Member Reviews

I would read anything Frame wrote. I love butch characters and she never disappoints. While this one wasn't one of my favorites of hers, it was still worth the read. Evan drove me a bit nuts, and I feel like immature is an understatement here. Hopefully we will see these two more in the series and Evan may grow on me. Frame does so well with settings and secondary characters, I always feel like she does a great job of setting us up to be invested if everyone's story. I am looking forward to the next in the series. 3.5 stars rounded up.

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Opposites attract is the main theme of this entertaining book!

I like Jenny Frame, I've always enjoyed her books and this one wasn't different. Yes, it still is a butch/femme character themed read as most of this author's books. But, that never bothered me to be honest.

Now I've had a major Reader's Block since Covid. I've started so many books and couldn't finish them! So let's just say, this book might have unblocked this "situation" I am in :) This however does not necessarily mean that I am giving this a 5 star rating. On the contrary, my rating is actually a 3.5 rounded up to 4. However I needed to mention that my rating might be affected by my block, and in other days, this might have even scored higher!

One of the characters was actually the reason why I enjoyed this book! don't u just love it when a character changes your mood and makes you smile? well this is the case with Evan who's the CEO of a Fox Toys, she's a dreamer, full of life and energy and such a likable person! I would actually love to meet her in person :) She falls for the duchess who's the complete opposite of her, yet I loved their interaction! There was chemistry, and the slow burn was just perfect for me!

I recommend this book to anyone who wants an entertaining book, without drama, a likable character and some good sex scenes. I must say I was a bit annoyed at the beginning because I couldn't believe the insta love part, but this was completely erased as the story went and I enjoyed the characters and the set-up.

"I was given and ARC for an honest review."

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Another pure delight from Jenny Frame. Her writing style is not elegant, but it is just so sweet and readable. I can almost hear her reading to me. I'm thrilled that this is the beginning of another trio of stories, this time set in the Rosebrook village, and I hope Archie and Ash are next, what with their constant bickering. Then presumably as more people move to the village we'll have others. I enjoyed the exuberance of Evan and the stoicism of Clementine. A most pleasant way to pass a few hours.

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I found this book to be an enjoyable read. This is a rich/poor romance with a twist. There are times where the difference between the characters makes the romance seem unrealistic. I like realistic opposites attract and this book is a bit outside that zone for me.

Main Characters:
Clementine - Born duchess who's grandmother lost the family fortune in an attempt to create an utopia. She has watched her mothers health decline after a long fight to keep the family home. Clementine is driven by the urge to help out her people, when at the same time having her hands tied behind her back without the resources to do it. The character feels very tired with always feeling like she isn't enough.
Evan - Creative visionary who wants to improve the world and leave it a better place than when she entered it. Evan lives her life to the fullest, generously helping out whenever she can. Evan has had a dream about a magical feeling which you feel when you meet your soulmate.

Beautiful setting on the English countryside
Fun secondary characters - Frame capture the small town-feeling very well. The other characters in the book are quirky and add to the interactions between the MCs.
Warm romance - This is a low angst romance which makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Bullheaded MC - Sometimes it feels like Evan just powers through without taking in how her decisions effect I everyone else. I find this some what off-putting, and it's something that decrease the reading pleasure for me.
Opposites attract -

This review is based on NetGalley ARC provided in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion.

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Lovely romance about a Duchess Clementine who only has the title and no land or money and Evan Fox, the head of a Toy company that buys her former estate.
This was not a surprising read, it followed all the normal romance checkpoints with meeting - not liking eachother - growing to like eachother - love - problem - make up - HEA.

That doesn't mean it's not a good book though, what it lacks in originality it makes up for in the characters, who are great. I especially liked the exuberant, acting like a big kid, Evan. The connection between the main characters feel real and not forced. It's a nice romance to enjoy your time with and maybe think about booking a vacation to the British countryside.

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Clementine Fitzroy is Duchess of Rosebrook in name only. Her grandmother was a dreamer, squandering all the family money, and had to sell off all their land and property. Clementine picks up odd architecture jobs just to keep the lights on in her own home and to keep her ageing mother comfortable in an assisted living facility. Evan Fox, wealthy CEO of her family's toy franchise, purchases the Rosebrook estate and dreams of changing the village into an eco friendly queer haven. Clementine doesn't trust dreamers, certainly not ones inserting themselves into her life and changing her birthright and family home. But Evan isn't one to back down, she's determined to bring Clementine over to her side, but neither of them are prepared for the intense attraction between them and the love that grows.

