Member Reviews

Gwendoline Carter, has been living in LA for many years trying to make it as an actress but has only being able to secure second string parts. She has not been home since she left all those years ago and with an estranged relationship with her mother there has been no reason for her to go home until her Dad's birthday. Now she finally gets to meet Lila Machowicz who has effectively replaced Gwen as her parent's, Carol and David, surrogate daughter. While Gwen is home she learns her mother has cancer, to complicate matters is the attraction to Lila.
I could not put this book down. It's just a rollercoaster of emotions from the angst between Gwen and Lila's budding romance to the heavy stages of Carol's journey with cancer. The role of Carol and her treatment was particularly well written and actually made me tear up so credit to Erin Zac to be able to make me feel those emotions. I also enjoyed the surprise skeletons that kept coming out of the closet.
Loved this book. Definitely a 5 star read.

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The Road Home was WOW. I don't think I have ever been touch by a book like this one. It is listed as Romance, but I would argue that this should be considered Fiction. Sure the romance was for sure an important part of this book, but there is so much more here. Erin Zak captures the feelings, thoughts and emotions of two people who watches someone they love die. The only way you can invoke those types of feelings is to have gone through it. The Road Home shows us that you can reconcile a relationship that seemed to be damaged beyond repair. It also shows us how we can regret the decisions we make. We also get to really feel what both Gwen Carter and Lila Machowicz. I am not sure how Zak did it, but she managed to really show the vulnerabilities and insecurities that we can have. I really didn't think Zak could top Beautiful Accidents, but she did it with The Road Home. I probably will never read this one ever again because it was a bit to close to home, but it was by far one of the best books I have read.

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At 37, Gwendolyn Carter's Hollywood dream has not yet taken off. With supporting roles in a few films, some stage work and a few commercials, she feels that she has nothing to show for the twenty years she's spent pursuing her dream. After the two decades away from home, she is expected to make an appearance for her dad's landmark birthday. While Gwendolyn has a fair relationship with her father she is set against going back home because of severe mommy issues particularly her mom's (Carol) complete rejection of her because of her sexuality. Issues that have made Kept Gwendolyn in therapy for years and years.

Going back will also bring Gwendolyn face-to-face with Lila Machowicz, the girl who replaced her as the daughter in the Carter household. The girl, who by all accounts, her mom loves.

When Gwendolyn reaches home, things are not exactly as she anticipated. Lila and her parents all unpack into new experiences and unexpected realities.

This is a book with each character feeling intense emotions. It is as much about love and loving in different shades and relationships as it is about falling in love. It is about coming to terms with past wrongs, present failures and all the greys in people. It draws you into emotions -- complex and complicated -- deeply.

Zak writes interesting, unusual and unique circumstances in which the leading ladies meet but their chemistry is so awesome right off the bat that you are rooting for the, all along. Gwendolyn and Lila are wonderful, wonderful women who deserve love, caring and happiness. It is immensely satisfying to know that they have the right person I their lives to give them the love they richly deserve.

Though the driver of the story is Gwendolyn, Lila is also developed with care and depth.

This is a wonderfully immersive read and highly recommended.

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Okay - I have to admit that I have to be in the mood to read Erin Zak novels and really get anything out of them. She throws emotion after emotion at readers that its almost relentless. For me, it can be overwhelming, mostly because there are times where the overwhelming emotions feel a little out of place. To be fair, Zak writes about messy people in messy situations, and sometimes it takes something huge to get them to come to their senses.

This is no different. When Gwendolyn Cook gets passed over for a role she was hoping for, she reluctantly goes back home to small town Indiana to help her father celebrate his birthday. As it turns out her estranged mother's cancer comes back and looks to be terminal. She also has mixed feelings about the woman who stayed with her parents and became a daughter to them. On one hand, Gwen absolutely hates Ira, whom she sees as an interloper, but she is drawn to her. On top of that, Gwen's idea of her parents is shattered when she finds out a secret that everyone seemed to know about except her.

So. Many. Emotions. It almost feels like this book is pulled in several different directions. On one hand you have Gwen's temper and feelings of inadequacy due to her strained relationship with her mom. Her horrible feeling that she is going to lose her mother before they can reconcile. Then there's her whirlwind romance with Ira, who is yet another complication. There was a lot of stuff in here, and really all I could say at the end of it was "whew, glad that's over."

