Member Reviews

This is the first V.E. Schwab book that I have read and I am so glad that I stepped out of my comfort zone to give this one a try. I will be reading more of V.E. Schwab in the future.
The invisible life of Addie Larue blew me away. I loved all the characters and the historical references as Addie had to navigate through as well as learning how to live with her new “life”. Even though I figured out a few of the twists It did not ruin the book for me. Funny enough I think I enjoyed her relationship with the antagonist than I did with her love interest.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book.

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This is a tough review for me. I went into this book with my expectations lowered, only because it's been a weird year for books and a lot of my favorites have let me down. I'm glad I did though, because this one... wasn't for me.

A lot of what I didn't like about this book essentially boils down to taste. I noticed right away that the writing style was beautiful, But pretty, flowery prose isn't something I enjoy very much of. And this book is absolutely full of it. Every sentence is quotable. For me, that takes away from a story, and instead of a few parts that really stand out as special, it all ends up blending together in my head.

I found myself getting bored, but forced myself to power through. That was probably a mistake on my part. I think this book would benefit greatly from being read slowly, over time. Maybe with gaps in between reading sessions. It's a book that should be savored, and maybe not read to be critical, but instead to just be swept up in the story.

I kept hoping that the ending would really hit me, that it would make me fall in love with Addie's story. But when I finished reading I only felt unsatisfied. I can see logically where this ending is going to hit home for a lot of readers, but it didn't for me. I think maybe I just don't fundamentally agree with the message of the book, legacy and being remembered are things that I never spare a thought for.

So see what I mean? All of the reason's I didn't enjoy this book are reasons that someone else is going to love it. And that's the beauty of stories, there are ones out there for all of us. This book is beautiful, elegant, and one of the most heartfelt stories I've ever read. I hope that so many other readers who need it find it and fall in love with it.

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Unfortunately I had to stop reading this book about a quarter of the way through because it triggered my anxiety; I love V.E. Schwab and this is a beautifully written book that I hope to return to eventually. Addie makes what amounts to a deal with the devil in 18th century France - she wants to get out of an arranged marriage and she wants to live forever. The unexpected result is that, while she does achieve immortality, no one can remember her. So if she leaves the room and comes back, the person she was with has no memory of her. I’m not sure why but this made me extremely anxious to the point that I had to put it down. Someday, I hope to be able to finish Addie’s story.

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**Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review**

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is so magical! From the first page of this book I was drawn into the story, It seriously took me only a few sentences for me to know I would love it. As the synopsis will tell you.. in 1714 France our main character Addie makes a devilish deal in a moment of desperation, and ends up sealing the deal on a bargain that isn't quite what she had intended. To live forever, but be forgotten by everyone.
Addie's story weaves us back and forth through present and past on the many ways she has learned to push the boundaries to leave her mark on a world that forgets her. I loved the how Addie's life unfolds, how she learns to survive, her sheer stubbornness to continue living and not give in to the loneliness of constantly being forgotten. This book was just incredible and easily one f my top reads of 2020.

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is hands down one of my favorite books of the year. Matter of fact it is one of my favorite books of all time. This novel is going on my constant reread shelf. Addie is a very well rounded and complex character. As someone who is forgotten and not in the most ideal situations she is a strong female character. I loved all the characters of this novel. Luc is one of my favorite characters of all time. I really enjoy books with short chapters and this books has though. It makes it so easy to keep flipping pages. Even though I say that know that this is a slow burn and a book you want to savor. I really enjoyed the back and forth between timelines. And learning all the parts of Addies life. Remy and Estele are two extremely important people in this novel. As they help shape Addie before and after she has made her deal. And Henry oh Henry! What a sweet man! Though Addie is forgotten her freckles leave marks across history. There are so many things I could say I love about this novel, but just read it! A book this good deserves to bless your eyes (or ears if you listen to audiobooks)! A beautiful and magically well crafted book.

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This book was everything and more! The writing was amazing and by the ending I was hooked! I don't know if there will be a second book but I am ready for it if it comes out!
V.E Scwab's writing does not disappoint!

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Thank you to Tor Books and NetGalley for providing me the opportunity to review this title.

The premise promised me everything I’ve ever wanted and more. But the truth is that I didn’t get what I expected or wanted. There are too many flashbacks of Addie’s past and I just found those parts boring. I didn’t get to care about that time of her life or the deals the devil makes with famous people through history. I was more invested in the present time-line that takes place in New York, especially when Henry Samuel, a bookseller who is able to remember her, enters the picture. But then I even lost interest in that when the story begins to focus on the insta-love.

