Member Reviews

I’m not going to lie, this book took me a few attempts to really get into it. It started off a little slow and boring. After I was able to get passed that, I really enjoyed the book. I did notice some errors in the book, mostly spelling/ grammar related. Another thing that I noticed was how the description of Nicole changed. At the beginning of the story, Nicole’s hair was described as brown, while later on her hair was described as black. Not major issues, but simple overall conflicting things. I love the premise of the time.

I received this book in exchange for an honest opinion on NetGalley.
I love the idea of the book (friends hooking up with business partners) with a tiny lie that gets blown out of proportion. While we got a ton of backstory on Nicole in terms of her family and friends we got absolutely nothing about Chris. I want to know what motivates Chris to want Forbes, what his family is like, what past love experiences has he had? Even the tone of the book is spoken from a very young perspective both from Chris and Nicole and certainly not the insights of a 32-year-old woman or a 40-year-old man.
The author painstakingly went into detail with a lot of auxiliary characters and I am not sure what the purpose of it was as it did not necessarily link back to the story, It seemed very odd to me that Chris who was a stickler for keeping things private and not wanting the matter to become public knowledge would so openly attack someone for a by the way statement (not a reaction by a 40-year-old man).
A lot of the scenes seem a bit exaggerated there was also a lot of emphasis on the UK vs. America. All in all it was a lot of disjointed scenes that didn't really come together for me but I wouldn't mind reading something else by the author jus to see if this style of writing continues.

After reading Distracted by Belinda Wright via NetGalley, I decided not to continue. But then shelter-in-place happens and A Corporate Attraction comes along and I'm like, "Why the heck not?" Then, I remember I didn't think much of Distracted. As soon as I open the e-galley on A Corporate Attraction, I get deja vu and realize this story takes place simultaneously as that one.
What do I do? Immediately go back to NetGalley and download what I hope will be a better read. But then, I keep going with Nic & Chris and come to the conclusion that this is better than the 1st book with Luna & Brent. Mostly, because the author actually invested more into the business aspect of the story (not much, but anything helps to make this slightly more intelligent than the 1st book). Overall, I like this one more than the 1st (maybe a 1.5) and would give this a 2.5-3.
What I didn't like was the conclusion-Epilogue. It wasn't an elegant end, felt very rushed and sloppy.

I liked the characters and both points of views. The first couple of chapter grabbed me, but then the story never went anywhere and it had all the potential to fly:
I would have liked to have seen more conflict, everything just seemed to easy for both of the characters.

Nicole's friend introduces her to Chris, the attraction is instant. She is going through a impending reorganization at work and believes an affair with Chris is just what she needs to keep her mind off things. It isn’t until after they have already gone out that they find out he is working for her company in charge of the reorganization. Now they have to stop seeing each other or make sure no one finds out about them if they do keep sneaking around together.
I enjoyed most things about this book. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a quick read that doesn't want much drama. I really enjoyed both of the main characters. Nicole and Chris both really had me rooting for them. She was sweet, but not a pushover, he was strong and arrogant, but his arrogance was funny in the every day kind of guy way, not the jerk way. He could be really funny. I would have given it three and a half stars if I could give half stars, since I can’t I would definitely give it a 4 star over a 3. The reasons for the rating is that the little drama it did have didn't really get resolved. It was just swept under the table and forgotten about. I also thought the epilogue was more like a last chapter, because without it it would have ended on a cliffhanger. I felt like it could have been an excellent book if it was a little longer and filled out the ending more. Don’t take those comments to mean I didn’t enjoy the book, because I definitely did. These are great characters and I enjoyed getting to know them and sometimes it is really nice to not have a lot of drama in a book.

This book could have been great, however.....there was just no passion in this one. The plot was great, but the story was just blah...

A Corporate Attraction suggests that there is no such thing as love and corporate. Numerous romances, real and fictional say otherwise. The framework of A Corporate Attraction is sound, but the narrative is generic and stale, hampered by the stilted dialogue and tepid chemistry. Disappointing read that does little to hold attention let alone attract.

A cute quick read about Nicole and Chris and a relationship that maybe shouldn't have been because of their work relations. Clearly they are draw to each other and an entaglemtn ensues. I liked the book, it was written well and had some interesting people. The ending was a bit rushed for me and could have had a bit more to it, but an enjoyable read.

This was a quick read. It did not include any hidden surprises. Our hero and heroine had instant chemistry from the start and it was interesting to follow their story during Nicole’s company restructure.
You join Nicoles journey as she witness her friends and co-workers go through layoffs. Witnessing her emotions while she struggled with being one of the ones that were left behind, her guilt and also the conflict of deciding to move to a new country. On top of these, her growing feelings for Chris, the consultant leading the changes.
The ending seemed a little rushed for me. Overall it was a good book to pick up on a rainy day.

A very fas read. I was done with it in no time. It was a good story with decent character development. Some parts moved faster than others.