Member Reviews

At one time, the author admits to being a “Never Trump” person, but realized how wrong he was. Trump changed things from the formality of the presidency to an honest and open scenario.

When he ran for office, he was not a career politician, but a savvy businessman. Our country is like a business and President Trump felt he could do a better job if it was run that way. Career politicians were shocked at this and have done all they can to get rid of him. Their good-old-boy way of doing things did not set well with the new President and the liberal politicians were furious. The Democrats' fury at Trump winning quickly resulted in their many ways to try and get rid of him, none of which worked. They also tried to have him impeached but that failed too. They tried to block his nominee to the Supreme Court via a flimsy and scandalous accusation of the nominee. This too failed.

President Trump has added many jobs; built a wall against illegal immigrants; and has seen the stock market soar to some of its highest days. He has let other countries know that they cannot run over the United States and has taken steps in that direction.

He has faced a lot of opposition from the liberal community but has still managed to get many things done. Even with COVID and the riots, he has stayed calm and has done his best to keep America safe.

I enjoyed this book as it is a collection of items that President Trump has faced and his strength in not giving into the pressures constantly put upon him. I support him completely and hope to see him reelected in 2020.

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Thank you to St.Martin's Press for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review. I requested this book because I truly think that the media is our government's worst enemy and I do not believe that Trump is a racist dictator like most on the left tend to believe. I became an independent in 2016 when my party became a sore loser and couldn't stand by that. Since then I have dedicated my time to read and be more informed about what our president is doing, and I agree with all points Yoo brings up. I cannot unfortunately share this book in my social media outlet because the honest truth is, the outrage culture has banned me from speaking out and it's a true problem in our society. The loudest minority always wins with outrage culture and shuts up what the silent majority feel. I rate this book a 5 but unfortunately cannot share due to lash back I will get from this. thank you again for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Reflects thorough research.
However doesn't offer much new information or interpretation not already available in the press, which the author already pointed out is biased and sensationalistic.

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