That being said, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue shows what is probably Schwab’s best writing to date. I lost count of how many beautiful quotes I ended up highlighting. But that didn’t compensate how lacking and predictable the story line is.

This is written in third person POV and I must add that I never truly felt well connected to our main characters. This story is quite slow developing, especially in the first 30% of the book. the stakes never felt high enough. No one remembers Addie so she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. When you find out Henry’s story, the stakes are perhaps raised a bit but him and Addie fall in love so fast and it’s so soft and sweet which is nice and refreshing but definitely makes things feel a little easy, in my opinion.

Summing up, this book was quite a let-down for me. I was hoping to love it, but unfortunately it didn’t deliver for me.

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I loved this one. It's very atmospheric, it spans centuries in a really cool and interesting way. A Faustian deal with all it's unforseen consequences, and the struggle of being marginalized or not truly seen worked out on a magical scale. For fans of Uprooted and Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik, Holly Black, Diana Wynne Jones, etc.

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An advance copy of this book was given to me via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first novel I've read from Schwab, and I don't plan on it being my last.

It has almost everything I love about a novel--a mixture of paces, a bit of fantasy but too much, lots of character development, a non-linear plot, a wonderful but not saccharine romance(s), history, and an enchanting idea: what if no one could ever remember you, that you were unable to leave any sort of impression upon the world?

That's the case with our protagonist, Addie Larue. Born in the early 18th century in France, Addie was bound for the life that all women at the time were heading towards: marriage and babies. But Addie was desperate for a different kind of life; one of freedom, where she got to choose for herself what she would do with her life. After getting betrothed to a widowed man who needed a new wife to take care of his children, Addie makes a dangerous deal with a god who lives in the dark: her freedom, to be bound to no one, in exchange for her soul.

The book jumps between Addie's experiences throughout history leading up to the present timeline (in 2014). I really love this structure--it adds a lot of variety to a pretty long book with not a super linear plot structure. The flashbacks to Addie's experiences offer interesting viewpoints in history, though it doesn't get into details all that much that it feels like a historical novel, but still neat to read.

I thought at some point the past and present experiences would get stale after a while, but each one shed some more light on Addie's curse and further developed her relationship with Luc (the name the god took because he knew Addie liked it). It was so interesting to see the tricks Addie has learned to take care of herself with a curse that prevents her from holding onto anything--any sort of possessions, a home, pets, friends, all of it.

I also loved the relationship that developed between her and Henry. I had a feeling that I knew what was up, but it was still interesting to be teased for a bit before the twist--that's all I'll say about it. His character is very well developed; I think we all know at least one person a bit like Henry--overwhelmed, anxious, never feeling like he's enough--or maybe we have felt this way about ourselves.

I thought I wouldn't love the ending of the book, if I'm being honest. I really thought it would be a typical happy ending where Luc is defeated once and for all, and Addie can be free. I thought what Henry ended up doing with Addie's story in the journals and the photographs was a tad sentimental, but it was only a small part of the book. I can't complain too much.

I suppose my only fault with the book is how trope-y Addie is in the beginning. I understand that all characters are tropes in some way, but sometimes it's straight up predictable in a bad way that makes me want to hurry through sections of a book because we can guess how they feel without thinking too hard. And I suppose it's a bit personal, too--I can't help but roll my eyes at the "religious people are so oppressed and believe everything they hear uwu" crap. I just feel like that trope is sooooo tired and honestly lazy.

I also had a bit of a problem with the implied attitude towards people who live in smaller areas--as if they're all just a bunch of backwards folk who have nothing interesting to offer the world. There's even a line from Luc (I think) who says that people in small areas lead small lives. Really? It's kinda elitist and dismissive--again, eye roll at lazy trope/stereotyping.

All that being said, those flaws don't weigh the book down at all. It's truly a fabulous novel that I couldn't put down, and I'm excited to dive into Schwab's other books!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the copy!

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I absolutely adore this novel! I have never read anything by V.E. Schwab before, but now I want to go back and read the author's entire backlist. I will definitely be buying multiple copies for my library because our patrons are going to love it. Thank you for letting me read it early!

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The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is unlike any of V.E. Schwab's other fantasy novels and despite my love for her previous works, that can only be described as a good thing. This is a love letter to art and the power of imagination and a testament as to how far someone will go to fulfill their own desires, what price they are willing to pay. I loved the characters and I thought the ending (which many authors struggle with) was perfect (but not too perfect- just the right amount of perfect).

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I LOVED this book. It was haunting and magical. Addie LaRue is a driven character that is not overt in her rebellion, but quietly fights against fate.
Addie LaRue was given a chance to change her fate by summoning an ancient dark god. He grants her wish, but there is a twist-she can live forever, but no one will remember her. She lives in this lonely existence for over 300 years before she meets a boy who recognizes her from a previous meeting.
This story is full of bittersweet hope and tangled romance and hidden victories. I highly recommend this book!

