Member Reviews

Ava and Mira are illegal twins who sparked a revolution. Now, in the conclusion to the trilogy, they might finally have their chance to take out Roth for good. Will they survive?
This has been a good series. Some parts got a bit long or repetitive, but for the most part, I liked it. Certain scenes stuck with me from the first two books, and I feel certain the same will happen from the conclusion.

I have been anxiously awaiting this final installment for what feels like eternity! The first two books were un-put-down-able, and Rule Of All maintained the fast pace and tense action. As the situation in Texas moves toward extreme circumstances, Mira and Ava continue to pursue Roth and work with the Common to save the US from the rule of tyrannical governors. This action-packed story follows the twins on yet another journey to fight for the freedom of all children, not just the first born. As much as I enjoyed this book, my only complaint is that the narrative voices don't always sound distinctive. In the first book and even the second, I could forgive this from Ava and Mira since they have been raised to be not only identical, but the actual same person. But as their paths diverged through the first and second books, those voices didn't gain much distinction. Overall, I consider this a compelling, exciting conclusion to the series, and I look forward to future works by them.

An awesome finale to a great series! A bit slow-paced in the beginning, though. This dystopian story follows two twin sisters and oscillates between their POVs.

Book 21 of 2022! 3/5 stars for this dystopian finale! Not my favorite series ender, but still a good read! This series is full of action! Love the multi-POVs and multiple cast for the audiobook! A great series about family, found family, and survival! Highly recommend!

"The Rule of All" was the perfect finale to an action and adventure packed trilogy. Twin sisters Mira and Ava continue their rebellious journey to save friends and get revenge. I started to read "The Rule of One" by complete accident, but very quickly was sucked into the lives of the Goodwin Girls. It's absoultely amazing to me what a great story Ashley and Leslie Saunders created here that exhibits amazing courage, strength, and resilience.

I really enjoyed this trilogy. This final novel was okay. I liked how we got the pov for the SOs. The book was actioned packed and stressful because you want the happy reunion and are scared it is not coming. This book is a good, modern YA book that all ages will be sucked into

I have been anxiously awaiting this final installment for what feels like eternity! The first two books were un-put-down-able, and Rule Of All maintained the fast pace and tense action. As the situation in Texas moves toward extreme circumstances, Mira and Ava continue to pursue Roth and work with the Common to save the US from the rule of tyrannical governors. This action-packed story follows the twins on yet another journey to fight for the freedom of all children, not just the first born.

I really liked the conclusion to this trilogy. I'm glad the sisters got some resolution, and that the society has a chance going forward. I received this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Here is the link to my review of The Rule of Many: http://www.meetyournewfavoritebook.com/2019/05/the-rule-of-many.html
It has been almost a year and a half since I read the first two books in this series. I probably should have re-read them before starting this book.
I remember being sucked in by the first book and immediately speeding through the second book after finishing the first. It took me longer to get into this one. However, once I started getting back into the story, I sped through it, just like I did the first two books.
The beginning of this story is a little slower, but about 1/3 of the way through the book, the action picks up, and it is just as action-packed as the first two books.
I think this was a great wrap up to the series! I was really impressed with the twists the authors threw into this book and the new characters.
I would love to read another book or perhaps a book set after this one from someone else's POV. There are some questions they did not answer with the ending that could lead to another book! I would definitely read it!
Thank you to the authors, publishers, and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this book.

Epic Conclusion - Ripped From The Headlines. I've had this book for almost exactly 6 months before publication. (Yes, that means it was an Advanced Reader Copy, with all that that entails.) Finally read it (hello, 180+ books this year, all ARCs), and y'all... dayum. This book was written no later than 2019 ish, *well* before the Summer of 2020 that saw massive riots all across the US, many of which seemed to be sparked by outside agitators. And guess what plays into the plot here? Overall the Saunders Sisters do an excellent job of focusing on four key perspectives - the Traitorous Twins, The Hacker, and The Dictator's Grandson - and yet managing to make the battles *feel* far larger than just those four people. (Much as many films - including Lord of the Rings and the Avengers movies - do with similar character sets.) Fans of the series will enjoy many callbacks to the previous two books, and newbies to the series should absolutely start with Book 1 - The Rule Of One - as each book very much builds on the previous. A truly satisfying conclusion, and yet also one that allows them to come back to this world, should they so choose. Very much recommended.

This final book felt a bit rushed. The ending was anticlimactic because there were too many new characters (Salazars) and the whole go-down-to-Mexico plotline that was included to the last minute. It felt underwhelming. I did like the epilogues for both sisters, but overall I thought this book was too slow in the beginning and too chaotic at the end.

i really enjoyed reading this book, it was a great third book in the series and I liked most of the characters when reading this.