I really enjoyed this book, but it wasn't my absolute favourite of Frame's. It was a little repetitive at times - like calling Evan Fox a "dapper dandy" dozens of times - and a few other similar phrases. It took me out of the story a little. Overall though I loved this story and the beginning of this new series. The townspeople are such great characters, unique individuals and well fleshed out and make for a warm community that we've come to know and love in Frame's books. I adored Clementine's character, she was so classy and strong and I have so much respect for her. She's probably one of my favourite characters of Frame's. I really enjoyed the chemistry between Evan and Clementine and I loved the way their passions and strengths came together to create such a dreamy idea. I can't wait for the other books in the series, I know they'll be great.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Collywobbles and Banjos........I do love a good butch/femme book by Jenny Frame and this one fit the bill.

Evan Fox is the head of Fox Toys, a global toy company, run with values of sustainability and protection of the environment. Fox has a dream to build a eco friendly community of acceptance and wants to purchase Rosebrook Estate and the village which surrounds the estate. Growing up Fox always admired Isadora Fitzroy, who once owned the estate. Fox and her parents also vacationed in the area when she was young.

Clementine Fitzroy, Duchess of Rosebrook, and grand daughter of Isadora, regrets that her grandmother blew the family fortune on her dream of creating a new kind of community. Clem and her mother were forced to struggle. Clem now works contract jobs to care for her mother who is in a nursing home suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

When the Duchess and Fox meet for the first time sparks fly, hence collywobbles and banjos. Fox eventually hires Clem to help with the restoration of the town in a lead role on her team. The story describes how they work together and with the townspeople to create this community. This working relationship also helps evolve their slow burn romance.

Clem and Fox were well written characters and wonderful compliments for each other. Fox constantly had her head in clouds as the title implies - dreaming. While Clem was more practical and more mature in age (eight years Fox's senior) and in her personality. While this was a slow burn romance, the chemistry sizzled and some of the love scenes were romantic while others were more explosive.

This reader hopes that this story expands beyond this book with a story for Ash and Archie and possibly another story for the woman that Fox is bringing in to run the beer brewery.

I received an ARC for Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Evan Fox, head of Fox Toys, a multinational toy manufacturer;
Clementine Fitzroy, Duchess of Rosebrook, whose fortune was frittered away by her grandmother, Isadora

Clementine has trouble finding two pennies to rub together, although she is a freelance architect, who lives in the gatehouse of the former family mansion. Between taking care of her mother, who has worsening dementia and trying to complete the projects she has been able to procure, she has no love life, no life of any kind, really.

Evan Fox, the dapper and hugely wealthy head of Fox Toy Company, has decided to buy the Rosebrook Estate and the village that surrounds it, to turn it into her new manufacturing offices and environmentally sound village. She only has to win over the few remaining villagers and Duchess Clementine, herself.

Duchess Clementine "Clem" has learned that having dreams is not practical, but Evan is a big dreamer who has turned her dreams into reality. Two completely opposite people, brought together by one colossal dream.They are compelling together, Evan trying to convince Clem that the dream is worthwhile, and Clem trying to convince Evan that she doesn't want to be part of Evan's latest folly.

Evan is not someone one can say "No" to, and she is persistent. There are stops and starts and missteps, plus a dash of angst thrown in. See how all the problems of a recalcitrant Duchess and a Dreamer shake out in this delightful fairy tale romance.

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Every dreamer needs one person who will love them for who they are, without shutting them down. It is not an easy task yet Clem and Evan make it seem so easy. Family drama, big dreams, come nice in one wonderful story, where not only 2 people fall at fist sight, but whole community comes together.
This was very sweet, uplifting story!

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Jenny Frame is one of the best authors when it comes to femme/butch love stories, she always hits it right on the nail.

Clementine and Evan are great characters, they really draw you into their story.

Evan is forever the dreamer, can she win over Clementine the doubter.

The writing skill of JF is excellent and many times through the book I found my heart flutter, with the odd flush, then when least expecting there was that BOOM moment which was hot hot

Excellent book to read, would i recommend.....yes 100%

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I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review of the story.

Opposites attract.
An idealist, stereotyped dandy butch crosses paths with a pessimistic, impoverished duchess.

Evan realizes the dream of a lifetime - acquiring a land holding that will allow her build an eco friendly village and bussiness.

Clemintine has long been resigned to losing her birthright, the holding known as Rosebrook.

The two cone together as life pushes them down the same road to fulfilled purpose and love.

I reccommend this light story as a fun read.

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I call myself a realistic dreamer, you know the person to think big but in a small way. For instance, I know I will never own a mansion on the beach, but I might be able to rent one for a week or so to vacation there. Realistic dreams. So I thought, with a title like this I’d love this book, but I didn’t really.