I know people will love this book, but for me, it was just a little too much. I do have to give it to Zak, though, she can be a beautiful writer at times. I thought Gwen's reconciliation with her mother was the strength of this book, and was one of the better bittersweet storylines I have read in a long time. I thought Gwen's connection with Ira was the weakest. Ira is an excellent character, but I just didn't think they had time to breathe.

If you're a fan of Zak's she delivers in this one. Fans of messy leads will enjoy watching Gwen stumble her way through some pretty hard stuff. I think people who would prefer less angst may have to prepare themselves for this story before diving in.

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What a roller coaster ride this book took me on. When I started to read it, I couldn’t put it down. I felt something deep for Gwen because I couldn’t identify with her, I also wanted her to feel successful, happy and in love. That wasn’t going to happen because she didn’t love herself nor could she forgive herself. When Gwen is Asked to come home by her father, who she adored, for his birthday party she reluctantly agrees because it means facing her mother who she blames for all the difficulties she has in her life. Making matters worse her parents have taken in a woman called Lila who is like a daughter to them and clearly is loved by Gwen’s mother. The first meeting between Lila and Gwen did not go well because of the hatred and resentment between the two women however underneath that there was an incredible attraction each woman had for the other. Can they ever form a friendship let alone a relationship?
This book is very well written with character development that is just outstanding. The complex relationships that are part of every family are really exasperated and Gwen‘s family. The pain in this book is palpable because it is so real. I highly recommend this book, be prepared for a wild emotional ride that is so well worth the ride.

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4 Stars. Gwendolyn Carter, a Hollywood actress has not visited her hometown in 17 years. Gwen has decided, after convincing from her father that she is going to come home for her birthday. Gwen is a little nervous to come home since she did not get along with her mother due to the fact she was a lesbian. She is also nervous since her family took in Lila Machowicz, who Gwen thinks is the replacement to her. Lila seems to be everything Gwen is not, and she is best friends with Carol, Gwen's mother. She comes home and is instantly taken back by Lila and how her mother is not as terrible as she remembered. When her mother turns out to be sick, Gwen stays in town to take care of her mother and maybe try to repair some of their relationship. She also maybe wants to explore what is happening between her and Lila.

I enjoyed this book a lot. The dynamic between Gwen, Lila and their mother was interesting to read. I also liked how the relationship between Lila and Gwen grew as their misconceptions about each other are proved false. They start to get along after that and their interactions becoming more interesting to read. Carol and Gwen's relationship changes a lot throughout the novel too as Gwen spends more time with her. I could not wait to find out what was going to happen next to Lila and Gwen. I really enjoyed this one and recommend it.

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Definitively very moving story. As much as heart breaking it is to find out that you were “replaced” by someone else to finding out that the someone is actually meant to be with you and all the heart ache you went through is to be mend by taking care of your mother who is the reason of you feeling that way? Incredible, family drama, that shows love survives all. I have no idea what Gwen went through, but I am glad she was able to fix things with mom before she was gone. In mean time she changed directions in her life. Found so many hidden family secrets yet made her life exactly what it was supposed to be.
This is fantastic story, and crying is truly part of it.

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This is such a journey. It's not a unpredictable. you know the outcome yet when it happens you still cry. I cried in this so much, specially having read he author memo at the beginning. at the end, and tho she can't hear or see me. I thanked Erin zak for sharing this pain, joy and connection with us.

This story is a reminder, that life is shit and we sometimes act selfishly, either for youth or immaturity. Hope she's in peace and in a better place. I loved her as well. she seemed wonderful.

Very beautify written and edited.

Thank you for giving me free copy in exchange of free opinion.

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3.5 stars

Actress Gwendolyn Carter hasn't been home for 17 years. In the time since, she hasn't made much of herself beyond a few supporting roles in movies and a lot of therapy sessions. Gwen is finally convinced to return home for her father's birthday, dreading a confrontation with her mother and with Lila Machowicz, the woman her parents think of as another daughter. Then she finds out that her mother's cancer has returned, and despite all the hard feelings between them, Gwen knows she has to stay to take care of her. Her mother is a lot more accepting and supportive of Gwen than she was all those years ago, which should feel amazing. Except Gwen can't help but be jealous of Lila and the place she has taken in her parents' lives. Throw in all that pesky attraction between them, her mother's hard truths, and her father's secrets, and Gwen has way more than she bargained for.

cw: difficult cancer battle, infidelity (only between side characters), homophobia

This was a solid read. The story was entertaining, but there were some downsides that brought the book down in my opinion.