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An absolutely beautifully written story. I loved every moment of it and wanted to savor it forever. Clearly, this was a labor of love and it showed in the gorgeous prose and excellent storytelling.

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This was such an incredible book. I really have nothing negative to say about it, and am still riding the wave of emotions it made me feel. The plot is original and unpredictable without going too far to try to surprise its readers, the main characters are likable yet humanly flawed (their flaws may actually be what makes the book so great), there’s representation that feels natural and part of the story, and it has that special fairy tale-like quality of both provoking thought and evoking deep emotion. I could barely put it down and kept shouting to my wife how amazing it was and how much she was going to love it. I hope lots of people read it and feel the same heart pangs i did.

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THE INVISIBLE LIFE OF ADDIE LARUE by V. E. Schwab is an epic tale about Addie LaRue who is cursed to live forever and be forgotten by everyone she meets. I liked the blend of historical fiction, fantasy and contemporary fiction. The timeline was quite expansive spanning 300 years and this book is on the longer side so I felt the repetition in the writing was detracting. The flow of reading was nice and quick since the chapters were quite short. In the end I felt this book was good but not great.

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This is such a beautiful and poignant story that really spoke to me. The characters were amazing and the story was heartbreaking and yet so full of hope. I never wanted it to end, but of course it does.

Addie was such an incredible woman. So tough and stubborn, but kind and thoughtful too. She really goes through a lot in the 300 years that she roams the earth, but she never gives up, and she continues to try to make her mark. I am not sure I could have done what she did without going insane at some point. I really enjoyed hearing about her various adventures and mishaps as she struggled to understand her curse and how to survive. I loved watching her relationship with both Henry and the god/demon develop over the course of the book.

Henry is such a lost little soul, who I fell for the minute he was introduced to us. He really wants to understand his place in the world and goes through so much heartache before he meets Addie. He is just one of those characters that you feel needs a great big hug all of the time. It was great that we got to see some of the story through his point of view as well.

Luc, as Addie comes to call the god/demon, is also a really interesting character. He shows up through out the book to taunt Addie into giving up and surrendering her soul to him. They have quite the relationship that is constantly changing.

I have to put in a little plug for the best bookstore cat ever, Book. He was such a dear and I loved how he stalked Addie and would just show up in different places in the store lounging on a book shelf or looking like an “inconvenienced bread loaf”.

The story itself is told through little moments or vignettes in both Henry’s and Addie’s lives. The story goes back and forth through time, so do pay attention to the chapter headings to know what year you are in. I loved some of the little glimpses we got as Addie experiences history being made and how she influenced it. There is a bit of a story within the story which just made everything perfect. The ending is a little open ended which is something that usually annoys me, but for this book it was the only way it could end.

Overall this is a book that should become a must read for everyone. I think it is probably the best book I have read this year and it is one that I will reread and cherish for a very long time.

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This book!! It broke my heart. @veschwab generally does that to you. If there’s one author in current times whose book I can pick up blindly, it’s her.
She takes you through a roller coaster and then suddenly departs. And you are left finding your feet and losing the dizzy spell.
The book is written in the most beautiful lyrical manner. The concept is age old - a young woman trapped, by societal norms, wanting to break free and live on her own terms which leads her down the road to the Devil and making a pact for her soul. Addie Larue is the girl with 7 stars on her face, representing the 7 loves of her life. By the age of 23, she feels suffocated and wants to escape her small town life in France in the 1700s. The story spans 300 years of her life where she is invisible. Due to an ill worded bargain with the Devil, everyone forgets her immediately and she cannot leave a mark in the world. Some might find immortality exhilarating, but when you can’t even buy the clothes on your back or have a place to stay, you start believing that not all the Gods who answer are the ones you should pray to. But she doesn’t let it break her and continuously finds something enchanting in the world!
And then she meets Henry. Who through a stroke of luck (or something else?) remembers her!
I love the entire relatability in the book. The way the relationship between Addie and Luc (the god) is so messy and complicated, Henry’s yearning to be loved, and his complicated mental headspace. Just makes you get up and take notice!
The book deals with serious issues like depression and suicidal tendencies & gives it, its due importance.
I loved how both Addie and Henry were shown as bi/pan leads who love the person before their gender. The different phases of everyone’s life has been treated with so much care and it evokes such emotions in the reader!
I don’t think I will say more as I think I might give out spoilers 😂
But i will say this - READ THIS BOOK!

