Member Reviews

This is not a typical mystery. Things happen along side the daily routine of Kate's life. There may or may not be people murdered, but no one investigates on page really until about 70%. We wonder, Kate wonders, the police wonder if it's murder, but nothing much is done. At about 60%, I checked how far I was, because I thought surely, the book was almost over. It did go on.

We can't figure out what happened until Kate, but I had an inkling of what the deal was, if not who.

I can see some readers being disappointed at how much of the story is Kate's working life and seemingly trivial events, but so far it has mostly kept my interest.

I received a copy of this from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Kate Turner is once again involved trying to solve a case in between taking care of her patients. The holiday season is upon her and she must decide whether she wants to meet her step brother and sister or continue to be estranged from her father. Her holiday wish seems to be coming true when her patient owners die. Kate has her hands full in this installment of this series.

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I saw this book was the first in a ‘new’ series and looked no further than that, but I should have. This character appears in other series’ based on the location. Although the characters were well rounded, and we got a lot of the backstory, it still felt like I was dropping in unannounced to a place I was not expected to be in. There was so much some of the characters had previously experienced that it was a little off-putting. Now that I got that off my chest, I will move on to this specific story.

The plot is quite simple, in a party mood, our leading lady veterinarian Dr Kate wishes that two of her annoying patients ‘go away’. What follows is beyond anything she could have imagined! There is not much active investigation being carried out despite all their actions carrying the weight of a search. The characters’ lives, the interactions between various townspeople (both important and unimportant) form the bulk of the narrative. The suspicions keep shifting through the different stages of the story, which keeps everyone on their toes, including me. I liked the resolution and the mystery itself, but given what forms the actual content, I would have loved it if it was a little bit shorter! The animal stories were the icing in the book, since they are adorable.

I might read the next book given a chance since I am now familiar with the people and their foibles.

I received an ARC thanks to NetGalley and the publishers, but the review is entirely based on my own reading experience.

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This is book 1 of a new cozy series, Dr. Kate Vet Mysteries. It introduced Kate and her staff and friends. Kate is covering an animal hospital while the owner travels. It's close to Christmas and the staff is celebrating with a party. When a secret wishing game starts to become reality Kate must find out who murdered a pain in the rear client of the hospital. A nice start and I hope to read more. The book will appeal to all animal and cozy fans. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Saddled with Murder: Dr. Kate Vet Mystery
By Eileen Brady
Poisoned Pen Press
November 2020

Review by Cynthia Chow

Secret Santa gifts are one of the highlights of the Oak Falls Animal Hospital's Christmas party, but it's the spontaneous – and untraditional - "secret selfish holiday wish" that gets Dr. Kate Turner into so much holiday trouble. While the veterinarian's kennel helper and assistant share dreams of rose-scented self-cleaning poops and private parking spaces, a rather grumpy and frustrated expresses a less-innocent wish. Already something of a Grinch due to the holiday being an anniversary of the deaths of her mother and brother, cranky customers have Kate proclaiming her desire for two of her dissatisfied customers to just disappear. Although Kate isn't the one who shouts out the names of the clients, her unbridled release of frustration is captured on camera and posted on social media. As bad as that might be for the vet client's image, it's far worse when Kate and her technician Mari find one of wish-to-be-disappeared dead in his home.

The late Frank Martindale had accrued more than his share of enemies through lawsuits, money schemes, and general ruthlessness in getting out of paying bills, but it's Kate who's racking up hits on YouTube for her wishlist to want him gone. For some reason the Police Chief is blocking Mari from taking down her post, and as a result Kate is continuing to garner unwanted attention and blame. When the other names on her "deathwish" begin to suffer similar fates Kate can't help but feel as though a malicious Santa is using her as a scapegoat to eliminate their naughty list. Trying to discover the identity of the ultimate Christmas Grinch is at least a distraction from deciding on whether or not to join her grandfather on a visit to her father, whom she hasn't spoken to in twelve years and has since gained a new family. The additional coal in her stocking is Oak Falls police officer and law student Luke, who is at least back in town but also accompanied by his manipulative ex.

This fifth mystery featuring the Hudson Valley veterinarian is actually a rebooted new series, as Dr. Kate Turner now has her own veterinary clinic with its growing list of human and non-human clients. Animal lovers will love seeing Kate attend to her patients, which include a wild mustang along with pampered pooches. Kate's patience with her staff is impressive, especially when they seem to get her into as much trouble as they help her get out of it. Her friends are more invested than Kate herself in her love life, which only makes sense considering how much easier it is to love non-human companions. Plot twists and a breezy pace will keep readers glued to the page until it’s surprising reveal. Led by an irresistible and admirable heroine and showcasing goodwill to all man and animal-kind, this new start of the series is the perfect read for the holidays.