The Characters: I found both characters to be quite likable. I will say that despite being the older one, Gwen came off as childish and immature, especially in the beginning, although it was partially understandable given the circumstances. Lila was really sweet and seems like a genuinely good person. Gwen works through her issues by the end of the book, so I liked her character growth. There's some reliance on side characters, but I'm a little disappointed that none of them besides the mother was really given a personality.

The Romance: This part was really cute. Erin Zak does great build up with the attraction between the MCs, and I was rooting for them the whole way through. I love me a good enemies-to-friends-to-lovers story.

The Plot: I'm not sure how I felt about this. The plot was mainly driven by the mother's cancer battle and Gwen working out her insecurities. I thought that these two conflicts were enough to keep the story interesting. When additional issues popped up concerning Gwen's dad, it felt a little unnecessary. Maybe Zak added it so the story could have more depth, but it kind of just bummed me out. I also thought the revelation about Gwen's mother at the way end was unnecessary and out of the blue.

The Writing: Hmm. So to start with the positive, I really loved the humor that Erin Zak brought into this book. Not an easy thing to do when the main topic is cancer. There was pretty good dialogue between the characters, especially during the heart-to-hearts. Something I didn't like (which is just a pet peeve of mine) is the story was written in present tense. Also, it was written in 3rd person omniscient, so we hear both Gwen's and Lila's thoughts, but it felt disorganized, and I found myself getting confused about the narration several times.

All in all: An entertaining, above-average read. I would recommend this if you want a cute romance and don't mind the cons from above.

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This book brought tears that had been buried ever since my own kid brother passed on from an accident in September last year. Our family were not given a chance to prepare for our abrupt loss and the book allowed me to live the fear, pain and grief through its characters like I was given time to do it. Ms Erin beautifully crafted a story that many who have faced the loss of a loved one or are grieving can deeply resonate with. Death is never easy. It breaks will, spirit, heart, breathes hopelessness and ultimately resignation to every individual. Yet, in the centre of the grieving, as if a timely reminder that for those who are left behind, there is always hope, Ms Erin fought back with a beautiful love story right in the midst of it all. For those who have loved and lost, this is a book I highly recommend you to pick up.

And Ms Erin, if you haven’t been told, thank you, you were wonderful with the book.

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Gwendolyn is a actress but when she pass over for a part in L.A she feels like a failure. She decide to go back home for her father David birthday but she also thinks it’s time to fix her relationship with her estranged mother Carol who she learns is sick.

It’s easier said and done when she feels resentment toward the woman who she thinks replace her in her mother heart. Lila was taken in by Carol and David when she was teenager and forged a bond with them.

Gwendolyn and Lila put their problems aside to help the woman they both love as Lila helps Gwendolyn rebuild her relationship with her mother a attraction is form between them that catch them by surprise. It was sad at times that you’ll reaching for the tissues Carol cancer story was well written that you got the feel of the real struggles of being sick.

This was heartfelt drama with romance forgiveness and that life too short and never late to change.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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(I received a copy in exchange for a honest review)
4.00 stars!

I've cried a lot. And I love it!
It's incredible how the death of someone you love changes everything.
Gwendolyn is an actress that comes back to her hometown for her father's birthday. She has a strained relationship with her mother, Carol. She feels like a failure for not getting the part she wanted in L.A., and feels hatred toward her mom because she accepted another girl as her "daughter" more than herself. Lila is the another girl. She moves in Carol and her husband David after not refusing to go to Germany with their parents when she was a teenager. Gwen had moved out to be an actress at the time.
Lila is now a coach of Carol's volleyball team in a school, and both have an amazing relationship.
When they meet, the attraction is there, but Gwen can't accept Lila as part of the family, because she's jealous. Then she finds out her mother has cancer. And then everything changes.
I love how real their struggle were about Carol's illness. I've read the introduction of the book, where Zak said that she have been through with something similar. And it was so sad to see them suffer. See someone so amazing dying is not easy at all. I loved Carol. David. Gwen and Lila. The story was so well developed. The sex scene was soooooo hot! The romance was sweet. And the angst made me cry a few times.
Awesome book, I truly recommend it!

