Member Reviews

Unfortunately I was unable to download this book before the archive date, so I'm not able to leave a review. I look forward to reading and reviewing books by this author in the future.

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Due to a sudden, unexpected passing in the family a few years ago and another more recently and my subsequent (mental) health issues stemming from that, I was unable to download this book in time to review it before it was archived as I did not visit this site for several years after the bereavements. This meant I didn't read or venture onto netgalley for years as not only did it remind me of that person as they shared my passion for reading, but I also struggled to maintain interest in anything due to overwhelming depression. I was therefore unable to download this title in time and so I couldn't give a review as it wasn't successfully acquired before it was archived. The second issue that has happened with some of my other books is that I had them downloaded to one particular device and said device is now defunct, so I have no access to those books anymore, sadly.

This means I can't leave an accurate reflection of my feelings towards the book as I am unable to read it now and so I am leaving a message of explanation instead. I am now back to reading and reviewing full time as once considerable time had passed I have found that books have been helping me significantly in terms of my mindset and mental health - this was after having no interest in anything for quite a number of years after the passings. Anything requested and approved will be read and a review written and posted to Amazon (where I am a Hall of Famer & Top Reviewer), Goodreads (where I have several thousand friends and the same amount who follow my reviews) and Waterstones (or Barnes & Noble if the publisher is American based). Thank you for the opportunity and apologies for the inconvenience.

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Perception by Dennis Profitt and Drake Baer was a fascinating read. It was both well-researched and well-written.

I received a review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley for my honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Personally, I couldn't get into this one but it's more having to do with the previous book I read and changing over to this one. That being said, I loved the writing but the story fell a bit flat. That's not to say that someone else might find it more appealing than I did. Kudos to the author for the work.

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It seems like much has been written about the connection between the mind and the body as of late. What we think can definite shape our health. And the way we perceive ourselves and others can impact our relationships, education, athleticism and our personal and professional goals. We can even become happier and extend our longevity.

In “Perception,” Dennis Proffitt and Drake Baer share tons of data and case studies about this mind-body connection. Despite the immense research, they give some accessible examples for the layperson to understand. Initially, it was a lot to unpack for not having a background in science. But I was able to grab some good nuggets and takeaways.

Special thanks to St. Martin’s Press for an electronic copy of this book, via NetGalley, in exchange for my review.

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By Dennis Proffitt and Drake Baer

I enjoyed this book a lot - really made me look at things a little different - changing my perceptions and understanding of things. As a nurse specializing in injuries of the brain I really found this book completely fascinating and my kind of a read I really enjoyed a lot. The deep exploration on how our brain and body connection affects the way we see the world and everything around us.

The expertise by Dennis Proffitt from years of study and research, partnered alongside with the writing by journalist Drake Baer, makes this book readable, understandable and simply applicable for the readers without medical or scientific background.

I highly recommend this book!! Fantastic read.

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I received a link to the ARC from the publisher. The concepts aren't new, but our knowledge of them certainly increases, and this book explains things we kind of already know but didn't realize that we did, and compiles them into a study. My new favorite term is "Umwelt." Anyone interested in developmental studies, physical therapies, aging, and the body in general should read this book. As a medical professional and a patient, this information was very enlightening. Four stars.

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Perception was a very informative read that I still managed to enjoy and follow amongst the research/data. I found it really interesting and suitable for our current times. Definitely one that made me think and will recommend to others.

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If you like practicing self-awareness and taking care of your body and mind, this book is for you. Incredible and truly eye-opening.

I reached for "Perception" because I was intrigued by the premise that we perceive things differently depending on our state of mind. As someone trying to lose weight and work out more often, the fact that stairs look steeper when you're dieting or hungry totally rings true for me! I figured this book would help me understand the mechanisms behind this and hopefully help me control my mind better as a result.

It turns out this book fulfilled all its promises. Although it's written through the perspective of science and psychology, "Perception" is actually not a very difficult read in terms of wording/phrasing, which is something I dislike in popular science books. I learned a ton about how my brain connects with my body. The number of aha! moments I had was pretty shocking.

I will use this knowledge in my daily life as well as a good conversation opener in social situations (don't laugh, it's perfect).

*Thank you to the Publisher for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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There couldn't be better timing for this book in my opinion, given recent events - between COVID-19 and Black Lives Matter. Great overview on how perception shapes our world and worldviews - as well as some insight into why certain demographics react the way they do. It was not easy to digest the information quickly, but still a good read.

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A fascinating read! Perception is a great addition to all general nonfiction collections, particularly those where psych titles are popular.

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I found this one to be super interesting! I loved how it explored the connection between our body, our abilities and our perception. As someone with a background in psychology, I found the data and exploration of the concept of perception to be intriguing!

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
An interesting psychology book that explores the connection between our body, our abilities and our perception. While the information provided through heavy research and experimental data is compelling, I couldn't grasp the finer points reading each chapter. I got lost in all of the details and only by going back did I keep track of the message.
The author attempts to guide us through the labyrinth that is the human brain, that perceives danger by its ability to overcome the obstacle. Just another layer to how complex we are as human beings.
Overall, a well written text.

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'Perception' takes a close look at the concept of embodiment, how our body influences what and how we perceive. Perception reflects the relationship between what we are attempting to do and what is available in our surroundings to achieve these goals. For example, there was a study mentioned in the book in which athletes perceive a ball coming towards them as being bigger and slower compared to non-athletes who would perceive the ball as being smaller and faster and therefore more difficult to hit. This is due to something called an Umwelt, which is a perceptual world that is scaled by our unique abilities, essentially, you see what you are and you are what you see.

The notion of embodiment is a fascinating one that injects scientific data into something commonly referred to as the mind body connection. What 'Perception' has shown is that the more we are attuned to our bodies, the better decisions we can make, and suddenly the world doesn’t seem like such an intimidating place. We derive meaning of the world through our bodies. Perception is not a mental construct, it depends on our body’s capabilities, what we can and cannot physically do.

A fascinating topic well researched with many studies included.

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