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A fabulous first in series! This is the first book I have read by this author but it won't be the last. For fans of cozies with furry friends, this book will not disappoint! I thoroughly enjoyed this cozy mystery!

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Saddled with Murder by Eileen Brady is the beginning of A Dr. Kate Vet Mysteries. However, I discovered it is a spin-off of Kate Turner DVM Mysteries (no clue why the change). Dr. Kate Turner has taken a yearlong assignment in Oak Falls, New York. This job gets her away from her cheating ex-boyfriend, Jeremy which she appreciates, but she does not like the distance from her grandfather. I thought Saddled with Murder was easy to read. I like the authors conversational writing style. There are a variety of secondary characters from Kate’s co-workers, clients, and townspeople like Pinky. I like the clinic staff and how they deal with their animal clientele. I would take my fur babies to this clinic. Kate makes a reckless (and naughty) wish at the clinic’s employee Christmas party that she regrets the moment she does it. She had no idea that Mari recorded the event and accidentally uploaded it with the video of the litterbox cake she created. When the two malcontented clients Kate wished would disappear die unexpectedly, Kate is a little suspicious. At first blush, the cases do not appear to be the cause of foul play. But then the Christmas cards arrive stating that her wish had come true. The video goes viral and people begin to wonder if Kate is a witch. Kate has no choice but to investigate so she can clear her name. There are a couple of suspects including a glaring red herring. I found it a cinch to solve the whodunit, but I have been reading cozy mysteries for over twenty years. Kate is also dealing with a long-distance boyfriend, an ex-boyfriend who wants her back, and her father who would like to reunite. It is a difficult holiday season for Kate Turner, but she is fortunate to have good friends and her Gramps. I enjoyed reading Saddle with Murder and I look forward to the next A Dr. Kate Vet Mystery. Saddled with Murder has discontented customers, wacky wishes, a viral video, a bothersome ex-beau, long distance afflictions, the holiday ho-hums, and good-hearted Gramps.

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Dollycas’s Thoughts

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Kate Turner has taken a temporary job filling in for another vet for a year. At the staff Christmas party, a wishing game goes awry and a video of it goes viral. Very relevant when bodies start to pile up. All of the victims have a connection to Kate. To save her own hide she starts to do a little sleuthing of her own. Sleuthing that could have her crossing paths with the killer.

As I opened this book on my Kindle there was a note to readers that for me gave too much detail of the upcoming story and explained this is a continuation of the author’s Kate Turner, DVM Mysteries and that the protagonist was “pivoting in a new direction. I am usually a stickler for reading series in order, but I plunged ahead. The author does provide some background but I was still wishing I had read the previous books first so I would have met Kate from the start. She is a strong character with a tragic past and I really wanted to know her better.

There is a great supporting cast of characters. The staff at the clinic, their clients, and residents of Oak Falls. I assume many were in the earlier books which explains their interactions and development. It warmed my heart to see how caring the staff was not only with the pets but their owners too. The relationship Kate has with her grandfather was heartwarming as well.

The story is very well-written and twists many subplots together with a very captivating mystery. The whodunit had me stumped almost to the end. I was pleased that I was at least on the right track.

Ms. Brady has a very comfortable writing style. I do love the veterinary theme. It is very easy to see that the author draws on her own life as a vet and her love of animals of all sizes. I love that a rescued Mustang was part of the story.

Saddled with Murder was a very entertaining escape. I am looking forward to the next book in this series for Kate’s new direction. I would like to go back and read the previous stories but if I don’t get the chance I am confident the author will continue to give me the info I need to get to know all the character’s histories.

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It's the first book I read by this author and won't surely be the last.
I loved this highly entertaining and engrossing cozy mystery.
The quirky cast of characters is well thought, the setting interesting and the solid mystery kept me guessing.
It's highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Saddled With Murder is advertised as the first in a new series, but it really is a continuation of Brady's Kate Turner DVM cozy series. Same characters, same setting, no big jump in the timeline. The publisher says the decision was made to start fresh because Kate had reached a crossroads in her life, but if she has, I can't figure out what it is. I think it has more to do with Poisoned Pen Press now being a part of Sourcebooks, but I may be wrong. I only mention it because some of you may have been reading Brady's previous books. Let's just move along to what I thought of the book.

Eileen Brady has crafted a solid mystery here that shows the pervasiveness and power of social media. (Let me tell you, I hope nothing I do ever goes viral!) The author kept me guessing, and I always like that.