Evan is the CEO of one of the largest toy companies in the world, she has always had this dream of a sustainable community with affordable housing and a lot of acceptance. All actually was inspired by Isadora Fitzroy, a duchess of a bygone era. Her granddaughter, who now holds the title Duchess of Rosebrook, still lives in the village that was once their family’s land. Isadora lost all her money and land while trying to realise her ideals, clementine is left with nothing. She struggles to pay bills and make ends meet. In swoops Evan, ever the optimist, with her ideals and she tries to get the villagers on board, but without Clem it won’t work. Clem, understandably, doesn’t believe in dreams and ideals. Somehow they like each other. But especially Clem struggles with what it all might mean.

I mean Evan is the CEO of a toy company, so you’d expect to get some references to kids and what not. But I feel like this is almost a children’s book, the way it’s written, short attention spans, quick changes and not a lot of depth. There are some attempts at depth here and there, but they are forced and don’t really work for me. I liked the few glimpses I got from the serious not so happy go lucky side of Evan. The romanticised idea both Clem and Evan have of meeting the one is, I don’t know, ridiculous maybe. I especially don’t like the words that they describe it with, come on banjoed in the head and collywobbles or something... it for me, that’s for sure. I really thought and hoped I’d like this book, but it wasn’t the sort of romance that takes you away to a nice and easy getaway, or however you want to describe it.

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I don’t know that I’ve given 5 stars before. I loved the MC’s, one was as precious as she could be, and the other was a survivor. And they balanced each other out perfectly! I loved the story, the dialogue and I loved this book!

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This is a lovely angst-free insta-love followed with dedicated wooing romance. It's all good and all sweet.

Evan Fox is the child-like CEO of the very successful Fox Toys. She has dreams -- many dreams. One of her dreams to to build an eco-friendly, all-inclusive community where everyone feels safe and which can become an example for the rest of the world. This is an expansion of Evan's idol, Isodora Fitzroy's vision.

Clementine Fitzroy, Duchess of Rosebrook, Isodora's grand-daughter has no love lost for her grandmother who beggared the family pursuing her vision of an ideal village. Clementine has multiple titles but neither land nor money to fulfil the role she was brought up for. She's struggling for finances since her mother, the dowager duchess, is suffering from Alzheimer's and after a particularly bad incident has had to be admitted into an expensive home. With a strong sense of noblesse oblige, Clementine feels responsible about the few people let in her village and tries to ensure that their needs are met even if she has to go without. She is also very present for her mother even at the cost of losing the jobs she gets as a freelance architect. So, a tough life for her.

When Evan appears all positivity, promises and plans, Clementine had no time for her and no belief in her dreams.

Usually we aren't big fans of stereotypical butch-femme romances but loved this one despite the fact Evan is so masculine-presenting that the dowager duchess thinks she's a man and despite the fact that Evan is called 'gentleman' more than once and refers to herself as 'gent' at least once.

We thoroughly enjoyed the whole romance-the-disbelieving-duchess with gallantry, unwavering care and grand gestures. Since this is very firmly in the butch-femme zone, it appealed that part of our traditionally-conditioned-typecasting mindset that all the wooing and work is done by Evan without throwing even a small fit at any point. We liked the fact that Clementine has layers and depth. She has her own personal and personality hurdles that make her behaviour understandable and create the right opportunities for Evan to play the romantic knight convincingly.

Evan and Clementine have great chemistry. Though there at some things (that whole banjo thing and the over-emphasis about Evan's positivity) repeated too frequently and too much, we can take it in our stride since the romance just clicks and works perfectly.

We really wish that this book also had an Archie-Ash romance. We wished for it so much that we built it all up in our head enough to actually believe that it was actually there.

We definitely recommend this one to anyone looking for a feel-good mushy romance.

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Clementine Fitzroy is the duchess of Rosebrook and has had a really tough life. She might be the duchess but because of her grandmother Isadora, they are broke. They had to sell off pretty much everything, so she might have a title, but that is it. She now spends her time visiting her mother who has dementia and lives in a nursing home and doing contract work as an architect. She barely has her head above water. Evan Fox is the CEO of Fox Toys. Unlike Clementine, her glass is always half full. She is positive, thoughtful, energetic and a dreamer. She is also waiting for the love of her life because she wants what her parents have. She also dreams of creating a green community and when Rosebrook comes up for sale she purchases it.

