just fantasy lovers. There’s something for everyone in there and I dare you not to fall in love with this stunning prose.

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Oh. My. God. What an experience it was to read this book. Thank you to Netgalley and Tor Books for sending me an ARC to review. You may be thinking "Is this book overhyped? Is it really as good as everyone is saying?" And the truth is, that it depends. I know, not helpful. But I really do believe that it is worth reading at least once. It might not be your style but I entreat you to give it a chance because it was an absolute experience for me.

This was my first V. E. Schwab book and I'm not sure it was the right place to start but I'm so happy I did. Her writing here is so very present. Each sentence seems to capture a poignant feeling and memory that is almost artistic. Every word with purpose. Her style of writing lends to a specific, almost mysterious atmosphere. It places you in a setting that is both present and timeless. You are able to move moment to moment with Addie throughout her life. It was strange, but I found myself wanting to cry at some of the most simple passages in this book. They were simple and somehow profound. An epiphany through simplicity.

This book is probably not for everyone, especially if you are looking for a quick, easy read. It is extremely slow and deliberate and made for you to think on and reflect. If you are not patient it will be very hard to get through. I had trouble getting through Henry, one of the main characters, perspective but I got through it because I was invested in Addie.

All in all, what a beautiful book. It is one that holds pages and pages of purposeful writing. Every word, every line, every passage is meaningful. There's no fluff nor filler. It makes you think about life, death, every decision you make, and every connection or relationship you foster. When mortality is taken from you, what facets of humanity do you cling to and what do you live for?

I will need to read this book again, perhaps several times, to grasp all of it and absorb all its lessons and messages again. I highly recommend this book.

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I have trouble characterizing this book as either fantasy, historical fiction, or fairy tale. There is a very fairy-tale like quality to the story. Addie makes a deal with a god (or demon?) who grants her the ability to live forever, but forgotten by everyone who meets her. Addie's life is complicated by the mere practicalities of living a life when no one remembers you. She must figure out how to find joy and enjoy the small moments of connection she shares with others even knowing that those moments are ephemeral and cannot be built on sustained relationships - until she meets someone who does remember her. What does it mean to live, to leave a mark on others' lives, and to have a memory that you alone remember.

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