I do have to admit that the reason why I've read all of Brady's Kate Turner books has more to do with Kate's profession that it has to do with the mysteries themselves. Brady is a vet in real life, and she infuses her stories with what the daily life of a veterinarian is like, funny, sad, and exhausting. A pet owner can pick up quite a few tips from reading Saddled With Murder.

I also learned a lot about how to acclimate a mustang. Bringing a wild horse into pastures, barns, and human contact requires patience and knowledge, and I found the whole process interesting and a welcome change from Kate's usual small animal practice. Another thing I enjoyed is the fact that Brady was inspired to learn about this from seeing our Salt River wild horses right here in Arizona. These horses have a social media presence as well as their own website.

If you love books with an interesting main character, lots of animals, and intriguing mysteries, Eileen Brady's Kate Turner mysteries should be just what you're looking for.

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If you're like I am,  you like reading holiday-themed cozy mystery books. Well, just in time for Christmas, Eileen Brady has a brand new Christmas-themed book that you will really enjoy: Saddled with Murder.

I adored the characters in Saddled with Murder. They're so much fun and easy to get to know. Kate has had a lot of sadness in her life. She lost her mom and brother in an accident when she was a teen. Kate's also been estranged from her father since shortly after the deaths. Her grandfather raised her after her dad got remarried since Kate was unable to understand how her dad could move on. This brings a lot of depth to the character, and those who have experienced this type of loss will "get it."

Mari, Kate's best friend and vet tech, seems like she'd be a great friend to help you keep things in perspective and keep you in a good mood...most of the time. I like Cindy's ability to keep everyone on schedule and to "delicately" handle irritating pet parents. I can't say too much about the side characters without giving any potential spoilers, but they fit into the story well and aren't just filler. The setting in northern New York made me appreciate the fact that I don't live there! It's bad enough in Ohio, but boy do they get a lot of snow in this book! No, really, I am sure it's beautiful there, but I'm done with cold weather!

The plot moves at a good pace, and you will have fun trying to figure out whodunit. I know that the author wrote another series with Dr. Kate in them, but I didn't read those. You'll be fine if you didn't either! Give this one a read this holiday season!

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4.5 stars

This is the 1st book in the Dr. Kate Vet mysteries, but I do remember a book that came before this but I am not sure of the name. There are four books in a Kate Turner, DMV series she has listed on Goodreads that seem to go along with this book.

It is nearing Christmas and Kate Turner makes a big mistake, she reveals the names of two clients she wished would disappear. And within a few days, both of these people are dead and Kate is put in the crosshairs when a video taken at the event where she made the wish was uploaded to the internet.

I thought this was a great book but I wish there had been a bit more background about both of her previous boyfriends. Since this is being touted as “book one,” I think there should be a bit more of the backstory of the characters revealed. But that is just a small niggle. This is the sort of book that makes you yearn for the next book in the series and hope it comes out soon. Definitely liking the direction this series is going and can’t wait for more. Great characters and setting will keep everyone coming back for more, I’m sure.

If you like cozy mysteries, definitely check this one out. You won’t be disappointed.

I received this as an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) in return for an honest review. I thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read this title.

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Saddled with Murder by Eileen Brady is the 1st book in the Dr. Kate Vet Mysteries series, but this author also wrote four mystery book in the Kate Turner DVM series. I'm not sure why the two series, unless it's a new publisher, but I have enjoyed every books in the two series. Dr. Kate Turner, is a veterinarian, who is replacing the Hudson Valley vet who is taking a year-long world cruise.  It is Christmas and during a holiday party Kate wished two clients would go away, and her employee added another name. They were posted online, and the next thing you know two clients are dead. Kate gets involved in solving the murders or were they just accidents? There are twists and turns around every corner. I found this book to be a quick read, with a well developed plot and characters. Looking forward to the next book in the series. I really enjoyed this book, and highly recommend this book and both series.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Saddled with Murder is an entertaining and well written cozy mystery. Great plot. Mystery fans will love this book. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and this is my unbiased review.

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Saddled With Murder is the first book in the Dr. Kate Vet Mystery series by Eileen Brady. This is a fun series with all the elements of a perfect cozy series. Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity.

Dr. Kate is our protagonist and a veterinarian in upstate New York. She has a busy practice and is preparing for the holidays. When she attends a holiday party and a video is recorded, it makes her a suspect when two of her difficult clients are murdered. She must investigate on her own to save her practice and her reputation.

I like Dr. Kate as a protagonist. She is likable and has room to grow in the series. The sleuth was interesting to conclusion and kept me guessing. This is a fun new series for all that love animals and reading about vets in a cozy mystery.

