Member Reviews

This is one of those stories that catch you off-guard. I was expecting a sweet and easy read, but what I got was actually a complex story that sucked me in from the beginning and didn't let go until I finished. I really liked learning about Richard and was invested in learning more about the mystery surrounding him. I recommend for anyone looking for a quick read with good characters and fans of Noelle Adams

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This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

I was not sure if I would like this book when I started it and saw that Gillian was out for a one night stand. Then, when Richard kept inviting her for further weekends, it just kind of seemed too cold and emotionless when I was looking for a growing relationship.

It got better when they both started seeing each other in a committed relationship but you just knew that the road to a HEA was filled with obstacles and pain. This part of the book was so hard to read and not feel the pain as they were apart.

The last couple chapters even though it was heart wrenchingly painful to read were so filled with true emotion and you can see them each growing personally and in their friendship. So glad that I kept reading as the best was at the end!

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Steam took center stage here numerous times, folks. If you are looking for a graphic smexy, lusty read featuring a much older hero, you’ll hit pay dirt here. In fact, this main couple’s self-labeled, non-existent relationship was based on it for some time. Not surprisingly though, when body parts get entangled that many times so do hearts and feelings, especially when pillow talk commences.

What I wasn’t expecting was Gillian, an intelligent, pretty, 32 year old virgin heroine, thinking she was more likely to find the man of her dreams if she was no longer a virgin. Somehow she got it into her head a quickie, meaningless, underwhelming, one time only, smex romp between hotel sheets with a completely random, boring guy would fix her and that pesky problem. I’ll just leave it at this girl had some insecurity issues. She seemed to constantly be putting herself down.

You can’t help but feel the sexy chemistry and eventual, slow evolving emotional connection as this couple do get to somewhat know each other. The twist near the end regarding the hero did surprise me. But, even more so, was the decision he made soon afterwards. I’m a little torn whether that particular move made him appear strong or sappy. Her upset reaction to finding out a secret he’d been hiding was understandable. Maybe because he explained it all to her (including what he chose not to do) when she confronted him that I felt she played the victim card a tad too long. I could tell the guy was genuinely sorry at least.

Told in her point of view only, I think if we had spent some time in the hero’s head it would have been better...certainly upped the relationship angst anty even more.

This is a “new to me” author, btw. I do hope to read more of her books in the future. I was just really surprised how explicit the smex was between them. I swear even sound effects were included.

I’m all about romance though, so I’m trying to cling to that more than anything else here. At the end of it all, these too desperate souls do seem to really want to be together.

Title: Third Life, Author: Noelle Adams, Pages: 259, stand-alone, 46 year old hero, 32 year old virgin heroine, numerous VERY detailed graphic smex scenes, smart but insecure heroine, new to me author, celibate awhile hero, ending felt a little too contrived.

(I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I was not given any payment or compensation for this review. There is no relationship or affiliation between this reviewer and the author, publisher, or NetGalley.)

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2 stars I usually like Noelle Adams books a lot more than I liked this one. I felt the pit was weird. Gillian' acted too young and naive for a 30 something year old. The whole flying off to meet a stranger who odd to me. I found myself almost putting this one done and not finishing it more than once!

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I am a fan of Noelle Adams. I find her stories be to be very layered, and this book is no exception. It also had a twist that I never saw coming. Richard and Gillian are both very interesting characters and the development of their relationship was creative.

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I read this book in a day and found it to be a pleasant distraction. I only learned that it was originally released as a serial in the author’s newsletter after I had finished it and wish I had known that going in as I might have been more forgiving about some of the things that bothered me. I was interested in the plot and found its trajectory satisfying,although I didn’t find either character very compelling. Not a book I will be shouting about from the rooftops but I did like it.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Third Life is a dream. A new beginning. A fresh start. I had no idea how deeply this story would affect me. Noelle Adams actually brought me to tears. The enotional upheaval in these pages is sure to maim any hopeless romantic. So either guard your heart or embrace the hurt, which ever you choose know it's not going to be easy but you will definitely end it with a smile...and a need for champagne.

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A great read, the story of Gillian and Richard. It is only supposed to be one night, but soon it means more than that to her. He is keeping secrets from her - she doesn't really know who he is or what he does. When she finds this out, will she give him a chance?

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The heroine is a 32-year old virgin so she decides to have a one-night stand. She ends up meeting this sexy George Clooney-like man at a professional convention. Their night together is so fantastic that they start meeting around the world for weekends of more glorious sex. She doesn’t know much about him, but is falling for him. And he seems to be falling for her. Then his secrets come out and she has to decide whether she can get over what she finds out.

That’s the basic plot interspersed with lots of hot sex scenes. If you enjoy that sort of novel, you’ll enjoy this and enjoy picturing George Clooney in the hero’s role.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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