Member Reviews
Felt rather incomplete. This is a nice quick hitter for someone who perhaps has zero experience negotiating in their lives. For anyone who has even some, however, this title likely left them wishing for more. This reader could have used more examples, and more high level strategies and techniques, and certainly some evidence or analytics as to the effectiveness of the advice provided. All in all, not something I’d recommend for anyone hoping to gain expertise in the subject matter. They’d be likely to gain more for a Google search on ‘negotiating tips.’
The author states, "sometimes harsh words are needed." Direct yes, but professional, less so. The good news is that this book is short and to the point and the bad news is it is unhelpful and not recommended.
Thank you NetGalley for the eARC!
Short and sweet for the win! The book was offered to me while in dire need, as I was looking for jobs at that time.
The author gave some tips about negotiating deals, compensation etc.
A short and to the point book about how to negotiate better with things such as your cell phone bill, cable bill and rent. Be sure to do your research so you know what you're talking about when you go to negotiate. Know your options and listen, stay calm and communicate well! Thank you to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
This book is very short indeed: just about 25 pages. It could stand to be expanded with some case studies, statistics, nods to other authors to whom it owes a debt, like Dale Carnegie. It encourages you to do your research and have the guts to ask for what you want, and I guess the author lives by his own advice, since about halfway through, an otherwise blank page asks you to go to Amazon and leave a review. I had to chuckle at the chutzpah.
Thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for a digital ARC for the purpose of an unbiased review.
In some ways, this book reminded me of the classic book "Crucial Conversations ". However this book offers powerful tips and strategies for very specific life situations, making it an extremely useful book.
The initial chapter- understand what you can't negotiate is solid gold!
This book was a big disappointment for a few reasons. It is not a book, more of a pamphlet really which took less than 20 minutes to read.
Because of the length the book lacked depth. There were no case studies, how to guides, anecdotes or even any first hand experiences to explain why Paul Roberts is the man for the job when it comes to negotiations.
This book covers a lot: how to: get a better deal with your car insurance, rent, gym membership, house price and salary. The advice literally is do some research and find out as much as you can about market rates and have the balls to ask.
This book has the foundations for helping people get better deals but needs more research, more practical help, more troubleshooting for when you are told 'no', and a lot more time crafting a book which will be a useful guide.
Sweet and short guide to negotiation techniques in different areas of personal and professional life.
A direct to the point kind of book. Information was quite useful to use in daily life to negotiate. Very useful.
This is a short read (around 25 pages) and a good introduction to negotiating for those who have never negotiated before. The writing is very clear, and the advice is a solid, common sense approach. I liked that it made clear at the outset the type of things which you can negotiate, which readers might not be aware of. It is mostly about personal/consumer negotiations (e.g. gym membership, bank fees) rather than professional; there is a chapter on asking for a raise but nothing about negotiations in business e.g. between you in your company and a product and service from another company. Some areas such as buying a house are covered in a lot more detail and would be of most use to an American readership.
It wasn’t immediately clear to me who the book is aimed at, but I think it would be great for school-leavers who are entering into their first contracts for mobile phones, car insurance or rent etc. It provides a good overview and taster of the subject, so is great for beginners but isn’t suitable for people who have experience of negotiating as the advice is very basic.
This is a very short and to the point read about the art of negotiation. It has some quite useful information but I personally did not learn anything new so I will recommend this to somebody who has very limited to no knowledge on the topic.
I would like to thank the Publishers, NetGalley, and the Author for sending me a copy of this book.
Personally I was expecting a more detailed look at negotiation and its intricacies, the psychology, case studies and anecdotes.
Having said that, this book goes back to basics to provide a clear and structured look at negotiating. The book acts like a simple to follow manual for anyone approaching negotiation as a beginner. These are points which can be applied to almost any scenario where negotiation is possible - some suggestions may seem obvious to someone with experience in negotiating but actually, it is useful to have such points laid out clearly.