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Saddled With Murder is the first book in the Dr. Kate Vet Mystery series by Eileen Brady.

Dr. Kate Turner will probably think if I only thought of the old saying: Be careful of what you wish for.

Christmas is just a few days away, and the Oak Falls Animal Hospital is having its annual Christmas party.
When Dr. Kate is asked what her Christmas wish would be. She responds that two of her dissatisfied customers would disappear. Marti, a technician, loudly announces the names of Frank Martindale and Eloise Rieven. Unfortunately, this was being recorded, and that person soon posted it on social media.

The next day as Kate and Marti are ready to visit some clients, they first need to deliver some medicine to Frank Martindale for his cat. When they arrive, they find the front door ajar, and after repeated calls to Martindale, they enter the house and find him dead in his chair. At first, his death doesn’t appear suspicious, but Kate begins to wonder if one of her “wishes” has come true. Police Chief Garcia tells Kate that he doesn’t think her responsible. When Kate finds Eloise Rieven’s body outside her home, and when the third person named is killed, Kate will start to come under suspicion. Soon, some people in town are calling her a witch, and the number of views on the social media site is skyrocketing, Kate feels the need to start investigating to clear her name and save the animal hospital from utter ruin.

I found the book to be well written and plotted. The text reads at a good pace. The book’s characters are all well developed and believable. I would be willing to take my pet to be administered by the staff. There were plenty of twists and turns that kept me guessing until the end.

Also, Kate has to deal with her ex-boyfriend showing and begging for forgiveness, and her estranged father wants her to come to visit him and his family.

I will be watching for the next book in this delightful new series.

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Saddled With Murder
Dr. Kate Vet Mysteries, Book #1
Eileen Brady
5 Stars


Veterinarian and amateur sleuth Kate Turner has her hands full trying to juggle two boyfriends, a thriving practice, and a criminal investigation

It's the Christmas season and veterinarian Kate Turner is not feeling very jolly. She's overworked, unappreciated, and dealing with two dissatisfied clients. Throw in a very complicated personal life and Kate's definitely got a case of the holiday blues.

To make matters worse, Kate's ex-boyfriend, Jeremy, is mugged and robbed after they have a heated argument in the hospital parking lot. Then, two of her dissatisfied clients turn up dead (which really gets Kate's tinsel in a tangle). All of these events seem like coincidences, but they add up to something much more venomous.

Saddled with Murder is a cozy holiday mystery from beloved author Eileen Brady that explores the fragility and resiliency of animals and humans whose trust has been broken, and will keep animal-loving readers riveted until the last page. (Goodreads)


The characters are well rounded and well developed. Kate and her coworkers get along well, and at times they feel more like family than coworkers. At the Christmas party, they play a game of what they would wish for if they could have their wishes come true. Kate wishes two of her difficult clients would disappear, and when they are killed, they do disappear. When a third person is killed, it becomes more than Kate’s wish coming true, it becomes a murder investigation.

The author is very talented in her descriptive writing and the descriptions pulled me into the story from the very beginning. I enjoyed reading about all the animals that Kate took care of, it made for some interesting reading. The writing style flows smoothly and the book was a quick easy read, The mystery was well plotted and there were plenty of clues to sift through and suspects to consider. The culprit was on my radar but I did not not no for sure until it was revealed at the end.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well crafted cozy mystery. I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading more in the series.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book provided by the publisher, Poisoned Pen Press, and NetGalley, which I greatly appreciate.

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First one in a new series. Dr. Turner doesn't like the holidays but tries to get in the spirit. When a silly party joke goes wrong, Kate isn't sure who is on her side.

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Dr Kate Turner is not a fan of Christmas and now she's really really wishing she hadn't gone along with her colleagues when they made a video about their wishes for the season- because she wished several troublesome clients would disappear. And they have,. Dead. Murdered, Yikes! Add in that her ex is mugged, her father wants her to meet his new family, and everything else, and well, she's got a mess on her hands. Luckily, she's an intrepid heroine who will sort out the murder (it's a cozy so you know she's not the only one who disliked these people). Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. It's a nice start to a new series.

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This was an entertaining start to a new series. I love the Vet. theme coming from a Vet. family.

Dr. Kate isn't big on the holidays. Especially with her mom being gone and her dad remarried with a new family. So she tends to throw herself into her work, but when coworkers have a holiday party she tries to be a good sport and play along with a wishing game. But when she wishes two difficult clients would disappear and another is added to the list with it all on video. It soon goes viral when they start turning up dead one by one.

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