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An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This is my first time reading a book by Erin Zak and I am so thankful I did. This is not a light read but it is so encompassing and pulls you down a rabbit hole unable to put the book down. Emotions are wrecked out of you at all the betrayals, hurt, and love are thrown at our main character Gwendolyn. This was an outstanding book about love and loss.

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******SPOILER ALERT******

This book is about: self discovery, the reconnection of a mother and a daughter, the realization that your favorite parent is “only human” and not the Superman that you thought him to be, and a little romance on the side. In that order. If I’d known, then I might not have read this book. I went through everything that Gwendolyn went through exactly a year ago and I was not prepared to go back there mentally. But I would have missed a really good book. Erik Zak was on the money with describing Gwen’s pain, confusion, etc. and she was on the money with what Lila was going through as well. I enjoyed the book and it was very well written. Good job

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4.50 Stars. This damn book! I have to be honest that I was not going to read this. While I loved Zak’s last book Beautiful Accidents, I was worried about how The Road Home would affect me. We all have our personal triggers and cancer storylines are one of my biggest triggers. My family has been ravished by this disease so I deal with it enough in real life that I don’t need to read about it in fiction. What changed my mind here was that last weekend Bold Stokes Books had some free Zoom webinars. Zak, Ali Vali, and Fiona Riley were on a panel together and the three of them stole the day. They were funny and put a rare smile on my face these days. I thought how can I not go and read Zak’s new book now. Was it hard to read? Yes! Zak ripped my heart out and stomped on it. But I did get through it and most importantly… it’s Zak’s best book yet.

This book grabbed me from the beginning. While we have all read the coming home storyline before, I don’t think I’ve read anything quite like this premise. One main is a daughter who is estranged from her mother and is coming home for the first time in more than a decade. The other main is almost a part of the family too as the estranged mother took her in as a teenager. Can you imagine coming home to meet the woman that basically took your place? The woman that your mother loves the way you wished she loved you? Hello drama! I don’t know where Zak came up with this idea but you know it was about to go down. Add in that pesky thing called attraction, and I could not stop reading this book.

I loved all the drama in this book. Once you think you have a good feel on what’s happening, Zak pulls something else out of her pocket. There is not a dull spot in this book. And on top of that is the tough, tough, cancer storyline. Just bring a box of tissues with you, you will need most of the box. It was well done because it was very realistic. Really hard to read in parts but it was well done.

Besides the drama and all the tears, this also has a good romance. It’s an enemies to lovers romance and I don’t really have any complaints. I really liked the conflict between them and watching how it changed into chemistry. There is a lot going on in this book and the romance could have easily gotten swallowed up, but instead it worked well for me personally and I think it worked well for the book.

To go right to the point is that I believe this is Zak’s best book so far. She has been getting better and better with each book and now I have to put her on my automatic read list. Zak is now too good to miss. I do have to be clear that this is a tough book to read. I was not kidding about needing a box of tissues. This book will get to you emotionally especially if you have lost loved ones to cancer. This book is raw. I honestly don’t know if I would want to read it again. But I am glad I changed my mind about reading this, I would not have wanted to miss this book.

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Gwendolyn has spent far too many years in Hollywood trying to make it as a big name actress but she was passed over for a career making role. Now she is heading home after decades of being away for her dad’s birthday. She doesn’t want to go, especially since her parents basically replaced her with Lila years ago. Full of resentments and at a loss as to what her future holds, Lila and Gwendolyn must work together to care for her mom when she is diagnosed with cancer.

WOW, this is quite the rollercoaster of a book! It is SOOO GOOD but really heavy in parts. I admit tears full of pain and sorrow were in my eyes more than once… There were also happy tears too. I loved how Gwendolyn “found” herself on this journey. She and Lila are attracted to each other and deal with all the feelings they have for one another, both good and bad, while Gwendolyn’s world crashes down around her. There is so much that happens in this drama and I don’t want to give any of it away…There is a real surprise twist near the end that I NEVER would have seen coming and that left me wondering a bit but it did make for a more peaceful, healing ending. I really can’t recommend this book enough but be aware that Carol does have cancer and it is realistically portrayed.

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