I found The Duchess and the Dreamer to be really good. Jenny Frame does a good job telling the story of two people who are completely opposite who spend time together out of necessity fall in love with each other. It really is dreamy. For those that just love slow burns you will really like this one. If you have read my reviews before you know that I prefer a romance that gets there quicker. This is one of the few slower burns that I really enjoyed. There is chemistry here, not a ton of drama (mainly because it burns so slow) and when they finally meet in the bedroom, the sex scenes are really good. This is only the 3rd Frame book I have read and I continue to be impressed. As a bonus if you like a good butch-femme romance this will be up your alley too.

I rate this one 4.25 stars

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This is a story that is quite different from most lesfic books that I have read. The two main characters, Clementine Fitzroy and Evan Fox, are brought together due to very unusual circumstances. Clementine is a dutchess, only in name. Her family lost their fortune due to her grandmother's handling of the money. Because of this, the family home and land are up for sale. However, Clementine still lives in a small house on the property. Evan Fox, is a CEO of a company and has dreams of turning Clementine's family home and land into an eco community and revitalizing the surrounding area. Clementine is not happy about the sale. Evan makes it her mission to include Clementine in all the decisions. Of course, there is a strong attraction for both of them. However, Clementine is trying to deny it. How long can she?
I would recommend this.
I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Duchess of Rosebrook Clementine Fitzroy lost her ability to dream when her grandmother lost her fortune doing just that. When toy company CEO Evan Fox purchased her old home and dreamed to renovate the whole village, Clementine was dead set on not trusting this outsider. That the ever-exuberant Evan was exactly Clementine's type and also attracted to her did not help at all.

I liked this book. The romance and courting between Clementine and Evan were cute and their emotional obstacles so real. And though this was my first read of Jenny Frame's book, I would definitely read more of her works in the future, especially those involving contemporary royalties.

Throughout the story, I could see how Clementine and Evan were meant to be together. But that did not mean I was fully on board with this mutual instalove. And with Clementine as the damsel in distress and Evan being the incredible gentlewoman all the time, their relationship felt imbalanced. Still, "The Duchess and the Dreamer" was a very cute romance story. And that Evan's rebuilding plans were eco-friendly and inclusive to all communities was a plus to the overall plot.

Evan was too perfect and precious for this world. Her personality made this book more than worthwhile to read. Also, I now realize I need toy trains, trampolines, and mini basketball hoops in my future office. Evan brought fun and playfulness into life and I love that about her. I think while she wanted to "leave the world a little bit better than [she] found it," every reader would finish this book and dare to dream a little more than they did before. Evan had that effect on people.

"The Duchess and the Dreamer" is a good escapist romance where Evan's positivity and energy are infectious. It is an enjoyable story that will make you rethink passion and have a bit more fun in life.

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Cute opposites-attract novel. 3.5 star. Another patented butch/femme pairing by Jenny Frame.

Clementine Fitzroy is nobility without money or lands. Mismanagement, outsized dreams and poor luck by previous generations have left her nearly destitute, using all the money she can make as a freelance Archie to keep her mother in an assisted living facility. Best down by life, Clementine distrust dreams that can only lead to disappointment.

Evan Fox is the high-energy, dapper-dandy, positivity-embodied head of the Fox Toys empire. Also a staunch environmentalist, Fox is Looking for a place to build her dream of an eco-community, self-sustaining, affordable and accepting. She finds a likely candidate in Rosebrook, Clementine's ancestral village.

Sparks of all types fly from the getgo, but Clementine is reluctant to fall for yet more dreams.

**I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

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I was so happy to have the opportunity to review this book. I am an ardent fan of this author and never miss her books. This book hits all the sweet spots for me. I love the ecological theme through out, as well as the small town environment. The writing is smart and sweet. Both main characters are likable and sympathetic, while some of the ancillary characters take some warming up to, which I imagine is totally intentional. This book is a definite recommend for anyone who loves a dapper butch, a plastic free ocean, renewable energy, romance, history and love. I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Clementine is the Dutchess of Rosebrook in name only because of her grandmother Isadora dreams of better community that she lost the family fortune. Clementine watch her mother struggles growing up now she struggles to take care of her mother who in a nursing home and trying to make a living for herself. She doesn’t have time for dreamers when she stop dreaming for herself.

Evan is CEO of her family toy company she always dreams of better planet and when she learns the Rosebrook estate is for sale she believes she can finally put her dream of a utopian community to life and to honor the one who inspires her to do it Clementine grandmother.

When Evan meets Clementine she knows she found her wife because she finally felt what her father talk about when he met her mother now if only she can get Clementine to admit she feels something too. Clementine doesn’t know what to make of Evan she knows one thing she doesn’t want to feel anything for her but as she spend more time with Evan her walls start to go down and she starts to wonder can yours dream do come true.

This was great read, I really enjoy it.

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