The last in this trilogy keeps up the quick pace and interesting storylines from the first two. Although it took me a while to remember who everyone was and what they were doing - made harder because of all the different POVs - I was quickly caught up in the story again. There are plenty of twists and turns before the conclusion comes around. All in all, this is a good ending to the series, but a recap would have helped.

Honestly, I didn’t have high hopes going in, but I think this end nailed the trilogy. There’s so much heavy stuff going on right now in the world that my brain is having a hard time processing, but I’ll leave you with: character arcs had a solid finish. I’m going to miss these people I’ve read through struggle after struggle.

Thanks to NetGalley and Skyscape for an ARC of this book! Release date - October 6, 2020
In my review of The Rule of Many, I said that I felt like this series was going to blend in with all the other YA out there and that I won’t remember the series for long. Ironically, when I started this book I could barely remember anything that had happened and was so lost. I remembered the main characters and some major things that had happened, but every other side character I had no memory of, including ones that had main perspectives in this book. As I read it started to come back to me, but I do think my prediction was right when I say this series was a little forgettable.
I like the "twins in a world where it's illegal to have more than one child" storyline that it started off with in The Rule of One. I thought that was pretty unique and interesting, but once they revealed themselves and started the rebellion against the government, it started to feel like the epitome of typical YA. I liked the storyline and the characters, but I feel like I've read this book a million times before. There was nothing t0 make it stand apart from a sea of YA stories that are exactly this storyline.
The first book was definitely the best one in the series. While I did overall like the trilogy, it was nothing special. I'd definitely recommend it to a fan of teen dystopian stories.

Well, here we are at the end of a trilogy and it has been a fascinating and heart-pounding journey! For those who haven't read the first two books, "The Rule Of One" and "The Rule of Many" you will want to read them ASAP because this trilogy is hot!
When we last left twins, Ava and Mira Goodwin, they were back in Texas and with the help of The Common, had run the dictator-like Texas governor, Roth, out of his sprawling mansion and running for his life. He had kidnapped his illegal, second born grandchild and fled the state of Texas. Alexander, Roth's first born son and father to the secret second born kidnapped child, has joined The Common and vows to save his illegal son and take down his father.
This book starts out a tad slow as we get back into the groove of things but heats up quickly. We follow along through multiple perspectives just as we did with the other two books. Old characters are reintroduced and we meet some fiery new faces. Heart pounding adventures, new territories, and close calls fill the pages of this third installment. You will not be disappointed!
Thanks so much to Netgalley, Skyscape, and authors Ashley and Leslie Saunders for allowing me an eARC to read and give my honest review. It was a 5 star read for me that left me haunted for days after finishing. I cannot wait to read more from these authors!
"The Rule Of All" is set to be released here in the U.S. on October 6, 2020 so preorder now! If you haven't read the first two you still have time to get them in before this one is released!

This was an okay read for me. It's action-packed but was a slow-paced read for me. You'll only get into the main event where the heroes and the villains meet after reading 85% of the story.
I'm thankful to the authors, the publishers, and to Netgalley for allowing me to read and review the eARC of this novel. I'll surely check out the future works of these authors.
If you love reading sci-fi, dystopian themed, and action-packed novel, I would recommend this series to you!

The third and final book in the Rule of One trilogy. Governer Roth is on the run and it seems like he has some sinister intentions, but the sisters are determined to find him and stop him from putting his plans into action.
This is a book I've been highly anticipating. I've recently reread the first two and was really looking forward to finding out how Ava and Mira's journey ends.
I must say that the story did take an unexpected direction, and it was a bit slow to start, but once it got going, it kept me gripped.
However, the ending left me a bit unsatisfied, and I'm torn about the rating. I found it better than the first book but not as engaging as the second and after some deliberation, I decided on 3.5 stars ( rounded down to 3 as Goodreads/Netgalley doesn't allow half ratings ).
The series, on the whole, gets 3 stars from me. It offers a great premise, but in my opinion, it doesn't stand out enough.
However, if you are a dystopian fiction fan, this is definitely a series you should check out.

A satisfying finale for this series. The trilogy should definitely be read in order. Fast paced, we alternate between the twins, Theo and Owen. Really enjoyable storyline.

I read the first book and really enjoyed it. The second book was just ok in my opinion. I was nervous to start this book because I was afraid it would follow the trend of enjoying it less than the last but I was pleasantly surprised. This book, while much slower than the others, moves along so well that you don't really mind the slower pace. It seems to only take place over a few days and you really get into what's happening with the different groups. I enjoyed reading the intricacies of each character and how the relationships developed over time. The end also jumps ahead into the future so the reader gets a nice ending thats wrapped up. I really appreciate when authors decide to end their books on a good note and before they get really bad and predictable. All in all I would recommend this series for anyone that likes dystopian novels. (Reading it in 2020 also adds a nice sense of realism to it too!)