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Honestly, I still can't believe I got my hands on an early copy of The Invisible Life of Addie Larue - it was hands down my most anticipated read of the fall. The concept is phenomenal and unique: a woman who can "live forever—and is cursed to be forgotten by everyone she meets". If that's not enough to get you interested in reading Addie Larue’s story, I don't know what is. Even better, Addie Larue delivers in a serious way - and is easily one of my new favorite books.

V.E. Schwab has one of the most unique and beautiful writing styles of this generation. Her prose is complex and lovely, and fit perfectly for telling a story about a timeless woman. For The Invisible Life of Addie Larue – she tells the story in multiple time periods: in the past and the present. The use of flashbacks was perfect, it helped to reveal the things Addie had gone through while she discovered her curse and explored the world. The flashbacks really helped paint a complete picture of who Addie was. The author’s ability to build a world is unparalleled – within pages I could practically smell the books in the store Henry worked in and could picture the village Addie grew up in.

The plot itself was fairly slow-paced – it really languished in the quiet moments, the moments where Addie was learning who she was or figuring out the confines of her curse. Though there was plenty of heartbreak and hurt in this book (you can really feel Addie’s pain every time she repeats an encounter with someone who has forgotten her), there was also a lot of hope. From the first time Addie visited Paris, to the moment when she realized Henry remembered her, there were plenty of small hope-filled moments to combat the dark themes of loneliness and isolation. Also, watch out for the ending – you’ll definitely want some tissues and some comfort food on hand for when you finish.

Addie was a naturally complex character – she was cursed to be forgotten by everyone she met and was gifted with immortality – a cruel combination. She was a deeply curious person – always thirsting for new experiences, even after living through some horrifying situations. She was also remarkably clever – she quickly began to figure out how she could leave her mark on the world while still being trapped in the confines of her curse. One really remarkable thing about this book is how well Schwab captured Addie’s loneliness – she craved relationships and to be remembered, but she never let this desire overwhelm or dilute her appetite for adventure. As a reader, it was fascinating to watch her grow from being a naïve girl who made a deal with a devil to a lonely, clever woman, looking to experience new things and defy the curse placed on her.

The Invisible Life of Addie Larue gave me a serious book hangover - even days after reading it, I can't stop thinking about it. It's romantic, mysterious, and heartbreaking, and it's by far my favorite book of the year. This book might even be my favorite book ever - it's that good. I cannot shout from the rooftops about Addie Larue enough: do yourself a favor and run (don't walk) to the bookstore and get a copy. I think The Invisible Life of Addie Larue is going to be a new favorite for a whole lot of people - don't miss the excitement on this one. 5/5

PS: Hollywood, please make a movie out of this.

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I had been looking forward to this title, but it just didn't work for me. I think the main problem was that I didn't find the central character particularly interesting or engaging. It may be that, in a way, it reads too much like a romance novel—and that's not a genre I enjoy. I'm aware that it's gotten stellar reviews on GoodReads, so I figure I'm an outlier.

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If you loved This Savage Song and Our Dark Duet you are going to feel right at home in Addie’s story. I’ve never read a book quite like this before. It did keep making me think of that Blake Lively movie The Age of Adeline but that’s only because they’re both about women who step out of time named Adeline, I haven’t seen the film but I know enough about it to know that those are the only similarities, except maybe both of the Adelines like art? Does movie Adeline like art? I’m going to have to watch that movie now, aren’t I…

That’s a digression though, back on topic, the book, this book, it was so good. I didn’t really know what I was expecting going into it. I requested it because I liked A Darker Shade of Magic, and I LOVED This Savage Song and the description of this book just gave me vibes of This Savage Song. There’s something different about the feel of Schwab’s Monsters of Verity duology than her Shades of Magic trilogy but The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue is the perfect meld of the styles and tones of both her adult and her YA personas. The short description of this book is, girl rebels against tradition and makes deal with the devil, girl falls “in love” with devil…eventually…I read a quote where Schwab said this is the closest she’ll ever write to a love story. It is not a love story that’s why I used “in love” in quotes like that. Don’t go into this story expecting a romance because it’s not what you will find. In the end, this book is more akin to a Shakespearean tragedy than it is any romance novel I’ve ever come across.

The characters here are all amazing though. Schwab has a way of really digging deep and making you feel intensely with and for her characters. She also does a fantastic job with setting giving us a glimpse at historical events both familiar and not through a truly unique point of view, we get a similar glimpse at 21st century New York. We follow Addie through 300 hundred years of her story, not the whole thing, not even all of the highlights, but we see the significant points that help us understand who she is and what motivates her to keep going. It’s a truly magical and moving story.

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